Monday, December 31, 2012

OPT Programming: Week One, Day One

Monday 12-31

A1. Back squat 4, 2, 4, 2; rest 10-20 sec
A2. Weighted dip 8, 8, 6, 6; rest 90 seconds
B. Hang squat snatch; build to a 3 rep max in 3 attempts (each rep must start from below the knee and cannot be dropped from the top until 3 are completed)
C1. Push jerk 2-3 tough reps x5; rest 10 seconds
C2. Amrap unbroken hspu x5; rest
3 min
15-10-8-7-6 (46)
2 min AMRAP @95%
7 thrusters 95/65#
7 chin ups
Rest 6 min x4

METCON results:
1. 3+9
2. 3+7
3. 3+2*
4. 3*
*5+7/4+2+1 on pull-ups

Good day, thrusters still suck A, may have started too light on PP and Dips..grip became limiting factor on Snatch triples...felt like I had another 10-20# in me...and I need to warm up better before doing squats...I wasn't as deep as normal. Felt tight and unmotivated

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Wednesday 12-26

A. PC + J - 3 x 3
215-225-235* *PC+J+PC+PC
B. BS+FS - 10/3 x 6 @ 275#; rest 1min b/t BS/FS 265-265-265-265-265*-265^-235-185-135-45 (*missed 3rd FS/^belted+4 FS) C. 2 Muscle-ups EMOM - 15 min
2 EMOM through 13, then 1 every 30 sec x 4 (30 total)
5 rounds of
10 HSPUs
20 KBS - 55#
30 Double Unders
rest 1:30 b/t rounds

Friday, December 21, 2012

Press and DL RPT + Box Jumps, Pull-ups, HSPUs and Plate Pushes

Friday 12-21

A. Press RPT - 85%, 75%, 65% AMRAP
165 x 4, 165 x 3; 145 x 11; 125 x 15
B. Deadlift RPT - 465-415-375
465 x 1, 415 x 6, 385 x 10, 365 x 12*, 315 x 20*
*6+6 - Had to strap up on second 6 due to grip failure.
C. 100 Box Jumps for time - 30"
TT: 9:45
3 rounds of:
AMRAP (-1) Strict COVP Chin-ups (8-7-7)
AMRAP (-1) HSPUs (12-12-8)
Plate Pushes - D/B
rest 2min b/t rounds

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Strength and Volume Cycle 3, Week 4

Wednesday 12-19

A. Snatch - 2 x 5
B. Front Squat - 1 x 8 @ 50X1 (325#); rest 1:30-2:00min b/t sets
C. Front Squat - 5 x 1-2 @ 30X2 (295#); rest 1:30-2:00min b/t sets
KBS Breathing Ladder - 70# (1-15)
50 Medicine Ball Slams - 20# x 2; rest 1:30-2:00min b/t sets

Monday, December 17, 2012

Strength and Volume Cycle 3, Week 4

Monday 12-17

A. Clean and Jerk - 2 + 1 x 3
135-165-185-205-225-245-245*-245* (*missed Jerk)
B. Volume Squat - 10-10*-8*-8*-6* (*belted up)
5 rounds of:
5 HPC - 225#* *straps
10 TnG Box Jumps - 20"
15 CTB Pull-ups* (Switched to 10 COVP PUs after 2nd round)
20 Push-ups (kicked my butt)
rest 3 min b/t rounds

Not a stellar day today...mentally weak on the Jerk portion of the C/J. Squat was good though, but the IWT I put together owned me. The High-ish volume push-ups under duress kicked my butt...and I had to go from doing CTB Pull-ups to COVP and decrease volume from 15-10 after the second round. They were starting to bog me down. But...all my Box jumps were TnG and UB.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Snatch, Front Squat + IWT

Frinday 12-14

A. Snatch - 2 x 4
B. Front Squat - 8 x 1 @ 50X1
C. Front Squat - 5 x 3 @ 32X2
4 sets of:
10 FG Pull-ups; rest 20 sec
10 HSPUs; rest 20 sec
Plate Push - D/B/D
rest 2min b/t sets

Press and Deadlift RPT

Wednesday 12-12

A. Press RPT - 160-140-120
B. Deadlift RPT - 455-405-365-315
6-10-14-18 (+2 on all sets)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 3, Week 3

Monday 12-10

A. Clean + Jerk - 2 + 2 x 3
B. Volume Back Squat - 10-10-8-8-6
5 rounds of:
15 CTB Chin-ups
10 Burpees
15 KBS - 55#
rest 2:00-2:30 b/t rounds

CUs: 15-15-10+3+2-10+3+2-8+4+3
Burpees: as Rx'd - UB
KBS - 15-15-13+2-15-15

One...Burpees still suck...
Two...had a bout of mental weakness and grip issues on the KBS during the 3rd round. Didn't dig deep enough to go UB.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Volume/Strength Cycle 3, Week 3

Friday 12-7

A. Snatch - 70-80% x 2 x 4
B. Front Squat - 8 x 1 @ 50X1 (305#)
C. Front Squat - 5 x 3 @ 32X2 (275#)
4 rounds of:
Fat-grip COVP Chin-ups x 10; rest 10-12 sec (10, 10,7+2+1, 5+2+1+2)
HSPUs x 10; rest 10-12 sec (10-10-10-8+2)
GHD Sit-ups x 20; rest 10-12 sec (20-20-20-20)
45# Plate Pushes - 30 sec (as Rx'd)
rest 1:30-2:00min b/t rounds

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Volume Press and Deadlift

Wednesday 12-5

A. Standing Press - 10-10-8-8-6
B. Deadlift RPT (w/ belt, no straps)
455#(4), 405#(8), 365#(12), 315#(16)

Moved ME FS to Friday in order to get a good DL pull in. Still didn't do as well as I hoped. Wasn't dialed in and back was a little tight and "off" feeling on the right side...might have impacted the mental side of it a bit.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Stregth/Volume Cycle 3, Week 2

Monday 12-3

A. Hang Clean + Jerk - 2 + 2 x 3
B. Back Squat - 10-10-8-8-6
300-305-310-315-320 (belted up after first set)
5 rounds of:
5 Hang Power Cleans - 205#
10 CTB Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
rest 2"30 b/t rounds

2 sets of:
Ring Dips x 10
KTEs x 10

Friday, November 30, 2012

Front Squat, Deadlift, Mixed Grip Pull-ups and Press/Push-press

Friday 11-30

A. Front Squat @ 50X2 - 8 x 1
B. Front Squat @ 32X2 - 5 x 3
C. Deadlift - 3 x 10 @ 70%
D1. Pull-ups - AMRAP x 3; rest 10 sec
D2. Chin-ups - AMRAP x 3; rest 10 sec
D3. Neutral Grip - AMRAP x 3; rest 2min
E1. Press - AMRAP x 2; rest 10 sec
E2. Push-press - AMRAP x 2; rest 2min

Monday, November 26, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 3, Week 1

Monday 11-26

A. Snatch - 3 x 2
B. Volume Back Squat - 10-10-8-8-6
5 rounds of:
20 Push-ups; rest 10 seconds
15 CTB Chin-ups; rest 10 seconds
15 TnG Box Jumps
rest 2min b/t rounds

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Deload

Thursday 11-22
A. PC + J - 3 x 3 @ 225#
B. BS+FS - 10/3 x 6 @ 265#; rest 1min b/t BS/FS
C. 30 Muscle-ups 1 q 30 sec
5 rounds of
10 HSPUs
20 KBS - 55#
30 Double Unders
rest 1:30 b/t rounds

Friday, November 16, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 2, Week 4

Friday 11-16

A. Snatch - 2 x 5 @ 75-85%
B1. Paused Back Squat - Work up to a 2 RM
B2. 3 Box Jumps
B3. AMRAP COVP Chin-ups - Strict, no kip
C. 20 rep Breathing Squat + DB Pull-over x 10


3 rounds of:
5 Hang Power Snatch (straps) - 145#
10 CTB Chin-ups
45# Plate Push - D/B x 2
rest 2-4min

A. 95-125-145-165-180-185-190-195-200
B1. 225-275-315-335-355-365
B2. 3-3-3-3-3-3
B3. 10-9-8-8-9 (44 total)
C. 265# w/ 3 big breaths in b/t reps

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tempo Front Squat + DL EMOM

Wednesday 11-14

A. Front Squat - 8 x 1 @ 50X1
B. Front Squat - 5 x 2-3 @ 32X1
C. Deadlift Singles - EMOM @ 86-87%

A. 135-185-235-275-305-305-305-305-305-305-305-305
B. 275x3, 275x3, 275x2, 275x2, 275x2
C. 465# x 12 EMOM*

*Belted up

Monday, November 12, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 2, Week 4

Monday 11-12

A. HPC + HC - 1+1 x 3 - 135-185-215-235-255-265-285(1)
B. Tempo Back Squat - 6 x 6 @ 40X2
C1. Push-press - 5 x 3 ; rest 10-20sec
C2. CTB PUs - 5 x 15; rest 10-20sec
C3. Double unders - 30; rest 2:00

C1. 135-185-195-205-215
C2. UB/UB/8-4-3/8-4-4
C3. B-UB-B-B-B

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tempo FS + Press + DL RPT

Wednesday 11-7

A1. FS - 8 x 1 @ 50X1 (295#); rest 10 sec
A2. Press - 6 x 3; rest 1min
B. FS - 5 x 3 @ 32X1 (260#); rest 1:30
C. DL RPT: 475(2)-425(5)-375(8)
WU: 225(3)-315(3)-385(3)-415(1)-445(1)

Notes: Lesson learned...not so much FS volume/intensity before a DL RPT attempt. Lack of time and incomplete rest was also in the mix.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 2, Week 3

Monday 11-5

A. Snatch Work
B. Tempo Back Squat - 6 x 6 @ 40X1
C1. Legless Rope Ascent - 3 x 1
as Rx'd
C2. Ring Dips - 3 x 10-12
C3. Good Mornings - 3 x 10
D1. Snatch Grip BB Row - 3 x 15
D2. Ab Wheel - 3 x 25
as Rx'd
D3. Double Under Practice - 3 x 50
as Rx'd

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sled pulls, Broad Jumps and Kettlebell Swings

Saturday 11-3
100 yd Sled Pulls - 135# (50yd D/B - F/R)
10 ME Broad Jumps
20 KBS - 60#
rest 2min b/t rounds

Friday, November 2, 2012

Front Squat, Muscle-ups and DL EMOM

Friday 11-2

A. Front Squat - 8 x 1 @ 50X1
B. Front Squat - 5 x 3 @ 32X1
C. Muscle-ups - 2-3 EMOM
13 sets (5 x 3 reps/8 x 2 reps) = 31 reps*
D. Deadlift - EMOM x 15 sets
315-385-415-435 x 15 EMOM

*First 9-10 reps were strict (no kip)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 2, Week 2

Monday 10-29

A. HPC + HC + J - 1+1+1 x 3 - 190-215-235-245-255-265(f on Jerk)
B. HPC - 3-2-1 x 285-300-315*)
C. Tempo Back Squat - 6 x 6 @ 4(ish)0X1 - 225(5)-285-290-295-300-305-315
D1. Good Mornings - 3 X 10 - 155-165-165
D2. CG BB Rows - 3 X 15 @ 165#
D3. One-leg DL - 3 x 10 @ 100#
D4. Ring Dips - 3 x 13-12-8+2+1+1
D5. SG PUs - 3 x 8
E1. Split Lunges - 2 x 30 (15/leg)
E2. Ab Wheel - 2 x 30

*Heaviest I've gone for a while. Used Straps

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Strenth/Volume Cycle 2 - Week 1

Thursday 10-25

A. Hang Power Snatch - 1 x 3
185-185-185 (had several misses leading up to this)
B. Back Squat - Power Matrix - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
C1. Push-ups - 3 x 25
C2. Reverse Hypers - 3 x 25
C3. Chin-ups (FG) - 3 x 10 (10-7+3-6+2+2)
C4. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 20
C5. Pistol Squats - 3 x 12/leg
C6. Max Broad Jumps - 3 x 10
C7. Snatch Grip BB Rows - 3 x 15

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reverse Pyramid Press and DL + Sprints and Throws

Wednesday 10-24

 A. Press - RPT
B. Deadlift - RPT
3 sets of:
120yd Gasser
4 Medicine Ball OH Toss
rest 1 min b/t sets

Monday, October 22, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 2 - Week 1

Monday 10-22
A. Power Cleans + Clean + Jerk - 1 + 1 + 1 x 3
B. Volume Back Squats @ 40X1 - 5 x 6
C1. One-legged RDL - 3 x 10 (100#)
C2. BB Rows - 3 x 15 - 160-160-160
C3. Ring Dips @ 30X1 - 3 x AMRAP (-1)
C4. SG PU - 3 x 8+2-5+7-5+9
C5. Good mornings - 3 x 10
D. Split lunges - 5 x 20 (total)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Deload Week

Thursday 10-18

A. 255# Back Squat + Front Squat - 10/3 x 6; rest 1 min b/t squats
B. DL @ 65-75% - 5 x 5
100 KBS - 55#

Friday, October 12, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle - Week 4

Friday 10-12

A. Hang PS + Hang Snatch + OHS - 1+1+1 x 3
B. ME Back Squat - 8-5-3-3-1-1-5
C1. Pistol Squats - 10/leg
C2. Ring Dips - 3 x 10
as Rx'd
C3. Fat Grips Pull-ups - 3 x 10
C4. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 20
as Rx'd
C5. Snatch-grip BB Rows - 3 x 10-15
185 x 15, 200 x 15, 215 x 12

One Lift Wednesday - Week 4

Wednesday 10-10

A. Deadlift - 5 x 10
B. Unbroken Double Under Flight Simulator
10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 All UB

Monday, October 8, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle - Week 4

Monday 10-8

A. PC + C + J - 1+1+1 x 3 - 185-210-230-240-250
B. Volume Back Squat/FS - 6 x 10/5 @ 245#; rest 1min b/t sets +225+185 x 10/5
C1.  Good Mornings - 3 X 10 - 145-155-155
C2. CG BB Rows - 3 X 15 @ 155#
C3. Ring Dips- 3 x 10
D1. Lunges - 3 x 40
D2. GHD x 20, Med Ball Slams - 2 x 20

Friday, October 5, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle - Week 3

Friday 10-5

A. PS + S + OHS - 3 x 3
95-125-135-160-175-185-185-195-205 (S+OHS only)
B. Back Squat - ME - 8-5-3-3-1-1-1-5
C1. Pistol Squats - 3 sets @ 55#
C2. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 20
C3. NG FG Pull-ups - 3 x AMRAP
C4. SG Barbell Rows - 3 x 12

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One-Lift Wednesday + Sprints

Wednesday 10-3

A. Zercher Squats - 3 x 3; rest 2 min
B. Hip Thrusts x 10; rest 2 min
C. Sprints - 8 x 60yds; rest 1-2 min (walk back)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle - Week 3

Monday 10-1

WU: Glute activation exercises
A. Power Cleans + Clean + Jerk - 1 + 1 + 1 x 3
HPC x 2 x 3 - 275-290-305
B. Volume Back Squats - 5 x 10
C1. One-legged RDL - 3 x 10
C2. BB Rows - 3 x 12
C3. Ring Push-ups - 3 x 16-17-18 @ 30X1-ish
D1. Ab wheel - 3 x 25
D2. Walking lunges - 3 x 40

Friday, September 28, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle - Week 2

Friday 9-28

A. Hang Power Snatch + OHS- 2 + 2 x 3
B. ME Squat - 6 x 3-2-1-3-2-1-10
225-275-315-345-360*-370*-355*-370*-385*-225, *belt
C1. Pistol Squats - 3 x 10/Leg
C2. FG/NG Pull-ups - 3 x 10
C3. GHD SUs - 3 x 20
C4. HSPUs - 3 x 10-12-12
D1. Back Extensions - 2 x 15
D2. SG BB Row - 2 x 10

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One-Lift Wednesday + IWT

Wednesday 9-26

A1. Front Squat - 5 x  3-3-3-3-2-2
A2. Press - 6 x 3
10 TnG Deadlift - 315-335-355-375-395
10 Box Jumps, 30"

Monday, September 24, 2012

Volume/Strength Cycle, Week 2

Monday 9-24

A. PC + C - 2+1 x 3 - 185-210-230-240-250
B. Volume Back Squat - 5 x 10-10-8-8-6 - 280-290-305-320-330
C1.  Good Mornings - 3 X 10 - 135-145-155
C2. Ring Rows - 3 X 10
C3. Alternating DB BP - 3 x 10
C4. Barbell (SG) Rows - 3 x 10
D. Walking Lunges - 100 steps

Friday, September 21, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle - Week 1

Friday 9-21

A. Snatch 2 x 3
B. HPS - 3 x 2-3 - 185-200-210x2
C. Squat - ME - 5 x 3 + drop sets
135-235-285-320-340-340-340-340-340/DS - 315x15 , 275x20
D1. Pistols - 3 x 5/leg
D2. Pull-ups NG FG 12-8-8
D3. Wtd. Dips - 3 x 5 @ 31X1

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle - Week 1

Monday 9-17

A. Power Clean
B. Hang Power Clean - x 3
C. Volume Squats - 5 x 10-10-8-8-6
D1. One-Leg RDL - 3 x 10 @ 50# DB/hand
D2. BB Rows (Snatch-grip) - 3 x AMRAP (-2)
155x20, 175x16, 195x12
D3. Ring Push-ups - 3 x AMRAP (-2)

Deload from Thrusday 9-13-12

Thursday 9-13 - Deload

A. Power Cleans - 3 x 5
B1. Back Squat - 235# x 10; rest 60sec
B2. Front Squat - 235# x 3; rest 60sec x 6
Sled Pull (90#) + Sprints - 65yds x 3

Friday, September 7, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Friday 9-7 (Week 4, Day 12)

A. Hang Power Snatch + Hang Snatch - 1 + 1 x 3
95-125-145-165-185-195-205 (w/ straps)
B. Back Squat Triples + RPT
C1. Alternating Dumbell Shoulder Press - 3 x 10
C2. Reverse Hypers - 1 x 20, 2 x 15(20#)
C3. Neutral Grip (FG) Pull-ups - 3 x AMRAP

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Wednesday 9-5 (Week 4, Day 11)

A. Overhead Squats - 3 x 3
B1. Alternating Dumbell Bench Press
65-75-85 x 10, 75x12, 65x15
B2. Face Pulls - 30#
5 rounds of:
15 Bench Hop-Overs (?)
5 Burpees
20 Kettle Bell Swings - 55#
rest approx 90sec b/t rounds

Monday, September 3, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Monday 9-3 (Week 4, Day 10)

A. Power Cleans - 3 x 3
135-185-220-235-250-265 (2+1)* straps on single
B1. Back Squat - 225# x 10; rest 60 sec x 5
B2. Front Squat - 225# x 3; rest 60 sec x 5
C. MU's - 3-4 (totaling 30)
D1. One-legged RDL - 3 x 10
D2. Back Extensions - 3 x 15
D3. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 15

Friday, August 31, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Friday 8-31 (Week 3, Day 9)

A. Power Snatch + Snatch - 1 + 1
95-115-145-465-185-185-195-205(PS only)
B. Deadlift - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
300-390(3-DNF) - Felt a tweak and dropped it.
C. OHS - 3 x 3
D1. Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 x 10
D2. FG Neutral Grip Pull-ups - 3 x 10
D3. Dips - 3 x 10 @ 31X1
D4. HPC - 2 x 3

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Wednesday (Week 3, Day 10)

A. Press - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
B1. Dead Stop Good Mornings - 3 x 5
B2. Alternating DB Bench Press - 3 x 10
10-1 Unbroken of:
Push Press - 135#
KB Swing - 70#

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Monday 8-27 (Week 3, Day 9)

A. Power Clean + Clean - 2 + 1
B. Back Squats - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
C1. One-Legged RDL - 3 x 10 (held two DB's)
C2. Snatch-grip BB Rows + Supine BB Rows - 10 + 10
C3. Ring Push-ups - AMRAP (-1) @ 30X1

Friday, August 24, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Friday 8-24 (Week 2, Day 6)

A. Hang Power Snatch - 3x3
B1. Platform Deadlift - 3x3
B2. Rack Pulls - 3x3
C1. Pistols - 3x10/leg
C2. Pull-ups - FG x 3
C3. Dips - @ 31X1 x 3 sets
D. GHD Sit-ups - 2 x 20
as Rx'd

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Wednesday 8-22 (Week 2, Day 5)

A. Front Squat - DS/box - 3 x 5
B. Bench Press - pm (290-295) 190(8)-225(5)-235(3)-260(1)-240(3)-225(5)-210(8)-195(8)
C. 5 rounds of:
15 TnG Hops over benches
Sprint to far wall and back to door - (approx 30m)
15 KB Swings - 55#

Monday, August 20, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Monday 8-20 (Week 2, Day 4)

A. Power Cleans/Hang Power Cleans - 3 x 3
PC: 185-215-235
HPC: 260-275-290* (*with straps)

B. Zercher Squats - Power Matrix - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
225x8, 285x5, 325x3, 370x1x3, 285x5

C1. One-legged DL - 3 x 10/leg
C2. Ring Rows
C3. Hungarian Push-ups - 3 x 10
as R'xd

D1. Ball Slams (20#) - 2 x 20
D2. Topside Half-moons (45#) - 2 x 20

Friday, August 17, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Friday 8-17 Week 1, Day 3
A. Power Snatch 3 x 3
B. Deadlift - pm (530-535)
300(8)-390(5)-470(3)-485(1*)-500(1*)-500(1*)-500(1*)-390(5*) *belt
C1. Bulgarian split squat - 3 x 10
C2. Pull-ups NG/FG - 3 x 10
C3. Dips - 3 x 10
10-10-10 @ 31X1

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

Tuesday 8-14 Week 1, Day 2
WU: TGU x 5 @ 55#
A. BB Press - pm (200-205) 140(8)-160(5)-170(3)-180(1)-180(1)-180(1)-155(5)-135(10)-115(13)
B. Good Morning - Dead Stop - 3 x 5 135-165-185-195-205
5 rounds of:
3 Push-Press
15 KB Swings - 70#
25 Double Unders
rest 2:30 b/t sets

PP Loads: 185-195-205-215-225*
KBS - UB (all sets)
DIs - UB (all sets)
Prowler Sprints (push/pull) 90# x 5; incomplete rest

Monday, August 13, 2012

Power Matrix Strength Cycle

MONDAY 8-1 (Week 1, Day 1)
WU: TGUs x 5 (55#) + Single leg Hip Thrusts x 5/leg.
A. Power Cleans 3 x 3
B. Back Squats - pm (420-425)
C. One-legged RDL - 3 x 10
D1. BB Rows x 10
175-195-215-225 (Snatch Grip) 215-215 (Supinated)
D2. Ring Push-ups - 3 x 15 @ 30X1

Friday, August 10, 2012

Deload Week, Day 2

Friday 8-10
A. Power Snatch - 3 x 5 @ 65-70%; (95-135-155-165-175)
B. Deadlift - 3 x 10 @ 65-70%; (225-275-315-340-365-365-365#)
C. Front Squat - 3 x 5 @ 65-70%; (205-225-225-225#)
D1. Bench Press - 3 x 10 @ 65-70%; (195-205-215#)
D2. Body Rows - 4 x 15
D3. Topside Halfmoons - 4 x 20 (45#)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Deload Week, Day 1

Tuesday 8-7
A. Power Clean - 3 x 5 @ 65-70%; (195-205-215#) 60-90 sec rest.
B. Squat - 3 x 10 @ 65-70%; (275-290-305#) 60-90 sec rest.
C. Press - 3 x 10 @ 65-70%; (135-140x7-135x7-135x5)
D1. Pull-ups (FG) - 3 x 8-12
D2. Dips @ 3-41X1 - 3 x 10
E1. Pronated BB Rows - 2 x 12
E2. KTEs - 2 x 16

Friday, August 3, 2012

Max Effort Upper Body, Week 4

Friday 8-3
A. Circus Press - ME 1 x 1-3
50-65-80-90 x 3's
B. Neutral Grip OH DB Press - 4 x 6-8 @ 70#
C1. Ring Push-ups @ 30X1 - 3 x 10-15
C2. Snatch-grip Pull-ups - 3 x 10-15
C3. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 20
D1. Supinated BB Rows - 3 x 10
D2. DB Pull-overs - 3 x 10
D3. Face Pulls - 3 x 10
E. FG Skull Crushers + Close-grip bench @ 65#
10+20, 15+30, 15+45
G. FG Supinated/Pronated BB Curls - 3 @ 65#
12+10, 12+10
H. Farmer's Carry - 3 x 70# DB AFAP

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lower Body Volume, Week 4

Thursday 8-2

A. Deadstop Good Mornings - 5 x 5
B. OH Walking Lunges - 3 x 16 steps + Reverse Lunges - 1 x 8/leg
OH WL: 45-125-135-145; RL: 75# DB's

IWT: Big Red Programming ;-)
3 rounds of:
3 tough (Hang) Power Snatch
10 Burpees - AFAP
25 Double Unders
rest 3-4 min b/t rounds
3 rounds of:
3 tough (Hang) Power Clean
10 Box Jumps- AFAP
15 Kettlebell Swings - 70#

IWT Details:
HPS Loads (w/ straps): 185-195-205(x1 and almost hit second rep)-185
Burpees as Rx'd and DUs all UB
HPC Loads (w/ straps): 255-265-275
Box Jumps: strung 2-4 TnG together at a time on the first round, second round was 1+9 Tng, and the third round was 10 Tng UB.
KBS were also all UB.

Tumbling in the wrestling room:
5 somersalts
5 right shoulder rolls
5 left shoulder rolls
8 Ninja rolls (left shoulder, right shoulder, rinse and repeat)
Bearcrawll D/B
3 cartwheels right
3 cartwheels left
Sled Sprints/Hand Pulls D/B (driveway to end of fence and back) - 90# x 4 (1 in the gravel and 3 on the road)
Ab Wheel - 3 x 20 (5+15)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Lower Body Max Effort, Upper Body Volume, Week 4

Monday 7-30
A. Zercher Squats (squat pattern emphasis secondary core lift) - 1 x 1-3
135-185-235-290-315-340-365 x 3's + 385(x1)
B1. Pistol Squats (assistant) - 5 x 8
B2. Narrow Grip Bench Press (horizontal push) - 5 x 5
C1. Neutral Grip (FG) Pull-Ups 3 x 6-10
10-10-10 (all FG)
C2.  Triceps–weighted dips - 4 x 5-8 (55#)
D1. Wide-grip Bodyweight Rows (auxiliary) - 3 x 6-10
D2. One-Legged Suitcase Deadlifts (auxiliary) - 3 x 8
Back Squat - 3 x 20 @ 135#
*Need to stay lighter. I was getting a healthy bounce and my butt was coming off the bench.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Upper Body Max Effort, Week 3

Wednesday 7-25

Warm-up: TGU - 45# x 5/side

A. Medium Grip, Dead-stop Bench Press - 1-3 ME
135-185-215-245-255 x 3's, 265 x 1
B. Neutral Grip, DB Bench Press - 4 x 6-8
80 x 10, 85 x 10, 90 x 10, 100 x 7
C. One-armed OH Press - 3 x 6-10
55 x 10, 65 x 10, 75 x 8
D1. Legless Rope Climb from seated - 3 attempts
10-10-11 pulls
D2. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 20
as Rx'd
E1. Clean-grip BB Rows - 3 x 10
E2. Ring Push-ups @ 30X1 - 3 x 10
as Rx'd
E3. Face Pulls - 3 x 20 (alternating grip)
E4. Bar Dips - 3 x 10
as Rx'd

Fat Bar Curls 45# - Underhand/Overhand

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lower Body Volume, Week 3

Tuesday 7-24

A. Dead-Stop, Low-Box Front Squat - 5 x 5
B1. Pistol Squats - 4 x 6-8
B2. Straight-Legged DL - 4 x 8


5 Rounds of:
3 tough Hang Power Cleans (w/ straps)
6 Burpees - AFAP
Prowler Push/Pull - 180# (D/B)
Rest 3-4 min b/t rounds

HPC Loads:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Max Effort Lower Body, Week 3

Sunday 7-22
Warm-up: TGUs - 35# x 5/side

A. Reeves Deadlift x 5's
B. Sumo Deadlift from Deficit x 3's
C. Zercher Squat x 3's
D1. Push Press x 5's
D2. DB RDL x 10's
D3. Bulgarian One-legged Squat x 8's
E1. Snatch-grip BB Row - 3 x 10
E2. Bar Dips @ 31X1 - 3 x 10
as Rx'd
E3. Neutral Grip (Fat Gripz) Pull-ups
6+4, 6.5+4, 7+3

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Upper Body Max Effort, Week 2

Thursday 7-19

A. Circus Press - 1 x 1-3*
50 x 3, 70 x 3, 80 x 3, 90 x 3(PR), 95 (f w/ Left and x1 on Right)
B. Neutral Grip OH DB Press - 4 x 6-8 (70#)
C1. Ring Push-ups - 3 x 6-10 @ 20X1
C2. Snatch-grip Pull-ups - 3 x 6-10
C3. Ab Wheel (from knees) - 3 x 20
D1. Supinated BB Rows - 3 x 6-10
135x10, 145x10, 155x10
D2. Ring Dips - 3 x 6-10
D3. Dumbell Pull-Overs - 3 x 6-10
95x7, 85x10, 85x10
E1. Face Pulls - 3 x 20
as Rx'd (alternating grip)
E2. Farmer's Carry w/ Fat Gripz - 3 x 70# AFAP
as Rx'd

Hammy is on the mend, but I can still feel it. I need to be sure to roll, stretch, and ice often over the next few days or I may have to stay really light or even table the Sumo DL coming up on Sunday...not worth reinjuring it...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lower Body Volume, Week 2 + IWT

Tuesday 7-17

A. Dead Stop Good Mornings for Speed - 5 x 5
B. Reverse Lunges - 4 x 8/leg


3 Tough Hang Power Snatches (185#)
Plate pushes - Down and Back x 3 (sucked...)
rest 3-4min
3 Moderate Hang Power Cleans (240#)
Plate pushes - Down and Back x 3 (Really...really sucked)
rest 3-4min
3 Tough Hang Power Cleans (265#)
50 Double Unders (Very Broken...)

Did some inverts to a skin-the-cat back to a front lever movement on the rings to get a good stretch on the shoulders/thoracic area. Felt really good.

Also hit some free hand stands and some hand stand walks. Need to remember to do those regularly.

Notes: Hammy is on the mend. Really guarded it on the Good Mornings but it didn't give me any trouble. Lunges don't bother it at all and the Hang-Power versions of the lifts felt good. I believe the strain is low enough that it doesn't activate during those movements.

It really felt good to feed the animal today. Haven't done an IWT/Metcon-like WOD in a long time. Glad we are going to be able to add that component regularly on Wednesdays.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Max Effort Lower Body/Volume Upper Body, Week 2

Sunday 7-15

A. Zercher Squats - 1 x 1-3 (ME)
135-185-205-225-245-265-285-305-325x1-325-345x2 (x3's unless noted)
B1. Pistol Squats - 5 x 8-10
10# x 10/leg, 20# x 10/leg, 30# x 10/leg, 40# x 10/leg, 50# x 10/leg
B2. Narrow Grip Bench Press - 5 x 5
C1. Ring Push-ups - 4 x 10
C2. BW Dips - 4 x 10
C3. Neutral-grip (Fat Gripz) Pull-ups - 4 x 6-10
6+4, 6+4, 6+4, 6+4 w/a kip

Upper Body Max Effort, Week 1

Thursday 7-12

A. Low Box Front Squat - 5 x 5
B. Medium-grip, Dead-stop Bench Press - 1 x 1-3
135-185-205-225-240-250 x 2
C. Neutral-grip Dumbbell Bench Press - 4 x 6-8
80x8, 90x8, 100x5, 90x8
D. One-arm DB Overhead Press - 3 x 6-10
45x10, 55x10, 65x10
E1. Fat Gripz Chin-ups - 3 x 6-10
4+6, 4+6, 5+5
E2. BW Rows - 3 x 6-10
E3. Wtd. Dips - 3 x 6-10 (45#)
F1. Face Pulls - 3 x 20
20# x 20, 30# x 20, 40# x 20
F2. Fat Gripz Farmers Carry x AFAP x 3 (70#DBs)
as Rx'd
G. Buddy Planks - 2 x 45 sec
as Rx'd

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Max Effort Lower Body, Week 1

Monday 7-9

A. Reeves DL x 3's
B. Sumo DL from Deficit - 1 x 1-3* *ME
C1. Push Press - 5 x 5
C2. BB Split Squats/Lunges - 4 x 8/leg
D1. DB Rows - 3 x 10
D2. Ring Dips - 3 x 10-15
D3. Neutral Grip Pull-ups w/ Fat Gripz - 3 x 6-10

Went for 425 on the SDL and pulled my right hamstring. I think it is a minor strain/tear due to the fact that I still have full ROM as far as flexion and extension goes, but I lights up when I try to do a sit and reach or touch my toes with a straight leg. Trying to be diligent about icing and stretching.

I finished the workout. The split squats/lunges didn't aggravate it but I stayed light anyway. I did omit the RDL work and modified the snatch-grip BB rows to DB rows in order to avoid activating the  hammy.

I am going to try to hit some straight sets next time for the PP around BW or a bit higher. Felt like I was feeling a lot of the movements out today...especially with the injury.

I liked the Fat Gripz, they definitely added a new dynamic to the pulls. Can't wait to try them with other movements. Forearms definitely got a pump!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Deload/Transition Week

Friday 7-6

A. Power Snatch - 65-75% x 2's
B. Power Cleans - 65-75 x 3's (not TnG)
C1. OH Walking Lunges - 16 steps
C2. Dead Stop Good Mornings x 5's
C3. Circus Press x 3/arm
D1. Dead Stop Bench Press x 3's
D2. CTB Chin-ups - AMRAP
E1. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 15 w/ 25# plate
as Rx'd
E2. Wtd. Planks - 1min, 30sec, 45sec
E3. Single-led RDL (55# KB/hand)

Deload/Transition Week

Wednesday 7-4

A. Back Squat - 65-75% x 8-8-6-6-6
B. Paused Front Squat x 3's
C. Zercher Squat x 3's
D Hang Power Cleans - 3-3-2
E. Sumo Deadlift x 3's
E. Circus Press x 3's/arm
50-60-70-80-90 (F)-80
F1. Wtd. Ring Dips @ 50X1 - 3 x 5
F2. Wide-grip COVP Pull-ups

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wendler DL and Squats

Friday 6-29

A. HB Squat - 4 x 5 - 320-330-340-350
B. DL - 5-3-1+ - 370x5, 420x3, 465x5
C. Reeves DL - 3 x 5 - 135-145-145
D1. Zercher Squats - 3 x 3 - 135-185-205-225
D2. Sumo DL (Deficit - 25#B + 45#P) x 3 - 135-185-225-275-315
E. Wtd. OH BB Step-ups - 3 x 5/leg - 95#-95#-95#
F1. Prowler Sled Push - DB (165#) x 3
F2. DB Wtd. Box Jumps - 3 x 5 - Black box, bench, bench
G. Prowler Sled Pulls - DB (165#) x 3
H. LBBS - 135# - 3 x 20

Oly/Wendler Week 8

Wednesday 6-27

A. PS + S - 2 x 5 - 95-135-165-180-190
B. Clean and Jerk - Heavy Single - 205-205-225-245-260-275 (F on J)
C. HPC w/ straps - 275 x 3, 295 x 1
D1. Wtd. Chins - 60# x 3-5 - 4-4-5
D2. Wtd. Ring Dips @ 40X1 - 35# x 5 x 3 - as Rx'd
E1. Wtd. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 15 (25#) - as Rx'd
E2. Wtd. Back Extensions - 3 x 15 (25#)

Oly/Wendler Week 8

Sunday 6-24

A. Snatch - 90% 1 x 3 - 95-135-165-185-200 x 2, 210 - f x a billion...
B. PC + C + PP + J - 200-210-220-235-250(PC + J)
C. HPC Singles - 265-280-290-300
D. Paused Back Squat x 2 - 135-225-275-315-335-350 (x 1), 315-315-315
E1. Paused Bench - 5-3-1+ - 190-215-240 (x4)
E2. CTB Pull-ups - AMRAP x 3 - 7-8-9
F1. Ab Wheel - 3 x 20 - 15+5, 10+10, 7+13
F2. Topside Half-moons - 3 x 20 - as Rx'd

Crapped out on Snatch today. Just wasn't dialed in for it. Missed at 20 - 25# under where I was supposed to be. Shoulder flexibility and stability was an issue as well.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Oly/Wendler Week 7 - Strength

Thursday 6-21

A. Back Squat x 5 x 6
B. Deadlift - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3
C1. KTEs - 3 x 15
C2. Reverse Hypers - 3 x 25
D. Sled Pulls x 4 (180#)
E. 30" Box Jumps - 3 x 5

A. 135-225-275-305-310-315-320-325-330
B. 345-390-440 x 8
C2. 25-20(15#DB)-20(15# DB)
D. Forward x 2 (down and back), Backwards x 2 (down and back)
E. as Rx'd

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oly/Wendler Week 7

Wednesday 6-20

A. HPS + HS + SB + OHS x 3
B. Wave-load Clean & Jerk
C. Press - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3
D1. Wtd. Ring Dips @ 40X1 - 3 x 5
D2. Wtd. COVP Pull-ups - 3 x 3-5
E. Turkish Get-ups - 45# x 50

A. 95-115-135-135-135 (+ 135 x 1 x 3 w/ 3 sec pause in bottom)
B. 135-185-215-230-245-260-235-250-265 (missed Jerk)
C. 140-160-180
D1. 25-25-25
D2. 3-4-4 + 10 CTB PU @ BW (strict)
E. as Rx'd

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Oly/Wendler Week 7

Monday 6-18

A. Snatch Wave-load - 80-85% x 1-1-1-1-1-1
B. HPC + HC + PP + J - 70% x 3 x 3
C. Front Squat - 80-85% x 3-2-1
D1. Paused Bench - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
D2. Chin-ups - AMRAP x 3
E1. Ab Wheel (standing + kneeling) - 3 x 20
E2. Windmills - 3 x 10/side

A. 95-135-165-185-205-185-195-205-190-200-210
B. 215-215-215
C. 185-235-265, 280x3, 290x2, 300x1, 250x3
D1. 175-200-225 (7) plus 245 x 1, 255 x 1
D2. 12-13-14.5 (COVP)
E1. 13+7, 12+8, 11+9
E2. 45-55-55

Didn't go into this planning to do a wave-load approach, but I think I liked it and might use it again. I was missing at weights that I should have hit with relative ease. I was definitely pulling it high enough but had some issues in the shoulder stability and bottom position.

Felt like a sissy on bench, but trying to be diligent and build a base using a 1-2 second pause before pressing. Want to focus on bar speed off the chest.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Oly/Wendler Week Pensacola

Thursday 6-14

A. Snatch - 80-84% x 1 x 5
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-84% x 1 x 5
C. Pause Back Squat (3 sec in bottom) - work to Heavy triple then 85% x 3 x 2
D. Press - 3 x 5
E. Deadlift - 3 x 5
F1. Wtd Pull-ups - 1.5 pd x 5-7 x 3
F2. Wtd Ring Dips - 3-5 x 3
F3. GHD - 3 x 20
F4. Back Extensions - 3 x 20
G. HS/HSW practice x 2 attempts

A. 95-95-135-135-155-155-175-175-195-195-200-205-205
B. 205-225-245-245-250-250-255
C. 155-245-295-325-345; then 295 x 3 x 2
D. 195-135-155-175 (5)
E. 335-380-425 (8)
F1. 5-6-7
F2. 1.5pd x 3, 40# x 4, 40# x 5
F3-F4. as Rx'd
G. as Rx'd

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vacation/Deload WOD #4

Tuesday 6-12

A. Turkish Get-ups x 50 - slow and easy
B. 4 Rounds @ Very Relaxed, No Hurry, Conversation Pace:
1. Bulgarian Split Squats w/ 60# & 40# KB
2. HSPUs
3. One-legged RDL w/ 60# & 40# KB
4. L-Pull-ups
5. Wtd. Bridges x 60sec
6. Windmills x 10/side
7. Reverse Crunches
8. Hollow Rocks

A. as Rx'd - 40# KB
B1. 20-20-20-20 (10/leg)
B2. 15-21-21-18
B3. 40-40-40-40 (20/leg)
B4. 7-7-7-7
B5. Cael, Owen + Maisie,  Cael + Maisie, Cael + Owen (sitting on back)
B6. 40#-60#-60#-60#
B7. 30-30-30-30
B8. 30-30-30-30

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Vacation/Deload WOD #3

Sunday 6-10

4 Rounds of:
A1. One-armed KB Thrusters x 10/side
A2. KB Swings x 15
A3. Side Planks x 1min/side
A4. One-armed KB Rows x 15

3 Rounds of:
B1. Ab Wheel (Standing) x 20
B2. x 5

3 Rounds of:
C. Inclined Ring Push-ups @ 11X2 x 15; rest 2 min
D. Ring Rows x 15; rest 2 min

A1. 60-60-60 (held 40# KB in non-pressing hand each set)
A2. 60-60-60
A3. as Rx'd
A4. 60-60-60

B1. (11-9)-(10-10)-(9-11)
B2. as Rx'd

C. UB-UB-14+1

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Vacation Deload/WOD #2

Friday 6-8

A1. Power Snatch + Snatch - 65-75% x 4
A2. Power Clean + Clean + Jerk-Dip Squat - 65-75% x 4
A3. Back Squat - 75% x 5 x 5
A4. Press - 65%-75%-85% - x 5-5-5+
A5. Deadlift - 65%-75%-85% - 5-5-5+
B1. Wtd. Chin-ups- 3 x 5-7
B2. Cadence BW Ring Dips @ 51X1 - 3 x 5

A1. 95-135-155-165-175-185-205-215
A2. 215-225-230-245
A3. 135-225-275-285-295-300-305
A4. 95-120-140-150-170 (x7)
A5. 225-320-370-415(x8)
B1. 7-6-5 w/ 1.5pd KB
B2. 5-5-7

Vacation/Deload WOD #1

Wed 6-6

A1. Hand-stand Push-ups
A2. Reverse Crunches
A3. L-Pull-ups
A4. KB Side bends
B1. KB Push-ups
B2. One-legged RDL
B3. One legged Goblet Squats
B4. Hollow Rocks

A1. 10-15-20-21
A2. 25-25-25-25
A3. 5-5-5
A4. 25-25-25

B1. 20-20-20
B2-B3. 15/leg-15/leg-15/leg
B4. 30-30-30

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oly/Wendler Deload: Day 1

Sunday 6-3

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65-70% x 3
B. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 65% x 3
C. Front Squat - 65-70% x 3 x 3
D1. Bench Press - 3 x 5
D2. AMRAP Strict COVP Chin-ups x 3
E. BW Bar Dips @ 32X1 - 2 x 10
F1. Ab Wheel (standing) - 3 x 20
F2. Russian Twists - 60#KB - 3 x 20

A. 95-135-155-165-170-175
B. 175-200-200-200
C. 135-185-235-235-235
D1. 185-205-225
D2. 16-14-12
E. as Rx'd

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 4, Day 12 - Wendler Deload

Thursday 5-31

A. Back Squat - 5 x 5
B. Press - 45% x 5, 55% x 5, 65% x 5
C. Deadlift - 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5
D1. Platform DL - 3 x 5
D2. Perfect Deadlift - 3 x 3
D2. Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 3 x 8
E1. Back Extesions - 3 x 25
E2. Hollow Rocks - 3 x 30

A. 135-225-275-315-325-330-335-35-340
B. 95-115-140
C. 190-240-290
D1-D3. 275-275-275 (used straps)
E1-E2. as Rx'd

My how doing squats first and deadlifting afterwards makes a difference. Felt a lot stronger and tighter on squats. Also got some good technical work in with the DL variations.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 4, Day 11

Wednesday 5-30

A. Power Snatch + Snatch + Snatch Balance - 70-75% x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 95% x 1
C. Clean Pulls - 100% x 3 x 3
D1. Wtd Chin-ups - 75# x 3-5 x 3
D2. Cadence Dips @ 50X1 - 65# x 5 x 3
E1. Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 20
E2. Topside Half-moons (45#) - 3 x 20
F. Skill Development: Static handstand practice

A. 95-115-135-155-175-180-185*(strapped up)
B. 185-215-235-250-265-280(f-Jerk)-290(f-Jerk)
C. 305-305-305
D1. 4-5-5
D2. 5-5-8
E1. As Rx'd
E2. As Rx'd
F. 3 attempts.

Shoulders feel pretty taxed today. Couldn't make myself go for it on the Jerks at 90-95%. All reps leading up to it felt pretty good. Overall feel like my body is low on "go juice". Deloading next week will hopefully help. Need to get to bed earlier too...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 4, Day 10

Monday 5-29

A. Snatch - 95% x 1
B. Front Squat - 80% x 3 x 4
C. Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk x 3 x 3
D1. Bench - 45% x 5, 55% x 5, 65% x 5
D2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 3
E. Wtd. Dips - 45% x 5, 55% x 5, 65% x 5
F1. Ab Wheel (Standing) - 3 x 15
F2. Russian Twists - 3 x 20 (10 each side)

A. 95x2, 145x2, 170x2, 190x1, 205-215-225-235(f)
B. 135-195-235-255-275-285-285-285-285
C. 225-235-235
D1. 135-165-195
D2. 15-14-12
E. 55-65-75
F1. 15(7)-15(8)-15(o)
F2. as Rx'd

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 3, Day 9

Thursday 5-24

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65-75% x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 90% x 1 x 3
C. Back Squat - 3 x 4
D1. Wtd. Pull-ups - 70#
D2. Cadence Dips - 60# @ 50X1
E1. Ab Wheel - 3 x 15
E2. Side Bridge - 1min each side x 3

A. 95-135-155-175-180-185
B. 185-205-225-245-265-275-275-275*-275 
C. 135-225-285-315-335-340-345-345
D1. 4-5-5
D2. 5-5-7
E1. 6-9, 7-8, 8-7
E2. as Rx'd

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week Three, Day Eight

Tuesday 5-22

A. Press - 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
B. Deadlift* -  75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
C1. Rack Pulls - 3 x 5
C2. Good Mornings - 3 x 7
C3. Reverse Hyperextensions - 3 x 20
D. Platform Deadlift - 3 x 5

A. 145-165-185 x 2.5
B. 365 - 415 - 460* x 7-480 x 1 - 500 x 1
C1. 405-485-495-495
C2. 195-195-195
C3. 20-20-20
D. 315-315-315

I really backed off the DL today. Low back is pretty fatigued from yesterday's squat session and I feel like I have a knot in my right low-back. I also belted up on the last set...which made a huge difference contributing to the 7 reps. Also hit a couple singles afterward. Hoping to hit some core later...we shall see...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Three, Day 7

Monday 5-21

A. Snatch - 90% x 1 x 3
B. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 70-75% x 3 + 1
C. Back Squat - 315# x 1 x 4
D1. Wtd. Dips - 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
D2. Chin-ups - AMRAP x 3

A. 95x2, 140x2, 165x2, 185x2, 200x1, 215x1, 225-225-225
B. 215-220-225
C. 135-225-285-315-315-315-315
D1. 85-95-105x5
D2. 15-14-12 (+2)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Two, Day Three

Friday 5-18

A. Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance + 1 1/4 OHS - 65% x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 85% x 1 x 4
C. Front Squat - 75% x 3 x 5
D1. Cadence Dips - 55# @ 50X1 - 3 x 5
D2. Wtd. Chin-ups - 70# x 5-7

A. 95-135-155-165-165-165
B. 205-225-245-260*-260*-260-260-260-260
C. 225-265-265-270-270-275
D1. 5-5-5.5
D2. 6-5-5

*missed the jerk on the first two CJ @ 260. Belted up, dialed in and had no problems after that.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Two, Day Two

Wednesday 5-16

A. Press - 70%, 80%, 90% x 3
B. Deadlift - 70%, 80%, 90% x 3
C. Snatch Balance + OHS
D1. Platform DL - 3 x 5
D2. RDL - 3 x 5
D3. Back Extensions - 3 x 15
E1. OH Walking Lunges - 3 x 16 steps
E2. Hollow Rocks - 3 x 20

A. 135-155-175
B. 370-420-475
C. 95-135-185-205-225
D1. 255-255-255
D2. 295-295-295
D3. as Rx'd
E1. 95# as Rx'd
E2. as Rx'd

Didn't push anything today. Feeling pretty tired and want to recover.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Two, Day Four

Tuesday 5-15

A. Snatch - 85% x 1 x 4
B. PC + C + PP + J -70-75% x 4
C. Back Squat - 305# x 5 x 5
D1. Snatch-grip Pull-ups x AMRAP x 3
D2. Wtd. Dips - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3
E. Front Leaning Rest - 45 sec x 3

A. 95x2, 135 x 2, 165 x 2, 185 x 1, 200 x 1, 210-210-210-210
B. 210-225-230-230
C. 135-225-285-305-305-305-305-305
D1. 12-12-12
D2. 80# x 3. 90# x 3, 100# x 7
E. as Rx'd - 45# bumper + two 45# iron

Missed 210# on snatch three times on my first set, twice on the second set and then didn't miss at all on the last two. I think I should have done more mobilization and warmed up better. I was easily pulling it high enough, but I think my shoulders were a bit too tight.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week One, Day Three

Friday 5-11

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65-70%
B. Clean and Jerk - 80% x 1 x 5
C. Back Squat - 75% x 3 x 5
D1. Wtd. Pull-ups - 65# x 5-7 x 3
D2. Cadence Dips - 55# @ 50X1 x 5 x 3
E1. GHD Sit-ups x 15 x 2
E2. Back Extensions x 15 x 2

A. 95-135-160-170-175
B. 185-215-245-245-245
C. 225-275-305-335-335-335-335-335
D1. Reps - 6-5-4.5
D2. Reps - 5-5-4.5 (may have to stay at 55# for next time until I hit the Rx'd reps)
E1. 15-15
E2. 15-15

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oly-Wendler Cycle: Week One, Day Two

Wednesday 5-9

A. Press - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5
B. Deadlift - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5
C1. Tall Jerk + Jerk Balance x 2 x 3
C2. Rack Pulls x 3 x 3
C2. Good Mornings x 5 x 3
C3. Reverse Hypers x 15 x 3

A. 125-145-165 x 8 (+1)
B. 345-395-445 x 7 (+2)
C1. 135-135-135
C2. 475-485-495
C2. 185-195-195
C3. as Rx'd

Core work to come...hopefully...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week One, Day One

Monday 5-1

A. Snatch - 80% x 1 x 5
B. 3-Position Clean (High, Knee, Floor) - 65-70% x 3
C. Back Squat - 70% x 5 x 5
D1. Chin-ups - AMRAP (-1)
D2. Wendler Wtd. Dips - 3 x 5

A. 95x2, 135x2, 165x2, 195, 195, 195, 200, 200
B. 200, 210, 215
C. 225-265-295-295-295-300-300
D1. 13-14-12
D2. 75-85-95 (x 7)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Oly Deload

Friday 5-4

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65% x 3
B. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 65% x 3
C. Jerk Dip Squats + Jerk - 65% x 3
D. Back Squat - 75% x 3 x 5

A. 95-125-140-160-160-160
B. 160-195-195-195
C. 195-195-195
D. 225-275-295-325-325-325-325-325

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oly Deload and Wendler Phase 2, Week 1

Thursday 5-3

A. Press - 65%, 75%, 85% x 5
B. Deadlift - 65%, 75%, 85% x 5
C. Snatch Balance + OHS - 65% x 2 x 3
D1. Wtd. Chin-ups - 65# x 5-7 x 3 + AMRAP (BW) x 1
D2. Wtd. Dips - 45# @ X150 x 5 x 3 + AMRAP (BW x 1)

A. 125-145-165 x 7
B. 345-395-445 x 5*
C. 165-175-185
D1. 7-7-6-13
D2. 5-5-6-19

Notes: Press felt good, DL wasn't bad either. Probably could have pulled the 445 another 1-2 reps, but stayed at 5 in order to avoid bad form. Felt like I started to round some on the 5th rep...and I wasn't too dialed in for it either.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Oly Deload and Wendler Phase 2, Week 1

Monday 4-30

A. Snatch - 65% x 2 x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 65% x 2+1 x 3
C. Back Squat - 65% x 5 x 5
D1. Dips - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5 +
D1. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 3

A. 95-140-160-160-160
B. 160-195-195-195
C. 225-285-285-285-285-285
D1. 75-85-95(x7)
D2. 10-11-12 (33)

Did some much needed stretching and mobility work.

Friday, April 27, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 13 - MAX EFFORT DAY

Friday 4-27

A. Snatch - Max Effort
B. Clean and Jerk - Max Effort
C. Back Squat - Max Effort

A. 95-145-170-190-210-225-235-245 (Fx3)
B. 225-250-270-285*-300*
C. 225-295-345-370-390-405-245x30

Today wasn't my best. I thought I was going to PR on snatch with 245#. I came close to hitting it, but felt my low back round/collapse a bit in the bottom position and lost the weight forward. I pulled it high enough and punched under it, but the instability in the bottom killed me. From there I was just mentally my low-back felt pretty fatigued. CJ went like it has the past couple of weeks. Not sure what the deal is, but the jerk portion of the lift has really been a limiting factor for me. I cleaned 285 and 300 but the jerk just didn't happen for me. Thinking next cycle I will stay true to the percentages and not try to ratchet it up.

Felt like my mental focus along with my low back was pretty torched by the time I got to squat. I wanted to hit a PR, but I think I knew in the back of my head it wasn't going to happen. 405# felt tougher than it should have...I had planned to hit 420 and then 430 for a 5-10# PR, but I ended up dumping the 420 and didn't even attempt to come out of the hole. When I would unrack the weight I could feel my low back compress and it was a weird feeling. Decided to cut my losses and live to fight another day. Ready for a Deload!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 12

Wednesday 4-25

A. Snatch - 90% x 1
B. Clean and Jerk - 90% x 1
C. Front Squat - 95% x 1 x 2

A. 95x2, 145x2, 170x2, 190-210-220
B. 225-245-265-275-285
C. 225-275-295-315-330

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 11

Tuesday 4-24

A. Power Snatch - 75% x 2 x 3
B. Power Clean + Jerk - 75% x 2 x 3
C. Snatch Balance - Max for the Day

A. 185-185-185
B. 225-235-245
C. 95-135-165-185-205-225-245-265-280-290-300(PR)

Monday, April 23, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 10

Monday 4-23

A. Snatch - 95% x 1
B. Clean and Jerk - 95% x 1
C. Back Squat - 90% x 1 x 5

A. 95x2, 140x2, 165x2, 185-205-215-225-235
B. 225-245-265*-275-285
C. 135 x 3, 245 x 3, 305 x 2, 345 x 1, 375 x 1, 395-400-405-410-415

Clean and Jerk gave me some fits. I actually missed the 265 then hit the 275 on the second jerk attempt after the clean. I hit 285 with no problems and stopped there. I hadn't hit 285# in the last two workouts so I called it a day.

Squat felt good today...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wendler Deload and Skill Work

Friday 4-20

A. Press - 50-60-70% x 5
B. Deadlift - 50-60-70% x 5

3 Rounds @ conversation pace:
C1. Muscle-ups x 3 (5 rounds)
C2. OH Walking Lunges x 16 steps
C3. Stiff-Legged DL x 6

3 Rounds @ conversation pace:
D1. Back Levers x 3
D2. Double Unders
D3. Chin-ups x 10
D4. Ring Dips x 10

A. 95-115-135
B. 265-315-365

C1. as Rx' little kip as possible.
C2. 95-105-115
C3. 285-285-285

D1. 2-legs out, 1-leg tucked, both legs tucked
D2. 25-30-45 (100 total)
D3. 10-10-9+ 1 with a slight kip
D4. 10-10-7+3 with a kip

Thursday, April 19, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 9


A. Snatch - 90-98% x 1 x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 90% x 1 x 3
C. Pause Back Squat - 2RM (3 sec in the hole)
D. Stiff-Legged DL - 3 x 6

A. 95-140-165-185-205-215-225-235
B. 235-255-275-285*-285*-285*
C. 225-275-325-355-375-390x1-225x25
D. Ran out of time...

*Clean only. Failed on the jerk on all three. Freakin between my ears. I threw 275# up no problem. 285# should have been doable. Hit 290# last week...frustrating. Need to quit being a marshmallow and pull the trigger. I did a couple of jerks at 225 and 235 while warming up for the squat...just to get a little work in.

Snatch felt good today though. Once I hit the 235, it didn't feel bad at all. I was a little unstable and took a step on the way up.

Went for a 5#PR on the PBS. My first rep was only 2 seconds and I went for the second and just dumped it. Figured if I didn't stay in the hole for 3 seconds on the first rep, the second wasn't going to be much better.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 8

Tuesday 4-17

A. Mid-Hang Snatch - 65% x 2 x 3
B. Mid-Hang Clean - 65% x 2 x 3
C. Snatch Balance - 80% x 2 x 3
D1. Wtd. Dips (50-60-70%) - 3 x 5
D2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - 3 x AMRAP (-1)
D3. Halting Clean DL - 80% x 4 x 3

A. 95-125-140-155-155-155
B. 155-185-205-205-205
C. 95-135-170-195-210-220-220-220
D1. 50-60-70
D2. 11-10-11
D3. 255-255-255

Monday, April 16, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 7

Monday 4-16

A. Snatch - 90-95%
B. Clean and Jerk - 90%
C. Front Squat - 90% x 2 x 3

A. 95x3, 135x3, 165 x 2, 185-200-210-220-230
B. 235-255-275-285*-285*-285*
C. 135-225-275-295-315-295-295

* Clean only. I missed the jerk on the first two sets of C/J and didn't even attempt the third one. Mind just wasn't in it this morning. I need to make sure I am more dialed in and focused than I was this morning. Tweaked my low left back a little on the last clean. I received the bar a little too far out in front of me and it bent me over a bit. Instead of dumping it I fought it and came up with it.

Ended up backing off on the FS trying to do some damage control and be able to lift the rest of the week.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Windler Week 3: Press, Deadlift, Wtd. Pull-ups, Wtd. Dips, SLDL, OH Walking Lunges, GHD Sit-ups, and Back Extensions

Friday 4-13

A. Press - 5-3-1+
B. Deadlier - 5-3-1+
C1. Wtd. Pull-ups - 3 x 5
C2. Wtd. Dips @ X150 - 3 x 5
C3. Stiff-Legged DL - 3 x 5
D1. OH Walking Lunges - 3 x One Length of Weight room
D2. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 15
D3. Back Extensions

A. 145-160-175 x 4
B. 385-440-490 x 5
C1. 75-75-75
C2. 55-55-55 x 6
C3. 275-275-275
D1. 95# x 16, 95# x 16, 95# x 20
D2 - D3. as Rx'd

Thursday, April 12, 2012

General Cycle: Week Two, Day Six

Thursday 4-12

A. Snatch - 90-95% x 1 x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 90-95% x 1 x 3
C. Back Squat - 85-90% x 3 x 3

A. 95-135-165-185-200-215-220-230
B. 230-250-270-280-285-290
C. 375-385-395

Had a rough day today. I missed about three times at 215 then hit 220, jumped to 230, missed, then hit it. Shoulders were soft and a little unstable, but I didn't take a step forward.

Clean felt great today, but the Jerk is another story...I missed the jerk at 270 and 280, then hit it at 285 and 290...although the 290 had a slight press to lock out at the top...shoulders feel pretty fatigued.

Back squat felt really good at 375...which is where I was supposed to be today, but I bumped 10# each set. The last set of 395 felt solid through rep 2...almost racked it, but then went for it. It was ugly, but it came up.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

General Cycle: Week Two, Day Five (+ Windler Dips)

Tuesday 4-10

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65% x 5
B. HPC + Push-Press + Jerk - 70-80% x 5
C1. Wtd. Dips - 5-3-1+
C2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1)
C3. Halting Snatch DL - 80% x 4 x 3
D. Ab Wheel - 3 x 25

A. 95-135-155-155-155-155-155
B. 155-190-225-230-235-240-245
C1. 80-90-100 (x 7)
C2. 10-11-11.75
C3. 195-195-195

Monday, April 9, 2012

Catalyst General Cycle: Week Two, Day 4

Monday 4-9

A. Snatch - 80-90%
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-90%
C. Paused Back Squat - Work to 3RM
D. Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 3 x 8

A. 95-135-135-160-180-195-205-210-220-230
B. 245-260-270-275-285
C. 365-380 (x2)
D. 275-275-275

Windler Week Two: Press, Deadlift, Rack Pulls, Good Mornings, Wtd. Pull-ups and Dips, Body Rows and Reverse Hypers

Friday 4-6

A. Press - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3 +
B. Deadlift - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3 +
C1. Rack Pulls - 3 x 5
C2. Good Mornings - 3 x 5
D1. Wtd Pull-ups - 3 x 5
D2. Wtd Dips - 3 x 5 @ 0X50
E1. Body Rows - 3 x 15-20
E2. Reverse Hypers - 3 x 20

A. 130-150-170 (x6)
B. 365-415-465 (x 8)
C1. 405-475-500
C2. 175-185-195
D1. 70-70-70
D2. 45-45-45
E1. 15*(no straps)-20-20
E2. as Rx'd

Notes: Reminder...Don't go for extra reps once form starts to degrade!!! Last 3 reps of 465 on DL was ugly...especially the last two.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

General Cycle: Week One, Day Three

Thursday 4-5

A. Snatch - 80-90% x 1 x 5
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-90% x 1 x 5
C. Front Squat - 80-85% x 3 x 3

A. 95-135-160-180-200-205-210-215*-220(fx5)
B. 235-255-260-265-270-275
C. 225-275-295-305-315

I don't feel very recovered from Monday's workout. My legs and hips have been pretty tight. Not sure if that is why I struggled with Snatch today or what. I missed 215 once or twice before hitting it pretty cleanly. I should have gotten the 220. I was definitely pulling it high enough, but I don't think I was pulling under the bar as aggressively as I should have. Might be due to tight hips or something.

Clean and jerk felt pretty good by the end and I decided to back off on my FS and go a little lighter than what was Rx'd. I am glad I did. The 315 bent me over my the 3rd rep. There is no way I would have hit 320 x 3 x 3 today.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

General Cycle: Week One, Day Two

Tuesday 4-3

A. 3-Position Clean - 65% x 5
B. Snatch Balance - 75% x 3 x 3
C1. Weighted Dips - 3 x 3
C2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 3
C3. Halting Clean Deadlift - 75% x 5 x 3

A. 205-205-205-205-205
B. 95-135-185-205-205-205
C1. 70-80-90 (7 reps)
C2. 10-11-9
C3. 235-235-235

Monday, April 2, 2012

General Cycle: Week One, Day One

Monday 4-2

A. Snatch - 80-90% x 1 x 5
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-85% x 1 x 5
C. Back Squat - 75% x 5 x 5

A. 95-95-135-160-180-195-195-205-205-215
B. 215-235-250-250-255-255-260
C. 335-335-335-335-335

WWI: 200.2

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Windler Week 1, Press, Deadlift, Platform DL + RDL, Wt. Pull-ups + Wt. Dips, Reverse Hypers + Bent Rows

Saturday 3-31

A. Press - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5+
B. Deadlift - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5+
C1. Platform DL - 3 x 5; no rest
C2. RDL - 3 x 5
D1. Wtd. Pull-ups - 3 x 5
D2. Wtd. Dips @ X050 - 3 x 5
E1. Reverse Hypers - 3 x 5
E2. Bent Over BB Rows - 3 x 5

A. 120-140-160 (7)
B. 335-385-435 (10)
C1 - C2. 225-245-265
D1. 65-65-65
D2. 35-35-35
E1. as Rx'd
E2. 135-135-135

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cycle Two: Deload/Transition Week, Day 3

Thursday 3-29

A. Clean + 2 front squat + jerk - 60% (of clean) x 5 sets
B. Front squat - 60% x 5, 65% x 5, 70% x 3
C. Good morning - 3 x 8 light
D. Hollow Rocks - 60 Total
E. 15 Burpees AFAP; rest 1 min

A. 95-135-190-190-190-190-190
B. 225-245-265-245-225
C. 145-145-145
D. as Rx'd
E. as Rx'd

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cycle Two: Deload/Transition Week, Day Two

Tuesday 3-27

A. Snatch + 2 OHS - 60% x 5
B. HPC + Power Jerk + Jerk - 60 - 75% x 5
C1. Weighted Dips - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x AMRAP
C2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 3
D. Halting Snatch DL - 75% x 3 x 5
E1. Dumbell Swings x 15 x 3
E2. Hollow Rocks x 20 x 3

A. 95-125-150-150-150-150-150
B. 190-200-210-220-230
C1. 5-5-7
C2. 7-8-10
E1. 70#
E2. as Rx'd

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cycle Two: Deload/Transition Week, Day One

Monday 3-26 - Deload/Transition Week

A. Hang Power Snatch + Hang Snatch 60% x 2 x 5
B. Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk + Hang Clean + Jerk - 60% x 4 x 5
C. Back Squat - 55% x 10, 60% x 8, 65%, 8, 70% x 5
D. Press - 3 x 8
A. 150-150-150-150-150
B. 190-190-190-190-190
C. 250-270-295-315
D. 150-155-160 (7+ long 1)
WWI: 201.4

Sunday, March 25, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4 - MAX DAY

Saturday 3-24

A. Snatch - Max Attempt
B. Clean and Jerk - Max Attempt
C. Back Squat - Max Attempt
D. Stiff-Legged DL - 3 x 5
E. Ab Wheel - 3 x 20

A. 95-135-160-185-205-215-225-235(5# PR)
B. 245-265-280-295(5#PR)-305(Clean only)
C. 225x3-275x2-315-355-385-405-420(tied old PR)-435(fx2)
D. 275-275-275
E. as Rx' home.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 15

Thursday 3-22

A. Snatch - 90% x 1
B. Clean & Jerk - 90% x 1
C Front Squat - 95% x 1 x 2
D1. Ab Wheel  3 x 15
D2. Side Planks - 1 min/side x 3

A. 95-135-160-185-205-225
B. 225-245-265-275
C. 225-275-315-340-355
D1-D2 as Rx'd

Jerk was sketchy today and ran out of time for second set of 355 on FS.

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 14

Tuesday 3-20

A. Power Snatch - 75% x 2 x 3
B. Power Clean & Jerk - 75% x 2 x 3
C. Snatch Balance - Max for the Day

A. 135-155-175-175-175
B. 175-230-230-230
C. 95-135-185-205-225-245-255(f)

Monday, March 19, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 13

Monday 3-19

A. Snatch - 95% x 1
B. Clean & Jerk - 95% x 1
C. Back Squat - 90 - 95% x 1 x 5
D. SLDL - 3 x 5

A. 95-95-135-155-175-195-215-220-225
B. 235-255-275-290
C. 225x3-295x3-335x2-370-390-395-400-405-410
D. 275-295-295-295

WWI: 201.6

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's Day IWT: Press + Double Unders, DL + Box Jumps, Tire Flips, CTB Pull-ups and Wtd. Dips

Saturday 3-17

4 Rounds of:
A1. Press - 75-85% x 3 x 4; rest 10 seconds
A2. Double Unders - 30 UB x 4; rest 4min b/t rounds
B1. Deadlift - 75-85% x 3 x 4; rest 10 seconds
B2. 30" Box Jumps x 10 x 4 - Alternating with Partner; rest 4 min b/t rounds
C. Tire Flips x 8 x 5 rest 2-3 min b/t rounds
D1. Dead Hang CTB Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 5; rest 2-3min
D2. Wtd. Dips - ARAMP (-1) x 5 rest 2-3min

A1. 155-165-175-185(x2)-175-185(x2)
B1. 425-445-465-485
B2. As Rx'd
C. as Rx'd
D1. 7-7-6-6-6
D2. 35x7-55x7-75x6-90x4-100x3

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Erin Go Bragh!

What Shall I Say About the Irish?

The utterly impractical, never predictable,
Sometimes irascible, quite inexplicable, Irish.
Strange blend of shyness,
pride and conceit,
And stubborn refusal to bow in defeat.
He's spoiling and ready to argue and fight,
Yet the smile of a child
fills his soul with delight.
His eyes are the quickest to well up with tears,
Yet his strength is the strongest
to banish your fears.
His hate is as fierce as his devotion is grand,
And there is no middle ground
on which he will stand.
He's wild and he's gentle,
he's good and he's bad.
He's proud and he's humble,
he's happy and sad.
He's in love with the ocean,
the earth and the skies,
He's enamored with beauty wherever it lies.
He's victor and victim, a star and a clod,
But mostly he's Irish—
in love with his God.

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 12

Thursday 3-15

A. Snatch - 90-95% x 1 x 3
B. Clean & Jerk - 90-95% x 1 x 3
C. Paused Back Squat - 2RM (3 sec in the hole)
D. SLDL - 3 x 6

A. 95-135-155-175-195-215-220-225*
B. 225-245-260-275-285-295(f)-295(f)
C. 225-295-335-360-375-385*
D. No time...

Missed twice on the 225# snatch then hit it. Missed the clean at 295 twice. Technique was all over the place. Not sure what the deal was. On the second miss I jumped too far back and received the bar funny. It shot me out backwards and I landed on my arse...feels like I have been kicked by a mule in my left butt cheek...I decided to cut my losses and move on. I hit 285# which is about 92-93%. 295# would have been another PR...may have been too greedy today.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 11

Wednesday 3-14

A. Mid-Hang Clean - 65% x 2 x 6
B. Snatch Balance - MFD then 80% x 2 x 2
C. Clean Pulls - 90-95% x 4 x 4

A. 200-200-200-200-200-200
B. 225-225 (no time for Max effort today...just hit 80% of PB)
C. 275-280-285-290

Monday, March 12, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 10

Monday 3-12

A. Snatch - 90-95% x 1 x 3
B. Clean & Jerk - 90% x 1 x 3
C. Front Squat - 90% x 2 x 3

3 rounds of:
A1. Standing Ab Wheel x 15
A2. DB Side Bends x 15

A. 95-135-155-175-195-215*-220-225
B. 215-235-255-275*-275-275
C. 225-275-315-335-335-335

Ab Circuit: Ran out of time. Going to try to hit this during my plan.

Snatch: Missed the first attempt at 215 then regripped and hit it, but I did take it for a walk off the platform. The other two attempts at 220 and 225 were clean.

C/J: Missed the clean on the first attempt at 275. Weight was too far out in front of me and I lost the rack on the way up. Regripped and hit the clean then missed the jerk. Not sure what my deal was. I did hit the second and third set with no problems. Third set was the best.

FS: May need to figure my percentages off my actual max. I have been figuring off of 375 which is 10# over my PB. Today I felt it. I felt strong for one rep, but the second rep bent me over in a bad way.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Power Matrix: Press and Deadlift

Friday 3-9

A. Press: 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
B. Deadlift: 8-5-3-1-1-1-5

A. 150-170-180-195*-195*-200*-205(f)-175
B. 350-430-500-545*-545*-545*-430*

* Belted up

Thursday, March 8, 2012

General Cycle: Week 2, Day 6

Thursday 3-8

A. Snatch - 90% x 1 x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 90% x 1 x 3
C. Back Squat - 85% x 3 x 3

3 rounds; no rest:
20 KB swings
10 supported DB rows/arm

A. 95-135-155-175-195-215-215-215-225
B. 235-255-275-275-275-290 (5#PR)
C. 365-375-385

No time for swings and row circuit...maybe later today...maybe...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

General Cycle: Week 2, Day 5

Tuesday 3-6

A. Mid-Hang Snatch - 65% x 2 x 6
B. Power Jerk - 65% x 2 x 6
C. Snatch Pulls - 90% x 4 x 5
D. 70 Sit-ups

A. 135-155-155-155-155-155-155
B. 155-185-200-200-200-200-200-200
C. 215-215-215-215
D. as Rx'd

Monday, March 5, 2012

General Cycle: Week 2, Day 4

Monday 3-5

A. Snatch - 80-90% x 1 x 5
B. Clean & Jerk - 80-88% x 1 x 5
C. Pause Back Squat -Work to a 3RM
D. Stiff-Legged DL - 60% of BS x 8 x 3

A. 95-115-130-155-185-200-200-205-210-215
B. 225-245-260-260-265-265-270
C. 335-355-365-(10# PR)-375 (x1)
D. 260-260-260

Belted up for the last two sets of C/J. 270# felt really good.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Power Matrix: Press and Deadlift

Friday 3-2

A. Press - 8-4-1-3-3-3-3-8-10
B. Deadlift - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5

A. 155-175-185-175-175-175-175-155-135
B. 340-425-495-535-555-575(f)-425

I need to warm up for press better. I limped into this today and didn't have my mind in it. Once I got warm I felt pretty good though.

Missed the 575# by about 2-3 inches, but my form was terrible. Even if I would have pulled it I don't know if I could have counted it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

General Cycle Week 1: Day 3

Thursday 3-1

A. Snatch - 80-90% x 1 x 5
B. Clean & Jerk - 80-87%
C. Front Squat - 85-87%

A. 95-125-155-175-195-195-200-205-210
B. 215-235-255-255-260-260-265
C. 315-320-325

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

General Cycle Week 1: Day 2

Tuesday 2-28

A. 3-Position Snatch (Floor, Knee, Mid-Thigh) - 65% x 3 x 3
B. 3-Position Clean (Floor, Knee, Mid-Thigh) - 65% x 3 x 3
C. Snatch Balance - Max for the Day - 75% of Max x 2 x 3
D. Snatch Pull - 85% x 5 x 3
E. Clean Pull - 85% x 5 x 3

A. 155-155-155
B. 200-200-200
C. 255; 195-195-195
D. 200-200-200
E. 255-255-255

3 sets of:
A1. Standing Ab Wheel
A2. KB Side Bends

A1. as Rx'd
A2. 75# DB

Monday, February 27, 2012

General Cycle Week 1: Day 1

Monday 2-27

A. Snatch - 80-85% x 1 x 5
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-85% x 1 x 5
C. Back Squat - 75% x 5 x 5

4 sets; no rest:
KB swing high pulls x 8/arm
KB Push-press x 8/arm

A. 95-125-150-170-185-185-195-200-205
B. 205-225-245-245-250-255-255
C. 325-325-325-325-325

Metcon as Rx'd - 40# KB

Friday, February 24, 2012

IWT: Push Press and Burpees + Deadlift (TnG) and Double Unders

Friday 2-24

4 rounds of:
3 Push-Press
10 Burpees AFAP
rest 4 min b/t rounds
(Increase load each round making final round 100% effort)


4 rounds of:
3 DL TnG
25 Double Unders
rest 4 min b/t rounds
(Increase load each round making final round 100% effort)

PP: 225-235-245-255
DL: 475-485-495-505

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Deload/Transition Week: Day 3

Thursday 2-23

A. Clean + 2 Front Squat + Jerk - 60% x 5
B. Front Squat - 60% x 5, 65% x 5, 70% x 3, 70% x 3, 65% x 5, 60% x 5
C. Good Mornings (light) - 3 x 8
D. Sit-ups - 60 total
E. Plate Pushes (Down and Back) x 4; 1min rest b/t sets

A. 185-185-185-185-185
B. 225-245-265-265-245-235
C. 135-135-135
D. as Rx'd
E. as Rx'd

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Deload/Transition Week: Day 2

Tuesday 2-21

A. Snatch + 2 OHS - 60% x 5
B. Snatch Pulls - 80% x 3 x 3
C. Snatch Push Press - 3 x 5
D. Planks/Hollow Rocks/Planks - 1min each

A. 95-125-145-145-145-145-145
B. 185-185-185
C. 205-215-225-235
D. as Rx'd

Notes: I need to repemeber to do snatch push-press more often on skill days.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Deload/Transition Week: Day 1

Monday 2-20

A. Hang Power Snatch + Hang Snatch - 60% x 2 x 5
B. Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk - 60% x 2 x 5
C. Back Squat - 60% x 10, 65% x 8. 70% x 8, 75% x 5
D1. Press - 3 x 8
D2. Bent Row - 3 x 8
E1. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 15
E2. Kettle Bell Swings - 3 x 15

A. 145-145-145-145-145
B. 185-185-185-185-185
C. 245-265-285-305
D1. 135-145-155
D2. 155-170-185
E1. as Rx'd
E2. 70#

Friday, February 17, 2012

Oly Assistance, Muscle-ups, and HSPUs for time

Friday 2-17

A. Clean DL + Mid-Hang Clean + Jerk - 75% x 3 x 3
B. OHS - 85% x 2 x 3
C. Muscle-ups - 1 q 20sec for 10 min
D. 50 HSPUs for time

A. 135-185-205-225-225-225
B. 135-175-195-215-225-235-235-235
C. As Rx'd
D. 5:00

MUs are getting easier again. I'm a long ways from where I was the last time I did 50 HSPUs for time. Last time I did this was last April or so and it was around 2:34-36. Of course I didn't do 30 MUs right before either.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back Squat, Press and Floating Deadlifts

Wednesday 2-15

A. Back Squat - 85% x 4 x 4
B1. Press
B2. Floating Deadlift - Snatch/Clean Grip

A. 340-355-360-365*(x3+1)-370*(x3)
B1. 135-155-160-165-135x10
B2. 185-195-205-255-265-275

Had to put a belt on for 365 after rep 3 for a 3 + 1. I belted up for 370, but only did it 3 reps. I needed to rest longer between sets to feel recovered. Legs were feeling pretty fatigued by the end.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Oly Linear Progression + OPT IWT

Tuesday 2-14

A. Clean & Jerk - 79% x 2, 82% x 1 x 2, 85% x 1 x 2
5 Rounds of:
3 Hang Power Snatch (Increase load each round)
20 sec Plate Push
rest 4min

A. 240-250-250-260-260
B. 135-145-160-170-175*

Used straps on the last round of the IWT. They helped a bunch. Jerk felt a little out of whack today. Not sure what the deal is. I could definietly feel the heavy FS from yesterday on the cleans.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Oly Linear Progression, Day 10: Snatch, Front Squat, Snatch Pulls, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bends, Rope Climbs and Dips

Monday 2-13

A. Snatch - 79% x 2, 82% x 1 x 2, 85% x 1 x 2, 93% x 1, 98% x 1
B. Front Squat - 85% x 3 x 5
C1. Snatch Pulls - 105% x 2 x 3
C2. Standing Ab Wheel - 3 x 16
C3. DB Side Bends - 3 x 24
D1. Rope Climbs x 6 acents
D2. Static Dips - BW x 15 x 4

A. 95-125-155-170-185-195-195-205-205-215(f)-215(f)-215-225
B. FS: 185-235-275(x1)-295(x1)-315-315-315-315-315-315(x2)
C1. 245-245-245
C2. As Rx'd
C3. 70# DB
D1. as Rx'd (worked on a new technique with my feet)
D2. 15-15-15-15

The 225# snatch felt like it was the best one of the entire workout. Gotta remember to just stay tight and be violent on the pull. Front Squat took me a couple of sets to warm up to the idea of it. By the 3rd set I felt pretty good. First two sets felt a little "off".

Friday, February 10, 2012

Power Matrix: Press and Deadlift

Friday 2-10

A. Press: 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
B. Deadlift: 8-5-3-1-1-1-5

A. 150-170-180-190-195-200-205(f)-170
B. 340-425-495-535-555-570(f)-425

Notes: 1/2 and inch...Half-a-flippin inch from a clean pull of 570#. Oh time...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oly Linear Progression, Day 6: Clean & Jerk, Back Squat, Clean Pulls, Reverse GHD Leg Raises, Reverse Hyperextensions, & Windmills

Thursday 2-9

A. Clean & Jerk - 76% x 3, 79% x 2 x 2, 82% x 1 x 2
B. Back Squat + Box Jump - 80% x 4 x 6
C1. Clean Pulls - 100% x 3 x 3
C2. GHD Leg-Raises
C3. Reverse Hyperextensions.
C4. DB Windmills - 3 x 10/side

A. 230-240-240-250-250
B. 335-335-335-335-335-335
C1. 300-300-300
C2. 15-20-25
C2. 15-20-25
C4. 55#-65#-70#

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oly Skill Day: Snatch DL + Mid-Hang Snatch, Snatch Balance + OHS, Push-Press + Jerk, and Snatch DL

Tuesday 2-7

A. Snatch Deadlift + Mid-Hange Snatch - 75% x 2 x 4
B. Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat - 77 x 2, 80% x 2, 84% x 2, 87.5% x 2
C1. Push Press + Jerk - 65% x 2 x 3
C2. Snatch DL - 105% x 3 x 3

A. 95-125-155-175-175-175-175
B. 95-135-175-195-515-225-235-245
C1. 195-195-195
C2. 245-245-245

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oly Linear Progression Day 5: Snatch, Front Squat, Snatch Pulls, Standing Ab Wheel and DB Side Bends

Monday 2-6

A. Snatch - 76% x 3, 79% x 2 x 2, 81% x 1 x 2
B. Front Squat - 80% x 4 x 6
C1. Snatch Pulls - 100% x 3 x 3
C2. Standing Ab Wheel - 3 x 14
C3. DB Side Bends - 3 x 22

A. 95-125-155-175-185-185-195-195
B. 185-235-265-295(3+2)-295-295-295-295-295
C1. 235-235-235
C2. as Rx'd
C3. as Rx'd (70# DB)

Notes: Thought I could do a set or two of the FS with no belt. Got to the 3rd rep of the first set and decided that wasn't going to happen. I racked it, put on the belt and then hit two more reps.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

RPT: Press, Deadlift and Muscle-ups

Saturday 2-4

A. Press - AMRAP 90%-85%-80%-70%
B. Deadlift - AMRAP 85%-75%-65%
C. Muscle-ups - 1 every 20 sec - 30 total

A. 180 x 5, 170 x 6, 160 x 7, 140 x 11
B. 480 x 7, 425 x 10, 375 x 13
C. Had 4 misses. Stayed on pace until rep 20-21. Hit rep 28 @ the 10:45-11:00 min mark. Stalled out and had several misses. Ended up completing 30 at the 13:30 mark. Was on pace fro a 1 min decrease in time from last week, but I ran out of gas.

I belted up for the press. Didn't mean to do 170# between the 180# and 160#. I thought I had 160# on the bar. Oh well...will keep the weight the same for the next time I do an RPT.

Bumped up 10# on each set from last RPT DL session. May jump another 10# on each set for next RPT  DL session.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Oly Linear Progression Day 4: Clean & Jerk, Back Squat + Box Jump, Clean Pulls, GHD Sit-ups, Back Extensions, and Windmills

Friday 2-3

A. Clean & Jerk - 73% x 3+1, 76% x 3+1 x 2, 79% x 2+1 x 2
B. Back Squat + Box Jumps - 75% x 4 x 8
C1. Clean Pulls - 95% x 4 x 3
C2. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 15
C3. Back Extensions - 3 x 15
C4. KB/DB Windmills - 3 x 10/side

A. 135-185-205-220-230-230-240-240
B. 225-275-315-315-315-315-315-315-315-315
C1. 285-285-285
C2. as Rx'd
C3. 45-55-65

Notes: No belt today on the Squats.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oly Skill Day: 3-Position Clean + Jerk, Snatch Balance, Jerk, Clean Deadlift, Hanging Toes-to-Bar, & Topside Half-Moons

Wednesday 2-1

A. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 70% x 3 + 1 x 5
B. Snatch Balance - 80-94% x 2 x 3
C1. Jerk - 80% x 2 x 3
C2. Clean Deadlift - 100% x 5 x 3
D1. Toes-to-Bar - 3 x 20
D2. Topside Half-Moons - 3 x 20

A. 95-135-185-210-210-210-210-210
B. 135-185-195-205-215
C1. 225-240-240-240
C2. 300-300-300
D1. as Rx'd
D2. 45# Plate

Monday, January 30, 2012

Oly Linear Progression Day 3: Snatch, Front Squat, Snatch Pulls, Ab Wheel, & DB Side bends

Monday 1-30

A. Snatch - 73% x 3, 76% x 3 x 2, 79% x 2 x 2
B. Front Squat - 75% x 4 x 8
C1. Snatch Pulls - 95% x 4 x 3
C2. Standing Ab Wheel x 12 x 3
C3. DB Side Bends x 20/side x 3

A. 165-175-175-185-185
B. 275-275-275-275-275-275-275*-275* (*belted up)
C1. 220-220-220
C2. As Rx'd
C3. 75# DB (Need to increase volume instead of load next time)

PM WORK: Mobilize if time...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Strength and Skill Work Day

Saturday 1-28

A1. Press - 77.5% x 5 x 6; rest 10-12 breaths
A2. Deadlift - 70-80% x 5 x 6 (No belt); rest 2:40-3:00min
B. Muscle-ups - 1-2 reps every 30 sec (total 30)
C. Toes-to-Rings - 3 x 15
D1. Burpees x 10 AFAP x 4- rest 30-45sec
D2. Double Unders x 25 x 4- rest 30-45sec

A1. 155-155-155-155-155-155
A2. 405-415-425-435-445-455
B. 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
C. 15-10/5-10/5
D1. Approximately 20-22 sec to do 10 Burpees. Used remaining time + 30 sec to recover
D2. Broken (16-5-4)-UB-UB-UB

Press was pretty easy today. Really focused on coming to a complete stop before driving up in order to work on the starting strength portion of the lift.

DL wasn't bad until the set of 445 and 455. 1-4 of the 445 was tight. Last rep was ugly. 1-3 of the 455 was tight and form began breaking down on reps 4-5.

MUs are coming along. Shaved 2.5 min off my time from last time. Was able to start out doing doubles for the first 4 rounds and snuck one  double in later too. All the rest were singles.

It has been a while since I had done any Burpees...and yeah...they still suck. Felt really slow and sluggish coming off the floor. Like I was pushing up off of sand or something.

Double Unders weren't bad once I go my groove back.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Oly Linear Progression, Day 2: Clean and Jerk, Back Squat, & Clean Pulls

Friday 1-27

A. Clean & Jerk - 70% x 3+1 x 2, 73% x 3+1 x 2, 76% x 3 + 1 x 2
B. Back Squat + Box Jump (no counter swing) - 70% x 6 x 6
C. Clean Pulls - 70% x 5 x 3

A. 210-210-220-220-230-230
B. 295-295-295-295-295
C. 275-275-275

PM Mobility Work: Foam rolling and stretching.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oly Skill Day: 3-Position Snatch, Snatch Balance + OHS, Push-Press + Jerk

Wednesday 1-25

A. 3-Position Snatch - 70% x 3 x 5
B. Snatch Balance + OHS - 70-80% x 2 x 4
C. Push Press + Jerk - 60% x 2 x 3

A. 95-115-135-150-165-165-165-165-165
B. 95-125-145-165-185-195-205-215
C. 185-185-185

3 Rounds of:
Knees-to-Elbows x 10
Good Mornings x 10 (95-115-135)
Top-Side Half-Moons x 20 (45# Plate)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oly Linear Progression Day 1: Snatch, Front Squat, Snatch Pull

Monday 1-23

A. Snatch - 70% x 3 x 2, 73% x 3 x 2, 76% x 3 x 2
B. Front Squat - 70% x 6 x 6
C1. Snatch Pulls - 90% x 5 x 3
C2. Standing Ab Wheel - 3 x 10
C3. 70# DB Side Bends - 3 x 20/side

TRAINING OUTCOME:A. 155-155-165-165-175-175
B. 255*-255-255-255-255-255*
C1. 205-205-205
C2. as Rx'd
C3. as Rx'd

Had a miss at 165 on the 1st set, 3rd rep. Had another miss at 175 on the second set, 3rd rep. I think I got in too much of a hurry. I only did 5 reps on the first set of FS with no belt. I was really fatigued in the midsection. I put on the belt and popped of the next set of 6 like it was 185...weird. Finished the last set of FS with a 6 + 1 to make up for the missed rep on the first set. Core is toast after the standing ab wheel. Most I had done since getting back into them about 3-4 weeks ago was 6 at a time. Today I busted out 3 sets of 10.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

YMCA Musings

Saturday 1-21

Ok, so I went to the Y this morning with Amanda to help her out with her squats...which she totally dominated by the way and it was an interesting experience. It had been a very long time since I had been in a globo-type setting. I forgot what it was like. There were people stroking the ellipticals, guys doing heavy isolation curls...while wearing a weight belt mind you, and the occasional machine hopper who roamed the workout area moving from machine to machine but never really accomplishing much. It was amusing to say the very least.
Ended up doing some mobility work and core work and then hit a little variation of a metcon with Amanda that we adapted and turned into an IWT.

3 sets of the following
3 rounds
7 KB Swings - 70#
7 Push-ups
rest 2min b/t sets

Friday, January 20, 2012

Power Matrix: AM Press & Deadlift, PM Pull-ups, Dips, and Core

Friday 1-20

AM TRAINING: Power Matrix
A. Press: 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
B. Deadlift: 8-5-3-1-1-1-5

A. 150-170-180-195-200(fx2)-195-200*-170
B. 330-415-485-525-545*-565*-415

A1. Pull-ups: 8-5-3-1-1-1-5-SG AMRAP
A2. Weighted Dips: 10-8-5-3-2-2-2-5-20
A3. GHD Leg-Raises - 4 x 15
A4. Weighted Sit-ups - 3 x 15 (70#)


A1. BW-45-65-85-85-85-45-7reps
A2. BW-60-75-90-100-100-100-75-BW
A3. as Rx'd
A4. as Rx'd


Came up on my toes a bit on the 200# Press. Not going to count it as legit until I can do it with completely flat feet. There was definitely no dip though. Put a belt on for the 545 and 565...which is a 15#PR. Rest of the lifts were with no belt.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Deload, Day 4

Tuesday 1-17

Oly Work
A. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 65% x 3+1 x 5
B. Jerk Dip Squat + Jerk - 65% x 3+1 x 3
C. Back Squat + Box Jumps - 65% x 5+5 x 7

Oly Work
A. 195-195-200-200-205
B. 195-195-195
C. 135-225-275-275-275-275-275-275-275

Deload Day 3

Monday 1-16

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65% x 3 x 5
B. Snatch Balance + OHS - 65% x 2 x 5
C. Front Squat - 65% x 5 x 5

A. Muscle-ups - 1 every 30sec for 15 min
B. HSPUs - 2 every 30 sec for 25 min
C. L-Sits - Accumulate 2 min

Oly Work
A. 95-115-135-155-155-155-155-155
B. 95-115-135-155-175-180-185-190-195
C. 185-235-235-235-235-235

Skill Development
A. No misses
B. Did 20 on Parallettes to 3 25# bumpers, the rest were done on the turf, no parallettes.
C. 30sec-30sec-26+4sec-15+15sec = 120sec (2min)

Friday, January 13, 2012

RPT Press and Deadlift

Friday 1-13

A. RPT Press (AMRAP) - 85%, 75%, 65%
B. RPT DL (AMRAP) - 85%, 75%, 65%

A. 175 x 6, 155 x 11, 135 x 13 (+2 reps)
B. 470 x 8, 415 x 11, 365 x 13 (+ 6 reps)

Notes: Good WOD!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Catalyst Masters Program Week 7, Day 21

Thursday 1-12

A. Snatch - 80-90% x 1 x 5 (pause in the hole)
B. Clean and Jerk - 75-85% x 1
C. Back Squat + Box Jump x 3 x 5

A. 95-115-135-150-165-185-185-195-195-205-205
B. 205-225-240-255*-255*
C. 135-225-275-315-330-345-315-315-275

*Clean only. Just didn't have the pop today. Cleans were ugly as well.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Catalyst Masters Cycle Week 7, Day 20

Tuesday 1-10

TRAINING: Deloading
A. Snatch - 60% x 1, 65% x 1, 70% x 1 x 3, 60% x 1 x 3
B. Clean + Rack Dip Squats + Jerk - 60% x 1+3+1, 65% x 1+3+1, 70% x 1+3+1, 60% x 1+3+1 x 3
C. Snatch Balance + OHS x 2 x 6

A. 95x2, 115x2, 135x2, 145 x 1, 155 x 1, 165 x 3, 145 x 3
B. 185-200-215-185-185-185
C. 95-125-145-165-185-205 (SB only)

A1. HS Walk (20m)
A2. Ab Wheel
A3. KB Side Bends
A4. Reverse Hypers
Mobility Work

Monday, January 9, 2012

Catalyst Masters Cycle Week 7, Day 19

Monday 1-9

TRAINING: (Deload)
A. Snatch - 70% x 1, 75% x 1, 80% x 2
B. Clean + Jerk Dip Squats + Jerk - 70% x 1+3+1, 75% x 1+3+1, 80% x 1+3+1 x 2
C. Front Squat RPT - AMRAP @ 85%, 75%, 65%

TRAINING OUTCOME:A. 95-115-135-145-155-165-175-185-185
B. 185-200-210-225-240-240
C. 310 x 5, 275 x 7, 245 x 10 (22 reps)


Friday, January 6, 2012

RPT: Press and Deadlift + Pull-ups, Dips, and Core Training

Friday 1-6

A. RPT Deadlift - AMRAP @ 85%-75%-65%
B. RPT Press - AMRAP @ 85%-75%-65%

A. 175 x 6, 155 x 9, *155 x 5, 135 x 14
B. 470 x 7, 415 x 10, 365 x 15

Feel good with today's outcome. Was + 2 on press at 175#. One rep less than last time on 155#, and tied my best of 14 at 135#. I accidentally did a set of 5 at 155# between the 155# and 135#. I forgot to decrease the weight after the last set. Thought 135# felt heavier than it should so I checked and sure enough it was 155#. Wanted to get 15 or more at 135#. Hopefully next time. The extra set at 155# might have played a role in the outcome.

DL was a big jump in weight (+ 35#), but I did use a belt and straps. I have used straps every time I have done a DL RPT, but this is the first time I used a belt.  I feel like I left at least one rep, maybe more, on the platform at each attempt...especially the last two sets.

A1. Wtd. Dips 8-5-3-3-2-2-2
A2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups x 7 x 7B1. Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 20
B1. Good Mornings - 3 x 10
B2. Tic Tacs - 3 x 20
B3. Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 20

A1. BW-65-80-90-100-100-100
A2. UB x 7 x 7
B1. 135-185-205
B2. 45# bumper as Rx'd
B3. as Rx'd

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Catalyst Masters Cycle Week 6, Day 18

Thursday 1-5

A. Clean & Jerk - 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, 91% x 1, 75% x 1 x 3
B. Back Squat + Box Jump - 85% x 3+5, 88% x 3+5, 90% x 3+5, 92.5% x 3+5, 94% x 3+5
C. Clean Pulls - 90% x 3 x 3

A. 225-240-255-265-275-225-225-225
B. 135-225-275-315-335-350-360-370-380-385
C. 275-275-275

A1. Windmills x 10/side x 3
A2. Reverse Hypers x 20 x 3
A3. Weighted Incline Sit-ups x 20 x 3

AM: Clean was off today in the beginning. Felt solid when I went back down to 75% though. Squat was good today, but I think I was pretty much at my limit. Did the box jumps on the small wooden box. Not sure how tall it is. Thinking around 22". I know it is taller than the 20", but shorter than the 24".

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Catalyst Masters Cycle, Week 6, Day 17

Tuesday 1-3

TRAINING: Skill and Position Work
A. 3-Position Snatch - 70% x 3 x 5
B. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 70% x 3+1 x 5
C1. Reverse Hyper Extensions; 3 x 15
C2. Ab Wheel; 3 x 20
C3. 70# DB Side Bends

A. 95-120-140-160-165-165-165-165
B. 165-195-210-210-210-210-210
C1. as Rx'd
C2. as Rx'd (did 5 from standing on sets 2-3 + 15 from knees)
C3. as Rx'd