Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, Movement Prep

AM Training:

5 Rounds at 90% RPE of:
20 Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Body Squats
20 GHD Extensions
rest 2 min b/t sets

Total time (including rest periods): 31:15 (compared to 29:00 in 2010)

Notes: All PUs were UB this time around. I did Ring dips (both UB) on the first 2 rounds but switched to Bar Dips for rounds 3-5 due to my shoulder feeling a little janky...all UB. The worst part of the whole thing was, by far, the GHD sit-ups!!! I also did legit GHD Extensions in which I contracted the hamstrings, not just straight leg back extensions.

PM Training: Deload Week
A1. Back Squat - 3 x 8 @ 185-205-225
A2. HPC - 3 x 8 @ 115-125-135
B1. 20# Med Ball Slams - 4 x 15
B2. Hollow Rocks - 4 x 15
B3. Alternating Reverse Lunges - 4 x 10 (total)
B4. Farmer's Carry - 4 x D/B @ 80#/hand

Friday 5/6 - OPT Repeats - Day 56

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, Movement Prep

AM Training: Aerobic Power
3 Rounds of:
12 UB Power Snatch - 115#
90 sec Airdyne @ 90% RPE (averages approximately 25 Cal)

rest 5 min

3 Rounds of:
12 UB Push-Press @ 125#
90 sec Burpee Broad Jumps @ 90% RPE (15-15-15)

rest 5 min

5 sets of: (only did 4)
15 KTEs
rest 10 sec
15 Push-ups
rest 10 sec

This was a good one. Definitely pushed me. I also bailed on the 5th round of the last metcon. I was way off the rest Rx. The KTEs were pretty broken after the second set. It became a slog fest and I didn't want to be wrecked for the DL AMRAP later in the day.

PM Training:
A1. Deadlift - 5-3-1+
135-225-275-315-355-405 (x10)
A2. Push-Press - 5-3-1+
45-95-115-135-155-175 (x5)

B1. 4-way Band Separates - 2 x 10 at each position
B2. GHD - 2 x 10
B3. Goblet Squats - 2 x 10 @ 53#

Wednesday 5/6 - OPT Repeats - Day 55

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, and Movement Prep

AM Training:
A. Halting Snatch Grip DL @ 1113 x 3 reps

B. Halting Clean Grip DL @ 1113 x 3 reps

C. Bench Press x 3 reps

PM Training:
A1. Bench Press - 5-3-1+
45-95-135-145-165-185 (x10)
A2. Body Rows - 3 x 10

B1. Power Clean - 5-3-1+
95-115-135-165-185-205 (x15)
B2. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 10

C1. Push-up Circuit - 2 x 30
C2. Rear Elevated Split Squat - 3 x 10/leg
C2. Box Jumps (Tire) - 3 x 10

D. 10 min Run

Friday, May 8, 2020

Monday 5/4 - OPT Repeats - Day 54

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, and Movement Prep

AM Training:
5 min of work @ 80% RPE; 4 sets
10 Burpees
10 Russian KBS - 70#
20 Double Unders
10 DB Rows - 45#
rest 4 min

1. 3 rounds
2. 2 rounds + Burpees + KBS + DUs
3. 2 Rounds + Burpees + KBS
4. 2 Rounds + Burpees + KBS (9 in time, 10 in 5:01)

PM Training w/ the Fam:
A1. Back Squat - 5-3-1+
275-295-315 x 21 (belted)
A2. SA DB BP - 4 x 10/Arm @ 45#

B1. HPC - 5-3-1+
155-175-195 x 5-6
B2. Med Ball Slams - 3 x 15

C1. Rear Elevated Split Squats - 2 x 10
C2. Box Jumps (to tire) - 2 x 10
C3. Farmer's Carry - D/B @ 75#/hand x 2

D. 10 x 40yd Sprints; rest/walk back

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Friday 5/1 - OPT Repeats - Day 53

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 7; rest 10 sec (3-4 belly breaths)
3 x 245-250-255-260-265-270-275
A2. Back Squat @ 30X0; AMRAP x 7; rest 2 min
10 x 245-250-255-260-265-270-275
A3. L-Pull-ups @ 31X1; rest 3 min

B. Hang Squat Clean - Build quickly on the minute to a heavy single with perfect form

C1. Mixed Grip Chin-ups @ 30X0; 4 x 4
as Rx'd
C2. CTB Chin-ups - 10 AFAP x 4; rest 2 min
10, 10, 10, 5-3-2*

A1-A3 ended up being a pretty solid workout. I DID NOT stick to the cadence. I wanted to push the loads and reps a little more this time around. I felt like I could have hit 20 at 275 on BS if I wanted to. FS felt good up through 275 and I thought about pushing to 280-285, but I had already been there waayy too long and had more to do. That and I wanted to be able to walk later.

L-pull-ups weren't bad at all. Hang SC was a little lack luster. I was smoked from the FS/BS so all things considered I guess it wasn't bad. 245 seems to be my sticking point for now. I dropped off the bar on the 4th set of my CTB pull-ups due to my hands feeling like I was about to tear a callous. I had it in the tank to hit 10 reps, but tearing a callous is just not an option at this stage of my life.

PM Workout with the Fam
A1. DL - 3-3-3+
285-315-355 (10)
A2. Push-Press - 3-3-3+
B1. Goblet Squats - 3 x 10 @ 53#
B2. GHD - 3 x 10 @ 25#
B3. 3 Position Band Circuit - 3 x 10 at each Position
C. Jump Rope - 4-5 x 50 skips

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday 4/29 - OPT Repears - Day 52

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A1. Seated BB OH Press Wave-load - 6,4,2,6,4,2 @ 31X2; rest 3min

A2. WTD CTB (NG) Chin-ups @30X2; 4-5 x 6; rest 3min

B. HR Push-ups and CTB PUs
HR PUs - 30-20-10
CTB Pull-ups - 20-15-10
Time: 9:40ish

PM Training:
A1. Bench Press - 3 x 3+
135-155-175 (x6)
A2. 3-position Band Separates x 5-10 in each position. 
(Red Band)

B1. PC - 3 x 3+
95-125-155-170-190 (x 15)
B2. GHD Sit-ups - 4 x 10

C1. Push-ups - 2 x 30
C2. SLDL - 2 x 10/leg @ 44# KB
C3. Reverse BW Lunges - 2 x 10 (5/leg)

Conditioning: 10 min Run at the track (mile in 8:53)

AM Notes:
I mostly stuck to the rest periods, but also got caught up grading and responding to emails between sets. I was pleased with the pull-ups. The set at 44# was not as Rx'd. My chest was not pinned against the bar, but I did hold it at the top for 2 seconds before the descent.

Press felt pretty good. Wasn't sure how it would go in the beginning when I first started. It felt a little wonky, but by the end I was wishing I would have pushed it a little more. I did do a single at 145# that wasn't hard, but I got out of my grove and sat around too long before it. I had almost moved on mentally.

I just slogged through the HRPU and CTB Pull-up couplet. My hands were pretty raw and I need to file down my callouses. I cut all sets up due to the threat of tearing a callous. I'm older and wiser now and am not about that life anymore. I'd rather break it up and get a slower time than tear a callous and have to accommodate for or train around it.

PM Notes: I'm really enjoying training with the family and lifting with Cael! They are all getting yoked!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Liberator Challenge Family Workout

RPR, Movement Prep

Liberator Challenge WOD:
4 rounds of:
12 KBS (Russian) - 1.5 pd
12 Tricep Extensions - 1.5 pd
24 Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunges - 1.5 pd
24 Russian Twists - 1.5 pd
Time: 6:52

Good little WOD. I did forward lunges on the first round and then switched to reverse lunches. Note-to-self...reverse lunges are much faster. The Russian Twists were the hardest part.