Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, Movement Prep

AM Training:

5 Rounds at 90% RPE of:
20 Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Body Squats
20 GHD Extensions
rest 2 min b/t sets

Total time (including rest periods): 31:15 (compared to 29:00 in 2010)

Notes: All PUs were UB this time around. I did Ring dips (both UB) on the first 2 rounds but switched to Bar Dips for rounds 3-5 due to my shoulder feeling a little janky...all UB. The worst part of the whole thing was, by far, the GHD sit-ups!!! I also did legit GHD Extensions in which I contracted the hamstrings, not just straight leg back extensions.

PM Training: Deload Week
A1. Back Squat - 3 x 8 @ 185-205-225
A2. HPC - 3 x 8 @ 115-125-135
B1. 20# Med Ball Slams - 4 x 15
B2. Hollow Rocks - 4 x 15
B3. Alternating Reverse Lunges - 4 x 10 (total)
B4. Farmer's Carry - 4 x D/B @ 80#/hand

Friday 5/6 - OPT Repeats - Day 56

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, Movement Prep

AM Training: Aerobic Power
3 Rounds of:
12 UB Power Snatch - 115#
90 sec Airdyne @ 90% RPE (averages approximately 25 Cal)

rest 5 min

3 Rounds of:
12 UB Push-Press @ 125#
90 sec Burpee Broad Jumps @ 90% RPE (15-15-15)

rest 5 min

5 sets of: (only did 4)
15 KTEs
rest 10 sec
15 Push-ups
rest 10 sec

This was a good one. Definitely pushed me. I also bailed on the 5th round of the last metcon. I was way off the rest Rx. The KTEs were pretty broken after the second set. It became a slog fest and I didn't want to be wrecked for the DL AMRAP later in the day.

PM Training:
A1. Deadlift - 5-3-1+
135-225-275-315-355-405 (x10)
A2. Push-Press - 5-3-1+
45-95-115-135-155-175 (x5)

B1. 4-way Band Separates - 2 x 10 at each position
B2. GHD - 2 x 10
B3. Goblet Squats - 2 x 10 @ 53#

Wednesday 5/6 - OPT Repeats - Day 55

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, and Movement Prep

AM Training:
A. Halting Snatch Grip DL @ 1113 x 3 reps

B. Halting Clean Grip DL @ 1113 x 3 reps

C. Bench Press x 3 reps

PM Training:
A1. Bench Press - 5-3-1+
45-95-135-145-165-185 (x10)
A2. Body Rows - 3 x 10

B1. Power Clean - 5-3-1+
95-115-135-165-185-205 (x15)
B2. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 10

C1. Push-up Circuit - 2 x 30
C2. Rear Elevated Split Squat - 3 x 10/leg
C2. Box Jumps (Tire) - 3 x 10

D. 10 min Run

Friday, May 8, 2020

Monday 5/4 - OPT Repeats - Day 54

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility Work, and Movement Prep

AM Training:
5 min of work @ 80% RPE; 4 sets
10 Burpees
10 Russian KBS - 70#
20 Double Unders
10 DB Rows - 45#
rest 4 min

1. 3 rounds
2. 2 rounds + Burpees + KBS + DUs
3. 2 Rounds + Burpees + KBS
4. 2 Rounds + Burpees + KBS (9 in time, 10 in 5:01)

PM Training w/ the Fam:
A1. Back Squat - 5-3-1+
275-295-315 x 21 (belted)
A2. SA DB BP - 4 x 10/Arm @ 45#

B1. HPC - 5-3-1+
155-175-195 x 5-6
B2. Med Ball Slams - 3 x 15

C1. Rear Elevated Split Squats - 2 x 10
C2. Box Jumps (to tire) - 2 x 10
C3. Farmer's Carry - D/B @ 75#/hand x 2

D. 10 x 40yd Sprints; rest/walk back

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Friday 5/1 - OPT Repeats - Day 53

Warm-up: RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 7; rest 10 sec (3-4 belly breaths)
3 x 245-250-255-260-265-270-275
A2. Back Squat @ 30X0; AMRAP x 7; rest 2 min
10 x 245-250-255-260-265-270-275
A3. L-Pull-ups @ 31X1; rest 3 min

B. Hang Squat Clean - Build quickly on the minute to a heavy single with perfect form

C1. Mixed Grip Chin-ups @ 30X0; 4 x 4
as Rx'd
C2. CTB Chin-ups - 10 AFAP x 4; rest 2 min
10, 10, 10, 5-3-2*

A1-A3 ended up being a pretty solid workout. I DID NOT stick to the cadence. I wanted to push the loads and reps a little more this time around. I felt like I could have hit 20 at 275 on BS if I wanted to. FS felt good up through 275 and I thought about pushing to 280-285, but I had already been there waayy too long and had more to do. That and I wanted to be able to walk later.

L-pull-ups weren't bad at all. Hang SC was a little lack luster. I was smoked from the FS/BS so all things considered I guess it wasn't bad. 245 seems to be my sticking point for now. I dropped off the bar on the 4th set of my CTB pull-ups due to my hands feeling like I was about to tear a callous. I had it in the tank to hit 10 reps, but tearing a callous is just not an option at this stage of my life.

PM Workout with the Fam
A1. DL - 3-3-3+
285-315-355 (10)
A2. Push-Press - 3-3-3+
B1. Goblet Squats - 3 x 10 @ 53#
B2. GHD - 3 x 10 @ 25#
B3. 3 Position Band Circuit - 3 x 10 at each Position
C. Jump Rope - 4-5 x 50 skips

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday 4/29 - OPT Repears - Day 52

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A1. Seated BB OH Press Wave-load - 6,4,2,6,4,2 @ 31X2; rest 3min

A2. WTD CTB (NG) Chin-ups @30X2; 4-5 x 6; rest 3min

B. HR Push-ups and CTB PUs
HR PUs - 30-20-10
CTB Pull-ups - 20-15-10
Time: 9:40ish

PM Training:
A1. Bench Press - 3 x 3+
135-155-175 (x6)
A2. 3-position Band Separates x 5-10 in each position. 
(Red Band)

B1. PC - 3 x 3+
95-125-155-170-190 (x 15)
B2. GHD Sit-ups - 4 x 10

C1. Push-ups - 2 x 30
C2. SLDL - 2 x 10/leg @ 44# KB
C3. Reverse BW Lunges - 2 x 10 (5/leg)

Conditioning: 10 min Run at the track (mile in 8:53)

AM Notes:
I mostly stuck to the rest periods, but also got caught up grading and responding to emails between sets. I was pleased with the pull-ups. The set at 44# was not as Rx'd. My chest was not pinned against the bar, but I did hold it at the top for 2 seconds before the descent.

Press felt pretty good. Wasn't sure how it would go in the beginning when I first started. It felt a little wonky, but by the end I was wishing I would have pushed it a little more. I did do a single at 145# that wasn't hard, but I got out of my grove and sat around too long before it. I had almost moved on mentally.

I just slogged through the HRPU and CTB Pull-up couplet. My hands were pretty raw and I need to file down my callouses. I cut all sets up due to the threat of tearing a callous. I'm older and wiser now and am not about that life anymore. I'd rather break it up and get a slower time than tear a callous and have to accommodate for or train around it.

PM Notes: I'm really enjoying training with the family and lifting with Cael! They are all getting yoked!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Liberator Challenge Family Workout

RPR, Movement Prep

Liberator Challenge WOD:
4 rounds of:
12 KBS (Russian) - 1.5 pd
12 Tricep Extensions - 1.5 pd
24 Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunges - 1.5 pd
24 Russian Twists - 1.5 pd
Time: 6:52

Good little WOD. I did forward lunges on the first round and then switched to reverse lunches. Note-to-self...reverse lunges are much faster. The Russian Twists were the hardest part.

Monday 4/27 - OPT Repeats - Day 51

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep
AM Training:
A1. Hang Squat Snatch (above the knee) - 3 x 3; rest 2-3 min

A2/B. Back Squat - 5 x 3 @ 30X1; rest 3-4 min
WU Sets: 45-95-135-185-225-275 x 3; 315 x 2, 340 x 1
Work Sets: 365-385-405-385-365(x5)

C. Omni Toes to Bar - 5 x 12; rest 1 min
As Rx'd

PM Workout with the Fam
A1. BS - 3 x 3
A2. SA DB Bench Press - 3 x 10/arm

B1. HPC - 3 x 3
B2. Med Ball Slams - 3 x 15

C1. Rear Elevated Split Squats - 2 x 10/leg (bwt)
C2. Box Jumps - 2 x 10 (on tire)
C2. Farmer's Carry - D/B @ 70#/hand x 2

D. 40 yard Sprints x 10; walk back

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday 424 - OPT Repeats - Day 50

A. Power Clean Waveload - 3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1;

Wave 1: 205-220-235 (-15)
Wave 2: 215-230-245 (F x 3; pulled it high enough, just couldn't force myself to get under it and rack it...)
Wave 3 (HPC): 225-240-255-265 (F x 2)

rest 2 min

B. 10 burpees AFAP; rest 40 sec x 5
Each set of 10 took approximately 20sec of work; rest as Rx'd

D. 10 --> 1 of:
Wall Ball - 20#
Russian KBS - 70#
Time: 3:57 (compared to 4:20 in 6/2010) 

C. Row 1K‬‪ ‬‪Training (Sub 100 45# BB SDLHP)...still yet to do...maybe later

Just don't feel like I have the sustained repeatability like I used to on the top end. Maybe I need to train in those ranges more often in order to improve the neural efficiency of it. Just hard to train it all.

I am pleased with the Finisher WOD. That's a decent PR. And felt like I could have pushed the pace a little faster if I had to do it all over again.

Planning on hitting Cael's sets today on PP, DL and Aux work.

Tuesday and Wednesday 4/21 & 4/22 - Liberator Challenge WO and OPT Repeat - Day 49

Tuesday 4/21 - Liberator Challenge WOD
5 rounds of
10 Push-ups
10 Body Squats
10 Planks - Knee to Opposite Elbow
10 Burpees
10 KBS
10 Body Rows
20 Lunges
Time: 12:24

Wednesday 4/22 - OPT Repeat Day 49

A. 20 min at Z1-2 on Exercise Bike

B1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 40X0; 16" - build to a 1RM: rest as needed


B2. Strict Pronated Chin Ups - build to a 1RM; rest as needed

BWx3; 35x3; 55x1; 75x1; 95x1; 105x1ish (not quite chin over...more at)

rest 10 min

B1. 85% Close Grip Bench Press - amrap x 1 set @ 40X0; rest as needed

85% of 185: 155# x 8 reps

B2. 85% Strict Chin Ups @ 40X0 - amrap x 1 set; rest as needed

85% of 100: 85# x 3 reps (+1 compared to 2010)

Notes: Lib WO was pretty good. Lunges were a bog though. Don't really want to talk about the BP...it was abysmal. Chin-ups were supposed to be Pronated, but I misread and thought they were supposed to be supinated so I opted for NG since I cannot do supinated on our bars. Still got work in though.

Completed work sets with Cael on BP (165x10) and PC (185x5); then we ran for our 10 min again this week.

Monday 4/20 - OPT Repeats - Day 48

 RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Build to a tough 1 in the back squat - high bar @ 40X0
WU: 135-185-225 x 3; 275x2

315-345-365-385-405-425 (+60 from 2010)

rest 10 min

B. Take 85% of this score and perform AMRAP @ 40X0 (the X in this amrap test is intent and not speed, weight may just get there but NO rest at top and adhere to lowering speed)

85% of 405: 345 x 6 @ 40X0 (same reps at +30#)

rest 10 min

C. DB Split Squat @ 3010; amrap/leg @ 1/3 BWT per hand with DB's -1 set per leg; rest 2 min b/t legs(warm up to get to this weight by performing a few reps before hand with increasing loads)

70# DB Split Squat AMRAP: 15 Left Leg, 15 Right Leg (15 less per leg...not sure if I stuck to the cadence in 2010 or I was just being a wiener this time around...but dang...I wouldn't think I was 15 reps worse than 10 years ago!!!)

D. Sorensen test - amsap - 1 attempt (get into your back extension machine, tuck chin in, cross hands at chest elbows pointing down and hold the static position for as long as possible WITHOUT lowering from the table top position at top)‬‪

Sorensen test AMSAP: 120 seconds (+40 seconds compared t0 2010)

E. Bonus Finisher WOD
20 -> 1 of
Russian KBS - 70#
Time: 13:25

Pleased with the BS portion, confused about the Split Squats, Pleased with Sorenson...should have pushed longer...that finisher was rough on the grip!

Saturday 4/18 - Aerobic Capacity - Airdyne Intervals

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

Exercise Bike Intervals
10 min @ Z1
22 min @ :30 sec hard pace; :30 sec spin
10 min @ Z1

Friday 4/17 - OPT Repeats - Day 47

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep


Phase 1 - “3-RM Snatch & AMRAP Burpees”

Competitors will have 10 minutes to find their 3-RM Snatch (either power or full is fine). All 3 consecutive lifts must be completed in 40 seconds or less.

- The first 3 minutes of Phase 1 can be used only to load the barbell and warm-up.

- The remaining 7 minutes of Phase 1 can be used to score as many points as possible.

- Points will be given for amount (in lbs.) of 3-RM Snatch achieved, and one point will be given for every Burpee performed during the 7 minutes.

Example – Athlete A successfully achieves a 3-RM Snatch of 175 lbs. and utilizes the remaining time to complete a total of 35 Burpees. Athlete A will earn a total score of 210 points (175 +35) for Phase 1 of the Challenge.

*** Competitors will rest exactly 3 minutes before beginning Phase 2 of the Challenge.

Phase 2 - “Ten Minute Capacity Test”

Perform the following movements, in order, for max reps (or calories), resting exactly 60 seconds between each station:

- 4 Minute Row (for Calories) - Sub Burpees for calorie rows
- 3 Minutes of COVP Pull-Ups
- 2 Minutes of Bodyweight Back Squat (3/4 BWT for females)
- 1 Minute of 135/95 lb. Push Press or Jerk

Example – Athlete A rows 86 calories, performs 82 pull-ups, 41 back squats, and 19 overhead presses. Athlete A will earn a total score of 228 points (86+82+41+19) for Phase 2 of the Challenge.

The athletes’ scores from Phases 1 and 2 will be added together to create their final challenge score. The athlete with the highest total score will be the winner.

Example – Athlete A scored 210 points in Phase 1 and 228 points in Phase 2. Athlete A’s final score for the Challenge is 438 points (210 +Training for Monday 10-11:


Phase 1: 155# x 3 on Snatch + 41-42 burpees = 191-192 (same or minus 1 compared to 2010 @ 185 + 7)

Phase 2: 58 Burpees (-10) + 57 COVP Pull-ups (+4) + 30 BS @ 205# (+8) + 10 PP @ 135# (-5) = 155 total reps (compared to 158 in 2010)

Total (Phase 1 + Phase 2): 191-192 + 155 = 346-47 (compared to 350 from 2010)

Overall reps were pretty comparable. However, my snatch was pretty low, Burpees in the 4 min were less...but possibly because I had already done almost 50 right before that. After transitioning b/t movements, my rest times were probably more like 1:30 - 2:00 min instead of 1 min

Wednesday 4/15 - OPT Repeats - Day 46

RRP, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. 20 min @ Z1 on the Exercise Bike

Halting DL Variations @ 1113
B. Snatch Grip DL

C. Clean Grip Variation

D. 21-15-9 of
DL - 225#
Med Ball Slams - 20#
HR Push-ups
Time: 4:09ish

PM: 10 min run with the Fam

Didn't really pause in the middle, just pulled slow and controlled trying to feel the positions. Subbed out KBS for the Med Ball Slams. The HR push-ups buried me. I was at muscle failure waaayyy before metabolic failure. I wasn't breathing very hard at the end due to it taking me so long to finish the Push-ups.

Monday 4/13 - OPT Repeats - Day 45

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Front Squat @ 30X2; 3,2,1; rest 5 min

WU x 3 with 30X2: 45-135-185-225-255
Work Sets: 285-315-345 (+35 from 10/8/10)

B. CTB Chin Ups - 15 fast x 3; rest 2 min

15-15-10+5 (rested longer than 2 min)

C. Row Sprints; 15 sec @ 110% effort; rest 2:45 x 3‬‪ ‬‪‪
Subbed Exercise Bike in the Garage @ same Rx.

PM: 10 x 40yd Sprints with the Fam

I can tell I'm definitely stronger at the strength lifts, but do not have the repeatability/engine for the PUs like I used to or the technical efficiency for the Oly lifts compared to 10 years ago. Not sure if it is due to mobility or desire.

Sunday 4/12 - Aerobic Capacity - Airdyne Intervals

10 min @ Z1
21 rounds @
:30 seconds hard pace
:30 second spin
10 min @ Z1

Friday 4/10 - OPT Repeats - Day 44

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Clean and Jerk - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min

Rd 1: 185-195-205-215
Rd 2: 185-195-205-215

B. Clean Pulls - 2 sets x 2 reps: rest 3 min


C. Snatch Balance @ 60%; 2 sets of 3 reps; rest 2 min‬‪ ‬‪


Overhead just isn't where it used to be...and my motivation is waning a bit having to go it alone all the time. But, I'm grateful for the opportunity and a healthy body. I can grind this out.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Wednesday 4/8 - Tire Flips and Sledgehammer Swings

Warm-up: RPR, 5 min Jump Rope, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. 50 Tire Flips for time (in weight room)
Time: 4:09ish

B. Sledgehammer Work
5 sets of 5 rounds of 
Low Swing Right (transverse)
High Swing Right
Low Swing Left 
High Swing Right
rest 1 min between sets

C. Jogged 10 min with the kids later in the day

Monday 4/6 - OPT Repeat Day 43

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Snatch - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min

Rd 1: 135x2, 145x2, 155x1, 165x1
Rd 2: 135x2, 145x2, 155x1, 165x1, 

B. Snatch Pulls - 2 sets x 2 reps: rest 3 min

B. 225-245-265-285 (used straps)

C. Back Squat @ 90%; 2 sets of 1 rep; rest 3 min‬‪
45-135-185-225 x 3; 275 x 2, 315x1, 355x1, 385x1, 415x1, 415x1
(plus 10# from last week)

10 40yd Sprints; walk back

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sunday 4/5 - Conditioning

Warm-up: See first 10 min

40 min on the Exercise Bike
10 min @Z1-Z2
20 rounds of 30sec hard pace, 30 sec Spin
10 min @Z1-Z2

Friday 4/3 - OPT Repeats Day 42

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Deadlift - 5 x 3; rest 3-4 min

B. 5 Rounds of
5 DL - 275#
10 Burpees AFAP
Time: 3:09

Previous times that I could find include
7/7/10: 2:52.92
10/2/10: 2:39.99 was 
11/30/15: 3:08

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wednesday 4/1 - OPT Repeats Day 41

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. AMRAP GHD Sit-ups in 1 min
28 (compared to 32 in 2010)

B. AMRAP Back Squat @ 225# in 4 min
51 (compared to 42 back in 2010)

C. AMRAP Double Unders in 7 min - Subbed Single Unders after 25 DUs
428 (25 DU + 403 Single Unders)

D. AMRAP Muscle-ups in 10 min - Subbed Burpee Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
43 (compared to 23 in 2010)

Lots of subs today. I should have pushed harder on the GHD Sit-ups. I hadn't done any of those in years, and was curious to how they would be. They really weren't bad, I just settled into a rhythm and forgot to really push it. 

Back Squat went well. I did put a belt on this time because I didn't want mt core to be the limiting factor. I hit 12 reps, then racked it, took 5-10 breaths each minute until the last minute and just kept going until time ran out.

I attempted the DUs but could not get a rhythm to save my life, so in the name of getting some work done, I decided to just get as many single skips as I could.

I have sworn off Ring Muscle-ups due to my shoulder. The Dynamic plane is not a good thing for me at this stage of my life. I would have done bar MUs, but our pull-up bars are angled really funny and make them a bit interesting. It's not apples to apples, and the skill aspect isn't even in the same universe, but I did hit almost 20 more reps than last time. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Monday 3/30 - OPT Repeats - Day 40

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Power Snatch - 2 x 4(5) sets 75-80%; rest 3 min


B. Power Clean + Power Jerk - 1.1 x 4 sets; rest 3 min
95-115-135-165-185-205-225 (no power jerk on 185-225)

C. Med Ball Reverse Overhead Throws and PC Practice; 2 PC + 3 OHT/set x 12 sets; rest 1-2 min‬‪
185+3 x 2
190+3 x 2
195+3 x 2
200+3 x 2
205+3 x 2
210+3 x 2

Sprint Row 35 sec @ 95-100% (Subbed Air Bike)
Rest 2:25 x 3

rest 6 min

Sprint Row 35 sec @ 95-100% (Subbed Air Bike)
Rest 2:25 x 3

Today was a cluster. First day of "Distance Learning" and I made the mistake of checking my email before I went in to train so I was fielding questions and emails the whole workout. It really messed with my mental mojo. Just wasn't in it.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Saturday 3/28 - The Chief

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep


The Chief
5 sets of AMRAP in 3min of:
3 PC, 135#
6 Push-ups
9 Body Squats
Rest 1min between rounds.

Rounds/set: 5-5-5-5-5

Notes: Nowhere near the engine of 10 years ago...that's for sure...

Friday 3/27 - OPT Repeats - Day 39

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Muscle* Snatch - 3 x 3; rest 3 min

B. Front Squat @ 30X1; 1, 1, 1; rest 5 min
45-95-135-185-225 x 3; 275-315-325-335 x 1

C. 20 UB Chin-ups; rest 2 min x 6


The MS turned into more of a high PS. There was definitely a drop and a punch/catch. Front Squat wen ok. 335 is the most I've done in some time. 

Ran out of gas on the Chin-ups. Got through 4 rounds as Rx'd, but couldn't finish the job...

Wednesday 3/25 - Deadlift Day

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Deadlift - 5 x 3
(135-225-275-315-355) 385-405-425-445-465

B. 21-15-9
Deadlift - 225#
Time: Approximately 4min

Notes: Can't remember exact time, but it was around the 4min mark I think. Maybe a little under.

Monday 3/23 - OPT Repeat - Day 38

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Clean and Jerk - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min
185-200-215-225(f on jerk)

B. Snatch Balance @ 60% - 4 x 3; rest 2 min

C. Clean Pulls - 3 x 2

D. Lizzie (Modified)
12-9-6 of 
PC - 185#
Ring Dips (subbed HRPUs)
Time: 3:30ish

Notes: I am about a week behind posting so this is all from recall. I may be off a bit.

Friday 3/20 - OPT Repeats Day 37 & Saturday 3/21

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A Snatch - 65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75%, x 1, 80% x 1; x 2, rest 3 min
(135-145-155-165) x 2

B. Back Squat - 2 x 1 @ 90%
135-185-225-275x3; 315x2, 350x1, 380x1, 405x1, 405x1

C. Snatch Pulls - 3 x 2

Saturday Family Work out
Tabata this and that!
KB Swings - 12-12-12-12-13-13-13-13
Push-ups - 14-14-14-14-14-15-16-20
Squat Jumps - 10-12-12-12-12-12-12-14
Body Rows - 8-8-8-7-7-7-6-6
Jump Lunges - 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-14

Notes: We we sore...so sore after this...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thrusday 3/19

RPR, Movement Prep, Mobility

7 rounds AFAP of
7 Burpees
7 KBS - 70#
7 Box Jumps (Bench Height)
Farmers Carry - D/B @70#/hand
Rest 1 min b/t rounds.

Round times: 1:22-1:21-1:14-1:17-1:18-1:18-1:20

Wednesday - 3/18 - OPT Day 36

RPR; Movement Prep, Mobiliy

A. Find a 1RM in the Snatch in 12min

B. AMRAP in 10 min of:
6 Squat Cleans - 115#
12 Pull-ups
24 Double Unders

Total Rounds: 4 + 6SC + 3 PUs

I did the first 3 rounds of SC UB, Round 4 was 3+3; Round 5 was 2+singles. Last time back in 2010 I did 4 + 6 + 12 + 1DU in 10min. First round was completely UB all the way through...the DUs killed me on the rounds after that. Definitely need to do these more, but meh...

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday 3/17 - Happy St. Patty's Day

Not much...

5-6 min Spin at Z1
20 rounds of
20 sec - Hard Pace
20 sec Spin
5-6 min Spin at Z1

Had to do something to get the heart rate up and my energy out. This is day two of the Covid19 Quarantine.

Monday 3/16 - OPT Repeats - Day 35 (Covid19 Quarantine Day 1)

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Snatch Balance - Work up to a Heavy Single
95x2; 115x2; 135x2, 155x2

B. Mid Hang Snatch - 5 x 2; rest 3 min

C. Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1 x 4; rest 2-4 min

Head wasn't really into this today. Lot's of things going on and had to get to practice. I should have warmed up better for the Snatch Balance. Shoulder was really feeling this by the end.

The 195 was a little soft and had a press on the PJ. I didn't drive my head through like I should have. I loaded 215, but didn't really even go for it.

Friday 3/13 - OPT Repeats - Day 34

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Clean Grip DL - 3 x 3 @ 1123; rest 2min
135-225-275-315; 345-365-385

B. Clean and Jerk - 1 x 3 @ 70%, 75%, 80%; rest 1 min b/t attempts
70%: 190-190-190
75%: 205-205-205
80%: 220-220-225
*belted on 80%

C1. Front Squats; 3 x 2 @ 87%; rest 2 min
C2. Clean Pulls; 4 x 3; rest 2 min

Front Squats may have been more like 90% rather than 87%. They felt tough! 225 went up pretty easily. Which makes me feel pretty good about it.

Wednesday 3/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 33

RPR; Mobitliy, Movement Prep

3 sets at 80% RPE
30sec Wall Ball (16-16-16)
30sec Pull-ups (15-14-10)
30sec Burpees (11-10-9)
30sec Double Unders (25-15-14)
30sec Box Jump - 24" (8-9-9)
rest 3 min b/t sets.

First set of everything was legit...but I could definitely feel the wheels coming off by the third round. Especially the pull-ups and Double Unders. Although, comparing numbers, I ended up doig 15 more reps (total reps) this time around compared to 10 years ago. I improved on everything except the pull-ups.

Monday 3/9 - OPT Repeats - Day 32

RPR; Mobility, Movement Prep

A1. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 Tall Split Jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2-3 min

A2. Mid Hang Clean; 5 x 2; rest 2 min

B. OHS - Find a 1 RM; rest as needed b/t attempts

Nothing very notable. Just got some work in.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Friday 3/6; OPT Repeats - Day 31

RPR; Mobility; Movement Preps

A. Halting Snatch DL @ 1112; 3 x 3; rest 3 min (add weight from last week)


B. Snatch: 70% - 1 x 3; 75% - 1 x 3; 80% - 1 x 3; rest 1 min(1st 9 reps on the min; if all reps successful, take up singles AHAP off the clock)

70%: 130-130-130
75%: 140-140-140
80%: 150-150-160-170 (+15 from last time)

C. Snatch Pull; 3 x 3; rest 3 min(add weight from last week)


D. Back Squat @ 20X0; 5 sets of 3; rest 4 min


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wednesday 3/4; OPT Repeats - Day 30

RPR; Mobility; Movement Prep


3 x 10 minute countdown timer; 0 sec rest b/t 10 min intervals:

1st 10 min:
Accumulate highest 1 rep clean - score in #
(Head wasn't in it. Didn't really commit. My left shoulder feels a twinge when I catch the weight. May need to work on ROM and mobility more!)

2nd 10 min:
AMRAP parallette* HSPU - ears below hand level - score in reps
(subbed regular HSPUs instead of Parallettes. Shoulder isn't ready for that life)

39 reps

(tied last time...but not the same...)

3rd 10 min:
AMRAP Burpees

151 (same as last time! Hit 55 in 3min)

I did not roll straight from one to the other. I took about 5 min b/t movements. Again, should have warmed up better for the Cleans.

Monday 3/2, OPT Repeats - Day 29

RPR; Mobility, Movement Prep

A. 2 mid hang muscle snatch + 2 snatch balance; 2.2 x 5; rest 2:30
(add weight form last week)

A. 85-95-105-115-125

B. Power Snatch + Mid Hang Snatch - 70%; 1.1 x 5; rest 3 min
(% of higher max (snatch or power snatch))

B. 125-125-130-135-140

C. 2 Snatch Push Press + 2 OHS; 2.2 x 4; rest 3 min
(2 sec hold at top of each press; 2 sec hold at bottom of each OHS; should be considerably heavier than last week - fewer reps!)

C. 95-115-135-155

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Friday 2/28; OPT Repeats - Day 28

RPR; Mobility; Movement Prep

A. Halting Clean Deadlift @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 2 min
(135-225-275) 325-345-365 (used straps)

B. Clean and Jerk; 68% - 1 x 4; 73% - 1 x 4; 1 x 78%; rest 1 min
if all four singles at each percentage are successful, take it up off the clock)

68% - 185-185-185-185
73% - 195-195-195-195
78% - 205-215-220-225* (failed the Jerk)

C1. Clean Pulls; 5 x 3; rest 2 min - add weight to last time)
225-245-255-265-275-285 (used straps)

C2. Front Squat @ 10X0; 5 x 3 @ 85%; rest 2 min
*belted on all sets

I knew I would be short on time, so I started climbing each set on the min during the sets of 78%. I was really close to getting the Jerk at 225#. I caught the clean funny and had to readjust my grip a couple times before the jerk. I just didn't drive and punch under it like I should have. Probably should have rested longer, between the sets since I was climbing, but I just didn't have the time.

Wednesday 2/26; OPT Repeats - Day 27

XPT Breathing, RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

5 sets of:
10 Burpees - AFAP
25 Pull-ups - Unbroken
Run 400m
Rest 3 min b/t sets

Time Runs Only:
2:06; 2:05; 2:06; 2:07; 2:02

Wasn't too fired up about this one going into it, and ended up doing it solo at 6:00am while it was snowing.

Nevertheless, I got through sets 1-3 of the Pull-ups without breaking using a butterfly kip. I was able to keep my rhythm better this time. On set 4 I got through 20 reps before my form broke and finished the last 5 with a regular kip. Last set I think I got through 17 with the butter fly and then finished the rest out with the regular kip.

I definitely rested more between movements than last time. I would take at least 10-12 deep belly breaths between the burpees and the pull-ups while I chalked up. Then I would take my time grabbing my key card, getting my hoodie, and putting on my hat before walking out to the corner to run. However...the runs were still slower than last time.

Monday 2/24; OPT Repeats - Day 26

Breathing; RPR, Movement Prep

A. Power Clean + Mid Hang Clean; 1.1 x 5 @ 70%; rest 2 min


B. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 Tall Jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(light work; perfect positions)


C. Push-press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1.1 x 5; rest


PM Training: During Plan
5 sets for time:
Row 800m @ 90%
(rest same time as work time; goal is same pace per set. If you get to a critical drop off while "trying" to hold the same pace, stop and call it.)

1:35; 1:32; 1:31; 1:33; 1:31

Barbrell Training was alright. I need to get in earlier and warm-up better on the OH work. Especially with my shoulder issues.

I subbed SDLHPs with a 45# barbell for the rows. Also did this around 2pm during my plan period. I was completely fasted other than some BCAAs and this Honey Goo shot that Ron gave me that I took right before. Times were about 30-35 sec faster than in 2010. Too many variables to determine why there was a difference. Can't remember if I did this right after the barbell work last time or if I rested 4-6 hours before hitting it. However, I was able to maintain the pace across all 5 sets.

I really focused on recovery breathing between the sets to get my heart rate as low as I could before I had to start the next set. I think that might have been the key.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Friday 2/21; OPT Repeats - Day 25

RPR, Mobility Work, Movement Prep

A. Halting Snatch Grip Deadlift - 3 x 3 @ 1123; rest 2 min b/t sets
135-185-225-275-295-315-335 (+30 from last time)

B. Snatch; 4 x 1 @ 68%, 73%, 78%; rest 1 min b/t singles
4 x 1 @ 125-125-125-125
4 x 1 @ 135-135-135-135
4 x 1 @ 145-145-155-165

C. Back Squat, 4 x 4 @ 21X1 - 80%; rest 2-3 min b/t sets
WU: 135-185-225-275-325 x 1-2 reps
WS: 360-360-360-360

D. Snatch Pulls - 4 x 4; rest 90 sec b/t sets

Used straps on the DL and the Snatch Pulls. Belted on the Back Squats. To be honest, I'm not sure how much of a pause there was at the bottom, but the negatives were pretty legit.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday 2/19; OPT Repeats - Day 24

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Build to a Max Split Jerk in 10 min
135-165-185-205-215-225 in 9:36

Rest 4-5 min

B. 21-15-9 of
CTB Pull-ups
Time: 6:09 (compared to 4:53 in 2010)

Rest 3 min

C. Run 800m
Time: 4:20 (compared to 3:36 in 2010)

225 was kind of my goal for the day. It was 50# lighter than back in 2010.  I might have had another 10-15# in me, but I was out of time.

The Metcon was rough. Set of 21 CTB Pull-ups was UB, but I lost my rhythm setting rep 17 and had to hang and Kip to get the last 4. The last two rounds went 5-5-5 and 3-3-1-1-1. I missed my chest on one of the reps so I did an extra rep.

The 800 was slow....so slow...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Monday 2/17; OPT Repeats - Day 23

RPR, Mobility Work, Movement Prep

A. 2 Mid Hang Muscle Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min.

B. 1 Power Snatch + 1 Mid Hang Snatch; 1.1 X 5; rest 90 sec.

C. 3 Snatch Push-Press + 3 OHS; 3.3 x 4; rest 2 min;
(Pause 2 sec at top of PP and 2 second at bottom of OHS)

D. Spanish Squats; 5 x 45 sec; rest 30-45 sec b/t.

E. Bulgarian (RE) Split Squats - 3 x 5/leg @ 3011; 3 x 5

F. Air bike - 5 min @ Z1; 10 round Tabata (20 on:10 off), 5 min @ Z1

Saturday 2/15, OPT Repeats - Day 22

RPR, Movement Prep

7 Rounds of
SDLHP @ 95% for 90 sec
rest 10-20 sec
35 Double Unders
rest 2 min

SDLHPs - 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60

I cut off the SDLHPs at 60 reps per round, which was around 1:05. I would rest the remaining 20-25 seconds and then attempt the Double Unders. I did not string together a single set UB.

My left patellar tendon lit up around the 4th or 5th round. I took my time and pushed through it...going to have to take it easier this week. I think the running and then the double unders on back to back to days might have been more than my tendons could handle. But it may be due to my glute meds being lit up.

Friday 2/14; OPT Repeats - Day 21

RPR, Stretching/Mobility, Movement Prep

5 rounds of:
10 Burpees
20 UB Pull-ups
400m Run

Score is for run times only

1. 1:53
2. 1:58
3. 1:58
4. 2:02
5. 2:01

Temp was around 8-10 degrees. But didn't feel too bad during the runs. But the runs still sucked! Pull-ups were rough too. Not sure if I rested more last time between the burpees and the Pull-ups compared this time or what. But I had to keep moving in order to make it to our meetings on time.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Wednesday 2/12; OPT Repeats - Day 20

RPR, Stick Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Halting Clean-Grip DL @ 1123, 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
WU: 135-225-275
WS: 315-335-355

B. Clean and Jerk; 1 x 5 @ 65%, 1 x 5 @ 70%, 1 x 5 @ 75%; rest 1 min b/t reps
65% - 165-165-165-165-165
70% - 180-180-180-180-180
75% - 195-200-200-205-210

C1. Front Squat @ 10X0; 5 x 3 reps @ 80%; rest 1-2 min
WU: 45-95-135-185-235
WS: 275-275-275-275-275

C2. Clean Pulls, 5 x 3; rest 1-2 min

Probably could have gone heavier on everything, but I was trying to stick to the recovery times and get through it before the meeting. Which I'm sure is part of the programming. The FS and Clean Pulls were not supposed to be super-setted together, but I was short on time and needed to get it in.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Monday 2/10; OPR Repeats - Day 19

RPR, Stick Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Power Clean  + Hang Squat Clean; 1.1 x 5 @ 65%; rest 2 min b/t sets - 185#
B. Jerk Balance + Tall Jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min b/t sets. Stay light, perfect form
C. Push-Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1.1 x 5; rest 3 min

PM After School
15 min Jumping rope. Hit approximately 1800 skips

Monday, February 10, 2020

Friday 2/8; OPT Repeats - Day 18

RPR; Stick Mobility; Movement Prep

A. Halting Snatch Grip DL @ 1123 - (3 sec Pause at top); 3 x 3; rest 90 sec

B. Snatch; 5 x 1 @ 65%, 5 x 1 @ 70%, 5 x 1 @ 75%; rest 1 min b/t sets.
65%: 115-115-115-115-115
70% - 125-125-125-125
75% - 135-135-135-145-155

C1. Snatch Pull; 3 x 3 @ 90%+ of Snatch; rest 90 sec

C2. Back Squat; 4 x 5 @ 22X1 - 75%; rest 2 min
135-225-275-315; 340-340-340-340-340

I ended up super setting the Snatch Pulls and Back Squat and I dropped the reps to 3 instead of 5. Used straps on all the pulls. Squats were a lot tougher than I expected. 3 reps felt great; reps 4 - 5 was a bit rough.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thursday 2/6; Conditioning Day

RPR and Movement Prep

A. 10 min Jump Rope - 1157 (+100 from yesterday)1400 in 12:04
B. 5 ME sets for time of:5 Russian KBS - 70#10 Burpees - AFAPRest/walk/jog 1 min b/t sets
Interval Work times/splits: :30, :30, :29, :30, :29

My left shoulder seems to be the most prominent, limiting factor in the jump ropes at this time. It fatigue and almost cramps stopping the scapula/trap area. 

Although I was able to squeeze out another hundred skips compared to last time. I’m hoping my shoulder will get back in shape the more I do them.

KB and Burpee Intervals were about what I wanted. Had a few more rounds in the tank, but tomorrow’s WO looks to be pretty CNS heavy and I don’t want to be fried going into it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday 2/5; OPT Repeats - Day 17

RPR; Stick Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Jump Rope - 10 minTotal Skips: 1057  

B. For time:
15 COVP Pull-ups - BF Kip
Row 250m (Sub 25 SDLHP 45#BB)
10 burpees
Row 250m (Sub 25 SDLHP 45#BB)
15 COVP Pull-ups - Reg Kip
Row 250m (Sub 25 SDLHP 45#BB)
10 burpees‬‪

Time: 3:18 (compared to 3:56 in 2010)

C. 50 TGUs with 35# KB @ Z1 pace
Time: 11:15-16

Notes:It’s snowing pretty good so I opted to jump rope instead of Jog a mile. 
PR’d by 38sec on the chipper. As my boy Toby said, I’m as good one as I ever was... but don’t ask me to repeat it! The drop b off is real!

I alternated 5/side until 30; then 2/side until 50 on the TGUs. Left shoulder felt pretty Janky so I didn’t push the pace much!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday 2/3; OPT Repeats - Day 16

RPR; Stick Mobility; Movement Prep

A. Dead Lift - 10 sets of 1; rest 90 sec
(total score is total weight lifted in all sets combined)
Total score: 4290 (+90 from last time)

B. 10 Burpees AFAP; rest 1 min.
Each set was approximately 22-28 sec.

Probably should have stayed at 435 for my last 3 Sets. I had it in the tank today, but just got lost in my plan. Still more than last time!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday 1/31; OPT Repeats - Day 15

RPR; Movement Prep

A. 3 DL EMOM for 10 min* @ 385
B. AMRAP DB Push-Press @ 35# in 30 seconds; rest 1 min*; 5 sets
C. As many UB sets of 15* CTB Pull-ups as possible in 10 min
D. 3K Run* - 2.03 miles in 18.08

Had to run to the bathroom after the 4th min. Made it back to hit minutes 7-10, then did an extra set of three approximately 1 min after the timer went off.

Had some timer issues on the Push-press. Rest time was approximate. Last set of 15 was 10+5.

Scaled the pull-ups to sets of 10 instead of 15. Also threw on straps due to a small callous tear in the makings. I wasn’t about to rip one off.

Running still sucks!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday 1/29; OPT Repeats - Day 14

XPT Breathing; RPR; Stick Mobility; Movement Prep

AMRAP in 20 min of:
2 Power Clean - 185#
2 Squat Clean - 185#
7 Muscle-ups*
Run 100m*
Rounds: 8 + 2 PC

Subbed 5 Burpee-CTB Pull-ups and ran 2.5 suicides in the weight room to cover 100+ m.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday 1/27; OPT Repeats - Day 13

RPR; Stick Mobility; Movement Prep

A1. Snatch - 5x5
45-65-95-105-115-125-135-115 (Hang Snatch x 3)
A2. BS - 3 x 70%, 75%, 80%, 75%, 70%

B. 10 —> 1 HSPU Ladder for time
Time: 10:20

After School
10 Sets of 30 DUs for time
Time: 11:00 (5 sets UB, 3 Broken once, 2 broke twice)

Just played around with the Snatch. Didn’t push it. Felt really solid through rep 3 on 135. 4 and 5 hit, but were not as smooth.

Felt good to grease the groove on BS and that the groove felt Good! HSPU ladder was scaled to a 10# bumper. All sets UB except the set of 10 (6-4).

Double Unders were completed. I from sets 2-6 I was going every :30 and was UB. Then set 7 broke twice. 8 was UB, 9 was 28+2, 10 was 9+11...ripe got caught in between my toes in my vibrams.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Saturday 1/25; OPT Repeats - Day 12

RPR; Stick Mobility; Movement Prep

A. Tabata Pistol’s (Alternate leg/set)(L/R) 9, 9, 9, 10 = 74 total (76 last time)

B. AMRAP Sets of 10 CTB Pull-ups in 5 min3 rounds UB, 9+1, 5 (in 4:56) (6UB + 3 last time)

C. 75 Box Jumps @ 32” (30” Blue Box) for timeTime: 11:41 (9:45 last time)

Total score: 74+3+11:41(2010 score: 76+6+9:45)

I should’ve pushed the pistols harder and gotten more. Should’ve...

The CTB PullUps about buried me . Just don’t have the grip/engine like I used too back when I was doing a lot of Kipping/high volume pull-ups. I lose my rhythm on the Kip a lot sooner than I used to. Then I’m going on like a fish trying to get it back. Which taxes my grip and core pretty good.

I just survived the box jumps. Probably could have and should have pushed him harder. But I was just happy to be able to get my butt up on top of the box. I would jump up and hop off the other side walk around and repeat. Kept that rhythm for most of the time.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday 1/24; OPT Repeats - Day 11

RPR; Stick Mobility; Movement Prep

A1. Power Clean - 5 TnG reps heavy; rest 10 sec
A2. Russian KBS - 15 reps heavy; rest 10 sec
A3. Bench Press - amrap @ 135#
7 sets; rest 3 min b/t sets

A1. 145-165-175-185-195-205*-215; 185
A2. 70-80-70-70-70-70-70; 70
A3. 20-20-15-13-12-10-10; 12

I probably should have stayed around 185-195, but climbed to 215. Belted on the set of 205. Grip was failing causing me to have to jump my feet out on reps 4-5 so I strapped up on the set of 215. Last rep at 215 was more of a really high pull. And I was doing speed reps instead of coming to a complete track each time. It’s easier on my shoulder.

Did an extra, bonus set at 185, no belt, no straps and made sure I caught it in the rack on the last one. I thought I only hit 99 reps of BP, but after the oxygen returned and o was thinking clearer I realized I didn’t add correctly.

Stayed at 70# on KBS because the DBs felt funny on my wrists.

(Compared to 8/2010)
A1: 165-175-185-190-200-205-210(f-got all 5 but I had to regrip before rep 5)
A3: 36-23-18-16-14-13-12

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday 1/22; OPT Repeats - Day 10

RPR; Movement Prep

Split Jerk - 7 x 1
As soon as you finish the last SJ, set timer for 3 min and complete AMRAP.
Burpees: 50 in 2:58

5 Rounds of (all UB)
25 Wall Ball
10 CTB Pull-ups
Time: 1 round in 2:09

After School with the Boys
A. Back Squat - 3 x 10 @ 225, 250, 275
B. Pull-ups - 5 x 10

Shoulder is still tweaked from the MUs Monday. So the SJ was pretty lack luster. I hit the catch pins when I dipped to drive on the set of 205 so I didn’t even attempt it. Just went straight to the Burpees.

I PRd by 2 reps on the Burpees, but was on pace to really smash it until rep 30. That’s when my abs started cramping and I had to stand up and stretch between each burp per in order to prevent my abs from locking up!

Ran out of time to do the WB and CTB Pull-up WOD. I did put together 1 round. Hit the WB UB, took my sweet time walking over to the rack and setting up my timer before jumping up on the bar. However, the way my shoulder feels it was probably good that I didn’t get to do all rounds. I could feel it during the CTB Pull-ups

Thought I might do the circuit after school, but it was packed and I wasn’t mentally in it. So I did some squat and strict pull-ups between the boys’ lifts.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Monday 1/20; OPT Repeats - Day 9

RPR; Stick Mobility, and Movement Prep

12-9-6 rep rounds of
Squat Cleans - 155#

Time: 10:15*

Strength Work
Deadlift - 5 x 3
WU: 225, 275, 315
WS: 365, 385, 405, 425, 445

Well...I bailed on the Ring MUs after Rep two during the 12 rep round. My left shoulder popped a little and was pretty sore while warming up. Nice to know I can still do a few, but I should have known better than to just dive into a movement like that in an dynamic plane considering that I haven’t touched a ring muscle up in 3-5 years and my recent shoulder history. I ended up doing strict Ring Pull-ups and Bar Dips to finish out the Couplet.

At this point I’ve sworn them off... planning to sub CTB pull-ups and maybe Burpees 1:1 for MUs. Or just do bar Muscle ups. My left shoulder’ bout can’t handle the dynamic plane and transition from the pull-up to the dip. That it I’m going to have to practice this waaayyy more often!

Deadlift was solid. I wore my squat shoes up through 365. Then went barefoot for the rest. Also belted up from 405 and up! Although the 445 felt waaay harder than it should have. But it still came up.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday 1/17/20; OPT Repeats - Day 8

RPR, Stick Mobility, Movement Prep

A. 3-Position HPC 1.1.1 x 3; rest 2min
Loads: 45-95-135-155-175-195-205-215-225 (1.1.DNA), High HPC x 1 @ 235-245-255-265-275*

B. 10 CTB Pull-ups, rest 60 sec. x 5
Sets/Reps: 10-10-10-10-6+4*

C. 100m Rows x 3; rest 90sec (subbed 15 SDLHPs)
Reps: 15-15-15-15-15-15-15 (105) + one plate (5#) push D/B on turf.

Put on a belt at 215 on the HPC. Caught the mid Hang PC in a starfish position so I did not attempt the low Hang PC. But I did carry my singles up to 275#. I missed twice before getting it. I had it in me, but had to get passed the mental block and just make myself drop and catch it. All reps done using a hook grip.

CTB Pull-ups smoked me. I could also feel my callouses started to pull and decided to drop and finish on the 10th rather than try to go for it.

SDLHPs weren't too bad.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wednesday 1/15/20; OPT Repeats - Day 7

XPT Breathing, RPR, Stick Mobility, Movement Prep

A. OHS @ 3011; 3, 3, 3; rest 3min
Loads: 45-95-115-135-155-175
B1. BS x 3; rest 2-3 min (315-335-355)
Loads: 225-275-315-340-365*
B2. Weighted Dips @ 3011; 6, 4, 2; rest 3min
Loads: 55-65-80; AMRAP BW x 30
D. Run 800m @ 80% RPE x 1
Time: around 4:10ish...

First time doing OHS in a LOOONNNGGG time. I swore it off about 5 years ago due to shoulder injury problems, so today was definitely an induction day. I worked up to a weight that I probably could have done for more reps, but I could definitely feel it taxing the stability in the shoulder.

Ended up adding in some BS just to feel the weight. Belted on the last set. It was at or a little above my 80%. Coming off of yesterday's runs, it felt pretty good. My left high hammie/adductor is lit up though.

Dips were solid, run wasn't as bad as yesterday...didn't break any land speed records, but I got through it...oh...and it still sucked!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday 1/14/20; OPT Repeat - Day 6

RPR; Dynamic Stretches

Run 1K
Rest 4 min
Run 1 K

Run Times: 5:10; 5:15

Yup... running still sucks! However... sometimes you just have to suck it up anyway! Ran these in 4:27; 4:36 back in August of 2010.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday 1/13/20 - OPT Repeat - Day 5

RPR, Stick Mobility, Some Dynamic Warm-up

A. 3 T-line Drills; rest 2 min x 3
Times: Approx 40 sec, 37sec, 36sec

B. 5 rounds of:
3 Power Clean - Heavy; rest 0 sec
Sprint 20yds - Accelerate to appoximately 80% RPE
Rest 3 min b/t sets

PC Loads: 185-185-205-215-225-235

C. 5 sets of 6 Strongman Med Ball Tosses - 20#
rest 1min b/t sets

I did 3 T-line drills continuously, then rested 2 min. These felt good. Although I can definitely feel my high hammy around my sits bone.

PC and Sprints weren't bad. Although I looked like a starfish on the 3rd rep @ 235. First rep felt solid, but form degraded pretty quick as I progressed to rep 2 and 3.

Med Ball Tosses were completed AFAP and AHAP. I lined up 6 medballs and chucked them in rapid fire succession.