Sunday, March 1, 2020

Monday 2/24; OPT Repeats - Day 26

Breathing; RPR, Movement Prep

A. Power Clean + Mid Hang Clean; 1.1 x 5 @ 70%; rest 2 min


B. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 Tall Jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(light work; perfect positions)


C. Push-press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1.1 x 5; rest


PM Training: During Plan
5 sets for time:
Row 800m @ 90%
(rest same time as work time; goal is same pace per set. If you get to a critical drop off while "trying" to hold the same pace, stop and call it.)

1:35; 1:32; 1:31; 1:33; 1:31

Barbrell Training was alright. I need to get in earlier and warm-up better on the OH work. Especially with my shoulder issues.

I subbed SDLHPs with a 45# barbell for the rows. Also did this around 2pm during my plan period. I was completely fasted other than some BCAAs and this Honey Goo shot that Ron gave me that I took right before. Times were about 30-35 sec faster than in 2010. Too many variables to determine why there was a difference. Can't remember if I did this right after the barbell work last time or if I rested 4-6 hours before hitting it. However, I was able to maintain the pace across all 5 sets.

I really focused on recovery breathing between the sets to get my heart rate as low as I could before I had to start the next set. I think that might have been the key.

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