I have been wanting to do some oly lifting…I checked my records and I had not done any major loads on the Oly lifts in like 4-6 months...so this WOD was perfect…
Snatch: worked up to 170#. Still not one of my best lifts. Not very confident with it. 185 is my best ever. I might have been able to get a little closer to that today, but decided to stop there. Still babying the hip a bit.
Clean & Jerk: 245 (cleaned 255, but failed on the Jerk) Best for this lift is 260 about 6 months ago.
I did continue on with some hang power clean singles. I hadn’t done those in a long time either…today was an Oly smorgusboard…
Hang Power Clean x 1: 275-275-275-285-290(f) Again, 25# off my best.
I am really considering putting an Oly lift in my buy-in at least once-twice a week. I need to grease the groove with heavier loads more often than every 4-6months…
I started out with the intentions of doing the MP Snatch, C&J WOD with the 10min metcon from the other day, but I got through the snatch and C&J portion and had everything set up for the metcon and realized I did not have my rope… so I bailed and did a retest of a short metcon I did a couple of weeks ago.
Metcon: C2B and Deadlift Fran retest from 7/20/2010
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift 225#
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
as Rx’d: 4:20 (PR of 27sec from 4:47 on 7/20)
My hip is starting to feel a lot better. I don’t think I am 100% yet, but I am approaching 85-90. Best it has felt in weeks! I was supposed to do FS today, but decided to give it some more time to heal.
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