Tuesday, August 31, 2010

OPT Day 17

10K Run*

as Rx'd: 56:04 (PR 56:36 on 7-29-09)

*The 10K turn around is supposed to be marked on the trail, but it is hard to identify. I just ran to the big propane tank behind Teters and back. It is a little farther, but not by much.

Cash out:
I went ahead and ran an additional mile after the 10K. I am toying with the idea of running a 1/2 marathon in November and wanted to at least run half the distance today to give myself an idea of whether or not I could do it. I kept a 9-9:04 pace throughout the entire run and backed off to a 10min pace for the extra mile. I felt like I could have kept that pace for another 5 if I had to.

Credit to CrossFit, I hadn't run a 10K in 13 months and the last time I ran farther than a 3K was back on 5-1-10 when I ran a 5K. To be honest, I was a bit aprehensive going into this due to the strength bias we have been committed to over the last 8 weeks. There hasn't been a whole lotta running going on...

I was pretty surprised to get a PR. My goal was just to finish under 60min. I really don't want do much to train for the 1/2 marathon should I decide to do it...I hate to run. I guess I just want to put CrossFit's claim to being the best at developing GPP to the test. My own stupid experiment I suppose. After today's outcome I feel, at my current fitness level, that I could walk out and run a 1/2 marathon if I had to without doing much prior training...I wouldn't win any awards, but I know I could at least finish it without walking...which would be my goal.

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