Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Squat clean thruster, 5 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
as Rx'd: 6:40ish
I had a watch malfunction between my last set of clusters and C2B pull-ups. I picked up the watch and tossed it on the floor where I was doing pull-ups and it stopped. I fumbled with it for a few seconds and got it going again. I was hoping to finish closer to 5min, but it wasn't happening today. The 135# felt heavy today and the C2B pull-ups were rough after the 3rd - 5th round. I believe I did them in sets of 4-4-2 or something like that. First two rounds were unbroken.
Back Squat: sets of 3 with a 3 second pause in the hole.
Really trying to work on getting comfortable in the deep bottom position and driving out of the hole. I feel like it is giving me a good stretch as well. Ever since my hip started really bothering me I have decided to take it slow and steady working back up to my previous weights.
Today's Loads:
135-185-225-275-295-225 (definitely no PR's)
295#'s was around my end range with the fact I just paused on the first rep and the last two I didn't. Doing squats this way reminds me of doing push-ups and taking your hands off the ground at the bottom. Losing the "recoil or rebound" effect at the bottom and going from a dead stop is rough. Physically, I feel a lot better though...even though my pride is hurting a bit.
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