Buy in: SQT from 100809
as Rx’d: 3:50…runs sucked...never have been good at it. Just not geared for speed with anything over about 15-20 yards. Ground to overhead wasn’t bad.
OPT WOD: Day 4 (Still running about 2 cycles behind on the OPT site.)
“OPT 3”
Within 60min perform (in this order)
3RM Front Squat,
2RM Snatch (no more than 2sec between reps)
1 attempt at max rep Pull-ups (chin must break vertical plane of bar).
as Rx’d
FS: 275 (this is the heaviest I have gone since I hurt my hip about 4 weeks ago. I am okay with this. Felt worked, but not hurting. Might have had another 5-10 in me, but I have gained a little more wisdom and perspective since last time. I am taking the climb back up slow and steady looking for small successes.
2RM Snatch: 170 (5# below last weeks 1RM) Went ahead and tried 180# for 2. Got it once, but failed on the second rep. That’s a 5# increase from last week. Still 5# off my PB.
Max Rep Pull-ups: 36 (41 is my PB, but I can’t say they all broke the vertical plane of the bar…I didn’t think that would make that big of a difference, but I could feel it towards the end. I did standard kip because of this criteria. I was afraid I would bust my chin again if I hung my chin over the bar and came back down with the butterfly.
Cash Out:
Annie as Rx’d (unanchored SUs): 5:44 (PR by 14 sec)
DU breakdown per set:
50: unbroken
40: 35-5 (hit my shoe)
30: 28-2 (So close...but again…my blasted shoe)
20: unbroken
10: unbroken
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