Tuesday, August 31, 2010

OPT Day 17

10K Run*

as Rx'd: 56:04 (PR 56:36 on 7-29-09)

*The 10K turn around is supposed to be marked on the trail, but it is hard to identify. I just ran to the big propane tank behind Teters and back. It is a little farther, but not by much.

Cash out:
I went ahead and ran an additional mile after the 10K. I am toying with the idea of running a 1/2 marathon in November and wanted to at least run half the distance today to give myself an idea of whether or not I could do it. I kept a 9-9:04 pace throughout the entire run and backed off to a 10min pace for the extra mile. I felt like I could have kept that pace for another 5 if I had to.

Credit to CrossFit, I hadn't run a 10K in 13 months and the last time I ran farther than a 3K was back on 5-1-10 when I ran a 5K. To be honest, I was a bit aprehensive going into this due to the strength bias we have been committed to over the last 8 weeks. There hasn't been a whole lotta running going on...

I was pretty surprised to get a PR. My goal was just to finish under 60min. I really don't want do much to train for the 1/2 marathon should I decide to do it...I hate to run. I guess I just want to put CrossFit's claim to being the best at developing GPP to the test. My own stupid experiment I suppose. After today's outcome I feel, at my current fitness level, that I could walk out and run a 1/2 marathon if I had to without doing much prior training...I wouldn't win any awards, but I know I could at least finish it without walking...which would be my goal.

Monday, August 30, 2010

OPT Day 16

WU: Easy 1 mile jog (9:45)

For time:
15 COVP Pull-ups
Row 250m (Sub 25 SDLHP 45#BB)
10 burpees
Row 250m (Sub 25 SDLHP 45#BB)
15 COVP Pull-ups
Row 250m (Sub 25 SDLHP 45#BB)
10 burpees‬‪

as Rx'd: 3:53
Bench 5-5-3-3-1

135x5, 205x5, 235x5, 255x5, 275x3, 285x3, 300x1, 310x1(f)

Still not where I was before the peck strain back in May (295x5), but I did improve from the last time I benched. Last time I only did 270x5 and 280x1.
225# AMRAP: 12 reps

Need to do some Max effort Push-ups to cash out next time...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

OPT Day 15

Dead Lift - 10 sets of 1; rest 90 sec
(total score is total weight lifted in all sets combined)

WU sets: 135x5-205x5-255x5-300x3-345x3-365x1

Work sets with Rx'd rest: 385-395-405-415-425-425-435-435-440-440

Total Load: 4200

I wasn't sure how this one would play out with the 90sec recovery between sets. I could tell once I hit 425 that I could have used another 90sec between sets. I was starting to fatigue and my form was beginning to degrade. Checked my records, 440 is the heaviest I have gone since 2-23-2010 when I did 475 during a CFT. Other than that the heaviest I have gone is 420 for a set of 3 last week.

Cash Out: Couple of trips across the weightroom on my hands and two rounds of 30-45sec L-sits.

Friday, August 27, 2010

OPT Day 14

A. 30 sec amrap/60 sec rest - db push press - 35# - 5 sets
rest 30 seconds
B. As many sets of 15 unbroken CTB chin ups in 10 min
rest 30 seconds
C. Run 3K for time

A: 30-31-31-32-34 (158)
B: 4 Rounds UB + 12-2-1 + 10-2-2-1 (Grip petered out on me...but 90 CTB PU is still a good day.)
C: 17:27 Really sandbagged the first 2K. Started to pick it up from then and increased speed until the end. I think the first 1600m was 9:55 (yikes...), but the last 1400m was 7:32. Should have gave more on the front half. Live and learn.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

OPT Day 13


As many rounds in 20 minutes:
2 Power Clean - 185#
2 Squat Clean - 185#
7 muscle ups (Scaled to 4 MU in an attempt to avoid getting bogged down)
Sprint 100m

7 + 2PC + 2SC + 4MU + 60m

Finished the 8th round in 20:10

Squat/Power Cleans felt good...almost easy. I am really liking all the Oly lifting. I feel like all the Oly work is paying off. The lift just feels right.
MUs...now that is a different story. I am hoping that all the CTB pull-ups will pay off and I will get better at these. I just lose my kip when fatigue starts to set in and then I have to take forever to recover. Today I would walk a lap around the nearest power rack between each rep.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

OPT Day 12

A. Squat Snatch - 5,5,5,5,5

115-135-145-155-165-175 (This is only 5# off my most recent 1RM...and I did it 5x's!)

rest 3 min

B. 1-10 HSPU Ladder for time

as Rx'd: 4:09 (unbroken through set 8)

C. 10 sets of 30 unbroken double unders for time

1-1-1-1-(29 +1)-1-1-(26+4)-(21+9)-(13+12+5) in 15min

I had to get to a meeting this morning or I would have waited to recover more so I would not miss. I tried to keep the recovery around 45-60sec between sets. I did pretty well until the 8th round. I did miss the last one on round 5. Due to time constraints I just plowed ahead trying to stick to the 45-60sec recovery and getting as many unbroken as possible. I would like to try this again when I didn't feel so rushed. My total time may not improve, but I think I can get all 10 unbroken +/- a minute.

OPT Day 11

Training Monday 8-23:

For reps:
A. Tabata Pistols (alernate per set - 4 sets/leg)
L: 13-9-9-9 (40)
R: 9-9-9-9 (36

(76 total)

rest 10 second

B. For sets: As many sets of 10 unbroken CTB chin ups in 5 min

6 + 3 (should have jumped back on sooner...not sure what I was thinking...)

rest 10 second

C. For time:
75 reps - 32" box jumps.

9:45 alternated back and forth with Ben.

score like this - total pistols + total sets + total time(i.e. 64+18+3:55)

76 + 6 + 9:45

Saturday, August 21, 2010

OPT Day 10

A1. Power Clean - 5 touch and go reps heavy; rest 10 sec
A2. Russian KBS - 15 reps heavy; rest 10 sec
A3. Bench Press - amrap @ 135#
7 sets; rest 3 min between sets

Weight must increase per set on A1

A1: 165-175-185-190-200-205-210(f-got all 5 but I had to regrip before rep 5)
A3: 36-23-18-16-14-13-12

This was a great WOD. Had I had a spotter, I might have gotten 1-2 more reps on each round of bench, but I really did not want to get stuck under 135# so I stopped each round at what felt like 1 rep shy of my max.

Friday, August 20, 2010

OPT Day 9

WOD #1
A. Split Jerk from rack - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 4 min

(after completing your last set of 1 for the split jerk, immediately turn a timer on for 3 minutes and perform as many burpees as you can; jump to touch an object 12" above max reach at top)

48 Burpees

WOD #2
5 rounds for time:
25 unbroken wall balls - 20/14# to 10ft
10 unbroken CTB chin ups

as Rx'd: 9:56

The "unbroken" aspect made this one rougher than I expected. I may have been able to push harder. I caught myself staring and swinging my arms too much trying to make sure I was able to do all reps unbroken.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

OPT Day 8 12-9-6 rep rounds for time of: 155# Squat Cleans and Muscle-Ups

12,9,6 rep rounds for time:
Squat Clean - 155#
Muscle Ups

as Rx'd: 13:08

Squat cleans were easy...MUs gave me fits...I was doing singles all the way through trying to prevent muscle failure from becoming a limiting factor...however, that didn't last. The first round was okay, but the round of 9 and 6 were another story. I got to rep 5 of the 9 round and had to take a lot of recovery time between MUs in order to do them. I missed probably 3-4 times before I just let myself recover and go. I was at the 10min mark when I finished the set of 6 squat cleans...3 friggin minutes to do 6 MUs...that's redonkulous...

DL 5 x 3
225-275-315-365-380-395-410-420 (most since my hip has given me trouble)

Kettlebell Swing, 2pd
Push-ups with a release of hands at the bottom.

as Rx'd: 2:51

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OPT Day 7

A. 3 position Hang Power Clean; high, mid thigh, knee cap; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 2 min
(80% effort)
B. 10 CTB chin ups; rest 60 sec x 5
C. Row 100 m @ 100%; rest 90 sec x 3

Training Results:
A. Loads for 3 Pos. HPC: 95-145-165-180-200-215-220-225-235*-255*(1.1.F)
*I put on straps here to get some more work in and remove grip as a limiting factor. I failed on the 3rd HPC with 255# from the knee position.

Hadn't done these before and was not sure where I would end up. Grip has always been a limiting factor. I cannot seem to maintain the hook grip for more than one rep when the weight gets even the slightest bit heavy. However, I can remember doing HPCs when I first started CF and trying to do 215 for one rep. The bar just kept flying out of my hands because my grip was too weak. Today I was able to do 225 3x's from three different positions without setting the bar down between reps. Improvement me thinks...
B. 10 CTB chin ups; rest 60 sec x 5 (all unbroken...these weren't bad)
C. Row 100 m @ 100%; rest 90 sec x 3
    (Subbed 50 Double Unders rest 90 sec x 3)
    (DU sets: 50, 27-20-3, 8-23-10-7-3)
Overall a good workout. CTB PUs weren't bad at all. Next time I may do 100m sprints or gassers in the weightroom in order to achieve the same training stimulus intended by the rowing. The first and second round of DUs I feel hit the stimulus, but the third was so broken that I think I missed the intentions of the rows.
Cash-Out: Handstand Walk and Foam Rolling.

Monday, August 16, 2010

OPT Day 6

Training Day 6 WOD:
A. OHS @ 3011; 3,3,3; rest 3 min
(keep @ 80% effort)
B. Dips @ 3011; 6,4,2; rest 3 min
C. Run 800 m @ 80% x 1

Training Results:
A. OHS @ 3011; 3, 3, 3: 205-215(x2...lost it on the 3rd rep on the way up)-215-225
B. Weighted Ring Dips @ 3011: 25#-45#-75#(x3) In hindsight I should have gone heavier. They were really pretty easy. I just didn't know what to expect with the rx'd tempo. I will know for next time.
C. 800m @ 85%: 3:21

Max rep Ring Dips (x27)
Handstand walks across the weight room and foam rolling.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

OPT Day 5 Continued...

Life WOD: Push Mow Lawn
as Rx'd: approximately 30min

Run 1K
rest 4 min
Run 1k

as Rx'd:
4:27-4:34...I hate to run...therefore I must...

MP WOD 100814: 7x1 Weighted Pull-ups
BW: 200#
45-65-85-95-105-115-115(f-eye level)-105

PR by 5# from last time back in March '10

Cash Out:
Legless Rope Ascent 20" x 2

OPT Day 5

2 rounds of:
15 OHS with PVC
15 GHD SUs
15 BE
4 HSPU from Parallettes (No bumpers, about ear depth)
3 PC with 95# & 115# respectively

3 reps of T-Line drill @ high effort: rest 2 min x 3
rest 3 min
5 sets:
Power Clean - 3 heavy
rest 0 sec
Sprint 20 m accelerating to 80%
rest 3 min
5 sets of 6 strongman med ball tosses

Training Outcomes:
T-Line Drills: Hadn't done these since offseason training in college. They were a bit of a throw back. Felt good though. I had the wife and kids with me and she timed me, but in all the chaos and with her and the kids taking turns I did not record them. But I know my last two were 11.46 and 11.49 respectively.

PC Weights: 185-205-225-240-250

Med Ball Tosses were fun too. Felt good to open the hips up.

Cash-out: Unbroken Handstand walk across the weight room (approx 45ft) and 4 HSPUs from the parallettes to stacked 45# and 25# bumpers.

Friday, August 13, 2010

OPT Day 4

Buy in: SQT from 100809

as Rx’d: 3:50…runs sucked...never have been good at it. Just not geared for speed with anything over about 15-20 yards. Ground to overhead wasn’t bad.

OPT WOD: Day 4 (Still running about 2 cycles behind on the OPT site.)

“OPT 3”
Within 60min perform (in this order)
3RM Front Squat,
2RM Snatch (no more than 2sec between reps)
1 attempt at max rep Pull-ups (chin must break vertical plane of bar).

as Rx’d

FS: 275 (this is the heaviest I have gone since I hurt my hip about 4 weeks ago. I am okay with this. Felt worked, but not hurting. Might have had another 5-10 in me, but I have gained a little more wisdom and perspective since last time. I am taking the climb back up slow and steady looking for small successes.

2RM Snatch: 170 (5# below last weeks 1RM) Went ahead and tried 180# for 2. Got it once, but failed on the second rep. That’s a 5# increase from last week. Still 5# off my PB.

Max Rep Pull-ups: 36 (41 is my PB, but I can’t say they all broke the vertical plane of the bar…I didn’t think that would make that big of a difference, but I could feel it towards the end. I did standard kip because of this criteria. I was afraid I would bust my chin again if I hung my chin over the bar and came back down with the butterfly.

Cash Out:
Annie as Rx’d (unanchored SUs): 5:44 (PR by 14 sec)

DU breakdown per set:
50: unbroken
40: 35-5 (hit my shoe)
30: 28-2 (So close...but again…my blasted shoe)
20: unbroken
10: unbroken

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

HSPU Practice, 5 sets at full effort of Wall ball, HPC, KBS

Training OPT Day 3:

10 min HSPU practice (alone, rings, E-ROM..)
5 sets @ full effort:
25 unbroken wall balls - 20#/12# to 10 ft
20 hang power clean - 105#/80#
15 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
Rest 2:30 b/t sets EXACTLY

Training Results:
HSPU practice went well. I finally made time to practice the Ring HSPUs and had some success. I was able to get inverted without biting it and I was able to knock off two sets of 4 Ring HSPUs. I went for a third attempt but when I got inverted, I just could not press to lock it out. I did get another single after the WOD.

I want to be able to do these on command, so I am going to try and make time to work on these more often.

5 sets of WB(unbroken), HPC, and KBS as Rx'd

Total Working Time: 11:23

$-out: 3x5 HBBS 3311 tempo
45#-135#155# - Just wanted to feel some weight on my back and grease the groove. Nothing too serious.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

OPT Day 2: PP, PJ, Ring Rows,


A1. Push Press/Push Jerk - 2.2 x 5; rest 3 min
A2. Horizontal Ring Rows @ 2020; amrap x 5; rest 3 min
(feet elevated to height of rings)
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds:
GH Raises
(take exactly 8 breaths b/t movements)
100 GHD Sit Ups for time - 2 hands overhead

as Rx'd above:
A1: 185-195-205-215-225(1PP)-205
A2: 13-12-12-10-10
Ring Dips and GH Raises
100 GHD Sit-ups - 2 hands overhead in 5:04

Monday, August 9, 2010

OPT Day One: 185# DL and Double Unders

First day of the 2010 Football season is underway. It is back to 6am WODs. I am planning on giving OPT’s WODs a go. I have been lurking around on his blog for the past few weeks and his programming intrigues me. I am going to stay about 1-2 cycles behind so I can figure all the rx’d tempos and ordering of the programming.

...but I did want to get some heavy DL in so…

Strength WOD: Deadlift
WU x5reps each: 135-185-225-275

Worksets 5x5
325-355-375-385-395 (5# increase from last week)

I wanted to go go for 405, but I noticed my back starting to round on the 4-5 rep of 395. I decided to stop there and live to fight another day.

OPT WOD from 7-29-10
3 Rounds for time of:
21 Deadlift, 185#
50 Double Unders

as Rx’d: 6:38 (DL’s unbroken, DU…very broken…)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Shoulder Press, Bench Press, and Lizzie

Didn’t get a chance to post yesterday…

Shoulder Press 5x3

Bench Press 5x3

Metcon from CFFB
185# Power Clean
Ring Dips

as Rx’d: 3:23

Weighted Ring Dips
3x10 25#
225 BP x 5 reps

Friday, August 6, 2010

Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and Deadlift Fran

I have been wanting to do some oly lifting…I checked my records and I had not done any major loads on the Oly lifts in like 4-6 months...so this WOD was perfect…

Snatch: worked up to 170#. Still not one of my best lifts. Not very confident with it. 185 is my best ever. I might have been able to get a little closer to that today, but decided to stop there. Still babying the hip a bit.

Clean & Jerk: 245 (cleaned 255, but failed on the Jerk) Best for this lift is 260 about 6 months ago.

I did continue on with some hang power clean singles. I hadn’t done those in a long time either…today was an Oly smorgusboard…

Hang Power Clean x 1: 275-275-275-285-290(f) Again, 25# off my best.

I am really considering putting an Oly lift in my buy-in at least once-twice a week. I need to grease the groove with heavier loads more often than every 4-6months…

I started out with the intentions of doing the MP Snatch, C&J WOD with the 10min metcon from the other day, but I got through the snatch and C&J portion and had everything set up for the metcon and realized I did not have my rope… so I bailed and did a retest of a short metcon I did a couple of weeks ago.

Metcon: C2B and Deadlift Fran retest from 7/20/2010
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift 225#
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

as Rx’d: 4:20 (PR of 27sec from 4:47 on 7/20)

My hip is starting to feel a lot better. I don’t think I am 100% yet, but I am approaching 85-90. Best it has felt in weeks! I was supposed to do FS today, but decided to give it some more time to heal.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Filthy Fifty

CFSB Week 5
20 min Metcon

Filthy Fifty
50 Box jump, 24 inch box (slow...but unbroken)
50 Jumping pull-ups (unbroken)
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (unbroken)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps (unbroken)
50 Knees to elbows (lol...very broken)
50 Push press, 45 pounds (unbroken)
50 Back extensions (30-7-13...mentally weak)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (16-11-10-13...wheels were starting to come off...)
50 Burpees (Very slow...but unbroken...started these at 17:15ish)
50 Double unders (Wheels were long gone by now...I started these at 19:54ish. Completed them in sets of 2-4 until the last 8-9...)

as Rx'd: 22:37 (1:02 Slower than last time...frustrating)

I finished the Burpees at 19:54 and felt like I was on pace to break my most recent PR of 21:35, but I just could not get my DUs to click. I think the most I strung together was 8-9 and that was the last 8-9.

$-Out: 3x5 C2B Pull-ups working on butterfly rhythm and 30 sec L-sits

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Deadlift 5x5 and Deadlift and Burpee Metcon

Buy in:
3 rounds of
10 Body Squats
15 GHD
15 BE
5 Parallette HSPU
10 C2B Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips

Note to self: Hip felt great after the warm-up! Need to reinstate the WU!!!

CFSB Week 5
Deadlift 5x5

Still working on perfecting form. Trying to be very gradual/incremental while increasing loads from week to week. My goal is to get stronger doing these and not focus so much on getting a PR. Instead I am trying to focus on the technical side of things and pulling the weight with as strict form as I can. I am still setting the bar down, resetting, and pulling...no touch and go's!

Today's Loads:

WU (x 5 each): 135-185-225-275-315

Work Loads: 345-355-365-380-390-405(x3)

I was able to jump up 15#'s from last week for a set of 5. Thought I would give 405 a go. First three came off the floor pretty well. I am not sure if I relaxed mentally or what, but I pulled the 4th rep off the floor about 4" and felt my back start to round so I dropped it and called it a day.

Hip is feeling better. Lower back feels worn out/fatigued, but not hurting. Like it just got through lifting some weight...which is what I am going for. I feel pretty good about the loads. Fpptball practice starts next week and I am hoping to be able to keep up with the strength WODs. It is going to be tough, but I am hoping to pull 405 x 5 next week.

Metcon: 10min or less
5 RFT of
275# Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees

as Rx'd: 2:50 (PR by 1.92sec from 2:52.92 on 7-7-10)

I about lost count of my rounds. I thought I had finished 5 but the clock said 2:12...and...although I felt like I was moving throught the WOD pretty smoothly, I know I wasn't that fast. It did put a hitch in my giddy up...I almost stopped, but then jumped back on the bar to finish the 5th round. Glad I was still able to squeak out a PR. Might have been under 2:50 had I not had the mental mishap after round 4...or was it 5...no it was 4...

Skill Development:
Weighted Ring Dips, L-sits, HS Walks

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

400m Run and Burpees

I had sat behind a computer for about 3 hours planning lessons and decided I needed to get out...so I ended up doing this WOD around 4:30 at the track. Air temp was 99 at the bank, not sure what the temp on the track was but my feet were warm from running on it.

6 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
25 Burpees

as Rx'd: 22:27 (4 sec off my time of 22:23 last September)

I did this at the track, so I didn't have a bar that was 1" above my reach...which means I had to guestimate my jumps. Not sure how high I was going, but I am sure I would have hit at least 10-12" over my reach.

No PR this time, but I was able to stretch really well afterwards and my hip, butt, lower back on the right side felt as good as it has in a long time.

Clusters and C2B Pull-ups; Back Squat

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Squat clean thruster, 5 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups

as Rx'd: 6:40ish

I had a watch malfunction between my last set of clusters and C2B pull-ups. I picked up the watch and tossed it on the floor where I was doing pull-ups and it stopped. I fumbled with it for a few seconds and got it going again. I was hoping to finish closer to 5min, but it wasn't happening today. The 135# felt heavy today and the C2B pull-ups were rough after the 3rd - 5th round. I believe I did them in sets of 4-4-2 or something like that. First two rounds were unbroken.

Back Squat: sets of 3 with a 3 second pause in the hole.

Really trying to work on getting comfortable in the deep bottom position and driving out of the hole. I feel like it is giving me a good stretch as well. Ever since my hip started really bothering me I have decided to take it slow and steady working back up to my previous weights.

Today's Loads:
135-185-225-275-295-225 (definitely no PR's)

295#'s was around my end range with the pause...in fact I just paused on the first rep and the last two I didn't. Doing squats this way reminds me of doing push-ups and taking your hands off the ground at the bottom. Losing the "recoil or rebound" effect at the bottom and going from a dead stop is rough. Physically, I feel a lot better though...even though my pride is hurting a bit.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


21-15-9 reps of
Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips

as Rx'd: 7:57 (PR)

Previous best was 9:15 back in March.

I am at my parents and decided this would be a good one to do since last time it came up (back in May) I had a pec strain and was unable to do it. Glad to see some improvement. I needed that. I have been a little lack-luster the past few WODs. I may try to do some shoulder press later tonight...but then again I may not...

Heading to SDC tomorrow...so I will be taking an unscheduled rest day. I really need to make up the 5K and the 400m and Burpee WOD from yesterday. Both of them I hate...but all the more reason to make myself do them...