Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eva...the She Devil...

Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps (70# DB)
30 Pull-ups

Been doing CF since beginning of January and Eva is by far one of the toughest I have done.
Started out feeling my way through. Really didn’t know how this was going to unfold. I told myself I was going to do at least the first round Rx’d and see how I felt from there.

Should have prehydrated better. My left quad was about to cramp and lock up. I felt it on the last 50m or so of the 4th 800m and on every rep of the KB swing afterwards.

Round splits:
Rd 1: 7:15 (7:15)
Rd 2: 10:00 (17:15)
Rd 3: 12:22 (29:37)
Rd 4: 12:19 (41:56)

Here is the break down of each lift.
70# DB swings…
Rd 1: 30 unbroken
Rd 2: 23, 7
Rd 3: 22, 8
Rd 4: 23, 7

Pull-ups 30 reps were broken up like this…
Rd 1: 16, 6, 6, 2
Rd 2: 10, 10, 10
Rd 3: 10, 10, 8, 2
Rd 4: 10, 10, 10

Read on the main site that the most elite do it in 30 minutes or so and you should scale to finish in about the same time give or take 3-5 minutes.

Time on my watch was at 41:56 at the end of 4 rounds so I stopped. At the time I was dying, but now that I am recovered I wish I would have sufferred through the 5th round just to say I did it as Rx’d all the way through. Next time it is 5 rounds or bust for me.

Cash Out: Went ahead and finished the fifth round not for time after about a 5-10 minute break.

Great WOD…Round one goes to Eva…

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cross Fit Total and CrossFit Football WOD

Squat: 405
Shoulder Press: 185
Deadlift: 405

Total: 995

All lifts were raw with not belt. Squat was A2G. Wish I would have done at least 190 on shoulder press now so I could at least be in the 1000lb club. I jumped from 185 to 205 and missed it twice. I will pay more attention to my numbers next time.

I also jumped from 405 on DL to 455 and couldn't budge it.

Decided I wanted to get some MetCon work in afterward, so I did the CrossFit Football WOD.

7 rounds for time of:

3 Handstand Push Ups
5 Power Cleans 185 lbs
7 Pull Ups (Chest To Bar)

As Rx'd: 11:26

All PU's were legit C2B. Grip on Power Clean felt like a limiting factor on this WOD. Had to stop to regrip several times. Did all C2B PUs unbroken until the last round. Did 4, 2 , 1...mentally weak I guess...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

One Handed PP, DL, run 800m

Two rounds of:
Right arm barbell push-press 12 reps
Left arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meters
Left arm barbell push-press 12 reps
Right arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meter

Go heavy, run fast. Post time to completion and loads to comments.

65 on PP
135 on DL

Time: 23:44*

*Ran about 885m on the first round and then adjusted for the last three. Still estimate about 825-30ish with the extra distance in the weightroom to cover.

I am most definitely not a half miler!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of:

Run 400m
Max rep Pull-ups

1. 400m + 26 PUs
2. 400m + 17 PUs
3. 400m + 13 PUs
4. 400m + 13 PUs
5. 400m + 11 PUs
6. 400m + 11 PUs
7. 200m when time ran out...

Got through 5 full rounds and finished the 6th 400m in 20:48ish...will have to check and update. I know I only did 77 PUs last time.

Did 91 PUs this time and almost one more round of running in.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

20 minutes of Thruster, Hang Power Cleans, and Sumo Deadlift High-Pull

Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

This WOD was brutal on the grip!

As Rx'd: 11 Rounds + 5 Thrusters, 7 HPC, and 5 SDLHPs

Finished 12th round in 20:31...

Did some Pistol Squat Practice and Double Under practice as a Cash Out.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rest Day

Went in and messed around with the Hang Power Snatch. Had a hard time with maintaining my grip to pull.

Only went up to 165# felt like I might have been able to go a little heavier, but really wasn't too motivated to.

Did do some GHD sit-ups and back extensions along with 3 sets of 10 HSPUs. I placed two thick 45#plates and dropped my head between them to the floor. Only added about 1.5" to my ROM, but I could definitely tell a difference. I think I am going to try to work on those more.

Ran down and went through the Wells Fargo course at the Park today. It was a hot and muggy one. Had to wring out my clothes when I got back.

Skills I want to work on.
Hand Stands
HSPUs from 45 bumbers
Double Unders
Pistol Squats

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Front Squat 5 x 3

CFWU x 3

95 x 5

5 x 3
245-265-280-290(f)-275-290(pr)-300(1 rep)

Pr'd by 5lbs.

Cash out:
Hang Power Snatch Practice.
225lb Bench Press 3 x 10
Ab work.

HSPU Helen; 400m, 21 reps of 1.5 Pood KB Swing, and 12 HSPUs

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Handstand push-ups

Time: 11:32.5

For some reason I had a hard time getting into my grove on the HSPUs. On the first round I kept falling out of my hand stand which rarely happens. I bet I fell out about 3 times. I am sure I wasted a good 10 seconds just kicking back up into my hand stand.

I liked this WOD, but I, like others probably, wonder what it would have been like had we not done the massive press WOD just a couple days ago.

Hope to see this one again. Would like to go under 11:00 or even close to 10:00 min.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weighted, Strict, Kipping Pull-ups

Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-up

For weighted pull-ups place a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground constitutes termination of a set.
Post time and number of sets to completion.

Here is how it all unfolded…

Round and Number of Sets per round.
1. 1 set (as Rx'd with 45#)
2. 2 sets. (as Rx'd with 35#)
3. 2 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)
4. 2 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)
5. 2 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)
6. 2 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)
7. 3 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)
8. 3 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)
9. 4 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)
10. 3 sets (3 with 35# + 12 kipping)

After round three I did the three weighted pull-ups and then did 12 kipping pull-ups.

Time and Set Total: 26:02 and 24 sets

Previous Time and Set Total: 27:02 and 34 sets

This…by far...is STILL my most dreaded WOD. I am terrible at it.

Did cut a minute off my total time and 10 sets...however last time I did two rounds as Rx'd in 5 sets. I then did one Rx'd with 35 and then went to doing three weighted with 35# and 12 kipping for one set but then dropped to 25# and 20# for the remaining rounds.

I stayed at 35# all the way through this time.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

HSPU, Bench, Push Press, and Dips

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Handstand push-ups 5 reps
Bench press 135 pounds, 10 reps
Push press 95 pounds, 15 reps
Dips 20 reps

As Rx'd
5 rounds + 5 HSPUs, 10 135lb Bench, 15 95lb Push Press, 13 Dips.

HSPUs bogged me down. Round five I had to do five sets of one. I would do one and then walk across the weight room and return. On the sixth round I had to do piked HSPUs on a box. Had to make a decision. There were 3 min left and I new it would take me at least half that to get my 5 HSPUs in. Plus my ROM was waning pretty badly. The last rep on round 5 was about 1-2" from the ground. Decided to do the progression and try to get through everything else Rx'd before time ran out.

Went ahead and finished 6th round in 20:20. Then did two extra rounds. Ran home from the weight room afterwards.

Weighed out at 215.5lbs today.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wall Ball and Pull-ups

For time...
50 Wall Ball shots
50 Pull-ups
35 Wall Ball Shots
35 Pull-ups
20 Wall Ball Shots
20 Pull-ups

On vacation. No wall ball or 45lb bar. Subbed Burprees for wall ball. Not an ideal sub, definitely take longer than a wall ball shot or a 45lb Thruster.

Had to do pull-ups using the bottom railing from the second story balcony. The square bars tore up my hands, but all pull-ups were as Rx'd.

Total time: 18:49

Again, got some interesting looks and onlookers as I was dangling doing kipping pull-ups from the second floor balcony.

Again, not a bad workout considering.


Been out of town for the past few days. Made it hard to follow the main site WODs. Had to modify or come up with my own.

Wednesday 6/17/09
Went to a local park and found some monkey bars to use.

WU: 3/4 mile jog.
WO: tabata something else.
Body squata

Cool down: 3/4 mile jog.

Wasn't ideal. The monkey bars were too low to get a good kip and by the end I had an audience of about 6 or 7 summer school kids watching. Still a good workout though.

Monday, June 15, 2009

5K Run

Previous time: 26:21

Today's time: 26:02

PR'd by 19 seconds. Was hoping to drop under 26min, but did not happen.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Nasty Girls

3 rounds for time of:

50 Squats
35 Pull-up
35 Dips
135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps

Time: 16:43

Everything was as Rx’d except the MUs. The 5:1 ratio of pull-ups and dips for every muscle-up was freaking brutal. I read some of the posts on the main site after I did the WOD and one of the comments said to break up the pull-ups and dips into alternating chunks (i.e. 5 pull-ups followed by 5 dips and repeat) rather than doing them all at once.

I did them all in once set. Got really bogged down there. The first set of pull-ups I did all 35 unbroken which is a new PR for me, but after that it was all down hill. The second round of pull-ups was 15, 10, 5, and the third was 10, 7, 6, 6, 6. I was toast. Dips were about the same. First set I did 26 then 10. after that it was 15, 15, 6, and 16, 10, 9.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lunges, Pull-ups, and Sit-ups

For Time
Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups

Previous Times and Dates:
15:02 on 2-26-09
14:04 on 4-6-09

Today's Time: 9:31...PR by 4:33sec

Thinking of running a 5K later...we will see if that pans out.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hang Squat Cleans, Ring Dips, and Sit-ups

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115-pound Hang clean, 15 reps
12 Ring dips
21 Sit-ups

All Hang Cleans were legit Hang Squat Cleans. Subbed HSPUs for dips. Need to get some rings.

6 rounds plus 2 Hang Squat Cleans.

Went ahead and finished 7th round after time had expired.

My legs are looking forward to the much needed rest day tomorrow…

7x1 back squats

Decided to go back to basics today. The theme is do it perfect. I started lighter and went with no belt. All reps were BTA.

Warm-up: CFWU x 3
135, 185, 225 x 5 each
275 x 3

Began Workout: 295, 315, 325, 340, 350, 365 (f), 365 (got it).

About 60 or 70 lbs off my recent max, but the old max was not as deep and I used a belt.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Did some Ab work to loosen up and some form running.

I did Sunday's Thruster and Double Under WOD yesterday since I missed on Sunday and I felt like an arthritic old man this morning when I got out of bet. Legs and shoulders were screaming at me.

When I saw that Cindy was on tab for today I almost groaned in agony. Thought about postponing it until tomorrow so I could recover from yesterday. Decided to go ahead and do it.

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Previous on 5/13/09: 24 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 10 push-ups

Today 6/9/09: 25 rounds at 19:56 on the clock.

Not as good as I was hoping for. I was hoping to PR by at least two full rounds, but my legs were toast before we started. I did improve though, even if it was slight.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lynne June 6, 2009

CFWU x 3

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Body weight: 219 (socks and shorts)

Bench Press (220): 21, 18, 15, 13, 12 (79)
Pull-Ups: 33, 31, 31, 25, 20 (140)

This time I worked out with a different partner and we rotated lifts. I would bench then he would bench, then I would do pull-ups and he would do pull-ups.

This added some extra rest time that I did not have last time. Previously I did the bench and then jumped straight on the Pull-up bar then rested between rounds.

I was pleased with my pull-up totals, but felt that my bench was a little off. Was hoping for at least 25 reps on the first round...maybe next time.

Thrusters and Double Unders

CFWU x 3

Five rounds for time of:
75 pound Thrusters, 21 reps
21 Double-unders

Subbed Tuck Jumps for Double Unders. I need to practice those.

As Rx'd: 11:05

Friday, June 5, 2009

Deadlifts 7 x 1

Didn't quite do 7x1 deadlifts...was wanting to work on form.

135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 2
385 x 1
405 x 1 (put ob a belt)
425 x 1
435 x failed

A little frustrated with my deadlift. Feel like I should be pulling a lot more than what I am for my weight...

decided to revisit a WOD I saw on a video about a month back on the main site.

5 rounds for time of
275# deadlift, 5 reps
10 burpees

previous time on 5/8/09: 3:34

Today's time 6/5/09: 3:12

Lungs were still burning for at least 45min after the workout was over!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Running and Pull-ups and Over Head Squats...Again

Had to scale quite a bit on this one.

For time:
Run 800 meters
20 Tuck pull-ups
Run 800 meters
30 Strict pull-ups (did 12 strict and 18 kipping)
Run 800 meters
40 Kipping pull-ups (did 50 kipping)

20:32 at the end of 40 and...

21:30 at the end of 50. Took my time a little too much on the last ten.

Went ahead and ran another 800m after I finished and did another set of 20 kipping pull-ups.

I was pretty pleased with my tuck pull-ups. I was able to do 15 unbroken. I need to work on L-pull ups though. Not a strong point for me.

Went back in about 3hrs later and did some more OHS. Wasn't pleased with yesterday's performance. Left the gym feeling like I could have done more.

OHS 5x5
135-185-205-225-240(PR by 35lbs)

I knew I should have kept going yesterday. I felt good but decided to err on the side of caution due to shoulder stability. One of my buddies was bragging to me that he OHS 225 and I only did 205. That got under my skin so I had to go back for a second round.

Shooting for 250 or more next time...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Overhead Squat 5x5

CFWU x 3

Incorportated OHS warm-up into the CFWU

45# x 10
95# x 10
115# x 5
135# x 5
155# x 5
175# x 5
185# x 5
195# x 5
205# x 5

Felt like I could have kept going, but I did not want to be too greedy.

3 rounds of 20 second L-hang practice and 50 push-ups followed by a 1.5 mile walk/jog with a friend.


CFWU x 3

Erin as Rx’d
Five rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbells split clean, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups

Time: 17:28

Grip was toast after this one. Had to break up the pull-ups after the first round into 10-6-5. Split cleans were broken into 10-5 after second round.
Been out of pocket the last few days at the Missouri High School State Track Championships. Had to modify the WOD’s to fit what was available.

5 rounds for time of
21 burpees
21 sit-ups (unanchored)
130 ft walking lunges
Time: 15:22

Kelley (modified)
5 rounds for time of
Run 400m (approximately 450-500m)
30 box jumps on a 24in box (no box, the only thing I had was a picnic table bench)
30 Wall Ball shots with a 20lb ball (no ball or barbells/dumbbells so I subbed 30 burpees)
Time: 31:26

Looking forward to Erin tomorrow.

Thrusters 7x1


Not a very good day. Last time I did 255lbs.