Saturday, April 30, 2011


Saturday 4-30 Retest of Linda from 2/2/11 @ 193.4#:

Today's BW: 188.8#

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight (283.2#)
Bench press: body weight (188.8#)
Clean (Power): 3/4 body weight (141.6#)

Set up three bars and storm through for time.

Training Outcome:
Loads from 2/2/11 @ 193#: DL-290#, BP-195#, PC-145#
Today's Loads (4/30/11): DL-285#, BP-190#, PC-140#

TT as Rx'd: 13:09
(TT from 2/2/11: 15:31)
DL: UB except the round of 6 (4+2)
PC's: UB for the most part. I had to regrip once around rounds 7-5. and had a miss on the 4th rep on the round of 5. Tried to eek out al five and didn't rack it completely. Never came off the bar though.
Cash Out: Did a little WOD with the boys just for fun.
3 rounds of:
Skipping (wall to wall)
10 Push-ups (actually did 10-20-20)
10 Sit-ups (actually did 10-15-20 w/ last two sets on GHD)
Bearcrawl (wall to wall)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Metcon Medley: Goblet Squats + Ring Dips, Rows + KB Swings, Wall Ball + Pull-ups, Burpees + Box Jumps

Friday 4-29 OPT Day 168:

Metcon A:
3 rounds for time @ 85%:
20 goblet squat - 2pd/1.5 pd
15 ring dips

rest 10 min

Metcon B:
3 rds for time @ 90%:
Row 250 m
12 KBS - 1.5/1pd

rest 10 min

Metcon C:
3 rds for time @ 95%:
15 wall balls
15 chin ups

rest 10 min

Metcom D:
3 rds for time @ 100%:
10 burpees
15 box jumps - 24"/20"

Training Outcome:
A. 3:05, B. 2:58, C. 2:56, D. 3:48

Total work time: 12:47

Notes:  Used a 70# DB on part A and subbed 25 SDLHPs for Rows on part B. Had me sweating by the end...and we recovered 8min the first two recovery times and the full 10min before the burpees...and you can probably figure why...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

30X0 Front Squat 3-2-1, Power Snatch, Touch and Go Power Snatch, Burpees

Thursday 4-28 OPT Day 167:

A. Front Squat @ 30X0; 3,2,1; rest 5 min
B. Power Snatch - build to a tough single quickly - leave some
C. Power Snatch touch and go - 5 reps; rest 1 min x 3 - light and fast
D. Row 10 sec @ max effort
rest 3 min
Row 15 sec @ max effort
rest 3 min
Row 20 sec @ max effort

Training Outcome:
A. 135-185-225-255(2): 285(3)-295(3)-320(f)-315(f)-305(1)
B. 135x2-165x2-185x1
C. 160x2-155-155-165
D. 12-9-7

Came out like a Lion and finished like a Lamb this morning. I felt good on the set of 3 @ 285#. It felt easy so I bumped up to 305 (or so I thought) and did it 3 times. Then, as I was changing weight I realized I only had 295# on. That totally messed with my mental mojo. I had planned on jumping from 305#-320# since it what I thought was 305# felt so light. But I realized it was really 295# not 305#. I tried 320# anyway and came out of the hole about 6-8" and then lost it. Eventually I ended up backing down to 305# and did one rep. I felt light headed and saw stars after the first rep so I racked it. I was pretty much done after that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hang Power Snatch 3x3, Snatch Balance 3x3, IWT: Clean and Jerk, Burpees, and Chin-ups

Monday 4-25 OPT Day 166:
A. Hang Power Snatch - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 90 sec
B. Snatch Balance - 3 x 3 easy effort; rest 1 min
C. 5 sets @ 97-100%:
5 clean and jerk - 135/95#
10 burpees
15 chin ups
rest walk actively 6 min b/t sets

Training Outcome/Notes:
A. 135-155-170*-180(1)-170*
B. 135-155-175-195
C. As Rx'd...5min recovery
*Had to drop after 2nd rep and do a quick regrip before the 3rd. Quads took a beating on the return from overhead...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weighted Chin-ups, Ring Dips, AMRAP COVP Chin-ups, Ring Rows, Ring Push-ups, Good Mornings, Double Unders

Saturday April 23 OPT Day 165:

TRAINING plus some:
A1. Weighted Chin-ups, Mixed Grip 2-3 x 4
A2. Ring Dips AMRAP x 4, rest 3min
B1. AMRAP strict COVP Pull-ups (pronated grip), 1 atempt; rest 3min
B2. AMRAP strict COVP Chin-ups (supine grip), 1 attempt
C1. Ring Rows 3x8
C2. 75# Good Mornings 3 x 20; rest 1min
D. Ring Push-ups; AMRAP x 3 attempts
E. DUs AMRAP 30sec; 30sec rest x 8

Training Outcome/Notes:
A1. 65-75-75-75-80
A2. 20-20-16-21-18
B1. 13
B2. 10
C1. as Rx'd
C2. as Rx'd
D. 21-21-18
E. as Rx'd...left my note with reps in my dad's shop.

Resources were a bit lacking for this one so I added and subbed as I had to and made due with what I had in the shop. Still felt like I got a pretty decent workout. Didn't do anything too strenuous in the way of a metcon, but got some decent work in...especially for being out of town.

Friday, April 22, 2011

TESTING: "Every Rep Counts" Wall Ball, Box Jump, Deadlift, Burpees

Friday 4-22 OPT Day 164:

TESTING: "every rep counts"
as many rounds in 20 min:
10 Wall Balls - 20/# to 10 ft
10 Box Jumps - 20"
10 Dead Lifts - 205#
10 Burpees

Training Outcome:
WOD as Rx'd: 10 complete rounds + 10WB + 5BJ
(finished the 11th round + one more to round off to to an even 12 rounds after time expired)

Everything was done UB. Had a few pauses on the box jumps do to loss of balance/rhythm, but I was able to just hop up and down and not step down. I believe that made a big difference. Broke out the new medicine balls for the Wall ball shots. In all actuality I think it felt lighter (same mass spread over larger area)than my homemade ball...but it was definitely more awkward due to the shape of it. It's kind of big and cumbersome.

The DL felt like a break. I am pretty decent at cycling through light-moderately heavy DLs. The burpees normal. Hard to call them UB because they were just slow and methodical with no real breaks. In otherwords I went back to the floor as soon as I clapped overhead, but I did not just tear into them knowing I had 20 min of this junk.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Z1 Running, 1pd TGU, GHD Sit-ups, Lunges, Z1 Running

Thursday 4-21 OPT Day 163:

10 min airdyne @ Z1
25 TGU/arm slow and steady - 16/24 kg
20 sit ups; rest 1 min x 3
100 lunges slow and steady
10 min airdyne @ Z1

Training Outcome/Notes:
Subbed jogging for Airdyne. TGU as Rx'd. all 25 UB on the right side and then took about a 5sec pause after rep 16 on the left side. Still have a nice sore spot on my backside from the last time we did SUs so I opted for GHD Sit-ups instead of the Rx'd regular ones. Lunges weren't bad at all. Nice and easy like it said.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TESTING: Squat Cleans and Rows, HSPUs, Double Unders, KB Swings, Double Unders, and Burpees

Tuesday 4-19 OPT Day 162:

part 1:
2 rds for time:
30 squat clean - 95#/65#
Row 250 m (sub 25 SDLHPs w/ 45# BB)
(every second counts)

rest as needed*

part 2:
for time:
25 double unders
55 KBS - 2pd
25 double unders 25 burpees

Training Outcome:

Part 1:
Squat Cleans Round 1: 20-5-5
SC Round 2: 6-6-8-10
TT: 6:39

Part 2:
KBS: 30-15-10
Burpees: UB (But slow and methodical...)
TT: 5:46

*Rested approximately 15min between part 1 and part 2.

Monday, April 18, 2011

3x3 Back Squat and Snatch Balance at 80%, Unbroken CTB Chin-ups

Monday 4-16 OPT Day 161

A. back squat @ 20X1; 3,3,3; rest 5 min
B. snatch balance - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 1 min b/t sets
C. 20 unbroken CTB chin ups; rest 4 min x 3

Training Outcome:
A. 315-315-315
B. 215-215-215
C. as Rx'd (Alternated Chin-ups and Pull-ups)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Heavy Hang Power Clean, Deadlift Reverse Pyramid, Heavy Kettle Bell Swings, GH Raises, and Anchored Sit-ups

Saturday 4-16 OPT Day 160:

A. Build to a Heavy Single in the HPC in as few sets as possible.
B. Deadlift Reverse Pyramid 2-4-6-8 rep scheme; rest as much as needed between sets
C. Heavy Kettle Bell Swings 15 reps x 5 sets; rest as much as needed between sets
D1. Glute Ham Raises 15 reps x 4 sets.
D2. Anchored Sit-ups 30 reps x 4 sets.

Training Outcome:
A. HPC - 95-135-185-215-240-255-275
B. DL - 465-425-375-330
C. KBS - 70-80-90-100-100
D1. GHR - as Rx'd
D2. ASU - as Rx'd

Friday, April 15, 2011

TESTING: Push Press, Box Jumps, Burpees, Muscle-Ups

Friday 4-15 OPT Day 159:

A. On a 30 sec countdown timer perform 1 push press from a rack position; weight starts at 135# for males and 95# for females; weight increases 10# total every 30 sec; if you fail on a rep once the weight becomes unmanageable you can try again only one more time with that weight on the next 30 sec countdown; if you make that weight, proceed with increasing weight the next set - record highest weight


B. AMRAP Box Jumps in 90 sec - 20"/14"


C. Airdyne Max Cals in 90 sec (subbed Burpees)


D. 30 Muscle Ups for time

Testing Outcome:
A. PP every 30sec: 255#
B. 20" Box Jumps: 53
C. Burpees: 33
D. 30 MUs: 6:50
(MU Reps: 5-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-1(F on 2nd)-2-2-1(F on 2nd)-1-1-1-1-1)

Forgot to put on my wrestling shoes for the PP. Everytime I do PP or SJ in my vibrams I have issues with my feet catching the mats. I did the 255# and my toes caught the mat when I went to jump. I got the weight up clean, but when I put on 265# I was thinking about my feet catching instead of dipping and driving the weight up.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

IWT: Hang Power Snatch and Rows

Thursday 4-14 OPT Day 158:

5 sets:
3 tough hang power snatch
absolutely 0 sec rest
Row 350 m @ 95-97%
walk rest 8 min b/t sets

Training Outcome:
PS: 145-155-165-170-175
Rows: Subbed 45# BB SDLHPs
Recovery: Scaled to 4.5 min

175# felt easier than the 170#. I felt like I was just starting to hit my groove and I really wanted to go up in weight, but I had to get to the lab to make sure things were set up.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

AMR in 20min of: 15 UB Chin-ups, 30 UB Body Squats, 45 UB Double Unders

Tuesday 4-12 OPT Day 157:
As many rounds in 20 min:
15 unbroken chin ups
30 unbroken squats
45 unbroken double unders

Training Outcome:
6 Rds + 14 chin ups...was on the way up on the 15th when the alarm went off. Finished the 7th round after time
PUs and BS were all UB. DUs were severely broken...couldn't get into my groove this morning for some reason.

Ring HSPUs, Ring Push-ups, Ring Dips

Monday 4-11 OPT Day 156:

A. Ring HSPU - AMRAP (-2) x 5; rest 2 min
B. Ring Push Ups - AMRAP (-2) x 4; rest 2 min
C. Ring Dips - AMRAP (-2) x 3; rest 2 min
D. GH Raises -15 x 3; rest 90 sec

Training Outcome:
A. 7-7-7-7-7
B. 21-21-21-23
C. 13-13-15
D. As Rx'd

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thrusters, CTB Pull-ups, Burpees + Heavy DL and GHD Sit-up Metcon

Saturday 4-9 OPT Day 155:
4 sets @ 95%:
10 fast thrusters - 95#/65#
10 faster CTB chin ups
10 fastest burpees
rest walk 4:30
4 sets:
Row 30 sec @ 95%
walk rest 4:30
4 sets:
25 unbroken sit ups
rest 1 min

MP Metcon:
3 Rounds for Time of:
10 DL - 315#
30 GHD Sit-ups

Previous time (12/19/10): 4:56

Training Outcome:
Part one wasn't bad. All done as Rx'd. I was dreading the thrusters, but they werent too bad.

MP Metcon: (4/9/11): 4:29.90

We decided to sub the above MP Metcon for the row and SU intervals. It was a good retest. PR'd by about 26-27 sec.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Power Cleans, Power Clean/Thruster, Kettlebell Swings

Friday 4-8 OPT Day 154:
A. Power Clean @ 13X1; 2,2,2,2; rest 4 min
B. Power Clean x 1/Thruster x 1; rest 4 min x 5 - 90%
C. KBS - 21 unbroken - 2pd/1.5pd; rest 90 sec x 3

Training Outcome:
A. PC: 95-135-185-205-225-245-250(1-f)-245-250-255(1-f-1)-260
B. PC/Thruster: 225-225-235-235-245
C. KBS as Rx'd

Took a bit to get my mind right for this one. I would hit a lift...miss a lift...get dialed in and nail it...then was a weird morning.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Deadlift, Clapping Push-ups, GHD Raises, Front Leaning Rest, and Double Unders

Thursday 4-7 OPT Day 153:
A1. Dead Lift @ 11X1; 60% 1RM; 10 sets of 2; rest 30 sec
A2. 8 clap push ups @ 10X0; 10 sets; rest 30 sec
B. GH Raises @ 10X0; 8 x 4; rest 45 sec
C. FLR - 300 sec total on rings
D. AMRAP DU's in 30 sec; rest 90 sec x 6

Training Outcome:
DL: (315#) reps and cadence as Rx'd
GHD: as Rx'd
FLR: as Rx'd (FLR: 80sec-80sec-80sec-60sec)
DUs: 32-37-41-45-50-38

rest 6+ hours

Row 3 min @ 90%
Row 3 min @ 50% x 2
Row 2 min @ 90%
Row 2 min @ 50% x 4
Row 1 min @ 90%
Row 1 min @ 50% x 6
(maintain same pace for all 90% efforts throughout - pick a pace and stick with it)

Training Outcome/Notes:
Times and intervals as Rx'd. Subbed burpees for the 90% and a jog for the 50%.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Part II from Monday 4-5


4 sets:
Run 400m @ 90%
walk rest 4 min actively

(rest 8 min)

4 sets:
Run 400m @ 90%
walk rest 4 min actively

(rest 8 min)

4 sets:
Run 400m @ 90%
walk rest 4 min actively

(all sets same output)

Training Outcome:
All runs were between 1:25-1:35.

This one took two separate days to complete...which I know doesn't really achieve the intended stimulus, but I was limited due to the time I had and obligations. I did the first set on Monday before having to get home so we could get to Cael's Spring program on time.

Finished the last two sets of 4 this afternoon. Rested 4min as Rx'd between runs, but did not take the 8min between the two sets. I just stayed with the 4min recovery.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

TESTING: 3 RFT of: 6 Power Snatch-135#, 15 CTB Pull-ups, 24 Wall Ball

Tuesday 4-4 OPT Day 152

3 rounds for time:
6 power snatch - 135#/95#
15 CTB chin ups
24 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10ft

Training Outcome:
Testing as Rx'd: 6:55

CTB Pull-ups got me...and the Power Snatches snuck up on me as well. I did the first set of both UB, then the second round of PUs were 6-5-4 and round three was 5-4-3-2. Power Snatches were pull and drop from the second round on. Used my hook grip on the third round and that helped. Wall balls were all UB.

Monday, April 4, 2011

10 min Jog (Z1), Turkish Get-Ups, 10min Jog (Z1) + Shoulder Press

Monday 4-4 OPT Day 151

AM WOD: 10 min Airdyne @ Z1 (jog)
50 TGU - 16/12kg - slow and steady
10 min airdyne @ Z1 (jog)

Training Outcome:
Subbed Runs for airdyne. Everything as Rx'd. TGUs took approximately 10min.

Cash Out:
Shoulder Press: 3-3-2-1

135# AMRAP: 13

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kettle Bell Swing + Rows, Burpees + Rows, COVP Pull-ups + Rows

Sauturday 4-2 OPT Day 150

4 sets:
15 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
Row 200 m @ 95% (Subbed 20 SDLHPs w/ 45# KB)
rest 5 min actively after each set of 15 KBS and row 200
4 sets:
15 Burpees
Row 200 m @ 95% (Subbed 20 SDLHPs w/ 45# KB)
rest 5 min actively after each set of burpees and 200 m row
4 sets:
15 CTB chin ups (COVP...had a brain fart and didn't read it close enough)
Row 200 m @ 95% (Subbed 20 SDLHPs w/ 45# KB)
rest 5 min actively after each set of 15 chin ups and 200 m row

Training Outcome/Notes:
DOH...didn't realize the PUs on the last interval was supposed to be CTB. I did COVP...oh well. Everything else as Rx'd. Glad we cut the recovery to 4min instead of 5 min. I didn't ever really break a sweat. Maybe a glistening towards the end when we cut the rest down to 3 min from 4 min.

Friday, April 1, 2011

TESTING: 50 HSPUs, 100 Pistol Squats, 150 Sit-ups, 200 Double Unders for Time

Friday 4-1 OPT Day 149:

For Time:
100 pistols
150 sit ups (anchored)
200 double unders

Training Outcome/Notes:
Testing as Rx'd: 20:23

This WOD wasn't too bad on the lungs due to the inability to do any movements, besides the sit-ups, unbroken. Had a ton of misses on the double unders (10-15 was the most I ever strung together).

HSPU: 15-10-7-6-5-5-2 (2:34...only split I remembered...which is a PR I think)
Pistols: Slow and steady alternating
Sit-ups: Slow and steady and UB. (anchored using the red sit-up pad laid flat to save the ol' bum)
Double Unders: Very Broken!

20 sets:

1 min skipping easy
1 min (30 sec R bridge/30 sec L bridge)
1 min - 6 point burpees
(keep all @ easy pace)

Training Outcome:
Everything as Rx'd. Averaged 12-13 6-pt. burpees per min. This WOD was so stinkin monotonous...60 min...the worst part was by far the skipping.