Firday 3-25 OPT Day 145:
for time:
5 muscle ups
15 clean and jerk - 155#/105#
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10 ft
30 burpee jumping pull ups
35 row cals
(jump to bar 8' above ground)
CFFB Daily WOD (3/25/11):
Perform 1 Power Snatch every 30 seconds for 15 minutes.
*use 70-80% of 1 RM for Power Snatch
25# weighted Chin-ups x 7 - 5 rounds
Love from the Pain Peanut: Spent some much needed time doing some myofacial release and stretching...I had gotten complacent and it was starting to show in my movements.
Training Outcome/Notes:Testing WOD: 12:20
CFFB WOD: 155# (73.8% of 210#)
Cash Out: Hurt so GOOD!
Testing WOD:
Subs: Burpees for Calories Rowed (35 burpees = 35 Row Calories)
Logistics: Set up rings in rack tall middle rack against mirrors, did HSPUs against mirror, C&J on the grey platform, Wall Ball against the wall between the short rack and the tall rack by the ice machine, Burpee PUs were done on the rack by the ice machine and transitioned into burpees while in the rack...and burpees suck...I don't care if you try to spice them up by throwing a pull-up in between or not...
Had a hard time getting my mind into this one. The anticipation was worse than the actual WOD. didn't seem all that bad except for the 15 C&J...for some reason that was the one component that I had a hard time wrapping my mind around. The load wasn't all that much, but I wasn't looking forward to being tied in for 15 squat clean and jerks. Just mentall weak today. I ended up doing them 5-3-3-2-2. Also, I had a pause between the clean and the jerk. Traditionally I would have just cleaned it straight into a least I have in the past, but like I said...mental mush today. My left wrist was also sore from the PCs yesterday and to aleiviate it I had to catch the bar on my delts and needed the pop at the top to set my hands for the jerk. It was hurting too bad to catch it loaded and ready to go straight into the jerk/thruster.
Ended up doing 20 rounds of 1 Power Snatch every 30 sec instead of 15. It felt better as I went along. Really tried to work on the jump/pull /scoop portion of the movement.
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