Saturday, March 19, 2011

3x3 Front Squat, 3x3 Close Grip Bench and Burpee + Row Intervals

Friday 3-18 OPT Day 140:

A1. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 x 3 @ 90% effort; rest 3 min
A2. Front Squat - 3 x 3 @ 90% effort; rest 3 min
6 sets:
15 burpees AFAP
Row 300 m @ 97-100% effort
walk rest 5 min b/t sets

Training Outcome:
A1. 135-185-225-245-260-260-260
A2. 135-185-215-245-275-285-285(f)-275(2)-225-235-245
6 sets of Rows Burpees and Rows as Rx'd (subbed 45# BB SDLHPs for Rows)
Recovered 1:30 for the first 4 sets then 60sec for the last 2.

Had a hard time getting into this one this morning. Not sure what the deal was, but I felt like I was just surviving it...moving through the motions. The first set of 285 was pretty tough on the 3rd rep. Went to do it again and when I dropped into the hole on the first rep I did not have the mental or physical fortitude to drive out of it. Dropped to 275 and got it twice and started to do the 3rd rep and decided to rack it. Hips were tight, mind wasn't right, decided to cut my losses and do some lighter work sets and focus on staying tight and getting into the hole.

Burpees and SDLHPs were rushed due to the fact that we drug our feet and got started pretty late. Only recovered about 1:30 between the first 3-4 sets and then 60 sec for the rest.

Looking forward to a rest day today. Going 5 days on with an extra 3-4 mile run in there has me feeling pretty ran down. Need to stretch and get my hips loosened up again before next week.

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