Thursday, March 31, 2011

Power Clean, Power Clean/Split Jerk, Clean and Jerk Doubles, Toes-to-Bar

Thursday 3-31 OPT Day 148:
A. Power Clean - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 2 min
B. Power Clean x 1/Split Jerk x 3 @ 80% x 3; rest 2 min
C. Clean and Jerk - 8 sets of tough doubles; incomplete rest - 90 sec
D. Toes to Bar - 20 x 3; rest 2 min

Training Outcome:
A. 95-135-185-205-225-240-250
B. 135(SC)-185(SC)-205-225-235-245
C. 185-195-205-215-225-235-240-245
D. As Rx'd (1:30 min recovery)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Testing: Deadlift, Ring Dips, Box Jumps + Platform DL and Weighted Ring Dips

Tuesday 3-29 OPT Day 147:

3 rounds for time:
15 Dead Lift - 185/135#
15 Ring Dips
20 Box Jumps - 24/20"
Platform Deadlift (45#Bumper and 45# Iron Plate) x sets of 5 @ 11X1
25# Weighted Ring Dips
Training Outcome:
Testing WOD: 5:23
Training WOD:
Platform DL x 5 @ 11X1: 185-225-255-285-315-335-355
Weighted Ring Dips: 5-10-10-10-5-10

Notes: Box Jumps Suck...that is all...

Monday, March 28, 2011

IWT: 3 Heavy Front Squat, 15 Chin-ups, and 25 Double Unders

Monday 3-28 OPT Day 146:

3 heavy front squat
rest 0 sec
15 unbroken chin ups AFAP
rest 0 sec
25 double unders AFAP
rest 6 min x 7

AM WOD Training Outcome:
FS: 235-240-245-250-260-270-280-290
DU: B(x2)-B(x1)-B(x1)-UB-UB-UB-UB-B(x1)

AM Notes:
Ended up doing 8 sets instead of 7 and recovered 4:30min between sets instead of the Rx'd 6min. Front squat was feeling pretty good today so I decided to do an extra set. This is 15# heavier than what I did the other day when we did just straight sets of FS. I guess I have to trick myself into doing heavy front squats by surrounding it with other movements. Freaking mental...

Chin-ups were no big deal, but DUs gave me trouble early on. Only had 4 misses within the Rx'd 7 rounds, but I was hoping to get them all UB.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Testing: Muscle-Ups, HSPUs, Clean and Jerk, Wall Ball, Burpee Pull-ups, and Row Calories; Power Snatch every 30sec

Firday 3-25 OPT Day 145:

for time:
5 muscle ups
15 clean and jerk - 155#/105#
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10 ft
30 burpee jumping pull ups
35 row cals
(jump to bar 8' above ground)

CFFB Daily WOD (3/25/11):
Perform 1 Power Snatch every 30 seconds for 15 minutes.
*use 70-80% of 1 RM for Power Snatch

25# weighted Chin-ups x 7 - 5 rounds
Love from the Pain Peanut: Spent some much needed time doing some myofacial release and stretching...I had gotten complacent and it was starting to show in my movements.
Training Outcome/Notes:Testing WOD: 12:20

CFFB WOD: 155# (73.8% of 210#)
Cash Out: Hurt so GOOD!

Testing WOD:
Subs: Burpees for Calories Rowed (35 burpees = 35 Row Calories)
Logistics: Set up rings in rack tall middle rack against mirrors, did HSPUs against mirror, C&J on the grey platform, Wall Ball against the wall between the short rack and the tall rack by the ice machine, Burpee PUs were done on the rack by the ice machine and transitioned into burpees while in the rack...and burpees suck...I don't care if you try to spice them up by throwing a pull-up in between or not...

Had a hard time getting my mind into this one. The anticipation was worse than the actual WOD. didn't seem all that bad except for the 15 C&J...for some reason that was the one component that I had a hard time wrapping my mind around. The load wasn't all that much, but I wasn't looking forward to being tied in for 15 squat clean and jerks. Just mentall weak today. I ended up doing them 5-3-3-2-2. Also, I had a pause between the clean and the jerk. Traditionally I would have just cleaned it straight into a least I have in the past, but like I said...mental mush today. My left wrist was also sore from the PCs yesterday and to aleiviate it I had to catch the bar on my delts and needed the pop at the top to set my hands for the jerk. It was hurting too bad to catch it loaded and ready to go straight into the jerk/thruster.

Ended up doing 20 rounds of 1 Power Snatch every 30 sec instead of 15. It felt better as I went along. Really tried to work on the jump/pull /scoop portion of the movement.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Power Cleans and Burpee Intervals

Thursday 3-24 OPT Day 144

4 touch and go heavy power clean
10 burpees AFAP
rest 4 min x 6-9 sets @ 100%
(base sets on power output, shut it down if needed, 9 if you can)

Training Outcome:
PC Loads: 205-205-215-215-225-225-235-235-245 (3+1)
Buprees: as Rx'd

I probably should have gone heavier at the start, but it felt heavy. Once I got going, the 225-235 felt as easy or easier than the 205. My grip failed on the way down after the 3rd rep of maybe it was good to have started out lighter. I only recovered about 3:30 between sets. 4 min felt like forever.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3x3 Split Jerk, Wave-load Shoulder Press, 75 KTEs for Time, 50 GHD Sit-ups for Time

Wednesday March 23 OPT Day 143:

A. Split Jerk - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 90 sec
B. Split Jerk - 3 x 3 @ 90%; rest 3 min
C. Press @ 12X2; 3,2,3,2; rest 3 min
D1. 75 knees to elbows for time; rest 1 min
D2. 50 GHD sit ups for time; rest 1 min

Training Outcome:
A. SJ @ 80%: 225
B SJ @ 90%: 245
C. Shoulder Press: 150-165-165-180
D1. 75 KTEs: 3:55
D2. 50 GHD SUs: 1:58

Chin-ups, Double Unders, KB Complex, Side Bridges

Tuesday March 23 OPT Day 142:

12 chin ups
rest 1 min x 10
AMRAP DU's in 40 sec
walk 1:30 x 6
55# KB Complex x 2
One-arm Snatch x 10
Front Squat x 10
One-arm Press x 10
Side Bridges
amsap/side x 1 attempt/side

Training Outcome:
Chin-ups: as Rx'd
Double Unders: 52-63UB(PR)-38-45-52 (280 total)
KB Complex: as Rx'd
Side Bridges: 2:05 each side

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kettlebell Swings, Turkish Get-ups, Front Leaning Rest, Ring Push-ups, and GHD Back Extensions

Sunday 3-20 OPT Day 141:

20 KBS unbroken - 1.5/1pd; rest 2 min x 3
25 TGU/arm - 16/12kg - slow and steady
FLR on rings - 300 sec total
100 Ring Push-ups (added these)
GHD raises - 12 x 3; rest 90 sec

Training Outcome/Notes:
KBS (55#) as Rx'd
TGUs - 55# - reps as Rx'd (sets of 5, alternating each arm)
FLR as Rx'd (5 x 1min)
100 Ring Dips: 25-15-15-15-15-15 (90 sec recovery between sets)
GHD raises as Rx'd (did these off the edge of the bed with Amanda holding my legs.)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

3x3 Front Squat, 3x3 Close Grip Bench and Burpee + Row Intervals

Friday 3-18 OPT Day 140:

A1. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 x 3 @ 90% effort; rest 3 min
A2. Front Squat - 3 x 3 @ 90% effort; rest 3 min
6 sets:
15 burpees AFAP
Row 300 m @ 97-100% effort
walk rest 5 min b/t sets

Training Outcome:
A1. 135-185-225-245-260-260-260
A2. 135-185-215-245-275-285-285(f)-275(2)-225-235-245
6 sets of Rows Burpees and Rows as Rx'd (subbed 45# BB SDLHPs for Rows)
Recovered 1:30 for the first 4 sets then 60sec for the last 2.

Had a hard time getting into this one this morning. Not sure what the deal was, but I felt like I was just surviving it...moving through the motions. The first set of 285 was pretty tough on the 3rd rep. Went to do it again and when I dropped into the hole on the first rep I did not have the mental or physical fortitude to drive out of it. Dropped to 275 and got it twice and started to do the 3rd rep and decided to rack it. Hips were tight, mind wasn't right, decided to cut my losses and do some lighter work sets and focus on staying tight and getting into the hole.

Burpees and SDLHPs were rushed due to the fact that we drug our feet and got started pretty late. Only recovered about 1:30 between the first 3-4 sets and then 60 sec for the rest.

Looking forward to a rest day today. Going 5 days on with an extra 3-4 mile run in there has me feeling pretty ran down. Need to stretch and get my hips loosened up again before next week.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

4 Muscle-Ups on the Minute, Heavy Kettlebell Snatch, Chin-ups, and Double Unders

Thursday 3-17 OPT Day 139: HAPPY ST. PATTIES DAY!

4 muscle ups on the minute for 10 minutes
KB snatch - work slowly up to 1 tough set of 10 reps/arm
10 chin ups
rest 1 min x 10
AMRAP DU's in 40 sec
walk 2 min x 5

Training Outcome:
4 MUs on the Min: 4UB, 4UB, 4UB, 4UB, 3+1, 2+1+F, 2+1, 2+F, 2+1+2*, 3 (Total 41)
KB Snatch (10 each arm): 35-55-70-85
10 Chin-ups x 10: as Rx'd
AMRAP DU's in 40 sec: 58 (44UB), 63 (59UB), 56 (53UB), 56 (53), 54(45UB) (287 total)

I struggled on the MUs today. Although 41 might be the most I have done in one training session. After the 4th round I could really feel the fatigue setting in after the 3rd MU and had a hard time pulling through on the transition.

85# KB Snatch x10 was just about right. The 10 reps were taking their toll by the end. I felt strong through rep 8, but 9 and 10 is when I noticed my grip waning.

Chin-ups: These were pretty easy, which surprised me since I struggled on the MUs. Flipped my grip to overhand after round 5 and tried to work on my butterfly. Ended up being CTB on about 7-10 reps. All Chins were COVP.

DUs: Pretty pleased with today's outcome on the DUs. I have struggled the past few times we did these.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Muscle Snatch & Snatch Pulls + 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Snatch and Double Unders

Wednesday 3-16 OPT Day 138:


A. Muscle Snatch - 3 x 3 @ 80% effort; rest 90 sec
B. Snatch Pulls - 3 x 3 @ 115% max snatch; rest 2:30
for time:
5 squat snatch
20 double unders
4 squat snatch
20 double unders
3 squat snatch
20 double unders
2 squat snatch
20 double unders
1 squat snatch
20 double unders
(use 60% of max snatch - full effort in this one)

Training Outcome:
A. 95-115-135-135-145(slight catch on this one)
B. 225-245-245-245

Metcon: 3:53 (130# - 62% of 210#)
Notes: Not sure what the deal is, but I am feeling a bit ran down. My posterior chain felt really fatigued today. Also my quads were giving out by the end of the metcon. I only had one round of DUs UB. Rounds 1, 2, and 5 only had one miss. Round 3 was UB and round 4 was my worst. Broke about 2-3 times.

The squat snatch wasn't too bad, although I was feeling it by the end. I did have a miss on the last round of 1. Quads weren't firing right on the jump...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kettlebell Swings, GHD Sit-ups, Burpees and Double Unders + 600m Row Intervals

Tuesday 3-15 OPT Day 137

5 sets @ 85-90%:

15 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
15 GHD sit ups
15 burpees
30 double unders
walk rest 2.5 min actively
(make last set raise closer to 97-100%)

REST 10 MINUTES (4 min)

5 sets @ 85-90%:
Row 600 m...(Subbed 60 SDLHPs )
(make last set of 600 harder than first 4 sets)

Training Outcome:
Interval Circuit as Rx'd. Most rounds were around 2:30 in length. Last one was about 2:10-15ish.

Recovered 4min between Intervals and Rows. Averaged about 1:20-1:30 per round. Last one was about 1:05ish.

PM WOD: 30 min run @ Z1.

Training Outcome: as Rx'd; approximately 3.5 miles. Ended up being more of a Z2 pacing by the second half of the run. It really took me a while to get my legs loosened up and feeling good. I was struggling in the beginning.

Monday, March 14, 2011

10 Min Capacity Test

Monday 3-14 OPT Day 136

Perform the following movements, in order, for max reps (or calories), resting exactly 60 seconds between each station:

- 4 Minute Row (for Calories)... Burpees?
- 3 Minutes of Pull-Ups
- 2 Minutes of Bodyweight Back Squat (3/4 BWT for females)
- 1 Minute of 135/95 lb. Push Press or Jerk

Training Outcome:
Today (3/14/11) as Rx'd: 76 Burpees, 58 COVP PUs, 31 BW (195) BS, 22 135# PP = 188 reps

Compare to 10/1110 (following "Grider"): 68 Burpees + 53 COVP PUs + 22 BW(205) BS + 15 135# PP = 158 reps

I guess this is a PR compared to last time, however last time we did Grider before this with 3min recovery between the two phases. Grider consisted of finding your 1RM Snatch in 10min and then doing AMRAP of burpees in whatever amount of time was left. I did 185# + 7 Burpees before doing the 10 minute Capacity Test. Not sure how that factors in to compare. That might be worth 30 reps...not sure...

100 Turkish Get-ups; 1pd - Not for time.

Training Outcome: as Rx'd...I took my time but still timed it. Took me about 26-27min to complete. Took about a 3-4 min break at 50.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Deadlift, Closegrip Bench Press, and Muscle-up-to-Ring Dips

Saturday 3-12 OPT Day 135:

A. Clean Grip DL - 65% 1RM; 10 sets of 3 @ 11X1; rest 60 sec
(speed off floor is goal)
B. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 90 sec
(moderate effort - explode off chest)
C. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 x 3 @ 90%; rest 3 min
(tough efforts - explode off chest)
D. Muscle Up x 1/Ring Dip x 5 strict; rest 1 min x 5
(1 muscle up INTO 5 ring dips per set)

Training Outcome:
A1. 225-275-315-335-355-375-395-415-435-450-465 (3 rep PR)
A2. 5 sets of 3 @ 315# with Rx'd tempo.
B. 240-240-240
C. 270(1)-245-250-255-260(2)
D. 6 rounds; Reps as Rx'd

Ben I decided to do a traditional DL strength WOD in leu of the Rx'd Speed work. We did hit the intended stimulus after the strength sets for 5 sets.

CGBP was cruddy. I think I had my percentages off. I tried to base it off my regular bench and I think my "80%" was a little high for my close grip.

MU/Ring Dips were no biggie.

Friday, March 11, 2011

IWT: Power Clean & Jerk, Burpees, and CTB Chin-ups

Friday 3-11 OPT Day 134
8 sets @ 100%:
Clean and Jerk - touch and go 4 tough reps
6 burpees AFAP
8 CTB Chin ups AFAP
walk rest 5 min actively b/t sets
(no rests in transition; goal is high power)

Training Outcome/Notes:
PC&J Loads: 185-185, 195-195, 205-205, 210-210

Modified this one to Power Clean and Jerks in order to maximize power output as the Rx'd intent...ok really we just didn't feel like dropping deep into the hole for 4 heavy reps with a touch and go. But "Maximizing Power Output" sounds a lot better...

Burpees and CTB Chins were as Rx'd. Flipped grip each set on CTB Chins. Each round took approximately 45-60sec and cut recovery to 4:30 instead of 5min

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Snatch and 5RFT of: 10 Hang Squat Snatch, 10 Box Jumps, 10 Wall Ball, and 15 Double Unders

Thursday 3-10 OPT Day 133

Build to a tough single in the Snatch quickly - NOT a 1RM
5 rds for time:
10 hang squat snatch below knee - 75#/45#
10 box jumps - 24"
10 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10 ft
15 double unders

Training Outcome:
Snatch: 95x2, 115x2, 135x3, 155x2, 175x2, 185x2, 195, 205, 210 (new PR)
Metcon: 12:48
Wasn't supposed to be a 1RM but it ended up being one. Metcon was more of a blow than what I expected. The box jumps coming off the HSS were the roughest part.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kettlebell Swings and Chin-ups

Tuesday 3-8 OPT Day 132:

3 rounds for time:
25 KBS 2pd/1.5 pd
25 chin ups

Training Outcome/Notes:
as Rx'd: 7:15

Anytime this couplet comes up...or one that is works me over. My grip just goes for some reason. 1st round everything was UB. Second round of KBS were 18-7 (DB started to slip and had to regrip). Then the wheels came off...Pull-ups were done in sets of 5. Last round of KBS were 12-13 and Pull-ups were 7-5-6-5-1. Frustrating...all there is to it...still a good WOD, but frustrating...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Snatch Balance, Snatch Grip Push Press, E-ROM HSPUs, and GHD Back Extensions

Monday 3-7 OPT Day 131:

A. Snatch Balance - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 2 min
(work on depth and sticking the bottom tight; choose a weight without riding weight down)
B. Snatch Grip Push Press - 5 x 5 - low effort; rest 90 sec
(work on catch and correct scapular position; use hips to move weight)
C. 50 E-ROM HSPU not for time
(each rep should be challenging)
D. 6 sets of 20 GHD Back Extensions; rest 1 min
(work on using your butt)

Training Outcome:
A. 115-135-165-175-185-195
B. 185-185-195-205-215-225
C. as Rx'd to 2 - 25# bumpers
D. Reps as Rx'd but done between HSPU attempts.

I finished my last HSPU at 7:58. Didn't think I was going to get this one in. I wanted to keep going on both the Snatch Balance and SGPP, but am glad that I didn't. I would not have made it to class on time.

The HSPUs were done as singles, GHD BE had the low back fired up. Left shoulder is hurting a bit. Hoping it will feel better by tomorrow.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Deadlift, Hang Power Snathces, Continuous Power Snatches, and Death by Burpees

Friday 3-4 OPT Day 130:

A. DL - 65% 1rm; 10 sets of 2 @ 11X1; rest 60 sec
(focus on speed off the ground)
B. Hang Power Snatch - 5x5; rest 90 sec
(incomplete rest - focus on speed and patience on the 2nd pull)
C. Continuous Power Snatch - 10 reps x 3 sets; rest 1 min
(pick a weight that feels fast and perform touch and go reps - come to FULL EXTENSION)
D. Running Clock Burpees
(Chest to deck; arms completely straight overhead with body at top)

Training Outcome:
A. 315-335-355-375-395-415*-435*-455*-475(x1)*
B. 95-115-135-135-135-135
C. 95# as Rx'd
D. 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-17 (107 total)

A. I wanted to get some heavy DL in so I went off the Rx'd intent and just inreased 20# on each set. From 415# and up I was resting more like 90sec than 1min. The 475# came off the ground, but form was ugly. Started to pull the second rep and decided against it. Grip was feeling more fatigued than normal due to the KB Snatch test yesterday.

B. HPS was ok. Had some grip issues until I moved my grip in a bit and then it was fine.

D. Due to time constraints, we did the death by burpees increasing two at a time instead of 1 at a time.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Testing: Split Jerk, 50 HSPUs for time, 10min Max Reps 1.5pd KB Snatch

Thursday 3-3 OPT Day 129: 

Split Jerk from rack - build to a 1RM
rest 10 min
50 HSPU for time
rest 10 min
10 min max reps - KB Snatch - 1.5pd

Training Outcome:
SJ: 260#...freaking Weak...20-25# off my most recent best. Mentally mush today...and the past few days for some reason...
50 HSPUs: 3:04
KB Snatch Test: 154 in 10min...did a total of 200 in 14:25

The past few workouts that involve any type of olympic lifting have been pretty abysmal. I need to get in and grease the groove on these lifts more often. Today was a mental bust for me. 245 went up easy, 260 wasn't bad, but when I put on 270 it was like I mentally shut down and couldn't wrap my brain around it.

The HSPUs were eh..and the KB snatches were different. I was hoping for 200 reps...which turned out to be a bit of a lofty goal. Some guys get 200+ in 10min...freaking beasts...I do want to retest this sometime thought. Being the first time, I didn't really know how to attack this one. Grip and hands became an issue once I got past the 100 mark (5:30)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Squat Cleans + IWT: FS, Burpees, and SDLHPs

Wednesday 3-2 OPT Day 128:

A. Squat Clean - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min
(only last 2 sets of 3 are challenging - work on tight out of bottom)
5 sets:
7 heavy front squat
rest 0 sec
10 burpees AFAP
rest 0 sec
Row 150 m @ 100%
walk rest 4 min actively

Training Outcome:
Squat Cleans: 165-185-205-220-230-245(1)-235(1)

IWT: FS: 185-205-225-245(6)-235

Squat cleans were a little lack luster today. I thought I could get the 245, but I caught the load so deep in the hole I couldn't come out of it. Dropped to 235 and got it once and realized I didn't have it in the tank to do 2 more so I stopped.

The IWT wasn't bad. Front squats were obviously the toughest part. I got a little big for my britches on the 4th round. I hit the 6th rep of 245 and it was a struggle coming up. I felt my elbows dropping and I was being pulled over. I didn't even attempt the 7th rep. I just racked it and went on to the Burpees. The 235 on the 5th round was just right.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CG Bench Press, CTB Chin-ups + KBS, GHD SU, DUs

Tuesday 3-1 OPT Day 127:

A1. Close Grip Bench Press - 5,3,2,5,3,2; rest 3 min
A2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 6; rest 3 min

21,18,15,12,9,6,3 rep rounds for time:
KBS 2pd unbroken
GHD Sit Ups unbroken
Double Unders unbroken

Training Outcome:
A1. 225-250-275-235-265-285(1)
TT as Rx'd (all UB) 9:25
Not much to say about the AM WOD. I was hoping to get the 285# twice but ended up getting it aproximately 1.5 times.
PM WOD wasn't too bad. It took me longer to get started than it did to actually do the WOD. However, my mental focus was a bit lacking and I got lost in the WOD. I had a couple of mishaps/brain farts. Both involved DUs. The first occurred on the round of 15 DUs. I did 12 and stopped thinking I was on the round of 12. I immediately realized my mess up and did the last 3. Then about 1/2 way through the set of 12 KBS I decided it would be best to do the set of 15 DU in place of the set of 12 to make up for it and still be able to count the WOD as UB. I was 8 reps into the set when the rope hit the GHD and jerked out of my hand. I quickly restarted and did the round of 15 UB. From then on I had no more mishaps.