My first thoughts when I saw this WOD was, “Skill Day!”
Three rounds for time of:
10 Muscle-ups
10 Forward rolls
20 One legged squats, alternating
Handstand walk 20 yards
as Rx’d: 18:06
MUs were done as singles after the first 3-2. Probably could have strung some more together, but I did not want to miss reps due to fatigue later on. May have gamed it a little too much.
The forward rolls had my head spinning. I had to take a few moments to regain my bearings before hopping up on the box for the pistol squats.
Pistol Squats were done on a 20” box so I could get full ROM. I have a hard time doing them on the ground due to inability to keep my leg up and out in front of me.
The Handstand Walks were more like Hand Stand Stumbles, but I got vertical and took about 3-4 steps each time before falling. Funny thing is I almost decided to practice some handstand walks yesterday, but decided to take a complete rest day…
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