Wednesday, June 23, 2010

DB Thrusters and GHD Sit-ups

Three rounds for time of:
50 pound dumbbell Thruster, 15 reps
30 GHD situps

Rebecca Voigt 5:45 (35lb db), Mikko Salo 5:53, Kristan Clever 6:03 (35lb db), Miranda Oldroyd 11:13 (40lb db).

As Rx'd: 6:12**

**I had an equipment malfunction on the GHD. On my second round of 30 GHDs the foothold came undone and slid down about 2-3 notches. I stopped to fix it and lost some time. Ben was timing me and said it was right at 4 seconds to fix it. That would put my time at 6:08, but at the same time I got 4 seconds of recovery. I am going to keep the 6:12 as my benchmark for next time. Just wanted to make a note of the debacle.

I was shooting for sub 6min, but coming off of yesterday's 70+ min disaster of a WOD I will take it. I surprisingly felt pretty good until I hit the 3rd round of GHDs. I hit a monstrous wall. I literally thought I was not going to be able to come back up on a few of the last reps.

My body is screaming for a rest day. My left shoulder has a twinge and my left iliopsoas muscle is screaming. I did some Shoulder Press and Split Jerk as a cash out and had to cut the Split Jerks short due to pain in my shoulder and my hip on the split. I then started to do some handstand walks and could feel the strain when I was fighting to stay balanced.

I was going to do some DU practice, but decided that since that would directly recruit the iliopsoas I decided to call it a day. Lots of yard work to do later and I want to be able to walk...

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