Thursday, June 10, 2010

Front Squat, C2B Pull-ups, and Double Unders

Still running a day behind. I may come in later today and do the 5x5 DL WOD, but I may wait until tomorrow too.

Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes as you can of:

185 pound Front squat, 5 reps
10 Chest to bar Pull-ups
20 Double-unders

as Rx'd: 7 + 5 FS + 10 C2B + 13 DUs

As I figured they would be, DUs were the bane of my existence in this WOD. I was able to maintain the C2B PUs unbroken using a butterfly kip for the first 3 rounds. After that I would do 7...dangle and then 3. My last two rounds I did 6-7, dropped and then finished the round.

DUs were unbroken for the first two rounds. I crashed hard on the 3rd round. I couldn't find a rhythm to save my life. I could really tell the C2B pull-ups were affecting my ability to spin the rope. My forarms and grip were fried. On rounds 4 - through 7+ I was stringing together about 4-7 DUs at a time to complete the round.

DU are improving, but I still need to continue practicing these during my WU and $-Outs.

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