Tuesday 12-28: OPT Day 92
5 sets:
Bench Press - 3 heavy; rest 10 sec
KBS - 30 unbroken; rest 5 min
5 sets:
5 hang power clean heavy; rest 10 sec
30 push ups; rest 5 min
5 sets:
15 knees to elbows
rest 20 sec
30 double unders
rest 20 sec
Training Outcomes:
BP: 260-270-275-280-285(x2)
KBS: 70-70-70-80-85 (all UB)
HPC: 185-195-205-215-225
Push Ups: Not sure if I can count all sets as UB but I never came off my hands. I did pause at the top and pike up a few times on rounds 3-5. First 2 rounds were legitimately UB.
Body Circuit:
TT: 9:07
I was a little apprehensive going into this. My left bicep has been hurting a bit...can't pin down what is wrong. Doesn't hurt to do pull-ups, cleans, MUs, but KBS seem to fire it up. The first round was the most painful...or rather uncomfortable...it is a weird sensation. After that I would feel it a bit, but nothing too bad. I guess I just needed to warm up. I was really nervous about the HPC. I read about a guy tearing his Bicep doing these and that, admittedly, made me a little gun shy.
Grip played a major factor in this WOD. KBS affected the HPC. Only worked up to 225# on the HPCs. My grip was good on all sets through rep 3. After that my grip started to fail and it was a bit of a struggle. Didn't miss any though. Feel like I could have gone up another 10-15# if it were only sets of 3 instead of 5. 5 reps would have really been pushing it.
Starting out I thought we only had 3 rounds of each circuit and was planning on finishing around 280 (260-270-280) on the BP. This explains the 10# jumps followed by 5# jumps. That is when I realized I had more sets to do. I felt good through the 2nd rep of 285, but the monkey jumped on for the 3rd. I need to start doing my push-ups again.
The body circuit wasn't bad. I did the first 2-3 rounds of KTEs UB. I am getting to the point where I can do a kip on the KTEs and it helps for speed. But it does cause me to fatigue out faster. The 1st and 3rd round of DUs were UB. The second round I made it to 28 before missing. Last round was UB and 4th was broken 3-4 times. Lost my rythym and couldn't get it back.
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