Saturday, October 30, 2010

OPT Day 52-Testing

Training for Saturday 10-30

A. AMRAP Sets of 5 reps of BWT (200#) OHS in 12 minutes
rest 20 min (actually about 10min)
B. AMRAP Sets of 1 rep of 1/2 BWT (scaled to 85#) Weighted Chin Up in 6 minutes
rest 10 min (actually about 5-7min)
C. AMRAP shoulder to overhead - 155# in 3 minutes

(bar must be reloaded for OHS onto back or rack b/t efforts on OHS & hands must leave bar after 1 rep for chin ups)

A. 5 complete rounds of 5 BW OHS completed in 12 minutes (5-3-5-5-5-5). On the second set I lost the weight coming forward and had to dump it. The rest of the sets from then on felt pretty easy.

B. 13 total reps with 85# in 6min.

Due to logistics, time constraints, and the make-shift jump rope harness breaking on me, I had to abort on this one and go to straight to C while my WO partner finished up the Chin-ups with the chained belt. I did come back after the shoulder to over head (155#) and picked this up.

C. 37 reps. I should have pushed harder to get 40. In hindsight, I feel like I rested more than I needed to. Most reps were push press, but by the end I definitely had a little power jerk creeping in. I was driving, dipping, and catching...

Friday, October 29, 2010

OPT Day 51

Training for Friday 10-29

Base Strength:
A1. Clean Grip DeadLift @ 21X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 15 sec
A2. Ring Dips + weight vest - your choice @ 20X0; amrap (-1) x 5; rest 3 min
B1. KB Pistol - 16 total alternating per rep x 4; rest 1 min
B2. Ring HandStand Push Ups @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 4; rest 1 min
C. L Sit - amsap x 5 sets; rest 45 sec b/t sets

A1: 275-290-305-320-340-365-380-390-405*-425*-435*x2 (back was rounding so I stopped after 2) (*used straps)
A2: 5-5-5-5-5 (used 25# KB with chain belt)
B1: as Rx'd
B2: 2-3-3-4 at Rx'd tempo
C: 46sec, 30sec, 30sec, 25sec, 20sec (completed on Sunday using two chairs)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

50 Days of OPT

Today is my 50th OPT WOD...still lovin it!

Training for Tuesday 10-26:

5 sets @ 95% of:
20 ring dips
20 unbroken chin ups (20 GHD sit ups)
20 GHD sit ups (20 unbroken chin ups)
20 squats
20 GHD extensions
rest 2 min b/t sets

Due to logistics and availability of equipment, we had to move the order around a bit. We traded the 20 UB Pull-ups and the 20 GHD Sit-ups.

Everything else was in the correct order. Not sure how the PUs following the Dips would have turned out, but I do know that wind wise the GHD were rough before the PUs...especially since they were Rx'd to be unbroken. I am sure they would have been harder directly following the Ring Dips.

Speaking of Rx'd unbroken, I made it through the 4th round before I broke the PUs. I did the 5th round of PUs in 15-5. The Ring Dips were the hardest. I did the first two rounds UB but the remaining rounds was severely borken...

TT for the WOD (including recovery) was 29 min.

I had the approximate split times on my phone, but I deleted it. I know I dropped off pretty severely by the end. I did the first in 2:45ish and the last was around 5:30-40ish...or somewhere in that ballpark.

Monday, October 25, 2010

IWT: Power Snatch and Double Unders; Push-press and Burpee Broad Jumps; KTEs and Push-ups

Training for Monday 10-25:

Aerobic Power/IWT:
3 Rounds of:
12 unbroken power snatch - 115#/80#
90 sec AirDyne @ 90% (subbed Double Unders 40ish-53-47)
rest 2 min

rest 5 total minutes

3 Rounds of:
12 unbroken push press - 125#
90 sec burpee broad jumps @ 90% (20-20-21)
rest 2 min

rest 5 total minutes

5 sets of:
15 knees to elbows
10 sec rest
15 push ups
10 sec rest

This was a tough workout. A lot tougher than it looked. If I had to do it over again, I might not do the Double Unders as a sub due to the skill factor involved. I had too many misses and hope it did not make me miss the intended stimulus of the IWT. Normally I would have subbed Burpees, but I did not this time due to the Burpee Broad Jumps in the second part.

The circuit at the end was tougher than expected as well. I stuck as close to the Rx'd rest between movements as possible. I rested more than 10 seconds between rounds...more like 20 or so.

The KTEs were the limiting factor here, although the push-ups were no joke either.

KTE Rounds unfolded as so (KTE:PU)...15:15, 10-5:15, 5-5-5:15, 6-5-4:15(with a pause at the bottom), 4-4-4-3:15.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halting Deadlift, Bench Press, and Snatch Pulls

Training for Saturday 10-25
Warm-up: 1 mile jog @ Z1 pace

A. Halting Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 1113 x 3 reps

WU: 135-225-255 (no straps)

w/ Straps

B. Halting Clean Grip Deadlift @ 1113 x 3 reps (w/ Straps)


C. Bench Press x 3 reps


D. Snatch Pull (No Straps)


Friday, October 22, 2010

OPT Day 48

Training for Friday 10-22:

Part 2 from Monday 10-18
5min of work @ 80% of

10 burpees
10 2pd KBS
20 DUs
10 45# DB Rows

4min active rest between sets

1. 2 rounds + Burpees + KBS + 1 DU
2. 2 + Burpees + KBS + 5 DUs
3. 2 + Burpees + 2KBS
4. 2 + Burpees

Thursday, October 21, 2010

OPT Day 47

Training for Thursday 10-21: during plan/after school.

Base Strength:
A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 7; rest 10 second
A2. Back Squat @ 30X0; amrap x 7; rest 2 min
A3. L Pull Ups @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 7; rest 3 min

B. Hang Squat Clean - build quickly on the minute to a heavy single with perfect form

C1. Mixed Grip Chin Ups @ 30X0; 4 x 4;

rest 10 second

C2. CTB Chin Ups - 10 AFAP x 4; rest 2 min

(use same barbell for back squat as front squat; perform front squat reps; rest 10 sec while bar on rack; then perform amrap @ tempo!!!; mix grip per set on chin ups - one palm facing you, one palm away)

A1. 250# x 3-3-3-3-3-3-3;
A2. 250# x 10-8-8-7-7-7-7
A3. 4-4-5-5-5-5-6 (I think I sand bagged too much on these. I should have done around 5-7 on each round.)

Had to get to practice after part A. We came back in and Finished parts B and C after practice approximately 2hrs and 15min later.

B. 95-135-185-205-225-245-255-265-275-285(PR)

C1 and C2 as Rx'd

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

OPT Day 46

Training for Tuesday 10-19:

A1. Seated BB Press Waveload @ 31X2; 6,4,2,6,4,2; rest 3 min


A2. Supinated Paused Weighted CTB Chin Ups @ 31X2; 4-5 x 6; rest 3 min (pause 2 sec at top with chest pinned to bar and scapulae down and back)

First two sets were pronated before we realized it was supposed to be supinated grip.

Release at the bottom Push-ups and CTB PUs

30-20-10 Release Push-ups
20-15-10-5 CTB PUs

Monday, October 18, 2010

OPT 45

Training for Monday 10-18:
A. Hang Squat Snatch knee cap - 3 x 3 tech work; rest as needed


B. Back Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 5 min

WU x 3reps each: 135-205-250-285
Work Sets: 5 sets of 315 x 3

C. Omni Toes to Bar - 12 reps/set x 5; rest 1 min(touch bar outside of hands, at hands, vary per rep)‬‪

as Rx'd unbroken

Saturday, October 16, 2010

OPT Day 44

Training for Saturday 10-16:

A. Power Clean Waveload - 3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1;

Wave 1: 225-240-250 (meant to go 255 here)
Wave 2: 235-250-265
Wave 3: 240-255-270 (5#PR)

Went for another couple PRs...

Not sure what my deal was with 280. I got 275 really easy, but I guess I didn't have my mind right for the 280. Once I finally got dialed in I nailed it pretty easily. Decided to stop there. I am pretty pleased for the day.

rest 2 min

B. 10 burpees AFAP; rest 40 sec x 5

as Rx'd
C. Row 1K‬‪ ‬‪Training (Sub 100 45# BB SDLHP)

Still yet to do...will make it up later...

Friday, October 15, 2010

OPT Day 43

Training: Friday 10-15
A1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 40X0; 16" - build to a 1RM: rest as needed

135x2, 155x2, 175x2

Work sets: 205-225-245-260-270-280-290(f)-285

A2. Strict Pronated Chin Ups - build to a 1RM; rest as needed

45-65-85-90-100-110(f-to nose)
rest 10 min

B1. 85% Close Grip Bench Press - amrap x 1 set @ 40X0; rest as needed

85% of 285: 245# x 6 reps

B2. 85% Strict Chin Ups @ 40X0 - amrap x 1 set; rest as needed

85% of 100: 85# x 2 reps

Thursday, October 14, 2010

OPT Day 42

Training: Thursday 10-14
A. Build to a tough 1 in the back squat - high bar @ 40X0

WU: 135-205-250 x 2


rest 10 min

B. Take 85% of this score and perform AMRAP @ 40X0 (the X in this amrap test is intent and not speed, weight may just get there but NO rest at top and adhere to lowering speed)

85% of 365: 310 x 6

rest 10 min

C. DB Split Squat @ 3010; amrap/leg @ 1/3 BWT per hand with DB's -1 set per leg; rest 2 min b/t legs(warm up to get to this weight by performing a few reps before hand with increasing loads)

70# DB Split Squat AMRAP: 30 Left Leg, 30 Right Leg

D. Sorensen test - amsap - 1 attempt (get into your back extension machine, tuck chin in, cross hands at chest elbows pointing down and hold the static position for as long as possible WITHOUT lowering from the table top position at top)‬‪

Sorensen test AMSAP: 80 seconds

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Backwards Nate

AMRAP in 20 minutes of
8 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pd.
4 Hand Stand Push Unders
2 Muscle Ups

as Rx'd: 15 + 8 + 4

Thought this was a PR until I realized I did it in the wrong order. Nate is supposed to be completed moving from 2 MU --> 4 HSPUs --> 8 KBS.

Oh well...still a good WOD!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Grider + 10 Minute Capacity Test

OPT Day 41

Phase 1 - “3-RM Snatch & AMRAP Burpees”

Competitors will have 10 minutes to find their 3-RM Snatch (either power or full is fine). All 3 consecutive lifts must be completed in 40 seconds or less.

- The first 3 minutes of Phase 1 can be used only to load the barbell and warm-up.

- The remaining 7 minutes of Phase 1 can be used to score as many points as possible.

- Points will be given for amount (in lbs.) of 3-RM Snatch achieved, and one point will be given for every Burpee performed during the 7 minutes.

Example – Athlete A successfully achieves a 3-RM Snatch of 175 lbs. and utilizes the remaining time to complete a total of 35 Burpees. Athlete A will earn a total score of 210 points (175 +35) for Phase 1 of the Challenge.

*** Competitors will rest exactly 3 minutes before beginning Phase 2 of the Challenge.

Phase 2 - “Ten Minute Capacity Test”

Perform the following movements, in order, for max reps (or calories), resting exactly 60 seconds between each station:

- 4 Minute Row (for Calories) - Sub Burpees for calorie rows
- 3 Minutes of COVP Pull-Ups
- 2 Minutes of Bodyweight Back Squat (3/4 BWT for females)
- 1 Minute of 135/95 lb. Push Press or Jerk

Example – Athlete A rows 86 calories, performs 82 pull-ups, 41 back squats, and 19 overhead presses. Athlete A will earn a total score of 228 points (86+82+41+19) for Phase 2 of the Challenge.

The athletes’ scores from Phases 1 and 2 will be added together to create their final challenge score. The athlete with the highest total score will be the winner.

Example – Athlete A scored 210 points in Phase 1 and 228 points in Phase 2. Athlete A’s final score for the Challenge is 438 points (210 +Training for Monday 10-11:

Grider as Rx'd:
Phase 1: 185 + 7 = 192

Phase 2: 68 + 53 + 22 + 15 = 158

Total (Phase 1 + Phase 2): 350 points

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Halting Deadlift and Deadlift, Push-ups, Kettlebell Swings

Training for Saturday 10-9:
A. 20min jog @ conversation pace.

as Rx'd
B. 1113 Halting DL variations x 3 (no straps)

Snatch grip: 135-225-245-265-275

Clean grip: 295-325-350*

*switched to over-under and no halting. Bar was beginning to roll on me.

C. Metcon:
225# DL
Push-up with release @ bottom.
KB swing, 2pd.

as Rx'd: 4:25

Friday, October 8, 2010

OPT Day 40

Training: Friday 10-8

A. Front Squat @ 30X2; 3,2,1; rest 5 min

WU x 3 with 30X2: 45-135-205-235-260
Work Sets: 285-295*-295-310*-310

*Not deep enough on these. Did them again and made sure I got into the hole.

B. CTB Chin Ups - 15 fast x 3; rest 2 min

as Rx'd

C. Row Sprints; 15 sec @ 110% effort; rest 2:45 x 3‬‪ ‬‪‪
Subbed 45#BB thrusters for 25 reps

Thursday, October 7, 2010

OPT Day 39

Training-Thursday 10-7

A. Clean and Jerk - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min

Rd 1: 190x2, 205x2, 220x1, 230x1
Rd 2: 195x2, 210x2, 225x1, 235x1

B. Clean Pulls - 2 sets x 2 reps: rest 3 min

260-280-295-315 (No Straps)

C. Snatch Balance @ 60%; 2 sets of 3 reps; rest 2 min‬‪ ‬‪

WU: 95-125-150x2

2x3: 160-170

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

165# Thrusters and Muscle-ups

9-6-3 rep rounds for time of:
Thrusters, 165#

As Rx'd: 5:00

All Thrusters were unbroken. I did 4-2-2-1 on the first round of MU and the rest were singles. I did not have any misses today.

Bench Press
135x5, 205x5, 235x5, 265x3, 280x3, 290x3 best lately

OPT Day 38

Training: Monday 10-4: part 1:

A. Snatch - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min

Rd 1: 135x2, 145x2, 150x1, 160x1
Rd 2: 135x2, 145x2, 155x1, 165x2, 170x1

Struggled at first today. Kept wanting to pitch forward. Hips and Lats may just be tight from the squats & MUs.

Felt better on second round.

B. Snatch Pulls - 2 sets x 2 reps: rest 3 min

B. 225-235-245 (no straps), 265 (with straps)

C. Back Squat @ 90%; 2 sets of 1 rep; rest 3 min‬‪

C. 135x5, 205x5, 255x3, 285x2, 315x1, 345x1, 350x1 (+5 from last week)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Deadlift 5x3 and Deadlift and Burpee WOD

Training: Saturday 10-2‬‪:

Strength WOD: Deadlift 5x3


Form was going out on the 3rd rep of 445, but I decided to go for a 5# PR from last week thinking I could muster the strength to stay tight through 3 reps.

I did the first one okay, I could tell my form was waning on the second rep, and I started to pull the 3rd and could tell I was going to be all out of sorts pulling it so I just called it a day. I might have gotten it up, but it isn't worth risking injury.

Met-con‬‪ ‬:
5 RFT of:
5 DL, 275#
10 burpees

as Rx'd: 2:36.99

PR from 2:51.92 on 7/7/2010

This one had me hurting in a way I had not hurt in a long time. I was almost writhing in pain afterwards. I couldn't lay still. It felt like my skin was crawling. It felt good in a twisted, I want to curl up in the fetal positin and die, sort of way.

OPT Day 37

Testing for Friday 10-1:

AMRAP GHD Sit Ups in 1 minute

32 (should have pushed it harder on these.)

rest 0 second

AMRAP Back Squat - 225# in 4 minutes rest 0 second

42 (stopped with 7 second left)

rest 0 second

AMRAP Double Unders in 7 minutes

132 (These were awful. Couldn't get it going...)

rest 0 second

AMRAP Muscle Ups in 10 minutes

23 (7 misses) Continued to 30 after time. Also did two sets of 10 Ring Dips afterwards.