Thursday, July 9, 2009

400m and Body Squats

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats

Went to the track today to do this one to make sure it was legit.

400m jog, stretch and form running (high knees, buttkicks, A-skips, etc.)

Previous date and time:
5-20-09: 12:46

Today's time: 12:46...what a coincidence huh?

All of us are hurting pretty bad after Tuesday's Front Squat WOD. I was not expecting to do as well as last time. I was hoping to at least do it under 15:00min. I am pretty pleased considering the state of my legs going into it. In hindsight I can't help but think I could have cut a second or two here or there to get a new PR, but during the WOD I felt like I was wide open. Had to break up the Body squats on rounds 2-4. No real pattern. I would just do them until my legs felt like they were burning up...push through a couple more, stop for a second and then keep going...knocking them out in 10-15 rep chunks. I know I did at least 20-25 before stopping on each set. First set was all unbroken.

Cash Out:
50 crunches
50 leglifts
25 Push-ups
50 Toe Touches
50 Flutter Kicks
25 Push-ups

Will do approximately 3-4 hundred more push-ups throughout the day...

1 comment:

  1. Good knight, man. Your cash out is equal to another workout. You're the wind beneath my wings.
