Friday, July 31, 2009


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
Max rep Pull-ups

1. 400m + 35 PUs
2. 400m + 20 PUs
3. 400m + 13 PUs
4. 400m + 11 PUs
5. 400m + 11 PUs
6. 400m + 9 PUs
7. was at approximately 350m of the 7th 400m when time ran out. Finished 7th in 20:18

On 6-26-09: Got through 6 full rounds and got to the 200m mark on the 7th 400m when time ran out. Pull-up total was 91.

Today, 7-31-09: Added 150m and 8 pull-ups (99 total) stinkin pull-up away from my goal of 100 pull-ups.

Also, I upped my max total of pull-ups by two. Previously the most I had done at one time was 33, today I did 35 after running a 400m. Pretty pleased with that.

Amanda's totals:
1. 400m + 6
2. 400m + 5
3. 400m + 8
4. 400m + 7
5. 400m + 6
6. Finished 6th 400m in 20:12.

Total Pull-ups: 32

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rest Day

As Rx'd

Going to chase the kiddos around the park before football camp from 1-8pm tonight...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Previous time on 7-1-09: 56:36

Today's time: 57:03

First 5K was faster this time, but sucked it up on the back half...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Clean and Jerk Ladder

With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Posted a question on the BrandX message board about whether to do Power Cleans or Squat Cleans and for comparison, and maximal power output, it was recommended to do Power Cleans instead of Squat Cleans. Squat cleans would have changed the WOD significantly by decreasing the power output, but increasing the amount of Work due to the force being applied over a larger distance.

That being said I did power cleans instead of squat cleans and this is how it came out:

Completed Rounds and Reps: 11 rounds + 3 reps.

Did not record rounds or reps the last time I did this, but I am pretty sure I only did 8 rounds even. If that is so I achieved a new PR by 3 rounds and 3 reps.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Buy in:
Jump rope and stretching

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Previous Dates and Rounds
5/13/09: 24 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 10 push-ups
6/9/09: 25 rounds at 19:56 on the clock.

Today (7/26/09)
26 rounds + 4 Pull-ups

Did one extra round of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 body squats

Need to practice Pistol Squats do I can do Mary...but I would like to hit 30 rounds on Cindy before I switch over.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wall-ball, GHD Sit-ups, and BEs

AMRAP in 20min of:
10 Wall-ball shots (subbed 45lb thrusters)
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Back Extensions

I need to make a 20lb med ball to use. I know thrusters are faster, but I can't bring myself to use a med ball that is not Rx'd.

Total rounds completed:
15 + Thrusters & GHDs
Went ahead and finished the back extensions after time.

Amanda used the Olympic bar with the ends taken off (20-25lbs) for thrusters instead of the wall ball shots.

She completed 11 rounds + Thrusters & 9.5 GHDs. She was touching the ground on her 10th GHD when the timer went off.

Friday, July 24, 2009


CFWU x 2 (no pull-ups or dips)

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Body weight: 214.2 (butt naked) down fromk 219 (socks and shorts) on 6-9-09

Bench Press (215): 21, 17, 13, 11, 10 (72 total reps) Down from 79 total reps at 220#.

Pull-Ups: 33, 28, 30, 30, 29 (150 total reps) Up from 140 total reps on 6-9-09.

Ben and I rotated lifts. I would bench then he would bench, then I would do pull-ups and he would do pull-ups. Probably rested too much between sets, but we were going for max efforts and wanted to be totally recovered. Again, I was pleased with my pull-up totals, but disappointed with my bench. Was hoping for at least 25 reps on the first round...thinking about incorporating it into my warm-ups once or twice a cycle.

Amanda's numbers:
Bench (65#): 15, 11, 9, 6*, 7 (48)
Pull-ups (assisted with feet on raised bench): 15, 12, 10, 10, 11 (58 total)

*our oldest son came up and put his hands on one end of the bar around reps 5-6. Caused her to get off balance. She couldn't recover and she had to rack it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Buy in: CFWU x 3

Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

Rx'd weight and reps...

Previous Date and Time:
4-15-09: 11:47

Today's Date and Time:
7-23-09: 8:48

PR by 2:59. Pleased with that for now...

The logistics...
Round 1: all lifts and reps unbroken, didn't drop the bar
Round 2: all lifts and reps unbroken, didn't drop the bar
Round 3: Made it through the DLs and 2 HPC before dropping the bar. Finished last 7 HPC and 2 PJs unbroken. then finished 4 PJs.
Round 4 and 5: All DLs unbroken, dropped bar, then HPC unbroken through 4-5 reps, then finish. All PJs for rounds 4-5 unbroken.

Amanda's Logistics:
4 rounds in 12:04...realized she stopped short.

Finished 5th round in 1:52.

Weight used: 60# for DLs and HPC and 55# for PJs.

Really proud of her. She maxed out on HPC at 80# the other day and did 5 rounds of 9 with 60# today. She is transforming in both body and mind.

RIP DT, thanks for your service and sacrifice...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Deadlift 7x1

CFWU x 3

Deadlift 7x1

Did all lifts Raw with no belt.

315-335-355-375-395-405-415 (PR)

My best with no belt was 405 on 6/29/09

Best ever with a belt is 430.

Still working towards that. I do like the feeling of being able to do it without a belt. Feel like it is more legit and functional. I don't always have a belt to put on when I need to lift something heavy. I feel like my core and lower back are definitely getting stronger.

Amanda's lifts

115-125-135-145(old PR)-150(PR)-155(failed)-115-125

Cash Out:
15 reps of
Back Extensions

Monday, July 20, 2009


Today was a little off for me. I have been pondering the outccome ever since I finished. I know I felt a little fatigued from yesterday's be expected, but I really felt like I was pushing it pretty good. Thought it would be close, but that I would for sure PR a little.

Last time: 26:02

Todays's time: 26:11.

The only thing that I can figure is that

a) My muscles were more fatigued than I accounted for and I was just dragging tail regardless of what it felt like, or...

b) I ran a new route today due to road construction which included 14 turns rather than just 4 turns round trip like my normal route. Might seem minute, but ten extra times to turn corners and accelerate could account for the extra 9 seconds over the course of the run...I don't's all speculation...hopefully my normal route will be open by the next time this comes up.

I'm out...

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (subbed 45# BB Thrusters)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders (subbed Tuck Jumps)

Last time I did 50 Tuck Jumps as a sub for Double Unders. Today I did 12 Double Unders and 38 Tuck Jumps. I was getting really bogged down so I switched over.

Previous Time: 33:36

Today’s time: 21:46*

*was sitting around with some friends talking about how to do bar muscle-ups when one of my pals said you have to really bring your knees up like doing Knees to Elbows and then it hit me….we didn’t do KTEs. One of my friends got to the weightroom early and wrote down the order of the exercises on the white board so we could reference it when we were breathing too hard to think…except he left off the KTEs by accident.

So my official time is unofficial since I did not do the KTEs within the time limit. I did go ahead and do them after I realized it, but I had already stopped the clock and rested for about 5-7 min.

I estimate an extra 3-4min for the KTEs had I done them within the WOD. That would have still put my time well below last times.

Oh well…live and learn. I will be sure to double check the WOD on the board next time before starting a WOD.

Friday, July 17, 2009

30 Muscle-up Alternative

No rings and still can't do a bar muscle-up yet...getting closer. Need to devote some real time to working on it if I am ever going to be able to do it.

Buy in:
CFWU x 3 (no pull-ups or dips)

According to the scaling on BrandX, it is a 5:1 sub ratio. I did 150 Pull-ups and 150 Dips broken up into 5 pull-ups then 5 dips for 30 rounds.

Previous Dates and Times
2/3/09: 21:35
4/12/09: 17:35

Today's Time:
7/17/09: 13:33

Cash Out:
5 rounds of...
10 KTEs
15 Crunches
20 Push-ups

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hang Power Clean 7x1

CFWU x 2 (no pull-ups)

Hang Power Clean


Decided to use a hook grip from the git-go. Results were pretty good. This is a PR of about 50-60 lbs for me. In the past, my grip was too weak to pull the weight once I got past 205-215 or so. The most I can find on record for a hang clean without using straps is 205. With straps the most I can find on record is 325lb. Still a big difference, between straps and no straps, but I definitely made progress towards closing the gap.

Cash Out:
5 rounds for time of:
275lb Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees

Previous dates and times for this WOD:
5/8/09: 3:34
6/5/09: 3:12
7/16/09: 3:09

Could definitely feel it in my hips on this one. Didn't feel as strong on the DLs. Still hurting from the GHD sit-ups, but still managed to PR by 3 seconds. Really hoping to drop under 3:00min next time...we shall see though...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


5 rounds for time of
400m Run
95lb Overhead Squat, 15 reps

as Rx’d

4/3/09: 16:18

Today’s time (7/15/09): 14:18

Amanda's time and logistics:

She used an Oly bar with the ends removed for the first one and a half rounds then scaled back to a 25lb bar by the end.

Total time: 24:30.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thrusters 7x1

Still trying to get caught up.


Better than last time (240). But not as good as my best (255).

I guess I am going to start keeping track of Amanda's progress as well. She created a blog, but has a hard time keeping it updated.

Amanda's time for the 30 GHDSUs and 25 BEs, 5 rounds was 30:55. She had to stop and puke somewhere between the 3rd and 4th round...but she finished like a champ. Proud of her.

Deck of Cards

This is a WOD Amanda and I did while camping at Roaring River. It is a pretty good workout and all you need is a flat surface and a deck of cards.

Here is how we played...
Clovers = Push-ups
Spades = Body Squats
Diamonds = Sit-ups
Hearts = Burpees (because we all love them!)
Jokers = 5 of each exercise

When a card is drawn, you do the face value for reps. For example, if a 5 of spades is drawn, you do 5 Body Squats and so on.

Jacks = 11 reps
Queens = 12 reps
Kings = 13 reps
Aces were high = 14 reps

We set Cael (my 4 3/4 year old as he would tell you) up with a deck of cards containing 4 jokers and he flipped the cards to tell us what to do.

I went through the entire deck plus 5 jokers (Owen, my 23 month old stuck in an extra Joker from another deck...little stinker) for a total of 57 cards.

104 reps per Suit (exercise) x 4 suits = 416 reps.
Add in the 100 extra reps to account for the 5 jokers played and you get a grand total of....

516 reps!

Not a bad workout.

Total time: 25:15

There were a few instances where I had to refocus Cael and or draw my own card, might have added some time, but who knows. Really enjoyed this WOD for a change up.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-up
For weighted pull-ups place a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground constitutes termination of a set.

Post time and number of sets to completion.

Here is how it all unfolded…
Round and Number of Sets per round.
1. 1 set (as Rx'd with 45#)
2. 1 sets. (as Rx'd with 45#)
3. 3 sets (1 with 45# + 2 with 35# + 5 Strict + 7 Kipping)
4. 5 sets (35#)
5. 5 sets (35#)
6. 5 sets (35#)
7. 5 sets (35#)
8. 5 sets (35#)
9. 5 sets (35#)
10. 5 sets (35#)

Current Time/Sets: 30:33/40 sets

Previous Time/Sets: 26:02/24 sets

Last time I did three Weighted and 12 kipping. This time I tried to stay true to the Rx'd WOD and did 3 weighted, 5 strict, and 7 kipping. Had a PR in the fact that I did two rounds in only one set with the Rx'd weight and reps. After that I had to scale to 35#. Took me almost twice the number of sets to get it in and about 4min longer, but at least I have a foundation to build on for next time. My goal is to get three rounds in one set as Rx'd and see what happens from there next time.

GHD Sit-ups and Back Extensions

3 Rounds of:
OHS 45#
10 HSPUs

Five rounds for time of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions

Previous Times:
1-26-09: 17:25
3-31-09: 15:32
5-14-09: 12:29

Today's Date/Time
7-13-09: 11:20

Cash Out:
Double Under Practice
Skin the Cat

Thursday, July 9, 2009

400m and Body Squats

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats

Went to the track today to do this one to make sure it was legit.

400m jog, stretch and form running (high knees, buttkicks, A-skips, etc.)

Previous date and time:
5-20-09: 12:46

Today's time: 12:46...what a coincidence huh?

All of us are hurting pretty bad after Tuesday's Front Squat WOD. I was not expecting to do as well as last time. I was hoping to at least do it under 15:00min. I am pretty pleased considering the state of my legs going into it. In hindsight I can't help but think I could have cut a second or two here or there to get a new PR, but during the WOD I felt like I was wide open. Had to break up the Body squats on rounds 2-4. No real pattern. I would just do them until my legs felt like they were burning up...push through a couple more, stop for a second and then keep going...knocking them out in 10-15 rep chunks. I know I did at least 20-25 before stopping on each set. First set was all unbroken.

Cash Out:
50 crunches
50 leglifts
25 Push-ups
50 Toe Touches
50 Flutter Kicks
25 Push-ups

Will do approximately 3-4 hundred more push-ups throughout the day...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups (subbed Pull-ups and Dips 4:1)
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings (70# DB)

Played around with bar MU progressions off of a box, but I didn't feel comfortable and thought as fatigue set in I would waste time or get hurt one of the two so I subbed 4:1 Pull-ups/Dips: Muscle Ups.

12 rounds...

This WOD was frustrating for me. The 4:1 sub definitely played a role in the number of rounds completed....guess I need to start practicing bar muscle ups or break down and buy some rings.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Front Squats and GHD Sit-ups

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
185 pound Front squat
GHD Sit-ups

Dude...this WOD was rough, especially after doing Badger yesterday on my rest day. 90 squat cleans the day before made for an interesting Front squat day today. Legs felt like limp noodles when I got done.

Did the first two rounds of Front Squats unbroken. Due to degradation of form I had to break the rest of the rounds up. Couldn't keep from bending over due to muscle fatigue.

The rest of the rounds were broken up like so...
15 reps: 10-5
12 reps: 9-3
9 reps: 6-3
6 reps: 6 unbroken
3 reps: 3 unbroken

Total Time as Rx'd: 19:27

Definitely one of the toughest WODs I've done due to the time element, load, and reps Rx'd...but I think it is one of my favorites so a sick, twisted, glutten for punishment sort of way.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Complete three rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters

Was shooting for as close to 30 minutes as possible and failed miserably. The Pull-ups and 800m runs killed me. I felt like I was doing a 400m shuffle followed by a 400m jog...there was, by no means, any running involved. If you would have told me 6 months ago I would be considering an 800m run a chance to recover, I would have laughed at you and called you stupid...but that is exactly what it felt like, a chance to least the first 400m. I was able to get into my grove and stride out a little more on the back half.

Here is how it all unfolded...

The Squat Cleans were all legit and came out like so...
1st round: 30 unbroken
2nd round: 11-10-9
3rd round: 12-8-6-4

Pull-ups looked something like...
1st round: 12-12-6
2nd round: 8-8-8-6
3rd round: 7-8-6-6-3

Split (elapsed) times:
1. 8:15 (8:15)
2. 13:05 (21:20)
3. 14:12 (35:32)

Total Time: 35:32...much room for improvement!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Lost my Mojo somewhere between finishing Randy and starting this one. Got up to 180 on Shoulder Press (20lbs less than last time), 215 on PP (I did 230 2 times, but did not get the third. I did 235 5 times last time), and Did not do the Push Jerks. My mind wasn't in it, so I called it a day.

Gonna go home and get some rest...gotta go Badger hunting in the morning...


Trying to make-up for lost time here. Been out of town celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary. Ended up takin a couple extra rest days.

Make-up WOD #1: Randy

75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time.

Time: 4:10

Was hoping to be under 5 min with the possibility of breaking 4min. Made the first goal, but came short of the second. Maybe next time. Going to do today's WOD and will post results shortly...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Woke up this morning and ran with the Cross Country team. It was a beautiful morning for a run. Couldn't have asked for a better morning.

I do not have my time from the last 10K back in January recorded. I don't think I had started my WOD blog by then. I do remember that I ran it in the park, it was cold, there was snow on the ground, and I only ran 6 miles instead of 6.2. I believe my time was around 61-63 minutes or so, but that is just a guestimate. I know it was not below 60min but I don't think it was more than a few minutes over.

Thanks to Coach Bandy, I ran exactly 6.2 miles today. He marked it off for me.

Today's time: 56:36

I know not all factors were equal, but I ran a little farther in less time than last time so I am pleased. I feel like I was talking to others a little too much in the beginning and was running pretty leisurely rather than for time, but then again, I may not have ran as well if I had been alone either. Suffering in company is much better than suffering alone for sure.

Not gonna lie...I'm hoping another 10K doesn't come up again for a few months...