Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday 4/29 - OPT Repears - Day 52

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A1. Seated BB OH Press Wave-load - 6,4,2,6,4,2 @ 31X2; rest 3min

A2. WTD CTB (NG) Chin-ups @30X2; 4-5 x 6; rest 3min

B. HR Push-ups and CTB PUs
HR PUs - 30-20-10
CTB Pull-ups - 20-15-10
Time: 9:40ish

PM Training:
A1. Bench Press - 3 x 3+
135-155-175 (x6)
A2. 3-position Band Separates x 5-10 in each position. 
(Red Band)

B1. PC - 3 x 3+
95-125-155-170-190 (x 15)
B2. GHD Sit-ups - 4 x 10

C1. Push-ups - 2 x 30
C2. SLDL - 2 x 10/leg @ 44# KB
C3. Reverse BW Lunges - 2 x 10 (5/leg)

Conditioning: 10 min Run at the track (mile in 8:53)

AM Notes:
I mostly stuck to the rest periods, but also got caught up grading and responding to emails between sets. I was pleased with the pull-ups. The set at 44# was not as Rx'd. My chest was not pinned against the bar, but I did hold it at the top for 2 seconds before the descent.

Press felt pretty good. Wasn't sure how it would go in the beginning when I first started. It felt a little wonky, but by the end I was wishing I would have pushed it a little more. I did do a single at 145# that wasn't hard, but I got out of my grove and sat around too long before it. I had almost moved on mentally.

I just slogged through the HRPU and CTB Pull-up couplet. My hands were pretty raw and I need to file down my callouses. I cut all sets up due to the threat of tearing a callous. I'm older and wiser now and am not about that life anymore. I'd rather break it up and get a slower time than tear a callous and have to accommodate for or train around it.

PM Notes: I'm really enjoying training with the family and lifting with Cael! They are all getting yoked!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Liberator Challenge Family Workout

RPR, Movement Prep

Liberator Challenge WOD:
4 rounds of:
12 KBS (Russian) - 1.5 pd
12 Tricep Extensions - 1.5 pd
24 Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunges - 1.5 pd
24 Russian Twists - 1.5 pd
Time: 6:52

Good little WOD. I did forward lunges on the first round and then switched to reverse lunches. Note-to-self...reverse lunges are much faster. The Russian Twists were the hardest part.

Monday 4/27 - OPT Repeats - Day 51

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep
AM Training:
A1. Hang Squat Snatch (above the knee) - 3 x 3; rest 2-3 min

A2/B. Back Squat - 5 x 3 @ 30X1; rest 3-4 min
WU Sets: 45-95-135-185-225-275 x 3; 315 x 2, 340 x 1
Work Sets: 365-385-405-385-365(x5)

C. Omni Toes to Bar - 5 x 12; rest 1 min
As Rx'd

PM Workout with the Fam
A1. BS - 3 x 3
A2. SA DB Bench Press - 3 x 10/arm

B1. HPC - 3 x 3
B2. Med Ball Slams - 3 x 15

C1. Rear Elevated Split Squats - 2 x 10/leg (bwt)
C2. Box Jumps - 2 x 10 (on tire)
C2. Farmer's Carry - D/B @ 70#/hand x 2

D. 40 yard Sprints x 10; walk back

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday 424 - OPT Repeats - Day 50

A. Power Clean Waveload - 3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1;

Wave 1: 205-220-235 (-15)
Wave 2: 215-230-245 (F x 3; pulled it high enough, just couldn't force myself to get under it and rack it...)
Wave 3 (HPC): 225-240-255-265 (F x 2)

rest 2 min

B. 10 burpees AFAP; rest 40 sec x 5
Each set of 10 took approximately 20sec of work; rest as Rx'd

D. 10 --> 1 of:
Wall Ball - 20#
Russian KBS - 70#
Time: 3:57 (compared to 4:20 in 6/2010) 

C. Row 1K‬‪ ‬‪Training (Sub 100 45# BB SDLHP)...still yet to do...maybe later

Just don't feel like I have the sustained repeatability like I used to on the top end. Maybe I need to train in those ranges more often in order to improve the neural efficiency of it. Just hard to train it all.

I am pleased with the Finisher WOD. That's a decent PR. And felt like I could have pushed the pace a little faster if I had to do it all over again.

Planning on hitting Cael's sets today on PP, DL and Aux work.

Tuesday and Wednesday 4/21 & 4/22 - Liberator Challenge WO and OPT Repeat - Day 49

Tuesday 4/21 - Liberator Challenge WOD
5 rounds of
10 Push-ups
10 Body Squats
10 Planks - Knee to Opposite Elbow
10 Burpees
10 KBS
10 Body Rows
20 Lunges
Time: 12:24

Wednesday 4/22 - OPT Repeat Day 49

A. 20 min at Z1-2 on Exercise Bike

B1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 40X0; 16" - build to a 1RM: rest as needed


B2. Strict Pronated Chin Ups - build to a 1RM; rest as needed

BWx3; 35x3; 55x1; 75x1; 95x1; 105x1ish (not quite chin over...more at)

rest 10 min

B1. 85% Close Grip Bench Press - amrap x 1 set @ 40X0; rest as needed

85% of 185: 155# x 8 reps

B2. 85% Strict Chin Ups @ 40X0 - amrap x 1 set; rest as needed

85% of 100: 85# x 3 reps (+1 compared to 2010)

Notes: Lib WO was pretty good. Lunges were a bog though. Don't really want to talk about the was abysmal. Chin-ups were supposed to be Pronated, but I misread and thought they were supposed to be supinated so I opted for NG since I cannot do supinated on our bars. Still got work in though.

Completed work sets with Cael on BP (165x10) and PC (185x5); then we ran for our 10 min again this week.

Monday 4/20 - OPT Repeats - Day 48

 RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Build to a tough 1 in the back squat - high bar @ 40X0
WU: 135-185-225 x 3; 275x2

315-345-365-385-405-425 (+60 from 2010)

rest 10 min

B. Take 85% of this score and perform AMRAP @ 40X0 (the X in this amrap test is intent and not speed, weight may just get there but NO rest at top and adhere to lowering speed)

85% of 405: 345 x 6 @ 40X0 (same reps at +30#)

rest 10 min

C. DB Split Squat @ 3010; amrap/leg @ 1/3 BWT per hand with DB's -1 set per leg; rest 2 min b/t legs(warm up to get to this weight by performing a few reps before hand with increasing loads)

70# DB Split Squat AMRAP: 15 Left Leg, 15 Right Leg (15 less per leg...not sure if I stuck to the cadence in 2010 or I was just being a wiener this time around...but dang...I wouldn't think I was 15 reps worse than 10 years ago!!!)

D. Sorensen test - amsap - 1 attempt (get into your back extension machine, tuck chin in, cross hands at chest elbows pointing down and hold the static position for as long as possible WITHOUT lowering from the table top position at top)‬‪

Sorensen test AMSAP: 120 seconds (+40 seconds compared t0 2010)

E. Bonus Finisher WOD
20 -> 1 of
Russian KBS - 70#
Time: 13:25

Pleased with the BS portion, confused about the Split Squats, Pleased with Sorenson...should have pushed longer...that finisher was rough on the grip!

Saturday 4/18 - Aerobic Capacity - Airdyne Intervals

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

Exercise Bike Intervals
10 min @ Z1
22 min @ :30 sec hard pace; :30 sec spin
10 min @ Z1

Friday 4/17 - OPT Repeats - Day 47

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep


Phase 1 - “3-RM Snatch & AMRAP Burpees”

Competitors will have 10 minutes to find their 3-RM Snatch (either power or full is fine). All 3 consecutive lifts must be completed in 40 seconds or less.

- The first 3 minutes of Phase 1 can be used only to load the barbell and warm-up.

- The remaining 7 minutes of Phase 1 can be used to score as many points as possible.

- Points will be given for amount (in lbs.) of 3-RM Snatch achieved, and one point will be given for every Burpee performed during the 7 minutes.

Example – Athlete A successfully achieves a 3-RM Snatch of 175 lbs. and utilizes the remaining time to complete a total of 35 Burpees. Athlete A will earn a total score of 210 points (175 +35) for Phase 1 of the Challenge.

*** Competitors will rest exactly 3 minutes before beginning Phase 2 of the Challenge.

Phase 2 - “Ten Minute Capacity Test”

Perform the following movements, in order, for max reps (or calories), resting exactly 60 seconds between each station:

- 4 Minute Row (for Calories) - Sub Burpees for calorie rows
- 3 Minutes of COVP Pull-Ups
- 2 Minutes of Bodyweight Back Squat (3/4 BWT for females)
- 1 Minute of 135/95 lb. Push Press or Jerk

Example – Athlete A rows 86 calories, performs 82 pull-ups, 41 back squats, and 19 overhead presses. Athlete A will earn a total score of 228 points (86+82+41+19) for Phase 2 of the Challenge.

The athletes’ scores from Phases 1 and 2 will be added together to create their final challenge score. The athlete with the highest total score will be the winner.

Example – Athlete A scored 210 points in Phase 1 and 228 points in Phase 2. Athlete A’s final score for the Challenge is 438 points (210 +Training for Monday 10-11:


Phase 1: 155# x 3 on Snatch + 41-42 burpees = 191-192 (same or minus 1 compared to 2010 @ 185 + 7)

Phase 2: 58 Burpees (-10) + 57 COVP Pull-ups (+4) + 30 BS @ 205# (+8) + 10 PP @ 135# (-5) = 155 total reps (compared to 158 in 2010)

Total (Phase 1 + Phase 2): 191-192 + 155 = 346-47 (compared to 350 from 2010)

Overall reps were pretty comparable. However, my snatch was pretty low, Burpees in the 4 min were less...but possibly because I had already done almost 50 right before that. After transitioning b/t movements, my rest times were probably more like 1:30 - 2:00 min instead of 1 min

Wednesday 4/15 - OPT Repeats - Day 46

RRP, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. 20 min @ Z1 on the Exercise Bike

Halting DL Variations @ 1113
B. Snatch Grip DL

C. Clean Grip Variation

D. 21-15-9 of
DL - 225#
Med Ball Slams - 20#
HR Push-ups
Time: 4:09ish

PM: 10 min run with the Fam

Didn't really pause in the middle, just pulled slow and controlled trying to feel the positions. Subbed out KBS for the Med Ball Slams. The HR push-ups buried me. I was at muscle failure waaayyy before metabolic failure. I wasn't breathing very hard at the end due to it taking me so long to finish the Push-ups.

Monday 4/13 - OPT Repeats - Day 45

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Front Squat @ 30X2; 3,2,1; rest 5 min

WU x 3 with 30X2: 45-135-185-225-255
Work Sets: 285-315-345 (+35 from 10/8/10)

B. CTB Chin Ups - 15 fast x 3; rest 2 min

15-15-10+5 (rested longer than 2 min)

C. Row Sprints; 15 sec @ 110% effort; rest 2:45 x 3‬‪ ‬‪‪
Subbed Exercise Bike in the Garage @ same Rx.

PM: 10 x 40yd Sprints with the Fam

I can tell I'm definitely stronger at the strength lifts, but do not have the repeatability/engine for the PUs like I used to or the technical efficiency for the Oly lifts compared to 10 years ago. Not sure if it is due to mobility or desire.

Sunday 4/12 - Aerobic Capacity - Airdyne Intervals

10 min @ Z1
21 rounds @
:30 seconds hard pace
:30 second spin
10 min @ Z1

Friday 4/10 - OPT Repeats - Day 44

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Clean and Jerk - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min

Rd 1: 185-195-205-215
Rd 2: 185-195-205-215

B. Clean Pulls - 2 sets x 2 reps: rest 3 min


C. Snatch Balance @ 60%; 2 sets of 3 reps; rest 2 min‬‪ ‬‪


Overhead just isn't where it used to be...and my motivation is waning a bit having to go it alone all the time. But, I'm grateful for the opportunity and a healthy body. I can grind this out.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Wednesday 4/8 - Tire Flips and Sledgehammer Swings

Warm-up: RPR, 5 min Jump Rope, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. 50 Tire Flips for time (in weight room)
Time: 4:09ish

B. Sledgehammer Work
5 sets of 5 rounds of 
Low Swing Right (transverse)
High Swing Right
Low Swing Left 
High Swing Right
rest 1 min between sets

C. Jogged 10 min with the kids later in the day

Monday 4/6 - OPT Repeat Day 43

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Snatch - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min

Rd 1: 135x2, 145x2, 155x1, 165x1
Rd 2: 135x2, 145x2, 155x1, 165x1, 

B. Snatch Pulls - 2 sets x 2 reps: rest 3 min

B. 225-245-265-285 (used straps)

C. Back Squat @ 90%; 2 sets of 1 rep; rest 3 min‬‪
45-135-185-225 x 3; 275 x 2, 315x1, 355x1, 385x1, 415x1, 415x1
(plus 10# from last week)

10 40yd Sprints; walk back

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sunday 4/5 - Conditioning

Warm-up: See first 10 min

40 min on the Exercise Bike
10 min @Z1-Z2
20 rounds of 30sec hard pace, 30 sec Spin
10 min @Z1-Z2

Friday 4/3 - OPT Repeats Day 42

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Deadlift - 5 x 3; rest 3-4 min

B. 5 Rounds of
5 DL - 275#
10 Burpees AFAP
Time: 3:09

Previous times that I could find include
7/7/10: 2:52.92
10/2/10: 2:39.99 was 
11/30/15: 3:08

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wednesday 4/1 - OPT Repeats Day 41

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. AMRAP GHD Sit-ups in 1 min
28 (compared to 32 in 2010)

B. AMRAP Back Squat @ 225# in 4 min
51 (compared to 42 back in 2010)

C. AMRAP Double Unders in 7 min - Subbed Single Unders after 25 DUs
428 (25 DU + 403 Single Unders)

D. AMRAP Muscle-ups in 10 min - Subbed Burpee Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
43 (compared to 23 in 2010)

Lots of subs today. I should have pushed harder on the GHD Sit-ups. I hadn't done any of those in years, and was curious to how they would be. They really weren't bad, I just settled into a rhythm and forgot to really push it. 

Back Squat went well. I did put a belt on this time because I didn't want mt core to be the limiting factor. I hit 12 reps, then racked it, took 5-10 breaths each minute until the last minute and just kept going until time ran out.

I attempted the DUs but could not get a rhythm to save my life, so in the name of getting some work done, I decided to just get as many single skips as I could.

I have sworn off Ring Muscle-ups due to my shoulder. The Dynamic plane is not a good thing for me at this stage of my life. I would have done bar MUs, but our pull-up bars are angled really funny and make them a bit interesting. It's not apples to apples, and the skill aspect isn't even in the same universe, but I did hit almost 20 more reps than last time. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Monday 3/30 - OPT Repeats - Day 40

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Power Snatch - 2 x 4(5) sets 75-80%; rest 3 min


B. Power Clean + Power Jerk - 1.1 x 4 sets; rest 3 min
95-115-135-165-185-205-225 (no power jerk on 185-225)

C. Med Ball Reverse Overhead Throws and PC Practice; 2 PC + 3 OHT/set x 12 sets; rest 1-2 min‬‪
185+3 x 2
190+3 x 2
195+3 x 2
200+3 x 2
205+3 x 2
210+3 x 2

Sprint Row 35 sec @ 95-100% (Subbed Air Bike)
Rest 2:25 x 3

rest 6 min

Sprint Row 35 sec @ 95-100% (Subbed Air Bike)
Rest 2:25 x 3

Today was a cluster. First day of "Distance Learning" and I made the mistake of checking my email before I went in to train so I was fielding questions and emails the whole workout. It really messed with my mental mojo. Just wasn't in it.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Saturday 3/28 - The Chief

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep


The Chief
5 sets of AMRAP in 3min of:
3 PC, 135#
6 Push-ups
9 Body Squats
Rest 1min between rounds.

Rounds/set: 5-5-5-5-5

Notes: Nowhere near the engine of 10 years ago...that's for sure...

Friday 3/27 - OPT Repeats - Day 39

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Muscle* Snatch - 3 x 3; rest 3 min

B. Front Squat @ 30X1; 1, 1, 1; rest 5 min
45-95-135-185-225 x 3; 275-315-325-335 x 1

C. 20 UB Chin-ups; rest 2 min x 6


The MS turned into more of a high PS. There was definitely a drop and a punch/catch. Front Squat wen ok. 335 is the most I've done in some time. 

Ran out of gas on the Chin-ups. Got through 4 rounds as Rx'd, but couldn't finish the job...

Wednesday 3/25 - Deadlift Day

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Deadlift - 5 x 3
(135-225-275-315-355) 385-405-425-445-465

B. 21-15-9
Deadlift - 225#
Time: Approximately 4min

Notes: Can't remember exact time, but it was around the 4min mark I think. Maybe a little under.

Monday 3/23 - OPT Repeat - Day 38

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Clean and Jerk - (65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75% x 1, 80% x 1) x 2; rest 3 min
185-200-215-225(f on jerk)

B. Snatch Balance @ 60% - 4 x 3; rest 2 min

C. Clean Pulls - 3 x 2

D. Lizzie (Modified)
12-9-6 of 
PC - 185#
Ring Dips (subbed HRPUs)
Time: 3:30ish

Notes: I am about a week behind posting so this is all from recall. I may be off a bit.

Friday 3/20 - OPT Repeats Day 37 & Saturday 3/21

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A Snatch - 65% x 2, 70% x 2, 75%, x 1, 80% x 1; x 2, rest 3 min
(135-145-155-165) x 2

B. Back Squat - 2 x 1 @ 90%
135-185-225-275x3; 315x2, 350x1, 380x1, 405x1, 405x1

C. Snatch Pulls - 3 x 2

Saturday Family Work out
Tabata this and that!
KB Swings - 12-12-12-12-13-13-13-13
Push-ups - 14-14-14-14-14-15-16-20
Squat Jumps - 10-12-12-12-12-12-12-14
Body Rows - 8-8-8-7-7-7-6-6
Jump Lunges - 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-14

Notes: We we sore after this...