Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catalyst Masters Program Week 1, Day 2

Wednesday 11-30

Halting Snatch Deadlift + Mid-Hang Snatch  + Paused OHS – 70% x 2 x 5
Snatch Deadlift – 100% x 5 x 3
Muscle Snatch + snatch balance + OHS – 5 x 3
Push Press + Jerk – 60% x 2 x 3

HSDL+MHS+Paused OHS- 95-115-135-150-165-165-165-165-165
MS+SB+ 1 1/4 OHS - 135-145-155-165-175
PP+Jerk - 185-185-185
SDL - 235-235-235

Monday, November 28, 2011

Catalyst Master's Program Week 1, Day 1

Monday 11-28

Snatch – 70% x 2 x 2, 75% x 3 x 2
Snatch Pull – 80% x 5 x 3
Front Squat – 70% x 3 x 3

Core Training:
3 rounds of:
AB Wheel x 20
Topside Half-moons (45# Plate) x 20 (10 each side)

Snatch: 95-115-135-150-160 x 2, 165 x 2 x 2; 175 x 3 x 2
FS: 225-245-265-265-265-245-225
Snatch Pull: 185 x 5 x 3

Core Training as Rx'd

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day Deadlift and Box Jump Retest

Thursday 11-24 (Happy Thanksgiving)

5 rounds of:
10 DL - TnG (Increase weight each set so last is 100% effort)
10 30" Box Jumps
rest 6 min b/t rounds

DL - 365-380-395-410-425* (10# increase from last time)
Box Jumps as Rx'd

* Last set was 8 TnG + 1 + 1 with 4-5 sec between reps. I almost put a belt on, and now I wish I had so I could have gotten all 10 TnG. Back was just fatiguing and needed tension to be taken off for a moment. Box jumps were fun coming off the failed 20RM bring on the FOOD!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 12, Day 35

Wednesday 11-23

Snatch - 85-95% x 1 x 4
Clean & Jerk - 75% x 1 x 3
Back Squat - 3-3-3-3-1-1-1
Back Squat 20RM
Clean Pulls - 90% x 3 x 3

Snatch - 95x2, 115x2, 135x2, 155x2, 175x2, 190x2, 205x1x2, 215x1x2
C/J - 225-225-225
BS - 315-335-355-365-380-395-410
20RM - 325 x 18*
CP - 275-275-275

Snatch went ok, just wasn't feeling the c&j today. Stayed at 75%. BS ended with a 15# PR. 20 RM was  Fail today. Got through 18 reps and went for the 19th and had to dump it...I was shaking all over between reps after 15-16 and gutted out a few more. time I plan on hitting a 20 RM , don't go for a ME 1 RM.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

RPT Training Day

Tuesday 11-22

Standing Press: 87.5%-77.5%-67.5%
Weighted Chins: 75-65-55-Dead Hang AMRAP
Weighted Dips: 75-65-55-45
KBS Breathing Ladder - 70#

SP: 175x4, 155x10, 135x14 (28 total)
Wtd. Chins: 75x4, 65x5, 55x6, DH AMRAP x 11
Wtd. Dips: 75x8, 65x8, 55x8, 45x8
KBS Breathing Ladder - up to 15 swings

I guess I wasn't warmed up enough on the first set of SP. I should have gotten more than 4 reps if I can take 10% off and do 2.5 times the number of reps. Just gotta dial in more I guess.

Wtd. Chins and Dips are a bane of mine. I just reach a critical drop off point on both where no matter how heavy the wt. is, I get a cerntain rep range and all the reps look the same.

KBS breathing ladder was a good little blow. Monkey jumped on around the set of 12...good idea Ben!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 12, Day 34

Monday 11-21

Snatch - work up to 90+% x 1
Clean and Jerk - Work up to 85% x 1
Front Squat - RPT
Snatch Pulls - 90% x 3 x 3
Snatch Deadlift - 100% x 3 x 3

Snatch: 95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 155x2, 170x2, 185x2, 195x1, 205x1, 215x1
C/J: 195x2, 225x1, 255x1
FS: 305x4, 270x8, 235x12
Sn Pulls: 195-195-195
Sn DL: 235-235-235

Friday, November 18, 2011

Reverse Pyramid Training Day

Friday 11-18

Reverse Pyramid Training
AMRAP DL (-2) 85%, 75%, 65%
AMRAP Press 87.5%, 77.5%, 67.5%
AMRAP Pull-ups 85%, 75%, 65%, 55%

Core Circuit x 4 rounds
A1. Ab Wheel x 15
A2. DB (70#) Side Bends x 15
A3. Hollow Rocks x 20
A4. Push-ups x 25

DL: 435 x 6, 385 x 9, 335 x 15
Press: 175 x 4, 155 x 7, 135 x 11
Wtd. Chins: 85# x 4, 75# x 4, 65# x 5, 55# x 5

Core Circuit as Rx'd

Notes: Tried my hand at some RPT. I didn't really know what to expect. Feel like I short changed myself a bit more than I should have on the DL. I used straps, wasn't really mentally dialed in, and cut my reps before I probably should have. At least I have a baseline for next time I do this.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 11, Day 33

Thursday 11-17

Snatch - Max Effort
Clean and Jerk - Max Effort
Back Squat - Max Effort
SLDL - 3 x 5

Snatch - 95-125-145-165-175-185-195-205-215-220-225(fx3)
C/J - 205-225-245-260-275-285*-300*
BS - 135-225-275-315-345-365-385-295-405(fx2)
SLDL - tabled it for next time

Didn't have a miss on snatch until I hit 225#. Then the wheels came off. Just didn't have my mind dialed in for it. I pulled it high enough but just didn't have the guts to drive my head through on the catch.

Clean felt good today. Jerk was solid until 275. It was a little shaky at the top. Pulled 285 easily but missed the jerk. Went ahead and attempted 300# for the clean. That is a 5# PR from last week. Didn't even attempt the jerk.

Felt rushed on the BS. I should have maxed out last time I squatted when I was really feeling it. 395 is still a PR. Last week I did 385 and was wanting more. Last time we maxed I only hit 375.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Tuesday 11-15

4 min AMRAP @ 80%:
7 KBS - 1.5pd
7 burpees
rest 4 min
4 min AMRAP @ 80%:
15 double unders
10 toes to bar
rest 4 min
4 min AMRAP @ 80%:
Row 150 m... (15 SDLHP)
10 push ups
rest 4 min
4 min AMRAP @ 80%:
10 step ups with sandbag... (step up on bench w/45# plate)
7 chin ups

Found a pace I could hold that was just above comfortable and stuck with it. Maybe around 80-85%. Good one to grease the gears and ease back into the work capacity training.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 11, Day 32

Monday 11-14

Power Clean - 75% x 2 x 5
Snatch Balance - Max for the day
Clean Pulls - 95% x 3 x 3

3 Rounds, not rest;
20 KTEs
20 Topside Half Moons

PC: 225-225-225-225-225
SB: 235-185x3, 215-220
CP: 285-285-285

Core work as Rx'd

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Saturday 11-12

4 rounds of
3 Push-Press
10 Burpees AFAP
rest 4 min b/t rounds
(Increase load each round making final round 100% effort)

4 rounds of
3 DL TnG
25 Double Unders
rest 5 min b/t rounds
(Increase load each round making final round 100% effort)

Body Circuit:
10 HSPUs
10 Strict Chin-ups
25 UA Sit-ups

PP - 215-225-240-255(x2)-245(x1)
Burpees as Rx'd

DL - 315-365-395-425-445-460-480-495(x2)-510(1RM)
DU - 20-30-25-30-25

Missed on twice on the 3rd PP @ 255#. Wasn't planning on going for a ME DL today, but I will take it when I can get it.

Body Circuit as Rx'd

Friday, November 11, 2011

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 10, Day 31

Friday 11-11

Snatch - 90-95%
Clean & Jerk - 90-95%
Back Squat - 90% x 1 x 5
Back Squat - 20 RM

One-Legged KB SLDL, 3 x 8
AB Wheel, 3 x 15

Snatch - 95-115-135-155-175-190-200-210-215-220
C/J - 205-230-250-265-280-285*-295*
BS - 225-275-315-340-365-365-375-375-385
BS 20 RM - 305#*

Core Training:
OL-SLDL - 60# KB
AB Wheel as Ex's

Used a belt on the C/J after 230# and after 340# on BS. Also used a belt on the 20RM attempt. The belt definitely helped. Don't know if I would have gotten the last few without it. I could feel it in my core.

Had to finish the core training at home.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 10, Day 30

Wednesday 11-9

Power Snatch - 75% x 2 x 5
Jerk - 75% x 2 x 5
Snatch Pull - 95% x 3 x 3
Ab Work of Choice

Work Capacity WOD:
3 Rounds, no rest:
10 Box Jumps - 24"
10 Pull-ups

PS - 95-115-135-155-165-175-175-175-180-185
Jerk - 185-205-225-235-245-255-265
Snatch Pull - 235-235-235

Core Training:
Ab Wheel x 15
DB Side Bends x 15/Side (75#)

Work Capacity WOD: as Rx'd

Monday, November 7, 2011

Catralyst General Oly Cycle, Week 10 Day 29

Monday 11-7

Snatch - 85-90%
Clean and Jerk - 85-90%
Front Squat - 95% x 1 x 2
Ab Work of Choice

Snatch - 95-125-145-165-185-205-215
C/J - 215-235-250-265-275(clean only)-285(f)*
FS - 185-235-265-285-305-320-335-345**-350**
Ab Work - TBA

*Kept losing my front rack on the clean. My fingers would pop off the bar on my right side with my jacked up wrist. The 285# felt light coming off the floor and I felt decent in the bottom, but my elbows dropped and popped my grip off the bar on the way up. Need to really focus on high elbows and speeding them through.

Snatch was frustrating today. Wrist and shoulders are tight. Went for 225, but didn't dial in for it. Pretty anemic effort today.

**Put a belt on for these sets. 335# is s 5# PR for a raw FS and 350# is an all-time best.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

DL Variartions, Box Jumps, Shoulder Press, & Wtd. Chin-ups

Saturday 11-5

A1. Halting Snatch-grip DL x 3
A2. 30" Box Jumps x 5
A3. Platform Clean-grip DL
B1. Waveload Shoulder Press 5, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1
B2. Weighted Chin-ups x 5-5-5-3-3-3-3-3
C1. AMRAP Shoulder Press - 135#
C2. AMRAP Dead Hang Chin-ups

A1. 135-185-225-275-305-335-365-380
A2. 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5
A3. 135-225-275-315-345-375-390-405-420(x1)
B1. 165-180-190-175-195(1)-190(1)-200(PPx1)
B2. 55-55-55-80-80-80-100(x1)-80(x2)-80-80
C1. 14 reps
C2. 12.5

Friday, November 4, 2011

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 9, Day 28

Friday 11-4

Snatch - 90% x 1 x 4
Clean & jerk - 90% x 1 x 4
Pause back squat (3 sec pause) x 2RM
Stiff-Legged DL -3 x 5

Metcon: For 5 minutes with 1 barbell:

5 deadlift
5 power clean
5 push press
5 front squat
30 sec rest

Snatch: 95-130-155-170-185-195-205-215-215-215-215
C/J: 215-235-255-270-270-270-270
PBS: 135-225-275-315-335-345-355*-365
SLDL: Hope to hit later, no time.

Metcon: Again, maybe tomorrow, no time.

Catalyst General Oly Cycle Week 9, Day 27

Wednesday 11-2

Clean from blocks or mid-hang - 70% x 2 x 5
Clean pull - 95% x 3 x 5
Snatch balance - max for day; 80% of that x 2 x 3
Planks - front/side x max x 2

MHC: 215-215-215-215-215
CP: 285-285-285-285-285
SB: 95-135-185-215-235-255(f); 225 x 2 x 3
Planks: No time