Monday, April 30, 2012

Oly Deload and Wendler Phase 2, Week 1

Monday 4-30

A. Snatch - 65% x 2 x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 65% x 2+1 x 3
C. Back Squat - 65% x 5 x 5
D1. Dips - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5 +
D1. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 3

A. 95-140-160-160-160
B. 160-195-195-195
C. 225-285-285-285-285-285
D1. 75-85-95(x7)
D2. 10-11-12 (33)

Did some much needed stretching and mobility work.

Friday, April 27, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 13 - MAX EFFORT DAY

Friday 4-27

A. Snatch - Max Effort
B. Clean and Jerk - Max Effort
C. Back Squat - Max Effort

A. 95-145-170-190-210-225-235-245 (Fx3)
B. 225-250-270-285*-300*
C. 225-295-345-370-390-405-245x30

Today wasn't my best. I thought I was going to PR on snatch with 245#. I came close to hitting it, but felt my low back round/collapse a bit in the bottom position and lost the weight forward. I pulled it high enough and punched under it, but the instability in the bottom killed me. From there I was just mentally my low-back felt pretty fatigued. CJ went like it has the past couple of weeks. Not sure what the deal is, but the jerk portion of the lift has really been a limiting factor for me. I cleaned 285 and 300 but the jerk just didn't happen for me. Thinking next cycle I will stay true to the percentages and not try to ratchet it up.

Felt like my mental focus along with my low back was pretty torched by the time I got to squat. I wanted to hit a PR, but I think I knew in the back of my head it wasn't going to happen. 405# felt tougher than it should have...I had planned to hit 420 and then 430 for a 5-10# PR, but I ended up dumping the 420 and didn't even attempt to come out of the hole. When I would unrack the weight I could feel my low back compress and it was a weird feeling. Decided to cut my losses and live to fight another day. Ready for a Deload!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 12

Wednesday 4-25

A. Snatch - 90% x 1
B. Clean and Jerk - 90% x 1
C. Front Squat - 95% x 1 x 2

A. 95x2, 145x2, 170x2, 190-210-220
B. 225-245-265-275-285
C. 225-275-295-315-330

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 11

Tuesday 4-24

A. Power Snatch - 75% x 2 x 3
B. Power Clean + Jerk - 75% x 2 x 3
C. Snatch Balance - Max for the Day

A. 185-185-185
B. 225-235-245
C. 95-135-165-185-205-225-245-265-280-290-300(PR)

Monday, April 23, 2012

General Cycle: Week 4, Day 10

Monday 4-23

A. Snatch - 95% x 1
B. Clean and Jerk - 95% x 1
C. Back Squat - 90% x 1 x 5

A. 95x2, 140x2, 165x2, 185-205-215-225-235
B. 225-245-265*-275-285
C. 135 x 3, 245 x 3, 305 x 2, 345 x 1, 375 x 1, 395-400-405-410-415

Clean and Jerk gave me some fits. I actually missed the 265 then hit the 275 on the second jerk attempt after the clean. I hit 285 with no problems and stopped there. I hadn't hit 285# in the last two workouts so I called it a day.

Squat felt good today...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wendler Deload and Skill Work

Friday 4-20

A. Press - 50-60-70% x 5
B. Deadlift - 50-60-70% x 5

3 Rounds @ conversation pace:
C1. Muscle-ups x 3 (5 rounds)
C2. OH Walking Lunges x 16 steps
C3. Stiff-Legged DL x 6

3 Rounds @ conversation pace:
D1. Back Levers x 3
D2. Double Unders
D3. Chin-ups x 10
D4. Ring Dips x 10

A. 95-115-135
B. 265-315-365

C1. as Rx' little kip as possible.
C2. 95-105-115
C3. 285-285-285

D1. 2-legs out, 1-leg tucked, both legs tucked
D2. 25-30-45 (100 total)
D3. 10-10-9+ 1 with a slight kip
D4. 10-10-7+3 with a kip

Thursday, April 19, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 9


A. Snatch - 90-98% x 1 x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 90% x 1 x 3
C. Pause Back Squat - 2RM (3 sec in the hole)
D. Stiff-Legged DL - 3 x 6

A. 95-140-165-185-205-215-225-235
B. 235-255-275-285*-285*-285*
C. 225-275-325-355-375-390x1-225x25
D. Ran out of time...

*Clean only. Failed on the jerk on all three. Freakin between my ears. I threw 275# up no problem. 285# should have been doable. Hit 290# last week...frustrating. Need to quit being a marshmallow and pull the trigger. I did a couple of jerks at 225 and 235 while warming up for the squat...just to get a little work in.

Snatch felt good today though. Once I hit the 235, it didn't feel bad at all. I was a little unstable and took a step on the way up.

Went for a 5#PR on the PBS. My first rep was only 2 seconds and I went for the second and just dumped it. Figured if I didn't stay in the hole for 3 seconds on the first rep, the second wasn't going to be much better.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 8

Tuesday 4-17

A. Mid-Hang Snatch - 65% x 2 x 3
B. Mid-Hang Clean - 65% x 2 x 3
C. Snatch Balance - 80% x 2 x 3
D1. Wtd. Dips (50-60-70%) - 3 x 5
D2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - 3 x AMRAP (-1)
D3. Halting Clean DL - 80% x 4 x 3

A. 95-125-140-155-155-155
B. 155-185-205-205-205
C. 95-135-170-195-210-220-220-220
D1. 50-60-70
D2. 11-10-11
D3. 255-255-255

Monday, April 16, 2012

General Cycle: Week 3, Day 7

Monday 4-16

A. Snatch - 90-95%
B. Clean and Jerk - 90%
C. Front Squat - 90% x 2 x 3

A. 95x3, 135x3, 165 x 2, 185-200-210-220-230
B. 235-255-275-285*-285*-285*
C. 135-225-275-295-315-295-295

* Clean only. I missed the jerk on the first two sets of C/J and didn't even attempt the third one. Mind just wasn't in it this morning. I need to make sure I am more dialed in and focused than I was this morning. Tweaked my low left back a little on the last clean. I received the bar a little too far out in front of me and it bent me over a bit. Instead of dumping it I fought it and came up with it.

Ended up backing off on the FS trying to do some damage control and be able to lift the rest of the week.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Windler Week 3: Press, Deadlift, Wtd. Pull-ups, Wtd. Dips, SLDL, OH Walking Lunges, GHD Sit-ups, and Back Extensions

Friday 4-13

A. Press - 5-3-1+
B. Deadlier - 5-3-1+
C1. Wtd. Pull-ups - 3 x 5
C2. Wtd. Dips @ X150 - 3 x 5
C3. Stiff-Legged DL - 3 x 5
D1. OH Walking Lunges - 3 x One Length of Weight room
D2. GHD Sit-ups - 3 x 15
D3. Back Extensions

A. 145-160-175 x 4
B. 385-440-490 x 5
C1. 75-75-75
C2. 55-55-55 x 6
C3. 275-275-275
D1. 95# x 16, 95# x 16, 95# x 20
D2 - D3. as Rx'd

Thursday, April 12, 2012

General Cycle: Week Two, Day Six

Thursday 4-12

A. Snatch - 90-95% x 1 x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 90-95% x 1 x 3
C. Back Squat - 85-90% x 3 x 3

A. 95-135-165-185-200-215-220-230
B. 230-250-270-280-285-290
C. 375-385-395

Had a rough day today. I missed about three times at 215 then hit 220, jumped to 230, missed, then hit it. Shoulders were soft and a little unstable, but I didn't take a step forward.

Clean felt great today, but the Jerk is another story...I missed the jerk at 270 and 280, then hit it at 285 and 290...although the 290 had a slight press to lock out at the top...shoulders feel pretty fatigued.

Back squat felt really good at 375...which is where I was supposed to be today, but I bumped 10# each set. The last set of 395 felt solid through rep 2...almost racked it, but then went for it. It was ugly, but it came up.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

General Cycle: Week Two, Day Five (+ Windler Dips)

Tuesday 4-10

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65% x 5
B. HPC + Push-Press + Jerk - 70-80% x 5
C1. Wtd. Dips - 5-3-1+
C2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1)
C3. Halting Snatch DL - 80% x 4 x 3
D. Ab Wheel - 3 x 25

A. 95-135-155-155-155-155-155
B. 155-190-225-230-235-240-245
C1. 80-90-100 (x 7)
C2. 10-11-11.75
C3. 195-195-195

Monday, April 9, 2012

Catalyst General Cycle: Week Two, Day 4

Monday 4-9

A. Snatch - 80-90%
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-90%
C. Paused Back Squat - Work to 3RM
D. Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 3 x 8

A. 95-135-135-160-180-195-205-210-220-230
B. 245-260-270-275-285
C. 365-380 (x2)
D. 275-275-275

Windler Week Two: Press, Deadlift, Rack Pulls, Good Mornings, Wtd. Pull-ups and Dips, Body Rows and Reverse Hypers

Friday 4-6

A. Press - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3 +
B. Deadlift - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3 +
C1. Rack Pulls - 3 x 5
C2. Good Mornings - 3 x 5
D1. Wtd Pull-ups - 3 x 5
D2. Wtd Dips - 3 x 5 @ 0X50
E1. Body Rows - 3 x 15-20
E2. Reverse Hypers - 3 x 20

A. 130-150-170 (x6)
B. 365-415-465 (x 8)
C1. 405-475-500
C2. 175-185-195
D1. 70-70-70
D2. 45-45-45
E1. 15*(no straps)-20-20
E2. as Rx'd

Notes: Reminder...Don't go for extra reps once form starts to degrade!!! Last 3 reps of 465 on DL was ugly...especially the last two.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

General Cycle: Week One, Day Three

Thursday 4-5

A. Snatch - 80-90% x 1 x 5
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-90% x 1 x 5
C. Front Squat - 80-85% x 3 x 3

A. 95-135-160-180-200-205-210-215*-220(fx5)
B. 235-255-260-265-270-275
C. 225-275-295-305-315

I don't feel very recovered from Monday's workout. My legs and hips have been pretty tight. Not sure if that is why I struggled with Snatch today or what. I missed 215 once or twice before hitting it pretty cleanly. I should have gotten the 220. I was definitely pulling it high enough, but I don't think I was pulling under the bar as aggressively as I should have. Might be due to tight hips or something.

Clean and jerk felt pretty good by the end and I decided to back off on my FS and go a little lighter than what was Rx'd. I am glad I did. The 315 bent me over my the 3rd rep. There is no way I would have hit 320 x 3 x 3 today.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

General Cycle: Week One, Day Two

Tuesday 4-3

A. 3-Position Clean - 65% x 5
B. Snatch Balance - 75% x 3 x 3
C1. Weighted Dips - 3 x 3
C2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 3
C3. Halting Clean Deadlift - 75% x 5 x 3

A. 205-205-205-205-205
B. 95-135-185-205-205-205
C1. 70-80-90 (7 reps)
C2. 10-11-9
C3. 235-235-235

Monday, April 2, 2012

General Cycle: Week One, Day One

Monday 4-2

A. Snatch - 80-90% x 1 x 5
B. Clean and Jerk - 80-85% x 1 x 5
C. Back Squat - 75% x 5 x 5

A. 95-95-135-160-180-195-195-205-205-215
B. 215-235-250-250-255-255-260
C. 335-335-335-335-335

WWI: 200.2