Thursday, November 25, 2010

OPT Day 70, Clean grip DL 5x3

Training for Thursday 11-25:
Testing: (just did Wall balls and Double Unders yesterday so I am going to pick task 1 up on Saturday)

task 2:
for time within 2 min:
10 BWT OHS unbroken
20 unbroken CTB chin ups
30 GHD sit ups

(if task 2 was completed, move on to task 3 in EXACTLY 2 hours; if task 2 was not completed, your day is done, rest up for next week)

Task 2: as Rx'd in 1:51

20 min time for the full 2 hrs...
task 3:
for time within 6 min for males/7 min for females:
Run 1 mile
15 push up burpees - jump to 12"

(if task 3 was completed, move on to task 4 in EXACTLY 2 hours; if task 3 was not completed, your day is done; rest up for next week)

Task 3: Failed, TT: 9:27. Finished the mile at 7:33. Legs felt heavy today. Hit the 3/4 mile mark at 5:55. Walked from the road to the green carpet after finishing the mile. Used the opened garage door as a 12" reference on the Burpees jumps.

8-10 min time for the Rx'd 2 hours...besides I failed on the previous task and technically should be done...but you can't dangle some DL in front of my face and not expect me to do it...I mean seriously...

task 4: Dead Lift 1RM within 20 minutes from empty bar - highest load wins

Subbed Clean Grip DL x 3 in 20min from an empty bar.
*20min alarm went off. Last set was off the clock.

All reps were clean grip.

Extra Turkey Day Metcon to boost the ol' metabolism prior to the annual Thanksgiving gorge...

as Rx'd: 2:45...planned on doing the CTB Deadlift Fran, but after the set of 21 DL and 5 CTB Pull-ups I bailed and just did the DL portion. My grip and motivation is pretty much spent. Wish I hadn't ran out of steam, but still a good day.

Time to eat...

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