Friday, March 19, 2010

Death by Pull-ups and Hand Stand Push-ups

With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.

Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes successfully completed for each exercise to comments. Their sum is your score.

Yeah I totally missed the, "When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able." Fortunately Ben was there to get me back on track.

As Rx'd: 11 complete rounds + 12 PUs + 10 HSPUs within the one minute time constraints.

Going into this one I decided I was going to do at least 15 rounds of each exercise even if I ran out of time. After I missed the HSPUs on the 12th round I finished the last two and jumped up on the bar to do my 13 PUs. I then flipped over to do my HSPUs and got 10 with the intentions of continuing this until I had at least gotten 15 rounds of each...but fortunately Big Red yelled at me from across the weight room and told me I needed to continue doing Pull-ups...I missed the round of 14 due to the mix-up, jumped back in at 15, but I did 16 by accident, then was back on track for a round of 16-17-18 and failed on the 19th by one pull-up.

Lesson the post's more thorougly!

Pull-ups totals (18 rounds plus + 18 - missed 14th round): 176

HSPUs totals (11 rounds plus 10 + 2 + 10 in the 13-14th round) 88
264 total reps

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