Monday, February 1, 2010

Thrusters, Muscle-ups, and 400m Run

Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Thruster, 5 reps
5 Muscle-ups
Run 400m (actually about 420-30m)

I mulled this one over for quite some time trying to figure out how I was going to do this one. I have rings…I can do muscle-ups…but I haven’t been able to secure a place to mount my rings in the weightroom so I can do MUs during a WOD. I have been going up to our wrestling room and mounting the rings off the rafters to practice MUs on rest days and afternoons when I have time.

In the weightroom I typically mount them in the power rack and work on progressions…that was before I nailed my first MUs a few weeks ago. The thought of having to revert back to doing progessions put a foul taste in my mouth…

That being said, I set the rings up in the rack like I used to except I adjusted them high enough to do Rx’d MUs…I just had to keep my knees bent the whole time. I did have to reset every time because the rings were too low for my comfort to allow me to drop down into full extension without fear of smashing my knees into the floor should my grip fail.

I ended up doing all rounds Rx’d except the last two MUs on the 5th round…I just could not get them to click. I missed about 3-4 times so I adjusted and finished with two kneeling MUs and then took off running.

So…my time…almost Rx’d (did kneeling MUs on last two reps in round 5): 19:10

On the bright side, this was my first WOD requiring MUs that I was able to do…or at least attempt to do as Rx’d. I can’t complain too much…hopefully it will only get better from here. I did cash out with about 5-10 more legit MUs…those two missed MUs are going to haunt me for quite some time I’m afraid…

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