Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wendler Deload + CFFB Lizzie

Sunday 4-27

Wendler Deload
Press 40-50-60% x 5
Deadlift 40-50-60% x 5

12-9-6-3 reps of:
PC - 185#
Ring Dips
Time: 3:43
12-9-6-3 reps of:
Goblet Squat - 70#
Ring Pull-ups
Time: 2:52

Saturday, April 26, 2014

OPT: Week 44, Day Three

Friday 4-25 (from dec 14/15 on OPT)
Day 1
"Combined Jump"
For inches/reps:
10 min establish 3 max distance broad jumps
Rest 1 min
10 min establish 3 amrap sets of DU's unbroken
(scored as total inches for 3 jumps plus total reps for best 3 max sets)
(169 reps - top three attempts)

Rest 15 min

For time:
10 unbroken CJ - 135#
Airdyne - .75 mile
10 unbroken CJ - 135#
Airdyne - .75 mile
10 unbroken CJ - 135#
Airdyne - .75 mile
10 unbroken CJ - 135#
Airdyne - .75 mile
10 unbroken CJ - 135#
Time: 14:47-48

I was running pretty late so I used the broad jumping as a warm-up. Didn't measure or really go for it. Rushed the DUs...but I do think I PR'd by two maybe. Not sure.

Airdyne took between 2:15-2:30/attempt. All PC/J UB except number 10 on last round. My grip failed on the pull. Quickly regripped and pulled

OPT: Week 44, Day Two

Wednesday 4-23
A. Squat snatch start at 60% of 1rm add 10# every min until max
*missed x 2 before getting it.
**first attempt
f - close...gonna come if I hit this regularly
B. close grip bench press @30X1; 3, 3, 3; rest 3mins
C. FS build to a tough double in 10mins
10 rounds of:
Prowler sprint D/B - 100#
5 Burpees AFAP
Rest 1 min

Snatch is coming back. 220# is the most I've done recently. Really want to be able to hit 225# again. Was close today.

FS felt tough. Can't remember last time I hit a heavy load on FS. Definitely out of practice.

All rounds were 25-30 sec of work except last two. They were at the 31 sec mark. Kept rest-to-work ratio at 2:1.

OPT: Week 44, Day One

Monday 4-21
A. PC and SJ build to 90% if feeling it go for something
135x2, 165x2, 195x2, 215-225-235-245*-255*
2 sets
15, 12, 9 all out
PC 115/85#
rest exactly 10mins
3:22 & 3:27 all PC UB
10min AD Z1

Notes: Felt really tired this am

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Wendler and OPT Squats

Friday 4-16

Wendler 5-3-1 + OPT
TRAINING:A. Press - 5-3-1+
B. Deadlift - 5-3-1+
C. BS @20X1 - 8 sets of 3 @ 20X1; rest 45 sec
D. EMOM for 12 min
Odd - Airdyne ME - 30 sec
Even - 10 ME Broad Jumps
Airdyne - 10 min @ Z1

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

OPT: Week 43, Day Two

Wednesday 4-16

A. build to a tough snatch in 10mins
B. build to a tough clean and jerk in 10mins
*clean only
C. emom - snatch 80% of A x 2 - 6mins
D. emom - clean and jerk 80% of B x 2 - 6mins
7min amrap
5 PS 165#
7 burpee box jumps 24"
3 rounds @ 6:45

Felt rushed all morning and fatigued by the time I got to the metcon. All metcon reps done as singles...even the Burpee BJs.

OPT: Week 43, Day One

Monday 4-14

A. BS @30X1; 1, 1, [1,] [1]; rest as needed last two sets tough
WU: 225(3)-275(3)-315(3)-340(2)-365(2)
WS: 385-395-405-415
Airdyne - 25 Cals .(1:51)
rest 2mins
10 burpee MU
10 wall walks
5 sets of 30 unbroken DU
10 wall walks
10 burpee MU
rest 2mins
Airdyne - 25 Cals (1:50)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday Wendler Garage WOD

Saturday 4-12

Wendler 5-3-1
A. Press - 3-3-3+; 135# AMRAP
B. Deadlift - 3-3-3+ (all hook grip)
225-315-345-395-440* x 10 (belted)
C. Log Shouldering - 3 x 10
D. Log RDL - 3 x 15
E. EMOM for 8 min
Odd - 12 Ring DIps - 12-12-12-12-10+2 (60)
Even - Ring Rows x 10-12 - 12-12-10-10-10 (54)
10 rounds of: 
10 Bounding Jumps - TnG
10 Russian KBS - 70#
rest 1 min
each round took approximately 30 sec to complete

OPT: Week 42, Day Three

Friday 4-11

10mins 80% effort
3 burpee MU
FW heavy/arm 50m - 100#/arm
2 rope climbs 15'
Rounds: 3*

rest 5mins

10 mins 90% effort
AD 20cals (1.5-2 min)
10 DB single arm PS - 70# (5/arm)
Rounds: 4

rest 5mins

5mins 100% effort
25 DU
5 burpees
5 PS 75/45#
Rounds: 5

Notes: I didn't warm up very well and couldn't muster any Bar MUs in today.

Not sure if it was due to going two days in a row or what, but it felt awkward and I had no pop. Subbed burpee pull-ups and cashed out with some dips afterwards.

OPT: Week 42, Day Two

Wednesday 4-9

3 sets
5 TnG PS 60-70% of 1rm build per set
6 burpees AFAP
Bear Crawl - D/B (approx 20sec)
rest 4-6mins
8 DL TnG build per set
5 no push-up burpee box jump 20" AFAP
15 SDLHP strokes all out
rest walk 4-6mins
Airdyne - 40sec 97%
rest 1 min

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

OPT: Week 42, Day One

Monday 4-7

A. BS @30X1; 2, 2, 2, [2,] [2]; rest 3mins last 2 sets tough
B. emom - 12mins
odd - Thruster 95/65# x 6
even - CTB chin ups kipping pronated x 10
C. emom - 1 rope climb 15' + 5-8 HSPU - 6mins
10mins Z1 AD

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Wendler 5-3-1

Saturday 4-5
Wendler 5-3-1
A. Press - 3 x 5 (190)
125-140-150 (5)
B. Deadlift - 3 x 5
315-365-415 (10)
C. EMOM for 12 min
Odd - 5 Spartan tire flips
Even - 12 Ring PUs
D. EMOM for 12 min
Odd - 8-10 Ring Rows
Even - 15 Goblet Squats - 70#KB
Rake/Haul off yard debris
3.5 hours
EMOM for 20 min
Odd - 15 Russian KBS (70#)
Even - 5 Max Distance Broad Jumps


Friday 4-4
A. BS @30X1 x 4 x 5; rest 3mins
B1. close grip bench press @30X2; 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 90sec
B2. pendlay row @20X1; 6-8; rest 2mins
155-175-175-185 x 8
8 rounds for time
4 strict chin ups (UB)
7 ring dips (UB-UB-UB-UB-UB-6+1-5+2-4+2+1)
4 CTB chin ups kipping (UB)
7 HR pushups
AD 20cals (10 NPUBBJ-20")
Time: 20:52

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Senior Trip WODs

Senior Trip WODs
Day One
TGUs x 5/side
5 rounds of:
10 Goblet Squats - 60#
20 KBS - 60#
30 Split Lunge Jumps
Rest 2min

Day Two
TGUs x 5/side
5 rounds of 3 min work
Alt sides starting with right
3 FS
3 PP
Rest 1 min b/t rounds
5 sets/side/round

Day Three
TGUs x 5/side
A. EMOM - 12 min
Odd - 10 burpees
Even- Shuttle Run
B. EMOM -12 min
Odd - 5 ME Broad Jumps
Even - 15 Goblet Squats;
C. EMOM - 12 min
Odd - 15 KBS/SDLHP
Even - 20 split lunge jumps