5 mins 80% effort
3 wall walks
5 box jumps 30" sd
FW heavy/arm
Outcome: 3 + 2 WWs - finished round 4 after time.
rest 5mins
Row 200m (20 SDLHP - 45# BB)
2 MU
5 KBS PS/arm 1.5pd (55#)
Outcome: 5+20+1 (finished 6th after time)
rest 5mins
7 wall balls 20# - 10' target
5 burpees
Outcome: Approx 8 + 5-6 WBs
Sprint Work; week 3 (x's 2 on the Airdyne)
20 on, 10 off
15 on, 15 off
15 on, 15 off
15 on, 15 off
15 on, 15 off
10 on, Recover/walk
Did work today. The first one wasn't bad at all. Actually went D/B so the FW ended up being 40m instead of 30m as Rx'd. Probably should have went heavier on the FW.
OPT said to try to stay UB on the MUs. I only got through the first 2 rounds UB and narrowly missed rep 2 on round three. Not sure what I could have done differently to stay UB other than slow WAAAAAY down and take a long break between the SDLHP and the MUs. Instead I just did two singles.
What can I say about the last one...WB's and Burpees...dislike them both. Lost count in the middle, but I'm pretty sure I got 8 + 5-6 WB shots before the timer went off.
With the road conditions I opted to go to the wrestling room and do the sprint protocol on the Airdyne. Doubled the work since it was on the Airdyne. I did spin @ Z1 for about 4 min before, 5 min b/t, and 5 min after the second round.
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