Wednesday 2-26
3 sets
10 KBS russian heavy - 100#
5 burpees AFAP
Plate Push - 45# D/B
rest 4 min
5 60-70% of 1rm PS TnG
5 no push burpee box jump 20" AFAP
15 SDLHP - 45# BB
rest walk 4 min
5 SC 65-75% of 1rm TnG
6 chin ups AFAP
10 burpees AFAP
rest 4 min
Week 2 Sprint Protocol
20 on, 10 off
10 on, 20 off
15 on, 15 off
15 on, 15 off
15 on, 15 off
10 on, Recover
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." – Romans 12:1 "My sweat is an offering to my Master. My soreness is a sacrifice to my Savior." - The Christian Competitor's Creed
Thursday, February 27, 2014
OPT: Week 37, Day Two
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
OPT: Week 37, Day One
Monday 2-24
A. 1-1/4 BS @30X1; 5, 5, 5; rest 3mins
B. close grip bench press @30X2; 4-5 x4; rest 3mins
C. emom - 12mins
odd - 4 DB push press tough - 65#
even - 10 KBS - 70#
10 rounds for time
10 ring dips
10 situps
10 air squats
Time: 10:41
Sprint Work; week 2
20 on, 10 off
10 on, 20 off
15 on, 15 off
15 on, 15 off
15 on, 15 off
10 on, Recover/walk
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Saturday at the Farm
Saturday 2-22
5 rounds of:
20 sec HS hold + AMRAP HSPUs
11-9-8-6-6.5 (40)
20 sec chin-up hold + AMRAP chins
8-7-5-4-4 (28)
20 sec Ring dip support + AMRAP Dip
9-8-5.5-4-3 (29)
Rest 2min b/t movements and rounds
Sprint Work; Week 1, Day 6
20 on, 10 off
10 on, 20 off
15 on, 15 off
20 on, 10 off
10 on, 10 off
10 on, Recover/walk
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
OPT: Week 36, Day Two
Wednesday 2-19
A. Press x 1/PP x 2/SJ x 2; rest 2mins x 4-5sets perfect form
5 sets 80-90% effort
30 SDLHP - 45# BB
15 KBS - 55#
15 SA KB Push Press - 55#
15 box jumps (step down) - 24"
15 SA KB Push Press - 55#
15 T2B
15 Wall ball 20# - 10' target
rest 4-5mins
All movements done UB except the T2B on the last set. Went 10+2+1+1+1. Rested 4 min b/t rounds. Each round was around 5 min of work time.
Monday, February 17, 2014
OPT: Week 36, Day One
Monday 2-17
A. Hang snatch pull x 1/Hang squat snatch x 1; x 5-6sets; rest 90sec
B. PC cluster 2. 2. 2; rest 10sec btw reps/rest 3mins x 3
*form was degrading so I stopped
2 sets
10 DB bench press @20X1 (75#,80#)
Run 400m (1:51, 1:48)
rest 2:30
5, 4, 3*, 2, 1 for time
PC - 220#
Bar MU
Time: DNT
*tore a callous on 3rd rep. I did the set of 2 PC, but went to do the Bar MUs and I didn't have the gumption to push through it. I turned around and did the last PC then taped my hand and did the remaining 3 MUs.
Also had 3 misses initially on the set of 5 before I pulled it together. All BMUs were done as singles.
This is the second time I've done this. Next time these come up I'm wearing gloves or taping.
PM Sprint Work
2 rounds of:
20 on, 10 off
10 on, 20 off
15 on, 15 off
20 on, 10 off
10 on, 10 off
10 on, Recover
Walk 1 lap b/t rounds
Saturday, February 15, 2014
OPT: Week 35, Day Four
Saturday 2-15
A. FS @31X1; 3-4x3; 65% of 1rm; rest 2mins
230# x 4 x 3
B. FS @31X1; 3-4x3; 75% of 1rm; rest 2-3mins
265# x 4 x 3
C. FS @31X1; 2-4x3; 80-85% of 1rm; rest 2-3mins
280 x 4, 290 x 4, 300 x 3
D1. Push press cluster 2. 2. 2 x 3; rest 10sec btw 2's/rest 90sec
D2. Wtd chin up cluster 3. 3. 3 x 3; rest 15sec btw 3's/rest 90sec
40 DU
20 Front rack reverse lunge 135/85#
rest 90sec
Time: Approx 3 min/round
Friday, February 14, 2014
OPT: Week 35, Day Three
A. Snatch pull cluster 1. 1. 1 x 3; rest 10sec btw reps/rest 2mins
* Used straps
B. build to a tough double squat clean from high blocks rest 10sec btw reps - 12mins*
* took about 15min, belted on the last three sets
Airdyne @ 75-80% for 4min
rest 2mins
3 rounds for time
15 burpee box jump overs 20-22"
10 PC 135# (UB-UB-UB)
10 shoulder to overhead 135# (UB-UB-UB)
rest 2mins
Airdyne @ 75-80% for 4min
Time of Metcon in the Middle: 12:50
Hadn't done snatch pulls in a while. Probably should have warmed up better. Felt good by about the 3 set. The first two felt awkward.
Had to modify the cleans. It was Rx'd to be Squat Cleans off High blocks with 10 sec b/t reps. I did High Hang and dropped it then picked it back up after about 8 sec for the second rep.
Subbed Airdyne for the 800m run. It was raining a bit...and that is all it took to discourage me. The burpee box jump overs were done over the gold/blue wooden box. It isn't quite 24 inches. Maybe 20-22" They were defintely the point at which I bogged down. I resorted to almost a controlled 5-point burpee followed by a jump-over...then let my momentum carry me into a 3-4 step walk, turn around and repeat. Slow and methodical...
Thursday, February 13, 2014
OPT: Week 35, Day Two
Wednesday 2-12
A. emom - BS @20X1 60% of 1rm x 2-3 - 8mins
B. OHS @30X1; 1 every 90sec start at 65% of 1rm add 10#/ 90sec until max
C1. wtd chin up 2-3 x 3; rest 90sec 35-45-55-65-75-85(x2)
C2. wtd dip 2-3 x 3; rest 90sec
D. SA DB bent torso row @20X1; 6-8/arm x 3; rest 45sec btw arms
E. FLR on rings accumulate 4mins
1:15 + 1:00 + 1:00 + 1:00 (9:10)
Monday, February 10, 2014
OPT: Week 35, Day One
Monday 2-10
A. emom - 12mins
odd - PS TnG x 5 55-65% perfect form
even - 3-4 Bar Dips - 70% of 1RM @20X1 45-45-55-55-65-65 (x 4's)
B. emom - 16mins
odd - 10 burpees
even - 8 T2B
C. emom - 16mins
odd - Shuttle Runs - D/B x 2
even - 12 situps
D. 10mins 80% effort
1 TGU/arm - 1.5pd
5 DL TnG - 205#
10 box jumps TnG - 20"
Total: 8 rounds
Friday, February 7, 2014
OPT: Week 34, Day Three
A. BS @30X1;; rest 3mins
B. emom - 12mins
odd - Squat clean TnG x 3 65% of 1rm (195#)
even - 1MU + 3 ring dips + 1MU + 3 ring dips
10 -1 for time
Wall balls 20/14# 10' target
Chin ups (COVP)
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
OPT: Week 34, Day Two
A. Squat Clean - 10 x 2; rest 3 min
*belted up
B. for time:
30 squat clean - 90% of highest double in part A - 245#
12:45 - no misses.
C. 225# PC x 10
Time: 1:45
A - Felt like I had another 5# for sure...maybe 10# on the doubles. The second rep out of the hole was a little tough and not as fast as the others. OPT notes said all working sets so I interpreted that as not a ME attempt so I stopped there.
I would drop the weight b/t reps and made sure I had a good, tight set-up before pulling the I may have taken between 3-5 sec b/t reps.
B - Didn't push too fast on the 90% 30 rep AMRAP in an attempt to avoid misses. Just tried to keep moving. As far as amount of rest b/t reps, I would hit one rep, drop it, step off the platform and walk to the wall and then back for another. Just tried to keep moving. First 10 were done in 3 min, last 20 took 8:45. Went from around 3.33 reps/min in the first 3rd to an average of 2.35 reps/min overall by the end.
C. Had the idea to do a 4min PC AMRAP with a 225#, but I hit rep 7 or so and started looking like a starfish on the catch so I just stopped at 10 reps. First 5 were done in 30 sec. If my initial goal was 10 resp I would have pushed faster, but like I said, form was degrading so I just limped through to 10 and called it a day.
Monday, February 3, 2014
OPT: Week 34, Day One
A. Push press; 3x3; rest 2 min
B. Wtd. Dips; build to a 5RM
C. Weighted supinated chin up clusters 5.5.5x3; rest 45 seconds/rest 3 min
3 rounds for time:
15 toes to bar (UB-UB-8+7)
15 strict hspu
Time: 6:43
I think my Push-press is getting stronger. Last time I did it I hit 225 for a single and today hit 215 for a triple pretty dip to catch just a drive and lock-out.
I crapped out on the HSPUs...I did 10+3+2 on the first round and it was 1's, 2's, and 3's as I could muster them on the other two rounds.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Superbowl Sunday WOD - Functional Training
5 rounds of:
10 Spartan Tire Flips (w/ a jump through the tire)
Rest 3 min b/t sets
8 rounds for time of:
5 Burpees
10 Sledge Hammer Swings - Alternate sides each round
Saturday WOD
A. BS + BJ - 3+3 x 5
B. CJ 80% - EMOM for 10 min
5 Rounds of
10 HSPUs
15 KBS - 70#
20 UB DU
Rest 2 min b/t rounds
Felt good to get back in and squat. Wanted to push it higher, but left it on the table. CJ work was legit too.
IWT work was good. All UB reps except last set of HSPUs...went 8+1+1. Didn't really hustle between movements, just stayed moving. Started out at 1:15 of work time and seemed to lose, on average, about 3-5 sec each round. Mostly from pausing in the HSPUs trying to go UB.
OPT: Week 33, Day One
Monday 1-27
A. Wtd Chin Up pronated medium grip - build to a 1RM (3-2-1-3-2-1)
BWx5, 45-60-75-60-75-90-100(F)
5 rounds of:
10 HSPUs
10 DL TnG - 315#
150# prowler sprints - D/B (High-Low)
rest 1:30 b/t sets