"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." – Romans 12:1 "My sweat is an offering to my Master. My soreness is a sacrifice to my Savior." - The Christian Competitor's Creed
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
OPT Presses and Pulls (modified)
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
OPT - Back in the Saddle...w/ some scaling...for now...
55-70-87-99-114-130-140 x 5
3 rounds for time:
20 kbs 2/1.5 pood - (60# - all I had)
20 wall balls
Time: 4:57
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Deadlift, KB Press, Ring Dips and Chin-up Clusters
A. DL - Build to a tough 5
135-227-277-321-367-382-394-404* (belt)
B. KB Press - 3 x 14/arm; rest 1min b/t arms
C1. Ring Dip Clusters - 3.3.3; rest 10 sec; rest 2 min
as Rx'd
C2. Strict Pronated/Supinated/Neutral grip chin up clusters 3.3.3; rest 10 sec; rest 2 min x 5
as Rx'd
Teach Owen to ride his bike...mission accomplished!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Back Squat, SG DL, HSPUs + TTB
A. Back squat; 5 x 3
B. 21 rep BS - 285#
C. CG DL x 3 @ 3131
10 rounds for time @ 80-85%
10 toes to bar (rnds 1-2 UB)
5 HSPUs (all UB)
Time: 12:34ish
Notes: I modified the reps for the Metcon from OPT. However I misread the rounds. I thought it was supposed to be 10 rounds of 15 each. Didn't think I could do that much yet so I scaled it back. Now that I saw it was only 3 rounds, I think I could have muddled through it as Rx'd. Oh well...still did work.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
OPT Modified at Home WOD
Oly Skill Work - Hang PS + Hang PC - 5 + 5
A. KB Press - 3 x 14/arm - 60#
B. Ring Rows - 4 x 10 (feet elevated on chair)
as Rx'd
C. Ring Push-ups - 4 x 15 @ 3011
as Rx'd
3 rounds of:
Wall Ball - 20#
KBS - 60#
Time: DNT
Notes: Bicep is feeling better. Did my first sets of snatch/clean work with a loaded barbell...albeit a very light one. Also did my first static Dip and a set of three dead hang pull-ups. Just need to be patient and not rush it.
Front Squat, Back Squat and Snatch-grip DL
A. Front Squat - 6 x 3
WU: 135-185-225-255
WS: 275-275-275-275-275-275
B. 31 rep Back Squat - 235# + 185# x 22 + 135# x 27 + 135# x 20 (accumulated 100 reps)
C. SG DL x 3 @ 3131
Notes: Worked out after MS and HS camp. Being only a week out from my calf pull, I tried to feel things out a bit. I didn't want to push it above 80% so I did straight sets at 275#. Felt like I had another 15-20 in me at least.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Garage WOD
WU: Hollow Rocks - 3 x 25
A. Deadlift - work up to a tough 5
B. KB Press - 3 x 12
60-60-60 (+4/side to round out 40)
C. Ring Push-ups @ 3011 (feet elevated on crate)
4 rounds of:
25 KBS - 60#
25 sledge hammer swings on tire (alt Rt/Lt ea round)
Rest 2 min b/t rounds
Notes: felt good to do a WO I could do pain free...baby steps. Gonna try to squat tomorrow.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two
Week Two, Day Two
3 rounds of:
80 yd Tire Flips
100yd Sled Drag - 100#
rest 3 min b/t rounds
Tire flips/round:
1. 32
2. 31
3. 20*
Felt a slight twinge in my right bicep so I stopped in the middle of the 3rd round of the tire flips. Arm feels fine now, just trying to be smart...however I decided to do an extra round of sled drags since I didn't get to finish the tire flips and when I went to take off, I felt a biting pain in the middle of my left calf. Thought someone had hit me in the back of the leg with something before I realized I pulled/strained/tore a muscle in my left calf...awesome...so I'm out for a week or two. Just gonna do a lot of walking and upper body stuff.
There's no pain when I squat up and down right now, but I'm gonna give it at least a week or two before I try to put a bar on my back. Not worth rushing it. The past two months are really making me reevaluate my training. Although, if I had just stopped after that last round and walked away, I would be training today. Lesson learned...
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two
Week Two, Day One
Warm-up - 3 Rnds of:
20 Push-ups @ 3111
20 Face Pulls - 30#
10 1 1/4 OHS - 45# bar
35 Hollow Rocks
A. Back Squat - 3-2-1, 3-2-1
365-380-395, 380*-390-405
B. Back Squat (NB) x 21 - 295#
C. SG DL - 3 x 4 @ 3131 185-205-225-245
4 Rnds of:
D1. Good Morning x 10
D2. HSPUs x 6* (5 rounds)
D3. KTEs x 10
D4. Lat Pulls x 12
5 rounds of:
20 KBS - 60#
15 Box Jumps (on tire)
10 Hammer Swings - 5/side
Rest 1:30 b/t rounds
Splits: 1:32, 1:21, 1:22, 1:19, 1:21
Notes: Arm is getting better. Did my first Pull-ups/Chin-ups today @ 4 x 1+1 and HSPUs as noted above.
Gonna start adding weight to the bar on OHS later this week and hope to try doing some light dynamic pulls in a couple of weeks.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two
Week one; Day three
WU: Face pulls, Push-ups, & OHS
A. FS - 3-2-1, 3-2-1; rest 2-3min
275-295-315*, 295*-315*-335*
B. BS x 21 rep - 285#
C. CG DL x 3 x 4 - 225-245-265-285; rest 2 min
3 Rnds of:
D1. ME Broad Jumps x 5
D2. KB Press x 12 @ 55#
D3. Ring Rows x 10
3 Rnds of
E1. TTB x 10
E2. BE x 20
E3. Walking Lunges x D/B
Notes: *Belted up
Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two
Week One, Day Two
A. Forward drag x 7 @ 150#; rest 90 sec;
Active for rest 6 min
B. Reverse drag x 7 @ 75#; rest 90 sec
Active rest 5 min
C. 1 lap around the block for time @ 75#
Time: 3:25
Monday, July 8, 2013
Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two
Week one; Day One
A. Back Squat x 3 x 5
B. Back Squat 21 rep - 275# NB
C. SG DL x 3 x 3
5 Rnds of:
D1. Good Morning x 10
D2. Hollow Rocks x 50
D3. Pistols x 20 (10#)
3 Rnds of:
E1. KB Press x 12 @ 50#
E2. Lat Pull-Down x 12
E3. Windmills x 12 @ 50#
KBS Breathing Ladder: 50#; 1-15
Notes: Belted at 90%
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Deload: Day Three
Saturday 7-6
TRAINING: Hotel Workout
A1. KB Rows; 5 x 12/arm - 40#
A2. Push-ups; 5 x 12 @ 3131
B1. KB Upright Rows; 5 x 20 - 40#
B2. KB Press; 5 x 12/arm - 40#
C. KB Swing Breathing Ladder; 1-20 - 40#
D. Bicep/Tricep circuit x 4 - 25#/hand
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Deload: Day Two
Wednesday 7-3
TRAINING: Sled, Box jumps, Burpees & SDLHP Intervals
WU: Dynamic Stretching
A. Forward: 10 x 50yd - 100#; 60 sec rest
B. Backward: 10 x 50yd - 50#; 60 sec rest
C. Box jumps on front step (approx 8-10") - 15 TnG x 15; rest 30 sec
C. NP Burpees 10 x 10; rest 30 sec
D. SDLHP - 15 x 13*; rest 50 sec - 60# KB
Shoulder/Core Work
E. Windmills (40#) + Sumo DL (60#) - 3 x 10/side
F1. KB press - 3 x 6/arm - 60#
F2. KB press - 3 x 12/arm - 40#
Notes: OCD tendencies got the best of me. Did a set of 20 on round 10 to make an even 200.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Deload: Day One
Monday 7-1
A. Back Squat - 3 x 5
B. FS @ 31X1 - 3 x 3
C. Halting SG DL @ 3131 - 3 x 3
D. Halting CG DL @ 3131 - 3 x 3
E. Pistol Squats - 100 reps
F1. KB Press - 3 x 10 @ 45#
F2. SDLHP - 3 x 25 @ 50#
F3. Ball Slams - 3 x 10
G1. Hollow Rocks - 3 x 70
G2. Good Mornings - 3 x 10
G3. Push-ups - 3 x 10 @ 5111