Wednesday, July 31, 2013

OPT Presses and Pulls (modified)

Wednesday 7-31 (@ home)

A. Press 3x3; rest 2 min
B. KB Press - 3 x 15/arm - 60#
C1. Ring Dip Clusters - 5.5.5 x 4; rest 20 sec; rest 2 min
C2, Pronated, Supinated, Nueutral Grip Pull-up Clusters - 5.5.5 x 4; rest 20 sec; rest 2 min
D. Inclined Ring Push-ups - 4 x 10-15
E. KB Rows - 3 x 10/arm
F. Ab Wheel - 4 x 10

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

OPT - Back in the Saddle...w/ some scaling...for now...

Tuesday 7-30 (@ home)

A. Hang squat snatch below the knee; x 5's; rest 3 min
55-70-87-99-114-130-140 x 5
B. 1 1/4 front squat 5x5; rest 2 min (more like 3 min)
*Belted up
3 rounds for time:
20 kbs 2/1.5 pood - (60# - all I had)
20 wall balls
Time: 4:57

Cash-out: Plate slams on tire (45#) - 4 x 15

Kid's Garage WOD:
A. Shouldering 20# Med ball - 3 x 3/side
B. Push-ups - 3 x 5
C. Goblet Squats - 3 x 5/10 - (15# - Owen/Cael)
D. KB Sumo DL - 3 x 5 (40/60# - Owen/Cael)

Notes: First time squatting and doing Oly work at home in the garage with Amanda. It definitely had a "Rocky, No-frills" feel to it. No music...just the sound of clannging iron, grunting and heavy breathing...I kind of liked it. 

Also first time doing some legit snatch work. Everything felt great. really worked on changing directions in the middle and pulling/punching under the bar. Worked up to 140#. It felt easy and I wanted to go higher, but decided to table it for now and take baby steps. May work up to 155# next time. Not in any hurry. 

Going to work some clean work next time. My bumpers, bar and KBs ought to be in by next Monday or Tuesday. Until then For it will all be hang work.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Deadlift, KB Press, Ring Dips and Chin-up Clusters

Sunday 7-28 (@ home)
A. DL - Build to a tough 5
135-227-277-321-367-382-394-404* (belt)
B. KB Press - 3 x 14/arm; rest 1min b/t arms
C1. Ring Dip Clusters - 3.3.3; rest 10 sec; rest 2 min
as Rx'd
C2. Strict Pronated/Supinated/Neutral grip chin up clusters 3.3.3; rest 10 sec; rest 2 min x 5
as Rx'd
Teach Owen to ride his bike...mission accomplished!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Back Squat, SG DL, HSPUs + TTB

Friday 7-26

A. Back squat; 5 x 3
B. 21 rep BS - 285#
C. CG DL x 3 @ 3131
10 rounds for time @ 80-85%
10 toes to bar (rnds 1-2 UB)
5 HSPUs (all UB)
Time: 12:34ish

Notes: I modified the reps for the Metcon from OPT. However I misread the rounds. I thought it was supposed to be 10 rounds of 15 each. Didn't think I could do that much yet so I scaled it back. Now that I saw it was only 3 rounds, I think I could have muddled through it as Rx'd. Oh well...still did work.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

OPT Modified at Home WOD

Wednesday 7-24

Oly Skill Work - Hang PS + Hang PC - 5 + 5

A. KB Press - 3 x 14/arm - 60#
B. Ring Rows - 4 x 10 (feet elevated on chair)
as Rx'd
C. Ring Push-ups - 4 x 15 @ 3011
as Rx'd
3 rounds of:
Wall Ball - 20#
KBS - 60#
Time: DNT

Notes: Bicep is feeling better. Did my first sets of snatch/clean work with a loaded barbell...albeit a very light one. Also did my first static Dip and a set of three dead hang pull-ups. Just need to be patient and not rush it.

Front Squat, Back Squat and Snatch-grip DL

Tuesday 7-23

A. Front Squat - 6 x 3
WU: 135-185-225-255
WS: 275-275-275-275-275-275
B. 31 rep Back Squat - 235# + 185# x 22 + 135# x 27 + 135# x 20 (accumulated 100 reps)
C. SG DL x 3 @ 3131

Notes: Worked out after MS and HS camp. Being only a week out from my calf pull, I tried to feel things out a bit. I didn't want to push it above 80% so I did straight sets at 275#. Felt like I had another 15-20 in me at least.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Garage WOD

Sunday 7-22

WU: Hollow Rocks - 3 x 25
A. Deadlift - work up to a tough 5
B. KB Press - 3 x 12
60-60-60 (+4/side to round out 40)
C. Ring Push-ups @ 3011 (feet elevated on crate)
4 rounds of:
25 KBS - 60#
25 sledge hammer swings on tire (alt Rt/Lt ea round)
Rest 2 min b/t rounds

Notes: felt good to do a WO I could do pain steps. Gonna try to squat tomorrow.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two

Tuesday 7-16

Week Two, Day Two

3 rounds of:
80 yd Tire Flips
100yd Sled Drag - 100#
rest 3 min b/t rounds

Tire flips/round:
1. 32
2. 31
3. 20*

Felt a slight twinge in my right bicep so I stopped in the middle of the 3rd round of the tire flips. Arm feels fine now, just trying to be smart...however I decided to do an extra round of sled drags since I didn't get to finish the tire flips and when I went to take off, I felt a biting pain in the middle of my left calf. Thought someone had hit me in the back of the leg with something before I realized I pulled/strained/tore a muscle in my left I'm out for a week or two. Just gonna do a lot of walking and upper body stuff.

There's no pain when I squat up and down right now, but I'm gonna give it at least a week or two before I try to put a bar on my back. Not worth rushing it. The past two months are really making me reevaluate my training. Although, if I had just stopped after that last round and walked away, I would be training today. Lesson learned...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two

Sunday 7-14
Week Two, Day One
Warm-up - 3 Rnds of:
20 Push-ups @ 3111
20 Face Pulls - 30#
10 1 1/4 OHS - 45# bar
35 Hollow Rocks

A. Back Squat - 3-2-1, 3-2-1
365-380-395, 380*-390-405
B. Back Squat (NB) x 21 - 295#
C. SG DL - 3 x 4 @ 3131 185-205-225-245

4 Rnds of:
D1. Good Morning x 10
D2. HSPUs x 6* (5 rounds)
D3. KTEs x 10
D4. Lat Pulls x 12
5 rounds of:
20 KBS - 60#
15 Box Jumps (on tire)
10 Hammer Swings - 5/side
Rest 1:30 b/t rounds
Splits: 1:32, 1:21, 1:22, 1:19, 1:21

Notes: Arm is getting better. Did my first Pull-ups/Chin-ups today @ 4 x 1+1 and HSPUs as noted above.
Gonna start adding weight to the bar on OHS later this week and hope to try doing some light dynamic pulls in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two

Wednesday 7-10
Week one; Day three
WU: Face pulls, Push-ups, & OHS

A. FS - 3-2-1, 3-2-1; rest 2-3min
275-295-315*, 295*-315*-335*
B. BS x 21 rep - 285#
C. CG DL x 3 x 4 - 225-245-265-285; rest 2 min
3 Rnds of:
D1. ME Broad Jumps x 5
D2. KB Press x 12 @ 55#
D3. Ring Rows x 10
3 Rnds of
E1. TTB x 10
E2. BE x 20
E3. Walking Lunges x D/B

Notes: *Belted up

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two

Tuesday 7-10
Week One, Day Two
A. Forward drag x 7 @ 150#; rest 90 sec;
Active for rest 6 min
B. Reverse drag x 7 @ 75#; rest 90 sec
Active rest 5 min
C. 1 lap around the block for time @ 75#
Time: 3:25

Monday, July 8, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Cycle Two

Monday 7-8
Week one; Day One
A. Back Squat x 3 x 5
B. Back Squat 21 rep - 275# NB
C. SG DL x 3 x 3
5 Rnds of:
D1. Good Morning x 10
D2. Hollow Rocks x 50
D3. Pistols x 20 (10#)
3 Rnds of:
E1. KB Press x 12 @ 50#
E2. Lat Pull-Down x 12
E3. Windmills x 12 @ 50#
KBS Breathing Ladder: 50#; 1-15
Notes: Belted at 90%

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Deload: Day Three

Saturday 7-6

TRAINING: Hotel Workout
A1. KB Rows; 5 x 12/arm - 40#
A2. Push-ups; 5 x 12 @ 3131
B1. KB Upright Rows; 5 x 20 - 40#
B2. KB Press; 5 x 12/arm - 40#
C. KB Swing Breathing Ladder; 1-20 - 40#
D. Bicep/Tricep circuit x 4 - 25#/hand

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Deload: Day Two

Wednesday 7-3

TRAINING: Sled, Box jumps, Burpees & SDLHP Intervals
WU: Dynamic Stretching
A. Forward: 10 x 50yd - 100#; 60 sec rest
B. Backward: 10 x 50yd - 50#; 60 sec rest
C. Box jumps on front step (approx 8-10") - 15 TnG x 15; rest 30 sec
C. NP Burpees 10 x 10; rest 30 sec
D. SDLHP - 15 x 13*; rest 50 sec - 60# KB
Shoulder/Core Work
E. Windmills (40#) + Sumo DL (60#) - 3 x 10/side
F1. KB press - 3 x 6/arm - 60#
F2. KB press - 3 x 12/arm - 40#

Notes: OCD tendencies got the best of me. Did a set of 20 on round 10 to make an even 200.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Deload: Day One

Monday 7-1

A. Back Squat - 3 x 5
B. FS @ 31X1 - 3 x 3
C. Halting SG DL @ 3131 - 3 x 3
D. Halting CG DL @ 3131 - 3 x 3
E. Pistol Squats - 100 reps
F1. KB Press - 3 x 10 @ 45#
F2. SDLHP - 3 x 25 @ 50#
F3. Ball Slams - 3 x 10
G1. Hollow Rocks - 3 x 70
G2. Good Mornings - 3 x 10
G3. Push-ups - 3 x 10 @ 5111