Monday, September 20, 2010

OPT Day 31: Snatch Balance, Mid Hang Snatch, and PJ-SJ

Training Monday 9-20:
A. Snatch Balance - work up to heaviest single for the day (compare this % to your OHS 1RM and post as well - OHS/SB)

95x3-125x3-155x3-180x1-195x1-205( balls!)

This was pathetic. The 195 was more of a push-press to a quarter OHS. I had a hard time forcing myself down into the bottom position. Had I wanted to PP it up and then squat, I probably would have been okay. I don't know how I did 265 last time I maxed on this. I must have done as described above where I caught and eased it down from above parallel. I do remember it was a heaving snatch balance rather than a true snatch balance.

B. Mid Hang Snatch - 5 sets of 2 reps; rest 3 min(focus on finish position, quick change of direction and speed under the bar)

135-135-135-135-135 (worked on speed under the bar and receiving it in a good bottom position.)

C. Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1 x 4; rest 3 min(work up to heaviest possible PJ; work on getting 4 good sets)


This was 5# lighter than my most recent 1RM. I might have had another 5-10# in me, but I could tell fatigue was beginning to set in. I felt okay on the PJ, but the SJ was starting to break down. I also had a slight press on the PJ at 270. I was running short on time and didn't want to take the chance of dumping that much weight from over my head in a power rack so I called it a day at 270.

Looking forward to the 10min metcon tomorrow...

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