Sunday, May 16, 2010


5/12/10 BW: 199.4#
5/13/10 BW: 203.2#...Hospitality room was good to me at the District Track meet yesterday...

Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
As Rx'd: 40:02
I was shooting for under 40 min. Just missed it.
For comparison's sake, I PR'd by 4:28 (44:30 on 11/13/09).
The first time I attempted Eva last June I only made it 4 rounds so I always check my time at the end of 4 rounds to see how I compare to the times before...
6/30/09: 41:46 (4 rounds), DNF 5th rnd
11/13/09: 33:10 (4 rnds), 44:30 (5 rnds)
Today (5/16/10): 30:55 (4 rnds), 40:02 (5 rnds)
Goal for next time is to finish in upper 30's.

1 comment:

  1. Great job brother. looks like a tough one. I have fear in my eyes for this one tonight.
