Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thrusday 3/19

RPR, Movement Prep, Mobility

7 rounds AFAP of
7 Burpees
7 KBS - 70#
7 Box Jumps (Bench Height)
Farmers Carry - D/B @70#/hand
Rest 1 min b/t rounds.

Round times: 1:22-1:21-1:14-1:17-1:18-1:18-1:20

Wednesday - 3/18 - OPT Day 36

RPR; Movement Prep, Mobiliy

A. Find a 1RM in the Snatch in 12min

B. AMRAP in 10 min of:
6 Squat Cleans - 115#
12 Pull-ups
24 Double Unders

Total Rounds: 4 + 6SC + 3 PUs

I did the first 3 rounds of SC UB, Round 4 was 3+3; Round 5 was 2+singles. Last time back in 2010 I did 4 + 6 + 12 + 1DU in 10min. First round was completely UB all the way through...the DUs killed me on the rounds after that. Definitely need to do these more, but meh...

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday 3/17 - Happy St. Patty's Day

Not much...

5-6 min Spin at Z1
20 rounds of
20 sec - Hard Pace
20 sec Spin
5-6 min Spin at Z1

Had to do something to get the heart rate up and my energy out. This is day two of the Covid19 Quarantine.

Monday 3/16 - OPT Repeats - Day 35 (Covid19 Quarantine Day 1)

RPR, Mobility, and Movement Prep

A. Snatch Balance - Work up to a Heavy Single
95x2; 115x2; 135x2, 155x2

B. Mid Hang Snatch - 5 x 2; rest 3 min

C. Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1 x 4; rest 2-4 min

Head wasn't really into this today. Lot's of things going on and had to get to practice. I should have warmed up better for the Snatch Balance. Shoulder was really feeling this by the end.

The 195 was a little soft and had a press on the PJ. I didn't drive my head through like I should have. I loaded 215, but didn't really even go for it.

Friday 3/13 - OPT Repeats - Day 34

RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

A. Clean Grip DL - 3 x 3 @ 1123; rest 2min
135-225-275-315; 345-365-385

B. Clean and Jerk - 1 x 3 @ 70%, 75%, 80%; rest 1 min b/t attempts
70%: 190-190-190
75%: 205-205-205
80%: 220-220-225
*belted on 80%

C1. Front Squats; 3 x 2 @ 87%; rest 2 min
C2. Clean Pulls; 4 x 3; rest 2 min

Front Squats may have been more like 90% rather than 87%. They felt tough! 225 went up pretty easily. Which makes me feel pretty good about it.

Wednesday 3/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 33

RPR; Mobitliy, Movement Prep

3 sets at 80% RPE
30sec Wall Ball (16-16-16)
30sec Pull-ups (15-14-10)
30sec Burpees (11-10-9)
30sec Double Unders (25-15-14)
30sec Box Jump - 24" (8-9-9)
rest 3 min b/t sets.

First set of everything was legit...but I could definitely feel the wheels coming off by the third round. Especially the pull-ups and Double Unders. Although, comparing numbers, I ended up doig 15 more reps (total reps) this time around compared to 10 years ago. I improved on everything except the pull-ups.

Monday 3/9 - OPT Repeats - Day 32

RPR; Mobility, Movement Prep

A1. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 Tall Split Jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2-3 min

A2. Mid Hang Clean; 5 x 2; rest 2 min

B. OHS - Find a 1 RM; rest as needed b/t attempts

Nothing very notable. Just got some work in.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Friday 3/6; OPT Repeats - Day 31

RPR; Mobility; Movement Preps

A. Halting Snatch DL @ 1112; 3 x 3; rest 3 min (add weight from last week)


B. Snatch: 70% - 1 x 3; 75% - 1 x 3; 80% - 1 x 3; rest 1 min(1st 9 reps on the min; if all reps successful, take up singles AHAP off the clock)

70%: 130-130-130
75%: 140-140-140
80%: 150-150-160-170 (+15 from last time)

C. Snatch Pull; 3 x 3; rest 3 min(add weight from last week)


D. Back Squat @ 20X0; 5 sets of 3; rest 4 min


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wednesday 3/4; OPT Repeats - Day 30

RPR; Mobility; Movement Prep


3 x 10 minute countdown timer; 0 sec rest b/t 10 min intervals:

1st 10 min:
Accumulate highest 1 rep clean - score in #
(Head wasn't in it. Didn't really commit. My left shoulder feels a twinge when I catch the weight. May need to work on ROM and mobility more!)

2nd 10 min:
AMRAP parallette* HSPU - ears below hand level - score in reps
(subbed regular HSPUs instead of Parallettes. Shoulder isn't ready for that life)

39 reps

(tied last time...but not the same...)

3rd 10 min:
AMRAP Burpees

151 (same as last time! Hit 55 in 3min)

I did not roll straight from one to the other. I took about 5 min b/t movements. Again, should have warmed up better for the Cleans.

Monday 3/2, OPT Repeats - Day 29

RPR; Mobility, Movement Prep

A. 2 mid hang muscle snatch + 2 snatch balance; 2.2 x 5; rest 2:30
(add weight form last week)

A. 85-95-105-115-125

B. Power Snatch + Mid Hang Snatch - 70%; 1.1 x 5; rest 3 min
(% of higher max (snatch or power snatch))

B. 125-125-130-135-140

C. 2 Snatch Push Press + 2 OHS; 2.2 x 4; rest 3 min
(2 sec hold at top of each press; 2 sec hold at bottom of each OHS; should be considerably heavier than last week - fewer reps!)

C. 95-115-135-155

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Friday 2/28; OPT Repeats - Day 28

RPR; Mobility; Movement Prep

A. Halting Clean Deadlift @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 2 min
(135-225-275) 325-345-365 (used straps)

B. Clean and Jerk; 68% - 1 x 4; 73% - 1 x 4; 1 x 78%; rest 1 min
if all four singles at each percentage are successful, take it up off the clock)

68% - 185-185-185-185
73% - 195-195-195-195
78% - 205-215-220-225* (failed the Jerk)

C1. Clean Pulls; 5 x 3; rest 2 min - add weight to last time)
225-245-255-265-275-285 (used straps)

C2. Front Squat @ 10X0; 5 x 3 @ 85%; rest 2 min
*belted on all sets

I knew I would be short on time, so I started climbing each set on the min during the sets of 78%. I was really close to getting the Jerk at 225#. I caught the clean funny and had to readjust my grip a couple times before the jerk. I just didn't drive and punch under it like I should have. Probably should have rested longer, between the sets since I was climbing, but I just didn't have the time.

Wednesday 2/26; OPT Repeats - Day 27

XPT Breathing, RPR, Mobility, Movement Prep

5 sets of:
10 Burpees - AFAP
25 Pull-ups - Unbroken
Run 400m
Rest 3 min b/t sets

Time Runs Only:
2:06; 2:05; 2:06; 2:07; 2:02

Wasn't too fired up about this one going into it, and ended up doing it solo at 6:00am while it was snowing.

Nevertheless, I got through sets 1-3 of the Pull-ups without breaking using a butterfly kip. I was able to keep my rhythm better this time. On set 4 I got through 20 reps before my form broke and finished the last 5 with a regular kip. Last set I think I got through 17 with the butter fly and then finished the rest out with the regular kip.

I definitely rested more between movements than last time. I would take at least 10-12 deep belly breaths between the burpees and the pull-ups while I chalked up. Then I would take my time grabbing my key card, getting my hoodie, and putting on my hat before walking out to the corner to run. However...the runs were still slower than last time.

Monday 2/24; OPT Repeats - Day 26

Breathing; RPR, Movement Prep

A. Power Clean + Mid Hang Clean; 1.1 x 5 @ 70%; rest 2 min


B. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 Tall Jerk; 2.2 x 5; rest 2 min
(light work; perfect positions)


C. Push-press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1.1 x 5; rest


PM Training: During Plan
5 sets for time:
Row 800m @ 90%
(rest same time as work time; goal is same pace per set. If you get to a critical drop off while "trying" to hold the same pace, stop and call it.)

1:35; 1:32; 1:31; 1:33; 1:31

Barbrell Training was alright. I need to get in earlier and warm-up better on the OH work. Especially with my shoulder issues.

I subbed SDLHPs with a 45# barbell for the rows. Also did this around 2pm during my plan period. I was completely fasted other than some BCAAs and this Honey Goo shot that Ron gave me that I took right before. Times were about 30-35 sec faster than in 2010. Too many variables to determine why there was a difference. Can't remember if I did this right after the barbell work last time or if I rested 4-6 hours before hitting it. However, I was able to maintain the pace across all 5 sets.

I really focused on recovery breathing between the sets to get my heart rate as low as I could before I had to start the next set. I think that might have been the key.