Saturday, August 31, 2013

OPT: Week 11, Day Three

Friday 8-30 

A. 1 1/4 front squat 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
B. Power snatch; build to a max
135x3, 155x2, 170x1, 180, 190*
3 rounds for time:
15 deadlift 225/125
15 back squat 225/125 - (from rack)
Time: 6:08

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

OPT: Week 11, Day Two

Wednesday 8-28

KBS + EW Ladder

A1. Wtd. Dips; 10 --> 1(+1)
A2. Strict Pull-ups; 10 --> 1

HSPU practice
Ring Rows
HS Walks

First time doing loaded dips since the surgery. Felt like I could have pushed it a little harder on the front end, so I started jumping 10# after the set of 6.

Also did my first HS walks since pre-op. Felt good.

Monday, August 26, 2013

OPT: Week 11, Day One...sort of...

Monday 8-26 

A. Snatch - add wt. to last time
(95-125-145-165) x 2; 185-200-210(fx3) (5# less than last week)
B. Clean - add wt. to last time
(185-215) x 2; 235-255-270-280-290
C. Back squat; build to a 2rm
Deadlift - 225#
Time: 4:59 (did all DL's UB and the round of 21 HSPUs UB...but paid for it severely the remainder of the workout...)

Mind wasn't in it today. Lacked confidence on the snatch and motivation on the squats. Clean wasn't bad. Think I had another 10# on the clean, but needed to move on to squats. I bailed on the Rx'd metcon due to lack of time and motivation. I knew it would be a slog and didn't have the time or motivation to endure it. Today was a day where I just did work...nothing spectacular.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

OPT: Week 10, Day Three

Friday 8-23 

A. Muscle up practice for 15 min
Wasn't sure going into it, but I was able to do legit MUs. Only did singles though and tried to get some negative work on the way down. Only did about 10-15 singles with some extra dips when I was up there.
For time:
Row 1000m
50 thrusters 95/65#
30 CTB chin ups
Time: 9:28

Notes: Thrusters suck...that is all

Thursday, August 22, 2013

OPT: Week 10, Day Two

Wednesday 8-21

A. Strict press clusters; rest 15 seconds/rest 2 min
B. Amrap parallete hspu in 5 min
5+15 after time on 25# bumpers in 2-3's
C. Weighted supinated chin up clusters; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 min

Monday, August 19, 2013

OPT: Week 10, Day One - Scaled

Monday 8-19 (12/5)

TRAINING:A. 1 1/4 front squat - 5 x 2; rest 2 min
B. TnG squat snatch; 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min
95-115-135-150-165 x 3; 175-185-195 x 2
Deadlift - 315#
box jump - 30" (Subbed 6-point Burpees)
Time: 5:44

Saturday, August 17, 2013

OPT: Week 9, Day 3 - Scaled

Friday 8-16 

A1. Bench press 10-12 x 6; rest 2 min (Subbed ring push-ups w/ 20# vest)
A2. Weighted chin up 5-7 x 6; rest 2 min (20# vest)
Ring dip
CTB chin up
Time: 14:29

Two goats, one WOD makes for a lack-luster workout. Did 3's, 2's and 1's on the Dips. Did the same on the CTB chins. Still ended up tearing a callous on  my right hand...need to remember to file them down next time.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

OPT: Week 9, Day Two

Wednesday 8-14

A. Snatch; practice add wt.
(95-115-135-155-175) x 2; (185-195(f)-195-205(f)-205(f)-205) x 1
B. Clean; practice add wt.
135-185-205 x 2, 225-235-250-260* x 1
C. Back squat; build to a 3rm
Wall balls - 20#
KBS - 1.5 pd.
Time: 15:04

Felt good this morning. Technical faults limited the snatch loads not injury...which is a good thing. Have some ground to make up. Cleans felt solid. Felt like I had another 20-25# in me but decided to err on the side of caution.

Squats weren't bad. Stopped at 385#. Form was beginning to break down so I ended it. I may have had another 10# for an ugly 3 in need to rush things...

Monday, August 12, 2013

OPT: Week 9, Day One

Monday 8-12

A. Press x 5; rest 2 min
B. Push-press/Power-jerk
C1. Supinated L-Chin up clusters 5.5.5x3; rest 30 seconds/rest 2 min
C2. Dip Clusters 5.5.5x3; rest 30 seconds/rest 2 min; rest 12-15 min
12 min amrap:
6 CTB Chin-ups
Rounds: 9+6+3 - (finished last 3 HSPUs after time)

Friday, August 9, 2013

OPT: Week 8, Day 3 - Almost as Rx'd

Friday 8-9

WU: KBS + EW Ladder
A. 1 1/4 front squat - 5x3; rest 2 min
135-185-225-247-269-285'-295' (+22#)
B. Hang squat snatch below the knee; 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 3 min
45-95-115-135-155-170 x 2, 185 x 1

Rest 5-6 minutes


10-1 @ 80-85%
Power clean 135/95#
Goblet squat 2/1.5 pood

Time: 7:25-30ish (watch issues)

With 20# vest
A1. Ring Rows - 3 x 8; rest 10 sec
A2. HRPUs - 3 x 10 @ 31X1; rest 2 min

Worked out around 10:15 am and felt a lot better than I do at 2-3 pm. Total workout time from wu to finish was around 1:15. Belted and took an extra minute between my last two sets of FS.

Decided to cut it off after hitting 185# on Snatch. Wanted to push for 195-200#, but decided to save it for another day.

Goal was to stay tight and keep moving on the metcon. Took my time between transitions. Felt good to do one as Rx'd for the most part.

OPT: Week 8, Day 2 - Scaled

Wednesday 8-7

WU: KBS + EW Ladder
A. Back Squat x 10's - 45-95-115-135-185-227-247-269-285
B1. Ring Dip Clusters - 5.5.5; rest 2 min
B2. L-Chin-up Clusters - 5.5.5; rest 2 min; x 4
12 min amrap @ 80%
20 KB snatch 2/1.5 pood - (60#)
10 (6-point) Burpees

Rounds: 4 + 12 KB Snatch (finished partial round after time)

Lots of subbing today due to logistics. Still testing the waters with the arm and laying off the calf as much as possible. Didn't have a 70# KB but probably good to scale anyway. Wasn't sure how the arm would hold up. It did fine, but I made sure to take my time and be very deliberate on all movements.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Oly work, DL and KB Press

Monday 8-5 (10/3 weeks)

Monday 8-5

WU: Stretching, KBS + EWs
A. Hang Snatch from Knee x 3 x 5
B. Clean x 3 x 5
C. DL - build to a tough 3
D. KB/DB Press - 3 x 16/arm; rest 1 min b/t sides.
10 Rnds for time of:
10 TTB (Ab Wheel)
10 HRPUs
Time: 15:56*

I can tell I'm out of practice on the hook-grip and that I'm using a thicker bar with more knurl than what I usually do. The hook-grip on the DL just about put me under. It took all I had to push through the pain...

HRPUs really limited the pace I could keep on the little metcon. I was at muscle failure way before metabolic failure.

Friday, August 2, 2013

OPT - "Scaled"

Friday 8-2 (@ home)

Stretching +
10 KB Swings
1 Elephant Walk
8 KB Swing - 40#
2 Elephant Walks
6 KB Swings - 40#
3 Elephant Walks
8 KB Swings - 40# 
2 Elephant Walks
10 KB Swings - 40#
1 Elephant Walk

A. 3-Pos Snatch - Mid, Knee, Shin - 1+1+1 
45-87-105-127-140-150 (+10#)
B. 3-Pos Clean - Mid, Knee, Shin - 1+1+1 
C. Back squat; build to a 5rm
D. 31 Rep Back Squat - 247#
E. Thruster Practice x 5's
10 Rounds of @ 80% effort of: 
3 HSPUs 
6 Ab Wheel
9 KB Swing - 60#
12 Body Squats
Time: 13:30

10 HSPUs - UB
15 Ab Wheel
20 KB Swing - 60#
30 Body Squats

Loved the Warm-up today. May be a new staple if I have time. Got it from Chronicles of strength. Really loosened up my shoulders, hammies and activated my core.

Still feeling out the Oly lifts. Added 10# to last time on snatch and did the 3-Pos Clean by feel. Felt easy...wanted to go higher...but decided that was enough for the day.

Squat was a little anit-climactic. I was hoping to hit around 370#, but sleeping on the floor the last two days has taken a toll on me. Just wasn't into it. I was supposed to do 295# for a set of 21, but when I unracked it, I paused too long and thought about it...then racked it. Stripped down to 247# and did a set of 31.

I was supposed to hit a 21-15-9 Thruster and Box Jump couplet today, but I hurt myself last time I did thrusters...although it was with 165# not 95# so I'm still a little leary. Also, I can't do box jumps yet due to my threw together a little WOD at a slower pace. Did work...feel good.