Friday 2-8
A. Split jerk 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Loads: 185-215-235-245-255*-265
Loads: 185-215-235-245-255*-265
B. Parallete hspu; 30 for time (if can't perform then, do eccentrics at a 5 second count and kick back to top)
Time: 16:50ish
Time: 16:50ish
For time:
100 wall balls
75 chin ups
50 wall balls
25 chin ups
50 sit ups
75 double unders
100 air squats
Time: 22:15
Didn't have a good day on the Split Jerk. I felt pretty unstable and actually had to dump 255# on the second rep from the top. I lost control before recovering to a standing position. Only hit 265# for one single. Felt fairly easy, but I ended up being a mental marshmallow after the debacle at 255# and didn't come close to my PR. I barely tried 275#. Didn't go for it...
HSPUs were done as two singles at a time alternating with Ben. The first two were head-to-deck, the last 28 were all to a 25# bumper. I did start doing a 3-4 second negative in addition to the concentric around rep 22ish.
Metcon was a grind...just tried to survive it...
Time: 22:15
Didn't have a good day on the Split Jerk. I felt pretty unstable and actually had to dump 255# on the second rep from the top. I lost control before recovering to a standing position. Only hit 265# for one single. Felt fairly easy, but I ended up being a mental marshmallow after the debacle at 255# and didn't come close to my PR. I barely tried 275#. Didn't go for it...
HSPUs were done as two singles at a time alternating with Ben. The first two were head-to-deck, the last 28 were all to a 25# bumper. I did start doing a 3-4 second negative in addition to the concentric around rep 22ish.
Metcon was a grind...just tried to survive it...
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