Tuesday, December 31, 2013

OPT: Week 29, Day Two

Tuesday 12-31

TRAINING:A. BS @ 30X1; 50% 1RM x 7 reps, 60% 1RM x 6 reps, 70% 1RM x 5 reps; rest short b/t sets (1min)
B. emom - 20 min
odd - squat clean TnG x 3 - 65% 1RM (195#)
even - 8 kipping (no kip) HSPU
for time:
50 m hi prowler moderate - 225#
25 m HS walk
50 m hi prowler moderate - 225#
25 m HS walk
50 m hi prowler moderate - 225#
25m HS walk
50 m hi prowler moderate - 225#
EMOM - 10 min
odd - GHD Sit-ups x 12 
even - Jump Split Lunges x 20

Monday, December 30, 2013

OPT: Week 29, Day One

Monday 12-30

A. Power Clean - build to a 1RM in 8 min
135-185x2-215x2-235-255-275# (missed 290#...would have been a 5# PB)
rest EXACTLY 2 min (2:10)
B. Power Clean - 90% amrap of part A in 8 min
250# x 23 + 2 after time (25 reps in 8:45...no misses...2.875 reps/min for 8min test)
rest 3 min
C. Power Clean - 80% amrap of part A in 4 min
225# x 18 + 2 after time (no misses...4.5 reps/min)
rest EXACTLY 10 min (15min...got to talking with Daniel and Ron)
D. Tabata Ring DIps
15-10-8-4-4-4-3-3 (51)

I was really hoping to hit 290 today on PC, but just couldn't pull it high enough for the PC. Also had to fight the urge to pull under and catch in a full clean. 

The AMRAP work was legit. I added the 80% amrap. Felt good just to work on the movement. I think I have done this type of WOD before but can't find it on my blog.

First time doing ring dips since October. They were alright. Dropped off quickly though.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

OPT: Week 28, Day Three

Saturday 12-28

A. BS - build to a tough single in 15 min
Warm-up: 135-235-295 x 5
Work Sets: 335x5, 365x4, 385x3, 405x2, 425x1, 435x1(f)
B. Power Grace:
30 reps for time:
CJ (PC+PP) - 135# (15+3+3+1+1+1+2+2+2)
Time: 2:08
C. emom - 20 min
odd - PC TnG - 60% 1RM x 3 (185-185-195-195-190-190-200-200-205-205)
even - HS walk max distance in 20 sec 
D. emom - 20 min
odd - PS TnG - 58% 1RM x 4 (125#)
even - 7 CTB chin ups

Had the family with me today. Thought I would get the 435, but lost my mental focus. 425# is the most I've done since we were on the Catalyst Oly cycle. Not sure how today's Grace compares to previous attempts. It has been so long since I have done it I can't remember. Goal was to just keep moving. Probably could have pushed the 15 into 16-18, but thought I would game it from there to avoid muscle failure. I was at 15 reps in 44-45sec mark.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

OPT: Week 28, Day Two

Thursday 12-26
A. BS - 70% of part B on Monday - 2 reps emom @ 20X1 - 8 min
285#x4, 295x3, 305x3
B. Hang Squat Clean - 8 min build to a tough-ish single
Rope Climb 15'
16" Bench Press BWT
BJ - 30/36"
Hang Squat Clean - 80% part B (225#*)

Time: 12:44

Strength work was good. Wanted to push the squats, but didn't. Stayed between 70-75%. HSC went as planned, but I threw a belt on for the 300# attempt so I based the 80% roughly off the 275#...although I did put the belt on for the HSC sets.

OPT notes said to keep moving...and that is all I did. The rope climbs and the HSC were the limiters on this one. I would do an ascent and then walk to the door, chalk up, go again. I did singles on the HSC. Grip wasn't feeling the multiples.

OPT: Week 28, Day One

Monday 12-23

TRAINING:3 sets @ 90%:
5 TnG DL tough (395-405-415-425*) - all hook grip
AD sprint 20 sec (10 burpees AFAP)
rest walk 3 min b/t sets
3 sets @ 95%:
5 HPC TnG moderate (165-175-185-195)
Row sprint 20 sec 
rest walk 3 min b/t sets
3 sets @ 100%:
5 PC TnG fast/snappy (175-185-195-205*)
AD sprint 15 sec 
walk rest 3 min b/t sets

FS Practice
Standing Press Practice
10min of AD @
95% for 30 sec
50% for 30 sec
Tabata rows on C2

Did this at the Gym in Aurora. The equipment was pretty rough and not really conducive to Oly-style training, but I made due. Managed to find a bar that wasn't bent too bad, but had to keep screwing the ends back on to keep them from getting too loose.

Gym did have a C2 rower and an Airdyne in the cardio room so I carried the weights for the second two IWTs into the room and was able to do them as Rx'd. I did use straps on the second two IWTs though. Grip was taxed after the DL's. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

OPT: Week 27, Day Three

Saturday 12-21

A. BS @ 30X1; 4-5 x 2; rest 2 min
B. BS @ 30X1; 2-3 x 2; rest 3 min
C. CJ - 80% 1RM - emom x 1 - 10 min
5 rounds of
18 Bench Jumps (6 in a row x 3 times through)
21 KBS - 55#
rest 2min b/t sets
Work to rest 1:2 - approx 1 min/round
3 sets of:
AMRAP Split Jumps - 45 sec
rest 1 min
46-46-40 (+6)
HS Walks x 1 length of wt. room

Back to back days. Went in later than I normally do (around 11:00am) and just wasn't feeling the heavy double today. The set of 405 started feeling a bit shallow on the second rep so I racked it. Decided to go for a single at 425# but when I unracked it I wasn't feeling it. The weight felt heavy on my back so I racked it and moved on. (DNA = Did not Attempt)

The CJ work felt good and solid. 225% is 80% of 300. Not sure if I could hit that or not, but for work sets it felt right.

HS work is getting easier. Feel like I have more control and am able to correct without coming down.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

OPT: Week 27, Day Two

Friday 12-20

A. HPS - 1 emom tough - 12 min
185x7, 190x3, 195x2
B. PC TnG - emom - 64% 1RM - 3 reps - 15 min
5 sets:
20 DU's
10 PP TnG (115-120-125-130-135)
15 unbroken CTB chin ups
rest walk 2:30 b/t sets

Thursday, December 19, 2013

OPT: Week 27, Day One

Wednesday 12-18

A. OHS - build to a 15RM - max 4 sets in 30 min
rest as needed
for reps:
1 min amrap (omitted burpee)bar muscle ups; 2+1+1+1, 3+1+1, 1+1+1(2 misses)
1 min max distance HS walk; 1 length of wt. room/round
1 min max DU's; 70-61-60
rest walk 2 min x 3


Death by Burpees q :30 - 10 rounds

Hit a doouble bar MU on the first round then a triple on the second round.

Added the burpees at the end to make up for the ones I missed out on in the Rx'd metcon.


Friday, December 13, 2013

OPT: Week 26, Day Three

Friday 12/13

A. HBBS @ 40X1; build to a moderately tough double in 10 min
135(5)-225(5)-275(5)-315(3)-375-395-415* (+10#)
*Broke parallel for sure, but definitely not ATG as Rx'd. Belted up on 395 & 415
335 x 14 (+2reps)
*Trying to increase by 2 reps/week until I hit 20 reps

rest 5 (ish) min

15,12,9,6 @ 100%:
PP - 135# (all UB)
CTB chin ups (UB*, 6+3+3, 3+2+1's, 2+1's)
Time: around 5min or a little over.*

*I had to switch racks after the 3rd time hitting my head on the BCGW banner on the set of 15. Never happened before, I assume the rack has been pushed back since last time I did CTB PUs on the back bar. CTB PUs were definitely the limiting factor on the Power output for this Metcon


Prowler Sprints High/Low - D/B x 12 rounds (+2) @ 200#
3:1 rest:work; Averaged around 25-30 sec/ trip; rested 1:30 b/t trips

These were legit by the 8th round...almost stopped at 10.

OPT: Week 26, Day Two

Wednesday 12-11

A. tall clean - 5 sets of 2; rest 1 min+
B. hang squat (Power) clean - build to a tough triple in 10 min - mid thigh pause
C. heavy 1 arm db torso row @ 20X0; 4-5/arm x 3 sets; rest 1 min b/t arms
Moved from Wednesday
10 min @ 80-90%:
3 wall walks
TGU x 3/arm - 1.5/1 pd
3 bar muscle ups
3 BJ's - 32-40" - step down
Rounds: 3 in 10:30

My right wrist was super tight and sore this morning. Not sure if it was from all the SDLHPs Monday or the Bar Muscle-ups or what, but I had to drop the weight and pick it back up once I hit around 175# on the Tall Cleans.

Because of the wrist issue I put on straps for the HC triple and then subbed HPC instead. Just wasn't feeling the full clean this morning.

The metcon was a bit of a bust due to how long it takes me to do the TGUs and the Bar MUs. I did the BMUs in singles with a walk over to the green carpet and back b/t attempts. I did string a double together after time expired though.

Monday, December 9, 2013

OPT: Week 26, Day One

Monday 12-9

A. HPS/PS waveload - 1.1 emom - 12 min
145-155-165-155-165-175-165-175-185-175-185-195(Near miss on HPS, then 1 PS + 1 HPS off time) 
B. PC TnG - emom - 62% 1RM - 3 reps - 20min
C. Bar MU Practice - 1 q 30-45 sec x 13 reps
Row 75 sec @ 95%
rest walk 4 min + Free HS practice x 1 attempt b/t rows x 6 
60-62-65-65-65-68 (380 reps) 

Bar MUs felt good...and easy actually. Free HS are getting easier too. I think I hit about 12-18 sec without coming down on my last attempt.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

OPT: Week 25, Day Three

Saturday 12-7

A. HBBS @ 40X1; 10,8,6,4,2,12; rest 3-5 min
WU: 135-225-275 (x5's)
WS: 305-335-360-385-405-335
B. EMOM - 10 min
odd - PC x 1/PP x 4 TnG moderate
even - amrap COVP pull ups in 20 sec
PC/PP: 155-165-170-175-175
COVP: 13-13-13-13-10+3 after time
10 min @ 80%:
TGU x 2/arm moderate (55#)
free HS 20 sec accumulation
Rounds: 5-6 - lost count

rest walk 3 min

10 min @ 80%:
10 ball slams - 20# AHAP
5 Box Jumps - 32"
5 ME Broad Jumps
Rounds: 6 

Skill Practice - Bar Muscle-ups: Got 1st super easy, then close on 3 more...then I left...

OPT: Week 25, Day Two

Wednesday 12-4

A. Snatch Balance - 1,1,1,1,1; rest 2-3 min
B. OHS @ 2010; 15,15,15; rest 3 min
C. AMRAP CTB strict chin ups in 7 min - 39 (3 close misses not included)
D. Plate OH walking lunges - 20 continuous steps; rest 1 min x 5

OPT: Week 25, Day One

Monday 12-2

A. clean grip DL - build fast for a moderate single
225, 275, 315, 365, 395, 425, 450, 470* belted

rest EXACTLY 5 min

5 sets for times - 90-95%%:
10 DL - 70% part A (315#)
21 Wall Balls - 20#/14# to 10 ft (all UB)
10 HSPU (UB, 6-4, 2-3-3-2, 2's, 2's & 1's)
(rest walk 90 sec)

rest EXACTLY 5 min

1 set amrap CTB chin ups - 18