Wednesday, January 30, 2013

OPT: Week Five, DayTwo

Wednesday 1-30 
A. Back squat with chains 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2; rest 2 min (41.8# chains)
Loads: 275-290-315-325*-340*-355*
*used belt
B. Squat snatch from high blocks (high hang) 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Loads: 125-155-175-185-195-205
All done @100%
3 min AMRAP*
10 no push up burpee box jumps 20" (bench - remember to hop back)
10 power clean and jerk - 95#
*switched order of movements
Rounds: 2 + 8 reps
Rest 10 min (9:03)
3 min AMRAP
10 deadlift - 185#
10 burpee lateral hop over bar
Rounds: 3 + 12 reps
Rest 10 min (9:03)
3 min AMRAP:
15 hang power snatch from below knee - 75#
15 box jumps - 20" (bench)
Rounds: 2 + 8 reps

Monday, January 28, 2013

OPT: Week Five, Day One

Monday 1-28 

A. Push press x5/Push jerk x3/Split jerk x1; rest 90 (90-120sec) seconds x 5 complexes
Loads/Reps: 185-185-185*-175**-165
*Belted and missed the last PJ (5+2), racked then 1+1 to finish out.
**missed Jerk, racked and did + 1
B. Strict press 10, 10, 10; rest 75* seconds
Loads/Reps: 115x5+95+6/95(9+1)/95x10
*recovered approx 2-3min
10 rounds for time:
10 hand release push ups
8 knees to elbow
6 box jumps - 24" (bumpers)
4 CTB chin ups (supinated)
2 wall walks

TT: 21:20

Should have stayed around 165# for the BB Complex. 185# was biting off more than I could chew. My stability OH was waning pretty badly by the end of the complex.

Also should have started at 95# instead of 115# for the strict press...that made me feel like a sissy...

Metcon was a grind as expected. The Hand-release Push-ups bogged me down the most.

Friday, January 25, 2013

OPT: Week Four, Day Three

Friday 1-25
A. Power clean clusters 1.1.1x5; rest 10 seconds/rest 3 min
Loads: 225-225-225-235-235)
B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform-25# Bumper + 45# Iron) 5, 5, 5; rest 3 min
Loads: 395-420-445 (3+1AP)
12 min amrap:
5 squat clean 165#
5 power clean 155#
10 squat clean 145#
10 power clean 135#
20 squat clean 115#
20 power snatch 105#
30 squat snatch 95#
30 power snatch 75#

TR: 77

PC Clusters: Tried to stay lighter on PC to work on tech, but ended up bumping 10#. Should have stayed at 225#
Def DL: Felt strong. Used Hook grip until 3rd rep of 445#. Switched to over/under. Stopped at 3. Form was awful. Did an extra single after I ran to the BR. Hands felt like the limiting factor today, not my back.
12 min AMRAP: Metcon was rough on the hands. Went ahead and finished after time. Just focused on getting the reps in. No ground speed records were broken today.
All the pulls didn't help the already sore arm situation, but now at least my traps will be sore too.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OPT: Week Four, Day Two

Wednesday 1-23
A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x14 sets @55-75% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets
Loads: 155-155-160-160-165-165-170-170-175*-175-180*-180-180-185
B. 12 muscle ups for time x4; rest 4 min
Times: 2:20, 4:04, 4:40, 7:02
10 rounds for time:
2 power snatch @85% 1rm
10 knees to elbow*

TT: 8:30

Missed on second rep of first 175 attempt and second rep of first 180 attempt. No other misses...185 felt solid.

MUs were totally buried. Recovered 3min b/t 3rd and 4th round to save time.

Metcon wasn't bad, but KTE became more like KTT * (*triceps) towards the middle/end of it. Keeping bumpers from bouncing off became an issue as well. Will tape clamps next time.

Monday, January 21, 2013

OPT: Week Four, Day One

Monday 1-21

A. Strict press clusters 3.3.3x5; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 min
B. JM press 12-15x3; rest 2 min (
65-75-85 (this fired my left elbow up something fierce...need to do some soft tissue work)
3 rounds for time:
20 thrusters 75# (UB/UB/15+5)
15 chin ups (UB/UB/7+4+4)
50 45#KB SDLHPs (UB/13+13+14+10/12+13+10+6+9)
TT: 10:03

Friday, January 18, 2013

OPT: Week Three, Day Three

Friday 1-18

A. Back squat 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
B. Paused below the knee squat snatch 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
4 Rounds of:
30 seconds max reps power snatch 95
30 seconds max reps burpees
30 seconds max reps kbs 2-pd
30 seconds max reps box jumps 24
1 min max calories airdyne (Plate Pushes)
Rest 12 min

Last Snatch at 195 was ugly. Attempted it a couple more times, but was all over the place. Missed it behind, in front...was definitely pulling it high enough, but just not clicking. I think I let the weight pull me too far forward which put me out of sync on the lift. 185 felt good and I probably should have stayed there.

Metcon Results
1. 14-13-11*-12
2. 13-12-11-10
3. 15-14-12-12.
4. 12-11-7-6
5. DBx2.5-DBx2-DBD-DBD

Only recovered 9, 8, 5-ish minutes between rounds due to time...became a survival situation by the end...and I may be beginning to hate plate pushes as much as Burpees now...they have a major "suck factor" to them!

Mis-heard the watch on round three and dropped the BB with 5-6 seconds left during the PS. Probably good for another rep or two there had I not...oh well...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

OPT: Week Three, Day Two

Wednesday 1-16:

A. Bench press 1.1.1x3; rest 20 seconds/rest 2 min
B. Split jerk; build to a tough single
135-185-215 x 2; 235-255 x 1
C. Drop to 80% of B and perform 6 sets of 2; rest 2min b/t sets
235 x 2 x 6
For time:
50 meter farmers walk 2/1.5 pood
25 hspu
50 meter farmers walk
25 CTB chin ups
50 wall balls
25 toes to bar
50 wall balls
25 hspu

TT: 16:30

First round of HSPUs weren't bad. I cranked out 20 UB...but the second round was a different story. I got to the 2nd round of HSPUs around the 8:30-9min took me almost as long to do the last round of HSPUs as it did the other 7 movements combined.

300 double unders for time... clock starts immediately upon completion and scored as a second workout*

TT: 9:05 *

Rushed the Jerk a bit. I started thinking about running out of time and my focus waned. I put on 275# but unracked it and then decided to cut my losses and start the doubles.

*This was not done as Rx'd. I ran out of time and ended up doing this after the meeting. I just tried to stay in a rhythm. Did it in sets of 15 pacing back and forth in the weightroom. No unitentional misses until rep 168...probably only 3-4 misses total.

Monday, January 14, 2013

OPT: Week Three, Day One

Monday 1-14

A. Deadlift 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
435-465-500 (All Hook Grip...felt good today)
B. Power clean; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
235-245-255-265(f)-265 (Last attempt at 265 was ugly. Rack was not good)
C. Hang squat clean from below the knee 3 reps x10 sets; rest 45 seconds bw sets (50-65% 1rm for all sets, high speed - perfect mechanics*
165# x 10 sets
12 min AMRAP:
20 squat clean 95/65
20 squat clean 135/95
20 squat clean 165/115
20 squat clean 195/145
AMRAP squat clean 225/175 in remaining time
Total Reps: 62

DL: Felt good on the DL today. Wasn't sure how I would do since last time was so bad. I didn't even budge 465# last time. Wanted to go higher, but decided not to. That is the most I have pulled in a while. Did use a hook grip...which might actually be a PR for using a hook grip. Grip felt strong.

PC: I need to swallow my pride on the PC and make myself not go so heavy. My rack position was being compromised because I wasn't pulling it high enough. I kept wanting to dive under the bar into a full clean to receive it. I need to commit to perfect mechanics!

HC Skill work: Strapped up in order to save grip for the WOD. Felt good and mechanics seemed solid. time I might belt up once I hit 195#. I had enough time to get at least 3-4...maybe 5 reps, but after the second rep I could feel my form degrading...

Friday, January 11, 2013

OPT Week 2, Day 3

Friday 1-11

A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x12 sets @50-70% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets - let high speed and perfect mechanics dictate load
B. 2 muscle ups on the minute for 14 min
as Rx'd
C. Toes to bar; 50 for time
TT: 2:43*
*forgot to start watch. Did 20 UB pretty fast so I added 30sec to 2:13.
10-8-6-4-2 rounds for time of:
Power clean - 185#
Bar facing burpees
TT: 5:15

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

OPT Week Two, Day Two

Wednesday 1-9

A1. Weighted dip 3-4 x 4; rest 10 seconds
A2. Amrap unbroken ring dips x 4; rest 3 min
B1. Weighted chin up 2-3 tough reps x 4; rest 10 seconds
B2. 15 unbroken CTB chin ups x 4;
rest 3 min
For time:
25 box jumps 24""
50 double unders
25 kb snatch 1.5/1 pood (right)
50 double unders
25 calories rowing (burpees)
50 double unders
25 kb snatch 1.5/1 pood (left)
50 double unders"

TT: 14:49

Notes: Double Unders owned me...couldn't get a rhythm at all.

Monday, January 7, 2013

OPT Programming: Week 2, Day One

Monday 1-7

A. Back squat 3, 1, 3, 1; rest 2 min
Warm-up: 135x10, 225x8, 275x5, 315x3, 340x3
Work Sets: 365-385-375-395
B. Snatch Balance; 3, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Warm-up: 95x3, 135x3, 165x3
Work Sets: 195-215-235-255-???
3 Rounds of:
1 min max reps power clean and jerk 135/75
1 min max reps no push up burpee box jumps 24"
1 min max calories airdyne
Rest 10 min
Metcon Results
PC+J: 16-15-15
Burpee BJ: 10-11-10
Plate Pushes: D/Bx2, D/B/D, D/B/0.5D

Notes: I thought there were only two singles on the snatch balance...I totally missed that there were supposed to be three. Oh well...would have liked to have gone for another, but still did work.

Friday, January 4, 2013

OPT Programming: Week One, Day Three

Friday 1-4

A. Deadlift 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
B1. Power clean 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
235-250-265(f)-260(f)-275 (HPC)
B2. Bench press 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
C1. Push press 6, 6, 6; rest 10 seconds
C2. Push jerk 12, 12, 12; rest 10 seconds
135-155-155C3. HSPU; 20 for time x3; rest 3-4 min
1:58, 3, 4-4:30
5 rounds for time: 5 power snatch @ 80% 1rm*
10 GHD sit ups
TT: 6-6:20ish

^Forgot to rest 10 sec b/t PP and PJ...bout didn't make it
*subbed HPC @ 160# (used straps)

Notes: Grip was a factor today. Hands feel raw...gonna take time to develop the iron skin from all the volume from OPT.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

OPT Programming: Week One, Day Two

Thursday 1-3
A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x10 sets @50-70% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets - let high speed and perfect mechanics dictate load.
B. Squat clean; 2 reps x10 sets @50-70% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets - let high speed and perfect mechanics dictate load.
C. 2 muscle ups on the minute for 10 min
as Rx'd
10 min AMRAP:
3 deadlift 275/185
5 box jumps 36/30
10 toes to bar
Metcon Outcome: 7 rounds + 15 reps