Saturday 2-5 OPT Day 115:
16" Close Grip Bench Press - find your 1RM
(compare this to the latest power clean 1RM) (sub weighted ring dips due to no spot)
"Flight Simulator"
(UB Double Under Ladder: 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5)
Must stop between sets of DUs and may not do single skips between.
Training Outcome/Notes:
CG Bench: 275-285(f)-280(f) 275 is 5# under best PC and 5# over most recent PC. 30# under most recent HPC. Did do 245x3, 225 x 5 x 2 sets while Ben was still going.
CG Bench wasn't too hot. Didn't really wrap my brain around it or dial in. I was enjoying the fellowship and conversation with Ben. Should have focused more. May not have made a difference though.
Flight Simulator
TT: 27:35
I definitely took my time on this one once I hit the rounds of 25+. I was willing to let my time suffer in hopes of being able to do this as Rx'd with all rounds UB. Here's how it all panned out.
Went UB up to and including the set of 50. On the way back down I missed on the set of 45 at rep 16 and 41. I missed on the set of 40 at rep 24 and 37. On the set of 35 I broke at 33 (frustrating...rope flew out of my hand). After that they were all UB. I did have to do some "redo's" though. On the set of 20 I missed at rep 12 and then did 20 UB. On the set of 15 I broke at 12, attempted again and broke at 11, then got all 15 UB. 10 and 5 were done UB with only a slight pause between them.
Other musings:
Ben and I did some weighted Chin-ups and Dips between the CGB and DUs.
3 Rounds of 25# Weighted Chin-ups and Ring Dips; AMRAP.
1. 11-7 (Pronated)
2. 10-7 (Supine)
3.10-7 (Mixed)
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