Sunday, September 29, 2013

OPT: Week 16; Day One

Sunday 9-29 

A. Press; build to a 6RM
B. Weighted dips; 2-4x6; rest 3 min
C. Weighted strict Ring Pull-ups; rest 15 sec/rest 2:30 min
D. AMRAP UB HSPU; rest 1min x 10 (from10# bumpers)
6 rounds of:
5 Spartan Tire Flips; rest 1min
as Rx'd

100 KBS for time - 70#

Friday, September 27, 2013

OPT: Week 15, Day Three

Friday 9-27

A. Back squat clusters 3.3.3x4; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 min


(150 WB)
Time: 7:15

Notes: Did work...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

OPT Week 15, Day Two

Wednesday 9-25

WU: Hollow Rocks and Hip Mobility
A. Deadlift; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
WU: 135-225-315-365-405 x 5's
WS: 435(5)-465(4)-490(3)-510(1) - belted on all WS
B. Thruster; build to a max
135-185-205-225* *FS only...didn't even go for the thruster...
C. Amrap thrusters in 6 min 135/95# (from floor)
Total reps: 48 + 2 (after time)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

OPT: Week 15, Day One

Sunday 9-22 

TRAINING:A. Weighted Ring pull-ups; amrap sets of 2 unbroken @30/10# in 10 min
15 sets
B. Ring Dips; 10x10; rest 1 min
C. Bent over BB rows; 6-8x4/arm; rest 1 min
145-165-187-209-230D . HSPUs from raised platform (25# bumpers); amrap sets of 2 unbroken in 10 min.
12 + 1 single
E. Ring Rows - 8-12 x 4; rest 1 min
8 min AMRAP (@85%):
8 KBS - 2 pd
8 Box Jumps - 24"
Total: 8 + 8 KBS

OPT: Week 14, Day Three

Friday 9-20 

TRAINING:A. 1 1/4 front squat 3-5x5; rest 2 min
B. Front rack barbell reverse lunges; 20 continuous alt'ing steps x 4; rest 2 min
15 unbroken KBS 2 pood
Run 200m @ 90% (Garage Door to Pole before Ditch - walk back)
rest 3:30 x 6
as Rx'd

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

OPT: Week 14, Day Two

Wednesday 9-18 
A. Hang squat snatch from below the knee; 5 x 5; rest 2 min 95-115-135-150-165-175*-185*
squat snatch 95/65
toes to bar
Time: 7:58

Strapped up on the 175# and 185#. Did the 175# 3 + 2. I didn't drive under the bar enough and lost it forward. The 185# wasn't bad though. Felt a lot more solid on the first 3 than I did on the last 2 though.
Felt like I was in survival mode on the metcon. Just couldn't muster the gumption to go for it. Did the first set of 21 snatches UB, but broke the 15 and 9. The TTB were all broken as well.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

OPT: Week 14, Day One

Sunday 9-15

A. Platform SG DL x 5's
B. Platform CG DL x 5's
C. Weighted Ring dips; 4-6x6; rest 2 min
30#(6)-30#(6)-40#(6)-50#(4+30# x 2)-40#(4)-40#(4)
D. Weighted strict T2P (Thumbs-2-Pit) Ring Pull up clusters 1.1.1x6; rest 15 sec/rest 2 min
E1. Parallette Push-ups (Feet on small box) x 20; rest 1min
E2. Ring Rows (Feet on small box) x 15; rest 1min; x 3
Run 400m @ 85% (around the block)
rest 2 min; x 5
1:31, 1:22, 1:26, 1:27, 1:27
Platform DL felt good. Strapped up on all DL. On the set of Ring PUs @ 60# the first rep was the only T2P the other two were COVP so I dropped to 40# and then did an extra set of BW. Did some extra push/pulls. Had to pike on the last 5 of the parallette push-ups to get the 20 in, but didn't come off the bars.

Arms were crazy sore from doing all the SDLHPs on Friday so I opted for doing some 400m repeats. It felt good to stride out a bit. Once around the block is pretty darn close to 400m so that's what I'm calling it. My times were about right based off of what I can remember the last time I ran 400m at the HS.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

OPT: Week 13, Day Three

Friday 9-13

A. Power Snatch 3-3-3-2-2-2 (TnG)
For time: (20min cap)
50 Pistols
30 HPC - 225#
Time: Approx 17min*
Reps: 335* (20min)

PS was a bit blah today. 185# felt solid, but I kept wanting to pull under the bar into a snatch on 195# so I just quit.

Misread the metcon and thought it was a 20 min AMRAP not an AFAP. The time is an estimation. I cranked out another 55 SDLHPs after the 30 HPC to finish out the 20min.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

OPT: Week 13, Day Two

Wednesday 9-11 

TRAINING:A. Hang squat clean; build to a 3rm
B. Front squat; 4-6x5; rest 2 min
10 TnG power snatch 105#
Airdyne 20 seconds @100% (10 Burpees)
rest 3 min x6

Notes: All sets were around 40-50 sec of work

Sunday, September 8, 2013

OPT: Week 13, Day One

Sunday 9-8
KBS + EW Ladder - 40#
SG DL from platform (2x45# iron + 10# bumper) - 3 x 5 
135-185*-185*-185* (strapped)
*also practiced some movements/skills with Cael and Owen. (Goblet Squats, KB Sumo DL, Ring Rows, Skin-the-Cats, Push-up practice)

A. Snatch balance (Subbed Hang Snatch + OHS) 1+1 x 3 x 5; rest 2 min
95-115-135-150-160-170* (3 HS + 1 OHS)
B1. HSPU; amrap unbroken x 6; rest 1 min
22-16-12-10-10-10 (80)
B2. Amrap (-1) CTB chin ups unbroken x6; rest 2 min
(Subbed Thumb-2-Pit Ring Pull-ups) 7-7-5-4-4-4 (31)+
For time:
Unbroken Wall Balls 50(UB)-40(20-10-10)-30(16-10-4)-20(UB)-10(UB)
Unbroken Double-Unders - 50(UB)-40(10-30)-30(UB)-20(UB)-10(UB)
Time: 16:30*

Just didn't have the mental "want-to" on the metcon today. I took about 60-75sec b/t movements to recover and attempt to get the sets UB. I don't think it would have matter if I would have rested twice that on the WBs. They would have still been broken. Just mentally weak...but at least I go work in today.

Friday, September 6, 2013

OPT: Week 12, Day Three

Friday 9-6 

A. Power clean; 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min (TnG)
225-245-265, 235-255-275(f)-275*
Amrap in 8 min:
3 deadlift 275/185#
3 bar facing burpees
6 DL
(etc… increase by 3 per round)

Outcome: 18+6 (finished the last 12 BFB after time)

I was really wanting to pull under the bar and catch in a full clean on the PC. The higher I went up on the weight, the uglier my receiving position was and the lower my elbows were. However, 275# might be close to what my old PR was on PC...maybe within 5-10#.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

OPT: Week 12, Day Two

Wednesday 9-4 
A. Squat snatch; 1 rep on the 30 seconds for 20 reps @70% 1rm - 155#
B. Front squat; 6-8x4; rest 2 min
7 TnG power clean and jerk 135/85
10 perfect burpees (maintain hollow position - no hip sag)
rest 3 min x 6

Monday, September 2, 2013

OPT: Week 12, Day One (At Home)

Sunday 9-2
KBS (40#) + EW Ladder

A. Strict Press - x 5; rest 15sec/rest 2 min
5 rounds for max reps of:
Run 400m
rest 1 min b/t rounds

MUs/rnd: 3-2-2-2-2
HSPUs/rnd: 12-10-8-6-6

Cash-out: (w/ 20# vest)
Ring Pull-ups - 3 x 5; rest 60 sec
Ring Dips - 3 x 5; rest 30 seca

First time attempting MUs in the garage. It worked out pretty well. I had to do them like I used to in the rack before hanging the straps and keep my legs bent, but that is an easy concession to deal with for the convenience.

Ran around the block for the 400m. I clocked it with the van and I believe it is pretty close, if not a bit further considering I had to run down my drive and into my garage. This was the first time running since my calf injury. I was a bit nervous considering I use a forefoot running style, but I just tried to stay controlled and stride out while maintaining good form and it held up nicely. Still not sure whether I am ready to just all out sprint on it though. It's pretty sore today (Monday)

Took my time chalking up before the MU attempts and then took 15 sec between the MUs and the HSPU attempts. All-in-all a good day though...just need to get a radio...