Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 4, Day 12 - Wendler Deload

Thursday 5-31

A. Back Squat - 5 x 5
B. Press - 45% x 5, 55% x 5, 65% x 5
C. Deadlift - 40% x 5, 50% x 5, 60% x 5
D1. Platform DL - 3 x 5
D2. Perfect Deadlift - 3 x 3
D2. Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 3 x 8
E1. Back Extesions - 3 x 25
E2. Hollow Rocks - 3 x 30

A. 135-225-275-315-325-330-335-35-340
B. 95-115-140
C. 190-240-290
D1-D3. 275-275-275 (used straps)
E1-E2. as Rx'd

My how doing squats first and deadlifting afterwards makes a difference. Felt a lot stronger and tighter on squats. Also got some good technical work in with the DL variations.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 4, Day 11

Wednesday 5-30

A. Power Snatch + Snatch + Snatch Balance - 70-75% x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 95% x 1
C. Clean Pulls - 100% x 3 x 3
D1. Wtd Chin-ups - 75# x 3-5 x 3
D2. Cadence Dips @ 50X1 - 65# x 5 x 3
E1. Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 20
E2. Topside Half-moons (45#) - 3 x 20
F. Skill Development: Static handstand practice

A. 95-115-135-155-175-180-185*(strapped up)
B. 185-215-235-250-265-280(f-Jerk)-290(f-Jerk)
C. 305-305-305
D1. 4-5-5
D2. 5-5-8
E1. As Rx'd
E2. As Rx'd
F. 3 attempts.

Shoulders feel pretty taxed today. Couldn't make myself go for it on the Jerks at 90-95%. All reps leading up to it felt pretty good. Overall feel like my body is low on "go juice". Deloading next week will hopefully help. Need to get to bed earlier too...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 4, Day 10

Monday 5-29

A. Snatch - 95% x 1
B. Front Squat - 80% x 3 x 4
C. Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk x 3 x 3
D1. Bench - 45% x 5, 55% x 5, 65% x 5
D2. Snatch Grip Pull-ups - AMRAP (-1) x 3
E. Wtd. Dips - 45% x 5, 55% x 5, 65% x 5
F1. Ab Wheel (Standing) - 3 x 15
F2. Russian Twists - 3 x 20 (10 each side)

A. 95x2, 145x2, 170x2, 190x1, 205-215-225-235(f)
B. 135-195-235-255-275-285-285-285-285
C. 225-235-235
D1. 135-165-195
D2. 15-14-12
E. 55-65-75
F1. 15(7)-15(8)-15(o)
F2. as Rx'd

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week 3, Day 9

Thursday 5-24

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65-75% x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 90% x 1 x 3
C. Back Squat - 3 x 4
D1. Wtd. Pull-ups - 70#
D2. Cadence Dips - 60# @ 50X1
E1. Ab Wheel - 3 x 15
E2. Side Bridge - 1min each side x 3

A. 95-135-155-175-180-185
B. 185-205-225-245-265-275-275-275*-275 
C. 135-225-285-315-335-340-345-345
D1. 4-5-5
D2. 5-5-7
E1. 6-9, 7-8, 8-7
E2. as Rx'd

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week Three, Day Eight

Tuesday 5-22

A. Press - 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
B. Deadlift* -  75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
C1. Rack Pulls - 3 x 5
C2. Good Mornings - 3 x 7
C3. Reverse Hyperextensions - 3 x 20
D. Platform Deadlift - 3 x 5

A. 145-165-185 x 2.5
B. 365 - 415 - 460* x 7-480 x 1 - 500 x 1
C1. 405-485-495-495
C2. 195-195-195
C3. 20-20-20
D. 315-315-315

I really backed off the DL today. Low back is pretty fatigued from yesterday's squat session and I feel like I have a knot in my right low-back. I also belted up on the last set...which made a huge difference contributing to the 7 reps. Also hit a couple singles afterward. Hoping to hit some core later...we shall see...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Three, Day 7

Monday 5-21

A. Snatch - 90% x 1 x 3
B. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 70-75% x 3 + 1
C. Back Squat - 315# x 1 x 4
D1. Wtd. Dips - 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
D2. Chin-ups - AMRAP x 3

A. 95x2, 140x2, 165x2, 185x2, 200x1, 215x1, 225-225-225
B. 215-220-225
C. 135-225-285-315-315-315-315
D1. 85-95-105x5
D2. 15-14-12 (+2)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Two, Day Three

Friday 5-18

A. Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance + 1 1/4 OHS - 65% x 3
B. Clean and Jerk - 85% x 1 x 4
C. Front Squat - 75% x 3 x 5
D1. Cadence Dips - 55# @ 50X1 - 3 x 5
D2. Wtd. Chin-ups - 70# x 5-7

A. 95-135-155-165-165-165
B. 205-225-245-260*-260*-260-260-260-260
C. 225-265-265-270-270-275
D1. 5-5-5.5
D2. 6-5-5

*missed the jerk on the first two CJ @ 260. Belted up, dialed in and had no problems after that.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Two, Day Two

Wednesday 5-16

A. Press - 70%, 80%, 90% x 3
B. Deadlift - 70%, 80%, 90% x 3
C. Snatch Balance + OHS
D1. Platform DL - 3 x 5
D2. RDL - 3 x 5
D3. Back Extensions - 3 x 15
E1. OH Walking Lunges - 3 x 16 steps
E2. Hollow Rocks - 3 x 20

A. 135-155-175
B. 370-420-475
C. 95-135-185-205-225
D1. 255-255-255
D2. 295-295-295
D3. as Rx'd
E1. 95# as Rx'd
E2. as Rx'd

Didn't push anything today. Feeling pretty tired and want to recover.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week Two, Day Four

Tuesday 5-15

A. Snatch - 85% x 1 x 4
B. PC + C + PP + J -70-75% x 4
C. Back Squat - 305# x 5 x 5
D1. Snatch-grip Pull-ups x AMRAP x 3
D2. Wtd. Dips - 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3
E. Front Leaning Rest - 45 sec x 3

A. 95x2, 135 x 2, 165 x 2, 185 x 1, 200 x 1, 210-210-210-210
B. 210-225-230-230
C. 135-225-285-305-305-305-305-305
D1. 12-12-12
D2. 80# x 3. 90# x 3, 100# x 7
E. as Rx'd - 45# bumper + two 45# iron

Missed 210# on snatch three times on my first set, twice on the second set and then didn't miss at all on the last two. I think I should have done more mobilization and warmed up better. I was easily pulling it high enough, but I think my shoulders were a bit too tight.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Oly/Wendler Cycle: Week One, Day Three

Friday 5-11

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65-70%
B. Clean and Jerk - 80% x 1 x 5
C. Back Squat - 75% x 3 x 5
D1. Wtd. Pull-ups - 65# x 5-7 x 3
D2. Cadence Dips - 55# @ 50X1 x 5 x 3
E1. GHD Sit-ups x 15 x 2
E2. Back Extensions x 15 x 2

A. 95-135-160-170-175
B. 185-215-245-245-245
C. 225-275-305-335-335-335-335-335
D1. Reps - 6-5-4.5
D2. Reps - 5-5-4.5 (may have to stay at 55# for next time until I hit the Rx'd reps)
E1. 15-15
E2. 15-15

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oly-Wendler Cycle: Week One, Day Two

Wednesday 5-9

A. Press - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5
B. Deadlift - 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5
C1. Tall Jerk + Jerk Balance x 2 x 3
C2. Rack Pulls x 3 x 3
C2. Good Mornings x 5 x 3
C3. Reverse Hypers x 15 x 3

A. 125-145-165 x 8 (+1)
B. 345-395-445 x 7 (+2)
C1. 135-135-135
C2. 475-485-495
C2. 185-195-195
C3. as Rx'd

Core work to come...hopefully...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oly/Wendler Program: Week One, Day One

Monday 5-1

A. Snatch - 80% x 1 x 5
B. 3-Position Clean (High, Knee, Floor) - 65-70% x 3
C. Back Squat - 70% x 5 x 5
D1. Chin-ups - AMRAP (-1)
D2. Wendler Wtd. Dips - 3 x 5

A. 95x2, 135x2, 165x2, 195, 195, 195, 200, 200
B. 200, 210, 215
C. 225-265-295-295-295-300-300
D1. 13-14-12
D2. 75-85-95 (x 7)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Oly Deload

Friday 5-4

A. 3-Position Snatch - 65% x 3
B. 3-Position Clean + Jerk - 65% x 3
C. Jerk Dip Squats + Jerk - 65% x 3
D. Back Squat - 75% x 3 x 5

A. 95-125-140-160-160-160
B. 160-195-195-195
C. 195-195-195
D. 225-275-295-325-325-325-325-325

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oly Deload and Wendler Phase 2, Week 1

Thursday 5-3

A. Press - 65%, 75%, 85% x 5
B. Deadlift - 65%, 75%, 85% x 5
C. Snatch Balance + OHS - 65% x 2 x 3
D1. Wtd. Chin-ups - 65# x 5-7 x 3 + AMRAP (BW) x 1
D2. Wtd. Dips - 45# @ X150 x 5 x 3 + AMRAP (BW x 1)

A. 125-145-165 x 7
B. 345-395-445 x 5*
C. 165-175-185
D1. 7-7-6-13
D2. 5-5-6-19

Notes: Press felt good, DL wasn't bad either. Probably could have pulled the 445 another 1-2 reps, but stayed at 5 in order to avoid bad form. Felt like I started to round some on the 5th rep...and I wasn't too dialed in for it either.