Friday, June 28, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis Interval Day: Week 4, Day 3

Friday 6-30

Dynamic Warm-up
Sled Intervals x 50 yd @ 100#
A1. Forward pull down; rest 60 sec; x 10
A2. Reverse pull back; rest 90 sec x 10
Once around the block w/ 50#
Time: 3:38
10 No push-up Burpees x 10; rest 30 sec
25 SDLHP x 10; rest 1-2min - 40# KB
Windmills - 3 x 10/side - 40#
KB Press - 5 x 10/arm - 40#

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Week 4, Day 2

Wednesday 6-26

WU: Rehab circuits*, Scapular hangs, Oly Drills
A. Front Squat x 3 x 10 @ 30X1*
135-185-225; 265 x 3 x 10
B. Back Squat x 20 @ 285# (NB)
C. Front Rack Reverse Lunge - 3 x 10 @ 145#
D. Halting (@ knees), Clean-grip DL x 5 x 4 @ 3131
E1. GHD x 25 w/ 20# x 3
E2. BW x 25 w/ 20# x 3

Notes: started out with 31X1 tempo for all three reps, but then went to a 30X1 for the first two reps and a 31X1 for the third rep after the second set. Still no belt, next cycle I may belt up if I'm gonna push the loads.

Band work: Face pulls, ER, IR
BU KB Press/arm: 20-30-40 x 10, 40 x 5 x 3
3 rounds of:
A1. Y- Press x 10-15 (15-20#)
A2. U-Rows x 15-20 (25#)
A3. Push-ups x 5 @ 3111
A4. Scapular retraction Hangs for 30 sec
B. Bi/Tri Circuit (25#)
C. Burgner Warm-up (C/Sn)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis, Week 4, Day 1

Monday 6-24

WU: Rehab, Scapular Hangs, Oly Drills and Scare Crow drills for clean and snatch
A. Back Squat 10-10-8-8-6-6
285-285-305-325-345-365 (2)*
B. Back Squat 20 rep - no belt
275, 225, 185
C. Halting SG DL - 5 x 5 @ 3131

3 rounds of:
D1. Pistol Squats x 10/leg (25# KB)
D2. Hollow Rocks x 65
D3. BE x 50 (+15#)

Notes: Weight felt heavy today. Mind wasn't in it for the high end reps.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Lower Body/Conditioning Week 3, Day 3

Friday 6-21

WU: Dynamic Stretching

7 rounds of:
100yd Sled Drag - 100#
5 Goblet squats - 60#
5 Squat jumps
Rest 120 sec b/t rounds
Once around the block w/ 50#
Time: 4min

Notes: Each round was approx 60-90sec of work.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis Week 3, Day 2

Wednesday 6-19

WU: Rehab, Timed Hangs, Bottoms-up KB Press - 3 x 10/arm
A. Front Squat 70% x 10 x 3 @ 31X1 250#
B. Back Squat - 20 rep - 265# (+10)
C. Front rack Reverse Lunges - 3 x 10/ @ 135#
D. Halting Clean Grip DL - 5 x 5 @ 3131
E1. Girl Push-ups - 3 x 10 @ 5111
E2. KB Rows - 3 x 15/arm
E3. GHD - 3 x 25 (+15#)
E4. BE - 3 x 25 (+15#)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Week 3, Day 1

Monday 6-17

WU: Shoulder/Bicep Rehab
A. Back Squat 10-10-8-8-6-6
B. Back Squat 20 rep - no belt

3 rounds of:
C1. Pistol Squats x 10/leg (20# KB)
C2. SLDL x 10/leg (25/hand)
C3. Hollow Rocks x 60
C4. BE x 50 (+10#)

Notes: *5th was tough. Racked it and put on a belt for 2 more.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Week Two, Day Three

Friday 6-14

Warm-up: Dynamic stretching and firm running
Conditioning Day - Sled Intervals @ 100#
A. 10 sprints for 20-25 sec, active rest for 40-50 sec
B. 10 Back Pedal Sprints for 15 sec, active rest for 40 sec
Walked once around the block - 50#
Time: approximately 4-5:00min

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Week Two, Day Two

Wednesday 6-12

Warm-up: Rehab exercises
A. Front Squat 65% x 10 x 3 @ 31X1 (235#)
B. Back Squat - 20 rep - 235# (+10)
C. Suit-case DL - 5 x 5
D. Bottoms-up KB Press - 3 x 10/arm
E. KB Rows - 3 x 15/arm
F1. GHD - 4 x 25
F2. BE - 4 x 25

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Week Two, Day One

Monday 6-10
A. Back Squat 10-10-8-8-6-6
B. Back Squat 20 rep - no belt
3 rounds of:
C1. Pistol Squats x 10/leg (20# KB)
C2. SLDL x 10/leg (20#/hand)
C3. Hollow Rocks x 50
C4. BE x 50

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Week One, Day Two

Saturday 6-8

5 Rounds of:
Sled drag - 185, 185, 165, 165, 165
Goblet Squats - 40# x 10
SLDL - 15#/hand x 10
Broad jumps - 10
rest 3-5 min b/t rounds

Lower Body/Squat Emphasis: Week One, Day One

Wednesday 6-5
At Z1 Pace
50 Body Squats
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Pistol Squats/leg
50 Back Extensions
50 Walking Lunges/leg
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Pistols/leg
50 Back Extensions
50 Body Squats
50 Back Extensions
Approx 30 min