Friday, March 29, 2013

Deload Week - Day Two

Friday 3-29
WU: Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30; 30 sec rest A1.
Front Squat - 5 x 2-3; rest 30 sec
A2. Ring Rows - 5 x AMRAP; rest 30 sec
A3. Front Leaning Rest - 5 x 60 sec; rest 2:30
5 Rounds of @ Z1-Z2
GHD - 20
BE - 25
Walking Lunges - D/B

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Deload Week

Wednesday 3-27

WU: Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30 sec; 30 sec recovery
A. Double Under Repeats - 5 x 30 sec AMRAP; 90 sec recovery
B1. Back Squat - 5 x 5
B2. Strict Pull/Chin-ups
C. Prowler Sprint Intervals x 15
15 sec of work; 45 sec recovery

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Front Squat, Back Squat, and Prowler Intervals

Tuesday 3-19
A. Front Squat + BJ - 3 + 3 x 5
B. Back Squat Ladder (225#)
C. Prowler Sprint Intervals - 15 sec on; 45 sec recovery x 12-15*
*lost count

Friday, March 15, 2013

OPT: Week 11, Day 3

Friday 3-15
A. Back Squat + BJ 5+5x5 @ 80-85%
WU: 135-225-275-305
WS: 325-335-345*-355*-365*
*belted up
B. Front Squat Pyramid -185#; 1-2 min b/t rounds
*10+5 w/ 10 breaths b/t
10 rounds not for time:
10 BE
5 Chin-ups (DH)
10 DL - 185#

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

OPT: Week 11, Day 2

Wednesday 3-13

A. Pause above the knee power clean 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min
Load: 185-205-220-230-240(1+1)
B. Power snatch; build to a tough single
Load: 135-155-170-180-190
Power clean 185/115#
Bar facing burpees
Time: 4:45 (- :30 from Week 2)

I hit the wall on the Metcon today. Glycogen is depleted, shoulder is jacked up due to rushed/crappy form...may be time to take some time to refuel/heal.

Monday, March 11, 2013

OPT: Week 11, Day 1

Monday 3-11
A. Weighted (supinated) chin ups x 3's; rest 2 min
Loads: 40-50-60-70-80
B. Bent over (pronated) barbell rows x 6; rest 2 min (straps)
Loads: 185-205-225-245-265
For time:
30 front squat 115/85#
10 CTB chin ups (UB)
20 front squat (UB)
20 CTB chin ups (10-10)
10 front squat (UB)
30 CTB chin ups (10-5-5-5-5)
Time: 6:15

Friday, March 8, 2013

OPT: Week 10, Day 3

Friday 3-8

A. Push jerk 10, 10, 8, 8; rest 2 min
Loads: 165-185-205-220
B. Wtd. Dips; build to a 5RM
Loads: 50-60-70-80(4)
12 min amrap:
10 hand release push ups
10 box jumps 24"
10 push press 95#
30 double unders
Rounds: 6 rds + 6 reps*

OPT: Week 10, Day Two

Thursday 3-7
A. Wave Load Squat clean; 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1; rest 3 min
WU: 135-175-195-215
WS: 235-250-265-245-260-275-290-300(F x 2)*
* got in the hole twice but collapsed forward...gotta keep elbows & chest up.
5 rounds for time:
7 power snatch 145# (smoked me)
14 pistols (alt'ing)
Time: 8:22

Monday, March 4, 2013

OPT: Week 10, Day 1

Monday 3-4

A. Push press; build to a 3rm
Loads: 185-205-225-245(x2)* Mind was not dialed in and had a catch.
B. 50 push press for time 155/95
Time: 5:10
15 min amrap:
1 CTB chin ups
1 box jumps (24/20)
2 CTB chin ups
2 box jumps
3 CTB chin ups
3 box jumps

Rounds: 13 + 14 CTB PUs*

*Finished the Box Jumps after time was up.

Friday, March 1, 2013

OPT: Week Nine, Day Three

Friday 3-1

A. Squat snatch; build to a max in 8 min (NTL)
95x2, 135x2, 165x2, 185x1, 200x1, 215x1, 225xF-F
B. Drop to 80% of A and perform 1 rep on the 20 seconds for 15 reps
175# x 15 reps
C. TnG power clean; build to a 5RM
185-205-225(4+1 HPC)* Lost hook grip after rep 4 and couldn't pull it.


3 rounds for max reps:
1 min power cleans 185# (14-13-12)
Rest 15 seconds
1 min thrusters 135# (13-10-7)
Rest 15 seconds
1 min ME Burpees (21-17-17.5)
Rest 2 min