Saturday, December 27, 2014

OPEX Being Week of 12/21 - 12/28

Sunday 12/21 - OPEX Being/Will

A. 30 MU for time - 2 scores (1. # UB up front, 2. Total time to complete)

1. 5 (PR?)

2. 10:00-01 (recent PR)

B. 7min amrap:
3 T2B
3 PC and S2O 135/953
increase reps for both movements by 3 every round (i.e. round 2 is 6T2B, 6PC and S2O)

3/3-6/6-9/9/-12/12-15/7(finished last 8 after time)

Note: Started breaking TTB and PC/PP on sets of 9's

Monday 12/22 - OPEX Being

A. snatch build to a max in 10mins


B. take 77% of A complete 25 reps for time snatch

155# x 25 reps - 6:25


8min amrap: (short Nate)
2 MU
8 American KBS 2/1.5pd

6 rounds

Tuesday 12/23 - OPEX Being

A. Spilt jerk from block build to a tough single in 12mins


B. Power clean 7 x 1; rest as needed go for something if feeling it


C. Close grip bench press @30X0; 3-4×3; rest 3mins

135-165-185-200-215 (2)


Row 500m @2k PR pace
rest 3mins x 5 all rows same pace

rest 5mins

AD 90sec 90% aero
rest walk 3mins x 5

Friday 12/26 - OPEX Being

A. Back Squat - 65% EMOM for 10 min


For Time:

30-20-10 rep rounds of

1. BB FR Walking Lunges

2. HSPUs 

Time: 16:09*

Note: HSPUs buried me...and I broke my pinky toe on first rep! Probably should've scaled down. WO became a slog instead of a burner...

Airdyne @ Z1 - 20 min

Saturday 12/27 - Saturday Tester
5 RFT of
 7 DL - 325#
7 Burpees 
(3:16 on 9/17)
Time: 3:33*
Note: On pace until last set of DL. Quads were spent. Broke last set of DL 2+1-1-1-1-1

Rest 10 min

10 min @ Z1 of:
6 Bar Dips
9 Russian KBS - 70#
12 Ab Wheel
Rounds: 7 rounds + 6+9+2
Note: Finished through 10 rounds in 14:53

Saturday, December 20, 2014

OPEX Being - Week of 12/15 - 12/19

Monday 12/15 - OPEX Being 
A. snatch build to a max
B. back squat to a tough double in 10mins
245-295-325-345-365-385-405(1) in approx 12 min
C1. 10 man makers AFAP 30/20 per hand; rest 20sec
C2. amrap bar MU; rest 3mins x 3
For time:
100 wall balls 20# - 10′ target (35-61-82-100 in 5:18)
100 CTB chin ups (rested approx 1:30 after WB)
Time: 18:50

Wednesday 12/17 - OPEX Being

A. Power clean cluster 1. 1; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 6

(135-185) 205-215-225-235-245-255-265(f)

Note: callous tear on right hand needs to heal. Couldn't grip well on right side

B. PC and jerk double every 30sec 70% of 1rm for 5-8mins

185# x 13 sets (6:30

Note: was running short on time so I cut it short.

C. 3min max HSPU - 2 scores 

1. front end amrap set unbroken - 11

2. total score in 3 min - 24.5

Note: I need to grease the groove in these more! This was awful...C/J might have been a factor in this too.

3 rounds for time:
15 DL 185#
15 ring dips
20 box jump sd 24/20″

Time: 7:37 

Note: Ring dips were limiting factor...

Friday 12/19 - OPEX Being

A. emom – back squat @20X0 x3 - 65% of 1rm – 8mins



30 SC for time 225#

Time: 10:08*

Note: Missed one after rep 24-25, Wasn't sure if I counted it or not. Did an extra rep after 30 around the 10:32-33 mark just in case I was off.

rest as needed

20mins Z1 AD

Friday, December 12, 2014

OPEX Being Week of 12/8 - 12/12

Monday 12/8 - OPEX Being

A. 1 snatch every 30sec for 10min 65% of 1rm

135 x 5, 140 x 5, 145 x 5, 150 x 5

B. back squat to a tough triple in 10mins


C. 30 burpee (bar) MU for time

Approximately 9 min - bailed on Burpees after rep 4. Used straps over bar to protect torn callous.


12sets 90% effort
4 pistols alt legs per rep
6 CTB chin ups
8 box jump sd 24"
rest walk 1min

Wednesday 12/10

A. Power clean cluster 1. 1. 1; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 5

(135-185) 205-215-225-235-245

B. PC x 1/SJ x 2; rest 90sec x 6 moderate weight

C. PC and Jerk TnG into the jerk 1 rep every 20sec for 4-5mins 73% of A
90% effort keep track of reps for each set
30sec max KBS - 60# (17-16-16-16-16-16)
30sec max DU (32-32-32-32-32)
30 sec max SDLHP - 45# BB (23-23-23-23-23)

Friday 12/12 - OPEX Function/Being
A. KBS, Russian – 30 seconds/30 seconds rest x10 – for total repetitions
200 reps @ 70#
B. Strict pullups – 5×5-8 
C1. Farmers walk – 3x100m – HEAVY – no rest
C2. GH hip extension – bodyweight – 3×8-15 – no rest
Airdyne 30 seconds – 90%
Airdyne 30 seconds – Z1 Spin
Rest 2 minutes

Sunday, December 7, 2014

OPEX Being Week of 12/1 - 12/5

Monday 12/1 - OPEX Being
A. snatch start at 60% of 1rm add 10# every 60-90sec until max (if miss 2x's then stop)
Note: Technical fail. Pulled it high enough, just soft in the bottom...didn't punch under it.
B. back squat to a tough double in 10mins
C. 30 bar MU for time
26:00-34:20 (8:20) done as singles
rest 5mins
8-10sets 90% effort:
10 wall balls 20/14# 10′ target
6 CTB chin ups
25 DU
rest walk 1min
as Rx'd - 10 sets

Wednesday 12/3 - OPEX Being
A. Spilt jerk from block build to a tough single in 12mins
B. Power clean cluster 1. 1. 1. 1; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 4
C. PC and Jerk TnG into the jerk 1 rep every 20sec for 4-5mins 70% of A
10 min @ 85% of
25 DUs - UB
10 BB FR Lunges + PP (L and R + PP = 1) - 95#
5 L Pull-ups
6 Rounds + 25 DUs + 

Friday 12/5 - OPEX Being
A. SC x 1 + FS x 2 keep weight moderate focus on speed; rest 60sec x 10
5min amrap:
10 PC and jerk 135/95# (10)
10 PC and jerk 155/105# (10)
10 PC and jerk 185/115# (7 + 3 AT)
10 PC and jerk 205/135# (DNA)
10 pc and jerk 225/145# (DNA)
*Did Not Attempt


5 rounds for time:
3 MU (1st round UB, rest as misses though)
10 wall balls 20# 10′ target
6 alternating db snatch 70#

Time: 9:55

NoteMUs were limiting factor on speed of W/O

Saturday, December 6, 2014

OPEX Being - Week of 11/24 - 11/28

Monday 11/24 - OPEX Being
A. every 90sec – snatch 75% of 1rm 1. 1. 1 – x 8
(45-95-115-135) 145-145-145-155-155-155-155-155
B. emom – FS @20X0; 2-3 60% of 1rm speed focuse – 6-8mins
215 x 8
C. emom – 3 chin ups + 3 CTB chin ups + 1 bar MU – 5-7mins
6+1BMU x 7, 6+Miss+1BMU
6-8sets 90% effort
10 wall balls 20/14# 10′ target
2 rope climbs 15′
25 DU
rest walk 45sec*
6 sets @ 75% w/ 1 min recovery
Rope climbs and DUs drastically limited pacing today.

Tuesday 11/25

A. Power clean TnG cluster 2. 2. 2; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3


B. Split jerk from blocks (high pins) 1. 1. 1 65% of 1rm – emom – 8-10mins


C. 5 sets of 5 for time 155# PC and jerk Tng grace style

Rest 30 sec b/t sets

Airdyne x 1 min 90%
rest 2 min x 8 all same pace
rest 5mins after the 4th row

Wednesday 11/26
8 min of
5 PC - 135
15 SDLHP - 45# KB
8 min of
8 Box Jumps
5 CTB Pull- ups
8 min of
25 DUs
5 Burpees
8 Walking Lunges
8 min of
12 KBS - 55#
6 Wall Balls - 20#
6 Ring Dips

Friday 11/28
A. Front Squat- Build to s tough 3 in 12 min
B. Zercher Squats x 3's
C. Back Squat x 30 reps @ 225#, 205#, 185#; rest 3-4 min b/t sets
4 sets of:
B1. DB Rows x 10/arm - 85#
B2. Push-ups x 15
Row repeats x 3

Monday, November 24, 2014

OPEX Being Week of 11/17 - 11/21

Monday 11/17- OPEX Being
A. PS+3OHS+Snatch
B. Zercher Squat - tough set of 3 in 12 min
C. 3 Burpee MUs - 3 EMOM for 10 min (omit)
4 sets of
20 Wall Ball - all UB
AMRAP CTB PUs - 20-16-15-13 (64)
Rest 3 min
AB Wheel x 25

Thursday 11/20 - OPEX Being (Tuesday/Wednesday blend)
A. PC TnG clusters - 3.3.3, rest 10 sec; rest 3 min x 3
(95-135-155) 185-190-195 (perfect form)
B. Split Jerk (from blocks/in rack w/ high pins) TnG 1.1.1. @ 65% - EMOM for 6 min
C. EMOM PC + SJ (no pause b/t movements. Go straight into SJ from PC) 3 @ 65% - 8 min
6 min 85%
8 BJ (SD) - 24"
5 CTB Pull-ups
7 total at 5:40*
*Did 10 BJ on round 3ish

rest 3 min

6 min 85% 
30 DU
5 Burpees
8 Walking Lunges

Friday 11/21 - OPEX Being 
A. Back Squat @20X0; 2-3 (55-60%); rest 45 sec x 10
265 (60% of 435)
B. 1 PC & SJ every 30 sec for 10 min - 75% 
185-185-195-195-205 x 16
Airdyne 1K @ 80% - 1:50

rest 1min

12 min AMRAP 
20 TGUS - 55#
50 Wallball
AMRAP bar MU in remaining time - 12 w/ one miss b/t 11 & 12.

rest 1 min

Airdyne 1K @ 80% - 1:50

Friday, November 14, 2014

Unplanned Deload Week - 11/10 - 11/14

Monday 11/10
A1. Back Squat - 5,4,3,2,1*
*bailed on it due to low back/hip pain
Zercher x 3 x 5
Oly shoes - 135-185-225-245-265
Vibrams - 135-225-275-295-315
A2. SA DB Press - 5,4,3,2,1+
*slight push from feet
15 min of @ Z1
3 Strict PUs
9 BEs
12 Lunge jumps
Total: 13 rounds 

Wednesday 11/12 - Back-up plan

8 min @ 85%
5 Ring Dips (45)
10 KBS - 70# (80)
10 Sit-ups (80)
8 + 5 Dips

Rest 6 min

8 min @ 85%
2 Bar MUs (12)
10 GS - 70# (60)
5 Burpees (30)
6 rounds

Rest 6 min

8 min @ 85%
10 BEs (60)
25 DUs (150)
10 HR Push-ups (60)
6 rounds w/ 7 sec left

Friday 11/14
A1. Strict Chin-ups x 8-10 x 5; rest 1 min
A2. WTD Bar Dips x 5 x 5; rest 2 min
B. EMOM for 12 min
Odd - 45# OH Walking Lunges - 20 steps
Even - 10 TTB
C. 6 rounds of KB Complex/hand @ 60#
3 Snatch
3 PC
3 FS
3 PP
Rest 30 sec b/t rounds

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Training Cycle 5, Weeks 1-2

Week One
Monday 10/27
A1. Back Squat 5 x 5+
135-225I-285-305-325-345-365 (8)
A2. SA Press 5 x 5+
EMOM for 12 min (+2 rounds)
3 Power Snatch - 135
15 kipping Pull-ups

Notes: didn't feel too hot today. Not sure if I need to keep PWO shake in the mix during Deload week or what. Didn't sleep well last night. That could be factoring in. Will add PWO shake into mix during Deload from now on.

Wednesday 10/29
A1. HSC - 5 x 2HPC + 1HSC
*forgot to chalk shoulders, weight started sliding a bit button I saved it.
A2. Push-press
10 min AMRAP of (8+3+3)
6 Ring Dips
9 KBS - 70#
12 AB Wheel
7+6+2.5 (finished 8th AT)

Friday 10/31
A1. Front Squat - 5 x 5+
A2. SA DB Rows -  5 x 10
The Chief 
3 min AMRAP of
3 PC
6 Push-ups
9 Body Squats
Rest 1 min b/t rounds; x 5
4 sets/round...5 on 5th 

Week Two
Monday 11/3
A1. Back Squat - 5 x 3+
(135-225-275) 305-325-345-365-385 (4*)
*felt like I had another 1-2 reps in the tank, but my racked it anyway. Wasn't mentally in it.
A2. SA Press - 5 x 3+
(20-20) 30-40-50-60-70 (3/3*)
*left was a struggle to get 3. Had a couple more on right but stopped to keep it even.
10 min of:
5 Ab Wheel
5 strict Pull-ups
9 rounds...finished 10th AT.
*had to break PUs into 3+1+1 after round 4 or 5
Tabata AD + 8 min @ Z1

Wednesday 11/5
A1. HSC - 5 x 1HPC + 1HSC
(45-95-135-185) 215-235-255-275-295
A2. Push-Press - 5 x 3
10 min Z1 pace
5 DL - 315#
10 AB Wheel
20 DUs
Finished round 8 in 11:08

Friday 11/7
A1. FS - 5 x 3
A2. DB Rows - 5 x 10/arm
3 min AMRAP
PC/J - 95#
43 reps
Rest 90 sec
3min AMRAP 
Rest 90 sec
48 reps
3 min AMRAP 
KBS - 70#
73 reps

Monday, October 27, 2014

Deload Week: 10/20 - 10/24

Monday 10/20
A1. BS 5 x 5 @ 30X1
A2. SA Press 5 x 5
15 min @ Z1 pace of
3 Strict COVP Pull-ups
5 HR Push-ups
7 KBS - 50#
9 Goblet Squat - 50#
12 rounds in 14:44

Wednesday 10/22
6 rounds @ 95-105-105-115-115-115
6 DL
6 Rows
6 FS
6 PP
6 BS
6 Push-ups
Rest 1:30 b/t sets

Friday 10/24
A1. FS - 5 x 3 @ 30X1
A2. Wtd Chin-ups - 5 x 5
20 min @ Z1
1 Rope Climb
10 rounds in approx 20 min

Friday, October 17, 2014

Training Cycle 4; Week 3

Monday 10/13
A1. Back Squat - 5,4,3,2,1+
(135-225-275) 315-335-355-375-395(5))
A2. SA DB Press - 5,4,3,2,1+
(25) 45-55-65-75-80 (L0/R4-L65x2)
B. 20 rep Back Squat - 325# 
18 (+1)
C. 100 Pull-ups FT (sets of 4)
13 sets in 3:22
20 sets in 5:29
25 set in 7:45

Wednesday 10/15
A1. HSC - 1-1-1-1-1
(135-185-205) 225-245-265-285-305 
A2. Push Press - 3-3-2-2-1
(135-165) 195-205-215-225-235
DL and DU WOD (3:47 @ 315# on 8/20)
5 RFT of 
DL - 335#
DUs - 21
Time: 3:55

Friday 10/17
A1. FS - 5,4,3,2,1+
A2. Wtd Cin-ups - 5,4,3,2,1+
(BW-35) 55-65-75-85-95(1.75)
B. AMRAP strict chins x 1 
7 rounds @ Z1 pace 
135# FR Rev Lunges - 10 reps; rest 10 sec
Ab Wheel x 15; rest 10 sec
Bar Dips x 10; rest 10-20 sec

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Training Cycle 4 - Week 2

Monday 10/6
A1. Back Squat - 5 x 3+
(135-225-275) 295-315-335-355-375(9)
A2. Single-Arm DB Press - 5 x 3+
EMOM for 14min
Odd - 3 PS (135)
Even - 14 PUs

Wednesday 10/8
A1. HSC - 5 x 2
*regripped between reps
A2. Push-Press - 5 x 3+
12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
DL - 335#
Time: 4:00

Friday 10/10
A1. FS - 5 x 3+
A2. WTD Chin-ups - 5 x 3+
(BW-45) 75-75-75-75-75(4)
B. AMRAP Strict Chin-ups - 17
10 min AMRAP of:
5 HSPUs 
10 Box Jumps TnG
15 KBS - 55#
Rounds: 8 rounds + 5+10+6 (finished 9th and 10th after time)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Deload Week: 9/22 - 9/26

Monday 9/22
A. EMOM for 10 min 
Odd - 20 KBS 
Even - 10 Ring Dips
B. EMOM - 10 min
Odd - 15 Goblet Squats
Even - 6 Ring PUs
C. Sled Sprints - 50#
30 sec on, 1 min off x 6

Wednesday 9/24
4 rounds at Z1 pace of
A. Back Squat - 8 (195-225-255-285)
B. Pull-ups x 8
C. HSC x 5 (135-145-155-165)
D. Press x 8 (95-105-115-125)
E. DL x 8 (225-255-285-315)
F. AB wheel (standing/kneeling) x 12
H. HSWalks

Friday 9/26
20 min AMRAP of
Single arm - switch hands q round
3 FS
3 PP
Total: 26
One lap w/ 50# sled FT: 3:46 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Training Cycle 3, Week Three - 9/15 - 9/19

Monday 9/15
A1. Back Squat - 5-4-3-2-1+
305-325-345-365-385 (x6)
A2. Press - 5-4-3-2-1+
130-140-150-160-170 (x1)
B. 20 rep BS - 325# (17)
C. 100 CTB FT: 10:51 (52 in 4:11)

Wednesday 9/17
A1. Power Clean - 5-4-3-2-1+
(135-185) 215-230-245-260-280-300(HPC)
A2. Push-Press - 5-4-3-2-1+
5 RFT of: 
7 DL - 325#
7 Burpees 
Time: 3:16

Friday 9/19
A1. Front Squat - 5-4-3-2-1+
(135-185-225) 270-285-300-315-330(3)
A2. WTD Chin-ups - 5-4-3-2-1+
B. AMRAP in 15 min of
5 Ring Dips
10 Ab Wheels
15 KBS - 70#
Rounds: 10 + 3 RD
C. AMRAP Strict Chin-ups - (12)
HS Walk Practice x 2

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Traing Cycle 3, Week Two - 9/8 - 9/12

Monday 9/8
A1. Back Squat - 5 x 3+
285-305-325-345-365 x 11
A2. Press - 5 x 3+
120-130-140-150-160 x 4
EMOM for 20 min
Odd - 10 CTB PUs
Even - 3 Hang Power Snatch - 125#

Wednesday 9/10
A1. Power Clean - 5 x 3+
135-185-200-215-230-245-260 (2+1 + 2 HPC singles)
A2. Push-Press - 5 x 3+
165-175-185-195-205 (x 5)
10 min AMRAP 
3 DL - 385#
5 Ring Dips
Rounds: 10+3+5

Friday 9/12
A1. Front Squat - 5 x 3+
(135-185-225) 255-270-285-300-315+
A2. WTD Chin-ups - 5 x 3
BW-35-55-70-70-70-70-70 (x5)
B. AMRAP Strict Chin-ups - 16 (+4), 14
Every :45 for 16 rounds
Odd - 15 Russian KBS - 70#
Even - 5-8 Strict HSPUs

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Training Cycle 3 Week One - 9/1-9/5

Monday 9/1
A1. Back Squat - 5 x 5+
135-225-265-285-305-325-345 (15)
A2. Press - 5 x 5+
45-95-110-120-130-140-150 (7)
EMOM for 12 min +
Odd - 10 CTB PUs    
Even - 25 DUs
Notes: Made it 12 rounds then finished 16 in 18 min. Pushed through to 20 rounds off pace. 
Wednesday 9/3
A1. PC - 5 x 5+
A2. Push-press - 5 x 5+
21-15-9 of
DL - 275#
HR Burpees
Time: 5:00-5:01

Friday 9/4
A1. Front Squat - 5 x 5+
A2. WTD Chin-ups 5 x 5
60# x 5 x 5
B. AMRAP (-1) Strict Chin-ups x 1
C. 10 min AMRAP of:
3 PC - 185#
4 HSPUs 
Rounds: 9+2PC
*Bogged down on HSPUs after round 4. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Deload Week of 8/25 - 8/29

Monday 8/25 @ Home
A. EMOM for 10 min
Odd - 20 Russian KBS - 70#
Even - Ring Dips x 8-10
10 UB each set 
B. EMOM for 10 min
Odd - 15 GS - 70#
Even - Strict Ring Pull-ups x 4-7
7-7-5-4-3 (26)
6 sets of 1 min Sled pulls @ 50#; rest 1 min

Wednesday 8/27
Rotate through circuit EMOM for 12 min
A1. Press x 8
A2. Squat x 8
A3. BW Pull-ups x 8 
B. 24 TGUs - 55# (3R/3L)
Tumbling Circuit x 3 
Backwards Somersaults
Alt Shoulder Rolls 
HS Dismounts

Friday 8/29 @ Home
AMRAP in 15 min @ 80-85% pace:
3 KBS 
3 FS
3 PP 
60# KB - Switch hands each round
Rounds: 19 rounds (finished 20th after time)
Sled drag x 1 lap around the block with 50# sled 
Time: approx 6 min

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Training for Week of 8/18-8/22

Second Cycle, Week Three

Monday 8/18
A1. Back Squat (430) 5-4-3-2-1+ @ 67-72-77-82-87
(135-225-275) 295-315-335-355-375 (7)
A2. Press (185) 5-4-3-2-1+ @ 68-72-78-82-88%
(95-110) 125-135-145-155-165(4)
B. 20 rep Back Squat - 315#
C. 15 sets of 5 UB CTB for time
8:15 (10 in 4:27)

Wednesday 8/20
A1. HPC (320) 5-4-3-2-1+ @ 55-60-65-70-75-80-85%
*straps & belt
A2. PP (235) 5 x 3+ @ 60-65-70-75-80-85
(135-155) 175-185-195-205-215(1)
5 RFT of
7 DL - 315#
21 DUs
Time: 3:47

Friday 8/22
A1. Front Squat (350) 5-4-3-2-1+ 
135-205-250-270-290-310-325 (3)
A2. Wtd Pull-ups (95) 5-4-3-2-1+
(BW x 5 x 2) 55-65-75-85-95(1.5)
B. Lizzie +
PC - 185#
Ring Dips
Time: (3:15) 3:49
C. AMRAP Strict Pull-ups x 1
13 (-3)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Week Two, Cycle Two (8/11-8/15)

A1. Back Squat (430) 5 x 3+ @ 62-68-72-78-82-88%
(135-225) 275-295-315-335-355 (12)
A2. Press (185) 5 x 3+ @ 57-62-68-72-78-82%
EMOM for 16 min of
Odd -10* CTB Pull-ups (kipping) (80)
Even - 8 thrusters - 95# (64)
*last two sets went 7+3 singles, 5+2+1+1+1
Farmer's carry - 100#/hand - AFAP in 1 min; rest 1 min x 3

A1. HPC (320) 5 x 3+ @ 55-60-65-70-75-80
*belt/straps for AMRAP
A2. PP (235) 5 x 3+ @ 60-65-70-75-80-85
*Belted up
AMRAP in 10 min of:
3 DL - 365#
5 Ring Dips
7 TTB 
Rounds: 10 + 3 DL

Friday 8-15
A1. Front Squat (350) 5 x 3+ @ 60-65-70-75-80-85%
(135-205) 245-260-275-290-305(5)
A2. Wtd Pull-ups (95) 5 x 3+ @ 60-65-70-75-85%
Strict BW AMRAP - 16 reps
5 RFT of
3 BW PC - 205#
9 Sit-ups
Time: 3:41

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Training for Week of 8/4 -8/8

Week One
Monday 8-4
A1. Back Squat (430) 5 x 5+ @ 58-63-68-73-78%
(135-225) 255-275-295-315-335 (15)
A2. Press (185) 5 x 5+ @ 58-63-68-73-78%
EMOM for 20 min
Odd - 3 PS - 145#
Even - 7-10 CTB Kipping Pull-ups (Butterfly) 7-10-8-8-10-8-9-8-9-9-8 (94)
Farmer's Carry - 100#/hand AFAP in 60 sec; rest 60 sec x 3

Wednesday 8-6
A1. HPC(320) 5 x 5+ (no straps) @ 55-60-65-70-75
180-195-210-225-240(6+5 singles)* *belt 
A2. PP (235) 5 x 5 @ 60-65-70-75-80%
DL - 315# - (all UB)
Ring Dips - (15-7+5-6+3-4+1+1-3+2+1)
Time: 4:03
Yoke Carry - 235# AFAP in 60 sec; rest 60 sec x 4

Friday 8-8
A1. Front Squat (350) 5 x 5+ @ 60-65-70-75-80%
(135-195) 225-240-255-270-285 (7)
A2. Wtd Pull-ups (95) 5 x 5+ @ 60-65-70-75-80%
(BW-40) 55-60-65-70-75(4)
5-7 rounds of (6)
3 tough PC - 225# (82%)
Rest 2 min b/t sets
*kicked bench and knocked over clock, TTB - 6+1+1+1
*belted, HSPUs - 5+1, TTB - 5+2+1+1
FR carry - 155# AFAP in 60 sec; rest 60 sec x 4

Friday, August 1, 2014

Deload Week of 7/28 - 8/1

Monday 7/28
A. EMOM for 12
Odd - Press x 5 @ 65% - 115#
Even - Towel Pull-ups x 6 @ BW
B. Sled Drags - 90#
1 min on, 1 min off x 4

Tuesday 7/29
Warm-up circuit
3 rounds of neural charge WU
Plyo bench PUs x 3-5
Broad jumps x 3-5
Ball Slams x 3-5
Vertical Jumps x 3-5
A. Perfect Back Squat @ 30X1 - 65% x 3 EMOM for 10 min - 280#
B. EMOM for 12 min
Odd - 5 Bar Dips
Even - 5 Pendelay Rows - 135#
C. Farmer's Carry - 55#/hand to end of soccer field and back x 2; rest 3 min

Wednesday 7/30
2 hour Z1 Hike at Ha Ha Tonka

Friday 8/1
A. EMOM for 10 min 
Odd - FS @ 30X1 - @ 65% x 3 - 225#
Even - Strict Pull-ups x 8
B. emom – 6 min - Snatch TnG x 3 @ 55% (115)
C. emom – 6 min - PC+PP TnG x 3 @ 55% of 1rm perfect form (135-135-145-145-155-165)
D. Front Rack Carry AFAP in 1 min, rest 1 min x 4
E. RKC Planks - 20 sec holds x 3; rest 1 min b/t 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Training for Week of 7/21 - 7/25

Monday 7/21
A1. Press 65%x5, 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1   
A2. AMRAP (-1) Strict Ring Pull-ups; 5 sets
B1. Ring Push-ups @30X1; 5 x 15
B2. Pendelay Rows - 5 x 5    
(135-157) 179-190-200-210-220
C. EMOM for 20 min
Odd - 15 KB Swing - 70#
Even - 10 Burpees
1 min Goblet Carry - 70# AFAP x 3; rest 1 min

A. Back Squat - 5-4-3-2-1+
B. 20 rep Back Squat - 310#
C. 5 RFT of
7 DL - 315#
21 DUs
Time: 4:49
C. 1 min yoke carry - 225# AFAP x 4; rest 1 min b/t carries

Thursday 7-24
A. PC + PP - 75% x 3+1, 80% x 2+1, 85% x 2+1
B. PC - Max for the Day
C. HPC - Max for the Day
D. Clean Pulls - x 3 x 4
C. "Heavy Dianne"
DL - 275#
Time: 6:11 (HSPUs killed me...)

Friday 7-25
A. FS - 5-4-3-2-1+
B. WTD Pull-ups - 5-4-3-2-1+
C. AMRAP Strict Pull-ups - 16 (+1)
For time:
20 Back Squat - 225# (:43)
40 T2B (3:08)
60 KBS - 70# (3:52)
Time: 7:11*
*Had a watch malfunction - 3:09 (Squat + TTB) + 3:52 (KBS - Grip was giving out. Done in sets of 10 with about 10-15 sec b/t sets) - Estimated about 10 sec for transition between movements for total time.
Trap Bar Carry - 250# - AFAP in 1 min; rest 90sec; x 3
Hands were so raw I had to set the bar down b/c it felt like the flesh on my hands were about to peel off.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Training for week of 7/14 - 7/21

Monday 7/14
A.Press 5 x 3+
B.Body Rows 
7 rounds of:
7 KB Swings - 70#
7 HR Push-ups
Time: 3:31
3 sets of Goblet Carry - 70#
AFAP in 1 min; 1 min rest 

Tuesday 7/15
A. Back Squat - 5x3+
275-320-335-350-365-380 (4*)
B. 20 rep back squat - 300#
C. 10 RFT of:
5 DL AFAP (TnG) - 315# 
10 GHD
Time: 11:30-45*
*timer malfunction - accidentally stopped it after round 7 around the 6:45-55 mark and had to restart for last three rounds.
D. 3 sets of Trap Bar Farmer's Carry - 225#
AFAP in 1 min; 1 min rest

Friday 7/18
A1. Front Squat - 5x2+
A2. WTD Pull-ups - 5 x 3+
B. 5-4-3-2*-1* RFT of:
Power Clean - 225#
Bar MU
Time: 6:15
*missed once on set of 2 and twice on set of 1. Had to walk around a bit to recover enough to get em.
C. 4 sets of Yoke Carry - 205#
AFAP in 1 min; rest 1 min
D. AMRAP Strict BW Pull-ups - 15 (+1)

Saturday 7/19
A. PC + PP - 75%x 3+1 x 2; 80% x 2+1; 85% x 2+1; 90% x 1
B. Clean Pulls 85% x 4 x 3
5 RFT of
5 DL - 275#
10 Burpees
Time: 2:59 (not sure if that's a PR or not...part of me thinks I've gone lower)
3 sets of OH Carry - 115#
AFAP in 1 min; rest 1 min

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Training for Week of 7/7 - 7/12

Wednesday 7/9
A. Back Squat - 5 x 5+ @ 65-70-75-80-85
275-300-325-340-365 (6)
10 min AMRAP of
3 DL - 315#
6 Ring Dips
9 Toes-to-Bar
Rounds: 8 + 2 after time 

Thursday 7/10
A1. Press - 5 x 5 @ 65-70-75-80-85
115-125-130-140-150 (6)
A2. WTD Pull-ups - 5 x 5+
Spartan Tire Flips
HR Push-ups
Time: 10:08

Saturday 7/12
A. FS - 5 x 3+ 65-70-75-80-85+
225-240-255-270-285 (5)
B. PC + PP - 70% x 3+1x2x2; 75% x 3+1x2
12-9-6 of
Power Clean - 185#
Strict Pull-ups
Time4:24 (strict pull-ups were broken after 6 reps...had to fight the urge to kip)
5 rounds of
5 DL - 275#
5 Burpees
Time: 1:46