Monday 4-29
WU: Mobility and Hollow Rocks - 3 x 45
A. PS + Snatch - 95-115-135-150-165-185*
*Snatch Only (+ 20# from last time)
B. Snatch Pulls - 3, 2, 1; rest 2min b/t sets
C. Snatch Balance + OHS - 1 + 2 x 3
*185 x 3 OHS, No SB; Didn't feel as stable as I would have liked so I backed off to 145#.
10 min AMRAP @ 85-90% pace of:
3 Strict COVP Pull-up/Chin-up (maintain hollow, globally flexed position)
6 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps - 24"
Rounds: 10 + 3 + 6 + 6
10 BJ (to equal 100)
A1. Pull/Chin-ups (3-3-3-3-5 to equal 50)
B1. Push-ups (15-10-10 to equal...101...oops)
Had to bail on the scheduled metcon. Coming down from the CTB and bringing the bar down from the thrusters causes pain in the shoulder so I quickly threw together the WOD above. It is a variation of one we have done before. Strict Pull-ups were the deciding factor on my pace. Box Jumps provided enough rest though in order to hit them all UB.
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." – Romans 12:1 "My sweat is an offering to my Master. My soreness is a sacrifice to my Savior." - The Christian Competitor's Creed
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
OPT: Week 15, Day 3
Friday 4-26
Warm-up: Hollow Rocks - 3 x 40
A. Power clean; build to a tough single
B. 3 min max reps power cleans @ 85% of A (225#)
Reps: 17
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 unbroken ladders
Power snatch - 95#
box jumps - 24"
Time: 7:04
Shoulder is a little tweaky after the power snatches...and I completely overlooked the "unbroken ladder" part. I just completed it AFAP. I think the only broken rounds were 7-5. All others were UB...well box jumps were nit TnG by any means not sure what you would call them. Just got in a rhythm and stuck with it.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
OPT: Week 15, Day 2
Wednesday 4-24
A1. Press 10, 8, 6, 4, 2; rest 1 min
A2. Ring Rows x 10 @ 31X1;
rest 1 min
A3. Back Squat x 10's
3 rounds for max reps @90%:
2 min row (45# KBS)
rest 1 min
1 min hand release push ups
rest 30 seconds
30 seconds toes to bar
Rest 3 min
KBS - Lost count (65-75ish)-50-50 (165-175k9)
HRPUs - 28-25-25 (78)
TTB - 20-15-13 (48)
Total reps: 286-300ish
A1. Press 10, 8, 6, 4, 2; rest 1 min
A2. Ring Rows x 10 @ 31X1;
rest 1 min
A3. Back Squat x 10's
3 rounds for max reps @90%:
2 min row (45# KBS)
rest 1 min
1 min hand release push ups
rest 30 seconds
30 seconds toes to bar
Rest 3 min
KBS - Lost count (65-75ish)-50-50 (165-175k9)
HRPUs - 28-25-25 (78)
TTB - 20-15-13 (48)
Total reps: 286-300ish
Monday, April 22, 2013
OPT: Week 15, Day 1
Monday 4-22
Warm-up: Hollow Rocks and Mobility work
A. Squat clean; 3 reps on the minute for 10 min @ 55-70% 1rm
B. Muscle ups; 2-3 perfect reps on the minute for 15 min
Subbed 3 Strict Ring Pull-ups + 3 HSPUs OTM x 17 rounds
15-12-9 reps of:
Squat clean 135/75#
CTB chin ups (Subbed 6-point Burpees)
Time: 6:24
Shoulder still gives me pain and discomfort at the end range of motion. I dabbled with some CTB and felt some discomfort at the bottom after coming down. Also tried some ring dips and static dips and felt some discomfort and pain on the decent and in the bottom of the dip. Never attempted to come out of the dip. Decided I'm not taking any chances. I want to be able to continue to train with as little restriction as possible. Just need to give it more time to heal up all the way.
Warm-up: Hollow Rocks and Mobility work
A. Squat clean; 3 reps on the minute for 10 min @ 55-70% 1rm
B. Muscle ups; 2-3 perfect reps on the minute for 15 min
Subbed 3 Strict Ring Pull-ups + 3 HSPUs OTM x 17 rounds
15-12-9 reps of:
Squat clean 135/75#
CTB chin ups (Subbed 6-point Burpees)
Time: 6:24
Shoulder still gives me pain and discomfort at the end range of motion. I dabbled with some CTB and felt some discomfort at the bottom after coming down. Also tried some ring dips and static dips and felt some discomfort and pain on the decent and in the bottom of the dip. Never attempted to come out of the dip. Decided I'm not taking any chances. I want to be able to continue to train with as little restriction as possible. Just need to give it more time to heal up all the way.
Friday, April 19, 2013
OPT Week 15, Day 3 - Off the more time...
Friday 4-19
Warm-up: Hollow Rocks - 3 x 40; Mobility Work
A. Front Squat - Build to a tough single
WU: Doubles - 135-185-235-265-285
WS: Singles - 305-325-340-355
B1. 75% of A - 5 x 3; rest 60 sec - Focus on Bar Speed out of the bottom
265# x 3 x 5
B2. Snatch Skill Practice - Power Snatch + Snatch x 4; rest 60 sec
10 rounds of:
10 DL (clean grip) - 225#
Prowler Sprint D/B - 50#
rest 90 sec
No misses on FS today. 355# was about all I wanted today.
Snatch felt great today. No pain and transition under the bar was smooth.
DL and Prowler sprints is a good combo...took about 30 sec to complete each round. By the 7th round or so my legs were feeling it pretty good, especially on the trip back. Legs had a good pump and low back feels like it had a good workout too.
Still feel some pangs in my shoulder during some movements, but I am hoping to be back to more of a normal, if not slightly scaled, capacity next week. Kipping and Dynamic pulling/pressing movements still give me pause.
Warm-up: Hollow Rocks - 3 x 40; Mobility Work
A. Front Squat - Build to a tough single
WU: Doubles - 135-185-235-265-285
WS: Singles - 305-325-340-355
B1. 75% of A - 5 x 3; rest 60 sec - Focus on Bar Speed out of the bottom
265# x 3 x 5
B2. Snatch Skill Practice - Power Snatch + Snatch x 4; rest 60 sec
10 rounds of:
10 DL (clean grip) - 225#
Prowler Sprint D/B - 50#
rest 90 sec
No misses on FS today. 355# was about all I wanted today.
Snatch felt great today. No pain and transition under the bar was smooth.
DL and Prowler sprints is a good combo...took about 30 sec to complete each round. By the 7th round or so my legs were feeling it pretty good, especially on the trip back. Legs had a good pump and low back feels like it had a good workout too.
Still feel some pangs in my shoulder during some movements, but I am hoping to be back to more of a normal, if not slightly scaled, capacity next week. Kipping and Dynamic pulling/pressing movements still give me pause.
Front Squat,
Power Snatch + Snatch,
Prowler/Sled Work
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
OPT: Week 14, Day 2 - DL Repeat/Off the Rails
Wednesday 4-17
Warm-up: Shoulder mobility and Hollow Rocks - 4 x 40
A. Deadlift - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
WU: 135(10)-225(5)-315(5)-365(5)-405(2)
WS: 435(5)-465(4)-490(3)-510(2)-530(1)*
*Attempted +10# on all sets, but missed the 530#. Pulled it to mid thigh. Bar began rolling out and back rounded to compensate so I dropped it.
405 x 10 singles*; 5 sec rest b/t reps
*focused on perfect set up/form and speed off the floor.
5 rounds @ Z1 pace of:
12 Body Rows
12 push-ups
20 Split Lunges
Warm-up: Shoulder mobility and Hollow Rocks - 4 x 40
A. Deadlift - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
WU: 135(10)-225(5)-315(5)-365(5)-405(2)
WS: 435(5)-465(4)-490(3)-510(2)-530(1)*
*Attempted +10# on all sets, but missed the 530#. Pulled it to mid thigh. Bar began rolling out and back rounded to compensate so I dropped it.
405 x 10 singles*; 5 sec rest b/t reps
*focused on perfect set up/form and speed off the floor.
5 rounds @ Z1 pace of:
12 Body Rows
12 push-ups
20 Split Lunges
Monday, April 15, 2013
OPT: Week 14, Day 1 - Off the Rails
Monday 4-15
A1. Back Squat x 3's; rest 30-45 sec
A2. Press then Pull-ups/Chin-ups x 10; rest 2 min
Press: 75-85-95-105-115-125
PU/CU: 10-10-10-10-10-6+2+2
Prowler Sprints x 15 @ 95#; rest 1 min b/t rounds
Started out super setting press with the squat and then ended up switching over to Pull-ups. I did sets of 10 and stopped at 125. It was a slight grunt effort on the last two so I called it a day then switched over.
A1. Back Squat x 3's; rest 30-45 sec
A2. Press then Pull-ups/Chin-ups x 10; rest 2 min
Press: 75-85-95-105-115-125
PU/CU: 10-10-10-10-10-6+2+2
Prowler Sprints x 15 @ 95#; rest 1 min b/t rounds
Started out super setting press with the squat and then ended up switching over to Pull-ups. I did sets of 10 and stopped at 125. It was a slight grunt effort on the last two so I called it a day then switched over.
Back Squat,
Prowler/Sled Work,
Friday, April 12, 2013
OPT: Week 13, Day 2
Friday 4-12
A. 1 1/4 front squat 6, 4, 2; rest 3 min
Singles: 315-335-355(f)
B. Power snatch + Snatch; GTG
95-115-135-145 (+10#)
Deadlift - 275#
Box jump - 30"
Time: 5:25-26
Metcon was a grind. DL all UB, box jumps were slow and deliberate. Missed on 1st rep of 15. Had to regroup.
A. 1 1/4 front squat 6, 4, 2; rest 3 min
Singles: 315-335-355(f)
B. Power snatch + Snatch; GTG
95-115-135-145 (+10#)
Deadlift - 275#
Box jump - 30"
Time: 5:25-26
Metcon was a grind. DL all UB, box jumps were slow and deliberate. Missed on 1st rep of 15. Had to regroup.
1 1/4 Front Squat,
Box Jump,
Front Squat,
Power Snatch
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
OPT: Week 13, Day 1
Wednesday 4-10
Foam rolling & shoulder mob
Hollow Rocks - 4 x 35, rest 30
A. Pause above the knee PC + Clean - 1 + 1 x 5; rest 2-3 min
B. Hang PS+S - GTG - feel it out.
Loads: Bar-95-115-125-135
12.2 open WOD - "Clean version"
10 min AMRAP
95# PC, 30 reps (UB)
155# PC, 30 reps
185# PC, 30 reps
230# Clean, AMRAP
Total reps: 88
Eh...did work today...still attempting to train around my shoulder injury until it feels normal again. It is improving, but still twinges and/or feels weak when put in various positions.
As a result I feel like my confidence isn't up to par and I'm still feeling things out/testing the waters. On a positive though the snatch felt easy and was pain that's a start.
Foam rolling & shoulder mob
Hollow Rocks - 4 x 35, rest 30
A. Pause above the knee PC + Clean - 1 + 1 x 5; rest 2-3 min
B. Hang PS+S - GTG - feel it out.
Loads: Bar-95-115-125-135
12.2 open WOD - "Clean version"
10 min AMRAP
95# PC, 30 reps (UB)
155# PC, 30 reps
185# PC, 30 reps
230# Clean, AMRAP
Total reps: 88
Eh...did work today...still attempting to train around my shoulder injury until it feels normal again. It is improving, but still twinges and/or feels weak when put in various positions.
As a result I feel like my confidence isn't up to par and I'm still feeling things out/testing the waters. On a positive though the snatch felt easy and was pain that's a start.
Hollow Rocks,
PC + Clean,
Power Snatch + Snatch
Friday, April 5, 2013
OPT: Week 12, Day 3
Friday 4-5
Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30; rest 30 sec
Shoulder Mobility work
A. Back Squat - 5 x 5
WU: 135-225-275-315
WS: 345-345-345-345-345
B. Front Squat Ladder - 18-15-12-9-6-3-6-9-12-15(8/4/3)
185#; rest 60-90 sec b/t rounds
C. Prowler Sprint Intervals - 100# x 15; rest 60 sec
Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30; rest 30 sec
Shoulder Mobility work
A. Back Squat - 5 x 5
WU: 135-225-275-315
WS: 345-345-345-345-345
B. Front Squat Ladder - 18-15-12-9-6-3-6-9-12-15(8/4/3)
185#; rest 60-90 sec b/t rounds
C. Prowler Sprint Intervals - 100# x 15; rest 60 sec
Back Squat,
Front Squat Ladder,
Prowler/Sled Work
OPT: Week 12, Day 2
Wednesday 4-3
Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30; resr 30 sec
Shoulder Mobility Work
For max reps:
5 min 6-point burpees (68)
4 min double unders (165)
3 min airdyne calories (Walking Lunges - 100)
2 min push press 75/45# (35)
1 min hand release push ups (21)
Total Reps: 389
Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30; resr 30 sec
Shoulder Mobility Work
For max reps:
5 min 6-point burpees (68)
4 min double unders (165)
3 min airdyne calories (Walking Lunges - 100)
2 min push press 75/45# (35)
1 min hand release push ups (21)
Total Reps: 389
Double Unders,
Hand Release Push-ups,
Push Press
Monday, April 1, 2013
OPT: Week 12, Day 1
Warm-up: Shoulder mobility and Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30
A. Deadlift - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
WU: 135(10)-225(5)-315(5)-365(5)-405(2)
WS: 425(5)-455(4)-480(3)-500(2)-520(1)
For Max Reps:
3 min Squat Clean - 165# (20)
2 min Squat Snatch - 135* (20)
1 min Thrusters - 105# (12)
I feel like I slayed a dragon today...not because I did anything monumental but because I forced myself to scale/sub around my shoulder injury wrather than push through it. Wisdom really does come with age...this time anyway.
I subbed OHS for the Snatch. I warmed up and hit 115 pretty easy, but felt a slight "searching" feeling in the bottom. I thought it better to err on the side of caution...especially if I had stability issues when I was fresh. Going into it fagtigued from the cleans might not be smart.
Instead I subbed 135# OHS for the first 10 reps, started getting some stability changes so I dumped it and scaled back to 115# mid stream for the final 10 reps.
I took the Thrusters really slow and deliberate. Definitely did not push through them. Made sure I received the bar nice and secure and drove it up with my legs as much as possible.
Not "as Rx'd" by any means, but definitely got work done today. Oh, and the DL was a PR for a hook grip. DL is starting to make a comeback. I don't even feel like I DL'd today...that's gotta be a good sign.
Warm-up: Shoulder mobility and Hollow Rocks - 4 x 30
A. Deadlift - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
WU: 135(10)-225(5)-315(5)-365(5)-405(2)
WS: 425(5)-455(4)-480(3)-500(2)-520(1)
For Max Reps:
3 min Squat Clean - 165# (20)
2 min Squat Snatch - 135* (20)
1 min Thrusters - 105# (12)
I feel like I slayed a dragon today...not because I did anything monumental but because I forced myself to scale/sub around my shoulder injury wrather than push through it. Wisdom really does come with age...this time anyway.
I subbed OHS for the Snatch. I warmed up and hit 115 pretty easy, but felt a slight "searching" feeling in the bottom. I thought it better to err on the side of caution...especially if I had stability issues when I was fresh. Going into it fagtigued from the cleans might not be smart.
Instead I subbed 135# OHS for the first 10 reps, started getting some stability changes so I dumped it and scaled back to 115# mid stream for the final 10 reps.
I took the Thrusters really slow and deliberate. Definitely did not push through them. Made sure I received the bar nice and secure and drove it up with my legs as much as possible.
Not "as Rx'd" by any means, but definitely got work done today. Oh, and the DL was a PR for a hook grip. DL is starting to make a comeback. I don't even feel like I DL'd today...that's gotta be a good sign.
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