Monday, December 31, 2012

OPT Programming: Week One, Day One

Monday 12-31

A1. Back squat 4, 2, 4, 2; rest 10-20 sec
A2. Weighted dip 8, 8, 6, 6; rest 90 seconds
B. Hang squat snatch; build to a 3 rep max in 3 attempts (each rep must start from below the knee and cannot be dropped from the top until 3 are completed)
C1. Push jerk 2-3 tough reps x5; rest 10 seconds
C2. Amrap unbroken hspu x5; rest
3 min
15-10-8-7-6 (46)
2 min AMRAP @95%
7 thrusters 95/65#
7 chin ups
Rest 6 min x4

METCON results:
1. 3+9
2. 3+7
3. 3+2*
4. 3*
*5+7/4+2+1 on pull-ups

Good day, thrusters still suck A, may have started too light on PP and Dips..grip became limiting factor on Snatch triples...felt like I had another 10-20# in me...and I need to warm up better before doing squats...I wasn't as deep as normal. Felt tight and unmotivated

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Wednesday 12-26

A. PC + J - 3 x 3
215-225-235* *PC+J+PC+PC
B. BS+FS - 10/3 x 6 @ 275#; rest 1min b/t BS/FS 265-265-265-265-265*-265^-235-185-135-45 (*missed 3rd FS/^belted+4 FS) C. 2 Muscle-ups EMOM - 15 min
2 EMOM through 13, then 1 every 30 sec x 4 (30 total)
5 rounds of
10 HSPUs
20 KBS - 55#
30 Double Unders
rest 1:30 b/t rounds

Friday, December 21, 2012

Press and DL RPT + Box Jumps, Pull-ups, HSPUs and Plate Pushes

Friday 12-21

A. Press RPT - 85%, 75%, 65% AMRAP
165 x 4, 165 x 3; 145 x 11; 125 x 15
B. Deadlift RPT - 465-415-375
465 x 1, 415 x 6, 385 x 10, 365 x 12*, 315 x 20*
*6+6 - Had to strap up on second 6 due to grip failure.
C. 100 Box Jumps for time - 30"
TT: 9:45
3 rounds of:
AMRAP (-1) Strict COVP Chin-ups (8-7-7)
AMRAP (-1) HSPUs (12-12-8)
Plate Pushes - D/B
rest 2min b/t rounds

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Strength and Volume Cycle 3, Week 4

Wednesday 12-19

A. Snatch - 2 x 5
B. Front Squat - 1 x 8 @ 50X1 (325#); rest 1:30-2:00min b/t sets
C. Front Squat - 5 x 1-2 @ 30X2 (295#); rest 1:30-2:00min b/t sets
KBS Breathing Ladder - 70# (1-15)
50 Medicine Ball Slams - 20# x 2; rest 1:30-2:00min b/t sets

Monday, December 17, 2012

Strength and Volume Cycle 3, Week 4

Monday 12-17

A. Clean and Jerk - 2 + 1 x 3
135-165-185-205-225-245-245*-245* (*missed Jerk)
B. Volume Squat - 10-10*-8*-8*-6* (*belted up)
5 rounds of:
5 HPC - 225#* *straps
10 TnG Box Jumps - 20"
15 CTB Pull-ups* (Switched to 10 COVP PUs after 2nd round)
20 Push-ups (kicked my butt)
rest 3 min b/t rounds

Not a stellar day today...mentally weak on the Jerk portion of the C/J. Squat was good though, but the IWT I put together owned me. The High-ish volume push-ups under duress kicked my butt...and I had to go from doing CTB Pull-ups to COVP and decrease volume from 15-10 after the second round. They were starting to bog me down. But...all my Box jumps were TnG and UB.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Snatch, Front Squat + IWT

Frinday 12-14

A. Snatch - 2 x 4
B. Front Squat - 8 x 1 @ 50X1
C. Front Squat - 5 x 3 @ 32X2
4 sets of:
10 FG Pull-ups; rest 20 sec
10 HSPUs; rest 20 sec
Plate Push - D/B/D
rest 2min b/t sets

Press and Deadlift RPT

Wednesday 12-12

A. Press RPT - 160-140-120
B. Deadlift RPT - 455-405-365-315
6-10-14-18 (+2 on all sets)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Strength/Volume Cycle 3, Week 3

Monday 12-10

A. Clean + Jerk - 2 + 2 x 3
B. Volume Back Squat - 10-10-8-8-6
5 rounds of:
15 CTB Chin-ups
10 Burpees
15 KBS - 55#
rest 2:00-2:30 b/t rounds

CUs: 15-15-10+3+2-10+3+2-8+4+3
Burpees: as Rx'd - UB
KBS - 15-15-13+2-15-15

One...Burpees still suck...
Two...had a bout of mental weakness and grip issues on the KBS during the 3rd round. Didn't dig deep enough to go UB.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Volume/Strength Cycle 3, Week 3

Friday 12-7

A. Snatch - 70-80% x 2 x 4
B. Front Squat - 8 x 1 @ 50X1 (305#)
C. Front Squat - 5 x 3 @ 32X2 (275#)
4 rounds of:
Fat-grip COVP Chin-ups x 10; rest 10-12 sec (10, 10,7+2+1, 5+2+1+2)
HSPUs x 10; rest 10-12 sec (10-10-10-8+2)
GHD Sit-ups x 20; rest 10-12 sec (20-20-20-20)
45# Plate Pushes - 30 sec (as Rx'd)
rest 1:30-2:00min b/t rounds

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Volume Press and Deadlift

Wednesday 12-5

A. Standing Press - 10-10-8-8-6
B. Deadlift RPT (w/ belt, no straps)
455#(4), 405#(8), 365#(12), 315#(16)

Moved ME FS to Friday in order to get a good DL pull in. Still didn't do as well as I hoped. Wasn't dialed in and back was a little tight and "off" feeling on the right side...might have impacted the mental side of it a bit.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Stregth/Volume Cycle 3, Week 2

Monday 12-3

A. Hang Clean + Jerk - 2 + 2 x 3
B. Back Squat - 10-10-8-8-6
300-305-310-315-320 (belted up after first set)
5 rounds of:
5 Hang Power Cleans - 205#
10 CTB Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
rest 2"30 b/t rounds

2 sets of:
Ring Dips x 10
KTEs x 10