Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week of 4/4 - 4/8 Mad Cow Programming Week 3

GMonday 4/4
A. BS 5x5 @ 45-135-165-185-205-225-245-265
B. OH Press - 4 x 5 @ 45-100-110-120-130-140
C. Barbell Row - 5 x 5 @ 95-115-135-155-175-195
D. 12 min EMOM of
4 HPC - (95-135) 145-155-165-175 @ 3 min ea. 
5 Ab Wheel* (1 from standing + 4 from kneeling)

*notes - completed 4 reps at 165 so I did one extra set of 4 @ 165# - total 61 reps and 9165# in 13 min

Wednesday 4/6
A. BS - 4 x 5 @ (95-135-165) 190-220-230-230
B. Bench Press - 4 x 5 @ (45-95-115) 140-155-165-180
C. DL - 4 x 5 @ (135-225) 275-315-355-395
D. 5 rounds of
5 wtd PUs - 35# (30)
10 T2B
10 Russian Step ups 

Friday 4/8
A. BS - 5-5-5-5-3-8 - (95-135-165) 195-215-235-255-275-230
B. OH Press - 5-5-5-5-3-8 - (45-65) 100-110-120-130-145-120
C. BB Row - 5-5-5-5-3-8 - (95) 125-145-165-185-200-165
C. KB Circuit w/ 60# - 5 sets @ Z1 pace (movement quality emphasis)
10 Maxercist Row - (5/side)
10 SLDL per side - (5/side)
10 OH Lunges - (5/side)
10 Bent Press - (40# x 5/side)
10 Crushing Curls
10 Windmills - (5/side)

50# sled drag
2 blocks in 4:58
Rest :30
1 block in 4:16
Total time of: 9:44

Week of 3/28 - 4/1 - Mad Cow Programming Week 2

Monday 3/28
A. BS 5x5 @ 45-95-155-180-200-220-235-255
B. OH Press - 4 x 5 @ 45-65-95-105-115-125-135
C. Barbell Row - 5 x 5 @ 45-95-115-135-155-175-190
D. 12 min EMOM of
5 HPC - 135-145-155-165* @ 3 min ea. 
5 Ab Wheel* (1 from standing + 4 from kneeling)
*notes - completed 4 reps at 165 so I did one extra set of 4 @ 165# - total 61 reps and 9165# in 13 min

Wednesday 3/29
A. BS - 4 x 5 @ 45-95-135-155-180-210-220-220
B. Bench Press - 4 x 5 @ 135-150-160-175
C. DL - 4 x 5 @ 265-305-340-375
D. 5 rounds of
5 wtd PUs - 30#
10 T2B
Rest 60-90
Friday 4/1 
A. BS - 5-5-5-5-3-8
B. OH Press - 5-5-5-5-3-8
C. BB Row - 5-5-5-5-3-8
30 TGU; alternate hands q rep
Time: 6:26 (-:20 from 2/10)
5 Chin-ups
FW (70#/hand) x 1 lap
3 Standing AB Wheel

Week of 3/21 - 3/25 - Mad Cow Programming - Week 1

Monday 3/21
A. Back Squat - 5 x 5 @ 95-155-170-190-210-225-245
B. OH Press - 4 x 5 @ 45-65-90-100-110-120-130
C. Barbell Row - 5 x 5 @ 45-95-110-125-145-165-180
12 min EMOM of
5 HPC + 5 Ab Wheel
135x4, 145x4, 155x4
(60 reps + 8700# moved in 12 min)

Wednesday 3/23
A. Back Squat - 4 x 5 @ 95-135-170-190-210-210
B. Bench Press - 4 x 5 @ PUs-45-95-110-125-140-155-135-155-170
C. Deadlift - 4 x 5 @ 135-225-255-295-325-365
D. Weighted Pull-ups - 4 x 5 @ 15-25-35-45
12 min EMOM of 
3 MU*/8 Butterfly Kipping PUs + 10 AB Wheel*
Min 1-4 - 3 Bar MU (12)
Min 5-12 - 8 BF PU (64)
Min 1-10 - 10 Ab Wheel (100reps)

Friday 3/25
A. Back Squat - 5-5-5-5-3-8 @ 95-155-170-190-210-225-250(3)-210(8)
B. OH Press - 5-5-5-5-3-8 @ 90-100-110-120-135(3)-110(8)
Barbell Row - 5-5-5-5-3-8 @ 45-110-125-145-165-185-145
75 tire flips in 11:30

Spring Break - 3/14 - 3/18

Monday 3/14
A. 20 min EMOM of
Odd-GS x 10 (60/30#)
Even - 10-15 BB Rows (65/135#)

B. 20 min EMOM of
Odd - 20 KBS (60/30#)
Even - Ring Dips/HRPUs x 5-8

Wednesday 3/16
A. 20 min EMOM of
7 DL - 315/135
7 Ring Pull-ups/Rows

B. 20 min EMOM
16 Goblet Lunges - 40# KB
5 Press (55/115)

C. 5 rounds of
12 Ab Wheel
3-5 BS Practice - 115#

Friday 3/18
A. 5 BS @ 155# EMOM for 12 min (95-115-135-155-155) 155x12mn
B. 5 HPC @ (95-115) 115x1min, 135x7min, 145x5min EMOM for 13 min

C. KB Circuit w/ 40# 5 sets of...
10 Maxercist Row - (5/side)
10 SLDL per side - (5/side)
10 OH Lunges - (5/side)
10 Press from Lunge Position - (5/side)
10 crushing curls
10 Windmills - (5/side)
@ Z1 pacing (focus on quality movements)
Time: 14:50ish

Week of 3/7 - 3/11

Monday 3/7
EMOM for 10 min
Odd - 5 DL TnG (315)
Even - 10 PUs

10 --> 1 w/ 55# KB of:
Maxercist Row 
Walk-out to PU

Thursday 3/10
A1. KB Press x 5/side - 25-35-45-55-55-55-55-55
A2. Goblet Box Step ups x 10/leg - 20-20-20-20-20-20-20
A3. Pendelay Rows x 5 - 95-145-155-155-155-155-155-155-155

60 Ball Slams - 20# (slow and steady)
50 Burpees (60 on accident)
40 T2B (10-10-8+2-5+1's)
30 KB Snatch - 70# (10-10-10)
90' FR walking lunge (45'R/45'L) - 70#* (14 steps each direction)
*rested bell on shoulder. Not a true FR hold.
Time: 16:10 (approximately)

Friday 3/11 
Open 16.3
7 min AMRAP of
10 PS - 75#
3 Bar MUs
Rounds: 5+2PS, finished round + 1 more after time (7 total)

Week of 2/29 - 3/4

Monday 2/29
A1. BS x 6 x 6 @ 65% 31X0; rest :20
135-185-235-255-255-255-255-255-255 (36@65%)
A2. PUs x 8; rest :20
8-8-8-8-8-5+1+1+1-5-5 (64)
A3. Dips x 8 rest 1 min
6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6 (48)

22 min EMOM
16 KBS - 70#
16 Alt. Split Lunge Jumps

Wednesday 3/2
A. 10 x 2PC+1C; rest 60-90 sec
14 min AMRAP of
Waiter's Walk - 160' - 70# (switch hands @ halfway)
4 KB Snatch - 70# (alt 2&2)
6 Bar MU
8 DL TnG - 275#
10 TTB
3+6 Bar MU

Friday 3/4
A. 5 rounds of
10 ball slams - 20#
10 Press - 95-105-105-105-105-105-95
10 Pendelay Rows 95-135-145-155-165-175-135

B. 5 rounds of
20 Hollow Rocks
20 Windmills 
20 KBS - 70#

Week of 2/22 - 2/26

Monday 2/22
A. PC - TnG x 50%x5, 60%x4, 70%x3, 80%x2, 85%x1; rest approximately 60-90 sec b/t
B1. BS x 62.5%x8x4; rest 20 sec
B2. Strict COVP Pull-ups x 10; rest 2:00-2:30
C. Conditioning
12 min AMRAP of Descending/Ascending ladder
Thrusters - 95#
8 complete rounds plus 8.5 Thrusters. Finfished round of 10's AT.

Wednesday 2/24
A. PC/J work x 3; rest 1:30ish
3 Jerks on all except 195(1) and 205(PC only)
B. Conditioning
60 Calories
50 Pull-ups 
40 T2B
30 HPC - 135#
20 HSPUs
10 Bar MU (Chest over the bar - no dip)
10 Burpees

Friday 2/26
Open 16.1
20 min AMRAP of:
25' OH BB Lunge - 95#
8 Bar-Facing Burpees
25' OH BB Lunge - 95#
8 C2B Pull-ups 
Rounds: 7 in 19:57

Week of 2/15 - 2/19

Monday 2/15
A. PC + C + HC - (185-225)
B. BS x 3 x 10 @ 33X1
C. Conditioning
5 min AMRAP
1 DL - 275#
1 Bar MU
Increase one rep each round
Rounds/Reps: 5 complete rounds + 6DL + 3MU in 4:54. Finished last three by 6:10
Compare to: 4 complete rounds + 5DL + 4MU + 1MU AT (5:25) - 29 reps in 5 min

Notes: Oly work and Squats felt good to grease the groove and practice the movements. 
PR'd by 10 reps on DL/BMU WOD. Had a miss on the 3rd MU of rep 3 and one AT. Didn't warm up well. 

Wednesday 2/17
Conditioning WODs
A. 3 RFT of
15 Cal Row (sub 15 Burpees)
9 HPC - 155#
9 S2O - 155#
Time: 9:28

Rest 5 min

B. 7 min AMRAP of
10 - DL - 155#
8 - BJs - 24"
6 - T2B
Rounds: 6 + 3 DL

Rest 5 min

C. For time of:
15 Burpees
9 S2O
10 DL
8 BJ
6 T2B
Time: 3:31

Friday 2/19
A. 1 PJ/SJ every 30 sec for 10 min
185 x 5; 195 x 5; 205 x 10
Nuts "scaled"
10 HSPUs
15 DL - 250#
25 BJ - 30" (24")
50 Pull-ups
100 WB - 20#
200 DU (100)
400m carrying 45# plate.
Time: 22:06