Thursday, December 31, 2015

Week of 12/21 - 12/26

Monday 12/21

A. Strength:

12 min EMOM - BS x 4 - 295#

4 min to warm up
20 min EMOM
Even: 1 Power Snatch 80% - 165-165-170-170-175-175-180-180-180-180
Odd: 3 Full (Power Clean + 1 Jerk 80-100% of max Snatch - 165-165-170-170-175-175-180-180-190-205

C. Conditioning:
12 min AMRAP
20 Power Snatch 135#*
40 T2B
20 Power Clean & Jerk 135/95

Rounds: 1+17*, finished last three in 12:21.

Notes: Left shoulder started feeling soft on the catch at 180# during the EMOM. Started out doing snatch in Conditioning WO but bailed after rep 5 and just did PC/J. The PC/J felt more stable.

Wednesday 12/22
A. Strict Press - 135 x 5 x 4; rest 1:15
B. Wtd PUs - 4 x 5; 25-35-45-55
7 min AMRAP
20 Alt Pistols
10 Burpee PUs
Rnds : 3 rnds + 20 + 1

Rest 5 min

3 rounds of
10 KB Snatch - 55#
400m row
10 BJ overs - 24" (20")
Time: 5:02

Thursday 12/24

Warm Up: 
500m Row
2 Rounds
15 Air Squats
10 Pushups
5 Jumping Pullups

5 sets of:
A1. FS x 3 @ 295#; rest :50
A2. 10 HRPUs, rest :50
WU: Dips - 3-3-3-3
A3. 20 Pull-ups; rest 2 min - 20-20-20-20-21
WU: 3-3-3


10 Rounds for time of:
10 Sh 2 OH. 115# - first 7 + 10th UB, rounds 8 & 9 broken (4/3/3, 5/3/2)
10 Box Jump Overs 24" - slow and steady, stayed moving
10 Abmat Situps (yellow pad) - UB

Time: 20:56

Saturday 12/26 - Post Pie Purge
KBS (Russian)
AB Wheel
Time: 20:47

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week of 12/14 - 12/18

Monday 12/14
A1. Back Squat - 5 x 8; rest :45-60
A2. Wtd Pull-ups - 5 x 2;'rest 2:30ish
Conditioning 1:
7min AMRAP ascending by 3 (12+12PC/J)
3 Power Clean and Jerk 135/95
3 T2B
straight into
Conditioining 2
7 min AMRAP (3 rounds w/ 15 sec left)
10 Front Squat 135/95
20 Pullups
Notes: wasn't feeling the squat. Only hit 5 reps at 355#, then a set of 2 on 5th.

Wednesday 12/16
Oly: 14min
1 x 10 complex
4 sets to get to 60%
10 min EMOM Starting at 60% and increasing every min
1 Clean + Jerk

3 sets to get to 70%
4min EMOM 6 Deadlifts @ 70%


Conditioning: 9min AMRAP
5 Power Snatch 115/80
10 Deadlifts 115/80
15 T2B

Rounds: 4+5+10+9

Friday 12/18

1 x 10 Complex
8min EMOM 2 Hang Power Clean 1 Hang Clean - 225#

WU: 95-135-155-175-195-215

Strength: 12 min
3 sets to warm up to 70%
4min EMOM 6 x Strict Press @70% - 125#

WU: 45-95-115

12 min EMOM
Even: 10 strict HSPU or DB Press - 35# x 10 x 6
ODD: 3 FS - 225#

30 TGU - 55# (alternating each rep)
Time: 7:48

Cash-out: 10 Chin-ups, 20 BE

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Week of 12/7 - 12/11

Monday 12/7

5 min EMOM x Complex (HPS+S+OHS)


7 min EMOM x Complex (PC+C+FS)


Strength: 15min
12 min EMOM - 3 Back Squat @ 305# (WU sets: 135-225-275)

Conditioning: "Unbroken 2.0"

7 rounds for time*:
5 squat clean - 135/105#
6 CTB chin ups
7 KBS - 2pd
Time: 9:39*
*stopped @ 5 rounds due to failing on UB C2B Pull-ups in round 5 (3+2+1). Embarrassingly slower pace than the Rx'd dose from 2/14/14.

Wednesday 12/9

Strength: 15min
5 x 3 x 405# Deadlift; rest 2:00

EMOM: 5min
1 Clean Thruster 60% of max Clean - 165-165-175-175-185-185*
5 Strict Pullups

Conditioning: 12min AMRAP
5 Kipping C2B
10 Russian Swings 70/55
5 Kipping C2B
10 DB Thursters 35/15

Rounds: 6 rounds + 5 C2B Pull-ups + 10 RKBS

Training Outcome/Notes: 
did an extra thruster at 185 to make 2 reps at each rep
Had to break C2B PUs 4+1 on second set in 6 th and first set in 7th
Finished last round after time expired.

Friday 12/11
A1. Front Squat - 5 x 3 
A2. Press - 5 x 5

Week of 11/30 - 12/4

Monday 11/30
A1. Back Squat - 5 x 8
A2. Wtd Pull-ups x 2-3 x 5
*actually 300# b/c I forgot to put a 5 on one side. Completed after Conditioning WOD
5 RFT of
5 DL - 275#
10 Burpees
Time: 3:08*
*8-9 sec slower than last recorded time in June/July

Wednesday 12/2
A. 6 min EMOM - 3 PS @ 50% - 115#
B. HPC+Clean - 185-205-225-245-265-275*
*got the HPC but missed the Clean. Let bar travel away from body too much. Need to practice to develop more accuracy.

C. Conditioning
"12 days of Christmas"
1 BMU*
2 PC+J - 155#*
3 FS - 155#
4 HSPUs*
5 K2E
6 Burpees
7 KB Swing -70# 
8 GS - 70#
9 Bar Dips
10 Alt KB Snatch- 70#
11 DL - 155#
12 Pistol Squats
Total Time: 32:52*
*2 misses on last BMU before getting it. Got over but couldn't lock out on Dip. First miss was @ 31:35.
*did HSPUs UB through 8 rounds then 3+1, 3+1, 3+1, 2+1+1
*tried to rush the PC/J and missed lockout on first Jerk on rounds 12 & 11. Had to reset & get it both times.

Friday 12/4


A. 10 min EMOM - 1 PC + PP @ 205#

B1. 5 x 12 DB Bench (Shoulder) Press 1 min rest - 35-40-45-45*-40 

B2. 5 x 10 Any grip strict pull-ups 1 min rest - Sup-Pro-Sup-Pro*-Sup*

C1. 5 x 12 Back rack bb lunges 2min rest - 135-145-155-165-175

C2. 5 x 30 Abmat situps (Ab Wheel) 1min rest

Week of 11/23-11/27

Monday 11/23
A. 5 BS @ 275# EMOM x 20*
*hit 6 reps on set 20 - 27,775# moved in 19:24
10 min AMRAP of
7 Bar MUs*
640' shuttle - approx 9 lengths
*split Burpee BMUs into 7 Burpees + 7 BMUs (5+2, 3+2+1^-1, 2+1+1+1+1^+1)
^missed a rep b/t Estes two.
Rounds: 3 in 9:15; finished 4th in 13:44

Tuesday 11/24
Strength: Clean & Jerk
2 x 3 x 70% - 195, 195 (2PC/J+1C/J)
2 x 2 x 75% - 210, 210 (1PC/J+1C/J)
2 x 1 x 80% - 225, 225 (C/J)

3 rounds of DT @ 165#
12 - DL
9 - HPC
6 - PP
Time: 5:03

Thursday 11/25

5 sets of:
A1. FS - 5 x 3 @ 80% of 335#
135-185-225-250-275 x 3 x 6
A2. Strict HSPUs x 5
A3. 15 PUs - AFastAP - (butterfly kip) 15-15-15-20-20-20
A4. Bear Crawl - slow D/B
Rest 3-4 min b/t rounds
10 min AMRAP of
5 American KBS - 55#
10 Sit-ups
15 Body Squats
Rounds: 10+5+7...finished 11th AT.                                          

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Training for Week of 11/16 - 11/20

Monday 11/16
A1. 10 Back Squat; rest 1 min
135x5-225x10-275-295-315-335*-355* x 9
*belted - time to reduce reps to 8's on strength days - add 5#/set
A2. WTD Pull-ups x 3-4; rest 2:30-45
Conditioning WOD
5 RFT of (25 min time cap):
200 m run w/ 20# Med Ball
10 Burpee T2B
20 Ab Mat Sit-ups* (used yellow pad)
Time: 18:02

*Notes: time to switch reps to sets of 8

Wednesday 11/18
Strength: 15min
1 x 10 Snatch Grip Complex
5 x 2 x 75% Hang Snatch
10min cap rest remainder if finish early
Thrusters 95/65
Time: 2:45
10min Cap
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45
30 Pullups
Time: 6:54

Friday 11/20
A. 5 FS EMOM for 10 min @ 65% - 220
B. 1 HPC + 3 Jerk; rest 90 sec starting at 60% of 1RM add 5% each set.
HPC only - 235-250-260-275
*single Jerk
50*-40*-30-20-10 for time
Time: 7:21*
Broke twice on 50, once on 40, UB on the rest. Abs were cramping up so I couldn't power through as planned. Had to lay flat and get them to release a few times.

Training for Week of 11/9 - 11/13

Monday 11/9
A. 4 BS @ 285 q :50 x 20 rounds
135-185-225-265-285 x 4 x 20*
*5 reps on 20th set - 81 reps x 285 = 23,085 total pounds moved in < 20 min
4 RFT of
12 Thrusters - 115#
200m run (4.5 Down and back) - One of the trip D/B approx 47-48 big paces
Time: 7:36

Wednesday 11/11p
W/U - 1x7 BB complex
A. Clean & Jerk - 3x50%, 2x60%, 1x70%; rest 1 min
Work sets - 8 x 1 starting @ 80%; increase 10 # each set until fail on Jerk. Continue neither Clean; rest 1 min
215-225-235-245*-255-265-275-285(DNA)-225 (C+J)
*DNA the 255# on Jerk. Hit cleans fairly easily up to 275. Only picked up the 285, but didn't attempt the clean.
Conditioning - 15 min time cap
For time*
30 Box Jumps - 24" - stay moving 
30 PC/J - 135# - feel it out - 15 UB, 5-5-5 (2:14)
30 Box Jumps - 24" - stay moving
30 PC/J - 135# - stay moving.        
Time: 13:22
*flipped order to start w/ PC/J. Did singles on last two sets of 5 on first Grace.

Thursday 11/12
20 min AMRAP or 5 rounds of:
8 HSPUs - UB, UB, UB, UB, 3+2+1+1+1
5 Bar MUs - UB, UB, 3+2, 4+1, 3+1+1
320' Farmers Carry - 70#/hand
10 Burpee + KB HP - 55#
Rounds: 4+ HSPUs + 3 BMUs in 20 min
Finished 5th round in 23:37

Training for Week of 11/2 - 11/6

Monday 11/2
A1. 10 Back Squat; rest :30
A2. WTD Pull-ups x 4-5; rest :30
*3.5+brought knees up to get chin over
4 RFT of
10 PS - 135#
400m Run*
Time: 16:02
*ran from 4th platform on no n-rack side. 1st 400m so nice May or June.

Wednesday 11/4
A. 8 min EMOM of 2 Snatch or Power Snatch - 60-80%
*single...felt unstable in left shoulder.
Rest 5 min
B. 8 min EMOM of 1 PC + 1 Clean + 1 Jerk - 65-85%
(195) 195-205-205-215-215-225-225-235*-205
*PC + Jerk.
15 min EMOM 
1. 3-7 Ring MU - 5-4-4-4-3
2. 5 DL @ 75% - 375#
3. 6 Burpee BJ over - 24/20"

Friday 11/6
A. 1 FS EMOM for 16 rounds @ 325#
WU: 135-185-225-275-295
5 min AMRAP - 3+WB in 4:43
15 WallBalls 20/14-10′
2 Rope Climbs
2 min rest
5 min AMRAP - 2+OH Lunges
30′ DB Single Arm OH Lunge 55# - 15' R + 15' L
50 DU - Broken, but not because of coordination, more fatigue...need to practice breathing
4 min rest
5 min AMRAP - 2 + Snatch in time + third set of Reverse Burpees AT
12 Alternating DB Snatch 70/55
6 Reverse Burpee

Training for Week of 10/26 - 10/30

Monday 10/26
A. 3 BS @ 295 q :50 x 23* rounds
135-185-225-275-295x3x23 *4 on round 23 to make it 70
5 RFT of:
10 Burpee-PUs
200m run (4 trips around the racks = approx 50-52 big paces)
Time: 11:23

Wednesday 10/28
A. Oly/Tech
every 20s for 4 min perform 1 full snatch @ 60% (work on straight line pull and speed to the bottom, try to get away from leaning way back) 135x5, 145x8
Rest 5 min
Every 20s for 4 min perform 1 power (squat*) clean and Jerk @ 60% (work on straight line pull and speed to the bottom, try to get away from leaning way back) 185x12
B. 6 x 4 Hang (Power) or Full Clean - 185-195-205-215-225-235
3 RFT of:
10 Thrusters 95/65 - UB-UB*-UB*
20 Pullups - (UB)-(12+8)-(7+6+4+1-1-1)
10 Bar Face Burp - just kept moving; stepped/SL hopped over bar instead of broad jump
*never set bar down, but rested in top position a few times
Time: 6:17

*Notes - didn't read carefully and did SC instead of PC on A.

Friday 10/30
A. Five rounds of:
A1. FS to a tough double; rest :20
A2. 10-12 strict chin-ups; rest 2:30
*after Conditioning WOD
B. Conditioning WOD
8 Rounds
6 Strict HSPU - all UB
6 Full Clean 165-165-155-155-155-155-155-155* 
6 Box Jumps 24/20 - slow and steady, stepped down b/t
6 Alternating DB Power Snatch 70 - all UB
Time: lost track...maybe 30 min
6 in 18 min, last two sets were for completion. Rested b/t movements more. Bob Harding came in and started talking to me on the last round at the BJs.

Training Week of 10/19 - 10/23

Monday 10/19
A1. 10 Back Squat; rest :30
A2. WTD Pull-ups x 4-5; rest :30
200 AB mat Sit-ups
EMOM - 5 PC/J @ 135#
Rounds/Time: 17:51

Wednesday 10/21
A. EMOM for 20 min
Odd - 3 cleans - not TnG 
Even - 10 Ring Dips
8 rounds for time of (scaled to 5 rounds due to time)*
10 alt PS - 70#
8 Strict PUs
6 DB Thrusters
Time: 16:30ish*

Friday 10/23
A. 1 FS every :50 for 21 rounds @ 315#
WU: 135-185-225-275-295
*belted on set 5-21 of 315#
B. 3-6-9*
Bar MU - UB-3+3-1's&2's w/ 3-4 misses sprinkled in
PS - 115#g
Time: 4:50
C. 10 rounds NFT of:
KB Press x 5/arm - 60#
10 Ring Rows 
15 Ab Wheel 
Wtd bag x 50-100
15 Swings - 60#

Training Week of 10/12 - 10/16

Monday 10/12
A. 5 BS EMOM - 20 min @ 265#*
*belted on set 19-20
B. (OMIT) 3-5 x 4min AMRAP 2 min rest after each round
6 Burpee
12 KBS - 55#
3 Rope Climbs

Wednesday 10/14
A1. Clean Clusters - 3.3.3; rest 10; rest 1 min x 4 - 65% - 175#
A2. Wtd Ring Dip Clusters - 3.3.3; rest 10; rest 2 min x 4 - 25-35#
B. For Time:
50 PUs - (butterfly in sets of 20-15-10-5)
25 HSPUs - (6-4-4-4-3-3-1)
25 HPS - 95# - (10-10-5)
50 BJs - 24" - slow and steady
25 HPC - 95# (UB)
25 Push Press - 95# - (10-11-4)
50 PUs - (10-8-7-6-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1)
Time: 22:15
Notes: tried to stay moving and put up weights as I went)

Friday 10/16
Five rounds of:
A1. FS to a tough double; rest :20
A2. 10-12 strict chin-ups; rest 2:30
20 min AMRAP
50yd Shuttle Run
40' SA OH Wlaking Lunge - 55#
7 Burpee T2B
Rounds: 6+1HSPUs+finished round AT

Training Week of 10/5 - 10/9

Monday 10/5
A1. 10 Back Squat; rest :30
A2. WTD Pull-ups x 4-5; rest :30
*AMRAP Chin-ups
A3. 5-7 deficit HSPUs; rest 2:00 (On 25# bumper)
B. 5 Rounds of:
65# OH Walking Lunge - 20 steps
10 KB Snatch - 55# (5/side)
5 Standing AB
Rest 1 min b/t rounds

Wednesday 10/7
A. EMOM for 20 min
Odd - 3 cleans
Even - 9 Ring dips
B. 3 RFT of:
9 DL - 225# (UB)
9 BF Burpees (slow n' steady)
18 CTB Pull-ups* (severely broken)
Time: 7:32

Friday 10/9
A. 1 FS every :45 for 20 rounds @ 305#* 
*belted on set 8-20
EMOM for 12 min of:
B1. Press x 5 - 95-120-145-145-145-145
B2. 8-10 Butterfly Pull-ups - 3-5-10-10-10-10-10-10-10
B3. 10 Ab Wheel - 10-10-10-10-10-10
FT: 150 RKB - 55#
3:57 all UB

Friday, October 23, 2015

Training for Week of 9/28 - 10/2

Monday 9/28
A. BS x 4 @  275# EMOM for 20 min
B. emom – 12mins 
odd – Squat clean TnG x 3 60% of 1rm - 165#
even – 3 Bar MUs
C1. Standing Ab Wheel x 5; rest 20 sec
C2. DB Row x 10/ arm; rest 1 min; 3 sets

Wednesday 9/30
A. 20 min EMOM
Odd - 3 SC @ 65-75%
Even - 8-10 ring Dips
B. 5 rounds for time of:
5 DL - 275
10 T2B 10-7+3-singles
Time: 4:07
C. Cash out
HS Walks
Walking lunges - D/B

Friday 10/2
Five rounds of:
A1. FS to a tough double; rest :20
A2. 8-10 strict chin-ups; rest :20
A3. 5-7 deficit HSPUs; rest 2:00 (On 25# bumper)
5 rounds of (5:33-6:33 on 9/9)
5 PC - 185#
10 GHD Sit-ups
Time: 4:35-36 (42:00-46:35-36)
FC - 100#/hand x 50 steps x 4

Training for Week of 9/22 - 9/24

Wednesday 9/22
A1. 10 Back Squat; rest :30
A2. WTD Pull-ups x 1-2 rest :30
BW-30-40-50-60-70-80-90(1.5) + BWx17*(+1)
*COVP on all reps except reps 16-17 only got chin to bar.
A3. Deficit (45# Bumper) HSPUs x 4; rest 2 min
B. 30 TGU for time
Time: 6:21 (PR from 7:03 on 8/14) 
**alternated 3/side until 18, then 2/side until 26, then alt singles until 30.

Friday 9/24
A. 1 FS every :45 second for 20 rounds - (295#)
EMOM for 15 min of:
B1. Press x 5 - 95-115-140-140-140-140-140
B2. Pendelay Row x 5 - 135-155-175-175-175-175-175
B3. PC x 5 - 135-155-175-175-175-175-175
C1. 20 GHD sit-ups x 5
C2. 20 BE x 5
Rest 1 min

Training for Week of 9/16 - 9/20

Wednesday 9/16
A. 2 BS @20X1 q :45 sec for 20 rounds - 75% (305#)
B. 5-4-3-2-1 of
PC - 205# (All singles, form wasn't the greatest)
Bar MUs (2-1-1-1)*, (1-1-1-1), (1-1-1)*, (1-1), 1
*missed one
Time: 6:37
C. Standing AB Wheel 3-5 x 3; rest 60

Friday 9/18
Five rounds of:
A1. FS to a tough double; rest :20
A2. 8-10 strict chin-ups; rest :20
A3. 4 deficit HSPUs; rest 2:00 (On 45# bumper)
5 rounds of 
5 PC - 185#
10 Burpees
Time: 6:32

Sunday 9/20
A1. DL - 10 x 2; rest 1 min
135-225-315-365-395-415-435 x 2 x 12-13*
A2. WTD. Ring Dips - 4-5 x 8; rest 2 min
BW-15-25-35 x 4-5 x 10
B1. 12 Pistol Squats (6leg) x 5; rest 1 min
B2. Ring Rows - 5 x15; rest 2 min
15 RFT of:
7 KBS - 70#
7 Ab Wheel - from knees
Time: 9:15*
*7 Rnds @ 4:05; 10 Rnds @ 6:03