Saturday, July 26, 2014

Training for Week of 7/21 - 7/25

Monday 7/21
A1. Press 65%x5, 70% x 4, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1   
A2. AMRAP (-1) Strict Ring Pull-ups; 5 sets
B1. Ring Push-ups @30X1; 5 x 15
B2. Pendelay Rows - 5 x 5    
(135-157) 179-190-200-210-220
C. EMOM for 20 min
Odd - 15 KB Swing - 70#
Even - 10 Burpees
1 min Goblet Carry - 70# AFAP x 3; rest 1 min

A. Back Squat - 5-4-3-2-1+
B. 20 rep Back Squat - 310#
C. 5 RFT of
7 DL - 315#
21 DUs
Time: 4:49
C. 1 min yoke carry - 225# AFAP x 4; rest 1 min b/t carries

Thursday 7-24
A. PC + PP - 75% x 3+1, 80% x 2+1, 85% x 2+1
B. PC - Max for the Day
C. HPC - Max for the Day
D. Clean Pulls - x 3 x 4
C. "Heavy Dianne"
DL - 275#
Time: 6:11 (HSPUs killed me...)

Friday 7-25
A. FS - 5-4-3-2-1+
B. WTD Pull-ups - 5-4-3-2-1+
C. AMRAP Strict Pull-ups - 16 (+1)
For time:
20 Back Squat - 225# (:43)
40 T2B (3:08)
60 KBS - 70# (3:52)
Time: 7:11*
*Had a watch malfunction - 3:09 (Squat + TTB) + 3:52 (KBS - Grip was giving out. Done in sets of 10 with about 10-15 sec b/t sets) - Estimated about 10 sec for transition between movements for total time.
Trap Bar Carry - 250# - AFAP in 1 min; rest 90sec; x 3
Hands were so raw I had to set the bar down b/c it felt like the flesh on my hands were about to peel off.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Training for week of 7/14 - 7/21

Monday 7/14
A.Press 5 x 3+
B.Body Rows 
7 rounds of:
7 KB Swings - 70#
7 HR Push-ups
Time: 3:31
3 sets of Goblet Carry - 70#
AFAP in 1 min; 1 min rest 

Tuesday 7/15
A. Back Squat - 5x3+
275-320-335-350-365-380 (4*)
B. 20 rep back squat - 300#
C. 10 RFT of:
5 DL AFAP (TnG) - 315# 
10 GHD
Time: 11:30-45*
*timer malfunction - accidentally stopped it after round 7 around the 6:45-55 mark and had to restart for last three rounds.
D. 3 sets of Trap Bar Farmer's Carry - 225#
AFAP in 1 min; 1 min rest

Friday 7/18
A1. Front Squat - 5x2+
A2. WTD Pull-ups - 5 x 3+
B. 5-4-3-2*-1* RFT of:
Power Clean - 225#
Bar MU
Time: 6:15
*missed once on set of 2 and twice on set of 1. Had to walk around a bit to recover enough to get em.
C. 4 sets of Yoke Carry - 205#
AFAP in 1 min; rest 1 min
D. AMRAP Strict BW Pull-ups - 15 (+1)

Saturday 7/19
A. PC + PP - 75%x 3+1 x 2; 80% x 2+1; 85% x 2+1; 90% x 1
B. Clean Pulls 85% x 4 x 3
5 RFT of
5 DL - 275#
10 Burpees
Time: 2:59 (not sure if that's a PR or not...part of me thinks I've gone lower)
3 sets of OH Carry - 115#
AFAP in 1 min; rest 1 min

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Training for Week of 7/7 - 7/12

Wednesday 7/9
A. Back Squat - 5 x 5+ @ 65-70-75-80-85
275-300-325-340-365 (6)
10 min AMRAP of
3 DL - 315#
6 Ring Dips
9 Toes-to-Bar
Rounds: 8 + 2 after time 

Thursday 7/10
A1. Press - 5 x 5 @ 65-70-75-80-85
115-125-130-140-150 (6)
A2. WTD Pull-ups - 5 x 5+
Spartan Tire Flips
HR Push-ups
Time: 10:08

Saturday 7/12
A. FS - 5 x 3+ 65-70-75-80-85+
225-240-255-270-285 (5)
B. PC + PP - 70% x 3+1x2x2; 75% x 3+1x2
12-9-6 of
Power Clean - 185#
Strict Pull-ups
Time4:24 (strict pull-ups were broken after 6 reps...had to fight the urge to kip)
5 rounds of
5 DL - 275#
5 Burpees
Time: 1:46 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Vacation/KB/BW WODs 6/29 - 7/7

Sunday 6/29
20min @ 80-85%
2 Cleans
1 Press
3 front squats
Approximately 25 - 30 complete rounds

Monday 6/30
A. EMOM - 20 min
Odd - 20 KBS
Even - 10 pistol Squats
B. EMOM - 20 min
Odd - Broad Jumps - MD
Even - 10 Clapping Push-ups
C. EMOM - 10 min
Odd - 15 KB Rows - right arm
Even - 15 KB Rows - left arm

Wednesday 7/2
A1. Ring Pull-ups - 51X2 x 5 x 5
A2. HSPUs - 51X2 x 5 x 5
B1. Ring Rows - 30X1 x 10 x 4
B2. Ring Dips - 30X1x 5-8 x 4
C1. Renegade lunges - 60/30 KB x 10 x 4
C2. SL RDL - 60/30 KB x 10 x 4
D. Trail/Hill Sprints x 10; walk down to recover

Friday 7/4
4 sets of:
A1. 10 Pistol squats - 30#KB; rest 1 min
A2. Strict Ring pull-ups - AMRAP (-1); rest 1 min
Power 5 Complex - 5 rounds w/ 60# KB
5 swings/arm
5 snatches/arm
5 cleans/arm
5 front squats/side
5 Press/arm

Sunday 7/6
A. SA KB Press - 60# x 8 x 4; rest 1:30
B. Goblet Squat - 15 reps EMOM for 15 min - 60# KB 
10 rounds of 
12 KB Swings - 60#
10 Burpees 

Monday 7/7
A. EMOM for 10 min
Odd - 6-8 ring pull-ups 
Even - 12 HR Push-ups
B. EMOM for 10 min
Odd - 3 KB Snatch + 3PP + 3FS right
Even - 3 KB Snatch + 3PP + 3FS left
C. Hill Sprints x 12; walk back recovery

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Training for Week of 6/23

Monday 6-23
A1. Wtd Ring Dips x 5's + AMRAP BW
A2. Wtd Chin-ups x 5's + AMRAP BW
3 RFT of:
20 Wall Ball
20 KBS - 70#
Time: 4:41*
*PR for this couplet, but I Did this in reverse order. Rx'd with WB first and KBS second
Strict TTB - 6 x 10

Wednesday 6-25
A. Press - 5 x 5
100-115-130-140-155-100 (AMRAP)
Rest 3min
AMRAP in 20 min of
2 MU
8 KBS - 70#
13+1MU (finished 14th after time expired)
HS Walk practice

Thursday 6-26 or Friday 6-27
Hip mobility work
Max DH Pull-ups
A. Back Squat - 5 x 5
Tire flips
6-point Burpees
Time: 6:51