Thursday, May 29, 2014

Training for Week of 5/26 - 5/30

Training for Week of 5/26 - 5/30

Monday 5-26
A. Power Snatch 3x3 @ 70%; rest 2 min b/t sets
B. Back Squat - 8-5-3-1-3-5-10-15-20
C1. Wtd COVP Pull-ups - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5 + AMRAP BW
15-50-65-80-80-80(2)-50 + 13 dead hang
C2. Wtd Dips - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5 + AMRAP BW
25-55-70-90-90-90-55 + 20
C3. SL RDL x 10/leg - 50#

Notes: just didn't have the top end today on Squats.

Tuesday 5-27
A. 3 Pos Clean - 1.1.1 x 3 @ 65%; rest 2 min b/t sets
B. Strict HSPU cluster 5. 4. 3. 2. 1; rest 20sec/rest 3mins x 2-3sets
3 sets as Rx'd
C. 2 MU EMOM for 10-15 min
15 sets; no misses (approx q :50)
10 rounds for time:
10 toes to bar
10 hand release push ups
Time: 11:52

Wednesday 5-28
A. Press 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
B. Deadlift 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
3 sets of
C1. Pendelay rows x 15
C2. Pistol Squats x 12 (6/leg)
C3. Hindu Push-ups x 12
5 rounds of
Prowler push down (high) 
5 Dynamic Push-ups
Prowler push back (high)
5 Dynamic Push-ups
Rest 1-2 min

Friday 5-30 @ State Track
5 rounds of: 
1-3 ladder/side of
Rest 30 sec b/t rounds
12 - 25-30 yd Sprints rest 30 sec b/t
5 rounds of:
5 picnic table top box jumps (step down) (25)
14 traveling push-ups (70)
Rest 1-1:30

Monday, May 26, 2014

Training for Week of 5/18 - 5/23

Sunday 5-18
Wendler 5-3-1 (75-85-95%)
A. Press 5-3-1+
B. Deadlift 5-3-1+
C1. Pendelay Rows -  5 x 3 @ 31X1
135-155-175-195-205-215-225-135 AMRAP (15)
C2. Pistol Squats - 5 x 12 (alt legs) 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-
D. EMOM - 20 min
Odd - Burpees
Even - 20 RKBS - 70#

Wednesday 5-21
A. Power Clean - 3 x 3
B. Back Squat - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
C1. Wtd Pull-ups - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
C2. Wtd Dips - 8-5-3-1-1-1-5
Double Unders
Sit-ups (unanchored)
Time: 5:56

Friday 5-23
A. 3-Pos Snatch - 1.1.1 x 3 - 60-65%; rest 2 min
B. HS Walks x 3 attempts
3 sets @ 95%:
12 heavy russian swings - 100#
AD 20 sec MAX effort
rest walk 4 min
3 sets @ 95%:
5 TnG Deadlift heavy build per set (stay between 75-80%)
Row 20 sec MAX effort
rest walk 4 min
10 PC TnG 50-60% of 1rm (150-160-170)
12 burpees AFAP 
walk rest 4 min
Tabata Airdyne sprints
6 min @ Z1

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

OPT/Wendler Week of 5/12-5/16

Monday 5-12
Wendler Press & Deadlift 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
A. Press 125-140-155(6)
B. Deadlift 350-400-450(x8)
8 rounds of:
5 Goblet Squats - 100#
5 ME Broad Jump
Prowler D/B - 100#
rest 2min

Wednesday 5-14
A. segment power snatch pause 2sec at mid thigh then PS; 5sets of 2 perfect form rest 90sec btw sets
B. emom – PS TnG x 5 moderate – 5mins
5 sets:
15-20 ring dips
Row 400 m @ 90%
rest 2:30 

Friday 5-16
A. clean and jerk build to a moderate double in 10mins
B. clean and jerk 80% of 1rm – emom  x 1-2 – 10mins
C. heaving snatch balance build to a tough double perfect form 10mins
D. 30 TGU 1.5/1pd alt hands per rep
as Rx'd

Sunday, May 11, 2014

OPT: Week 46

A. BS @20X1; 10sets of 2 rest 45sec btw sets 60-70% of 1rm
305# (straight sets)
B. OHS @ 41X1; 3, 3, 3, [3,] [3]; last two sets tough rest as needed
C. 1-10 unbroken CTB chin ups for time
10min cap
Row 2k remainder of time amrap KB snatch alt hands every 5 reps 1.5/1pd
4:33 + 60 KBS (130/30/40)

A. HPS from blocks start at 60% of 1rm add 10# every min until max
B. Halting Sn DL pause 2sec at hip; 5 sets of 2 rest as needed build per set
4 sets – DIFFERENT order per set:
Row 400m (40 SDLHP)
15 KBS 1.5/1pd
15 chin ups
15 push press 95/65#
80 DU
rest 4-5min
change the order every set record times for all sets

A. squat clean – start at 50% make small builds per min until tough single cap it at 10mins
B. BS @ 20X1; build to a 10rm in 12mins
C. emom – 12mins
odd – 20 wall balls 
even – 10 chin ups (supinated)
As Rx'd

A. HSPUs - AMRAP x 4 (14/14/13/12)
B. Towel Pull-ups AMRAP x 4 (6/6/9/8)
C. Ring Dips - AMRAP x 4 (15/15/12/9+2+1)
D. Ring Rows - AMRAP x 4 (12/12/12/12)
EMOM for 10min
10 RKBS - 70#
10 Goblet Squat - 70#

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Wendler Press & Deadlift: Cycle 3, Week One

Wendler Press and Deadlift - Cycle 3
A. Press (175#) 3 x 5 @ 65-75-85%
115-135-150 (7)
B. Deadlift (500#) 3 x 5 @ 65-75-85%
325-375-425 (10)
C. EMOM for 10 min
5 Spartan Tire Flips
D. EMOM for 10 min
7-10 KB Rows/arm

OPT: Week 45, Day Two

In 30 min establish:
Front Squat 3RM - 185-225-275-295-315
Snatch 2RM (only 5 seconds can be taken between reps 1 and 2)
CTB chin up max set x 1
19 (10 DH + 9 kipping)
(Scored as FS kg + Sn kg + CTB reps)
Front Squat from rack, hips below parallel.  Snatch or Power Snatch or combination of the two.  CTB one attempt, max unbroken reps. 
*did the snatch first then FS. 

Rest 15 min

For time:
50 kbs - 2/1.5 pd* (no KB so I subbed 50 PS - 75#)
Walking Lunges x 50
50 Toes to Bar
Shoulder to Overhead x 50 - 95#*
40 alternating DB Snatch - 70#
Wall Balls x 50 - 20/14# to 10 ft
30 Burpees
Approx 24min 

*Pretty sure I did 60 of these on accident